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Iraq Veterans Against the War Calls for Prosecution of Bush Administration Officials for War Crimes

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posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 01:26 AM
reply to post by MY2Commoncentsworth

No, you didnt use the word "welfare" instead you said "dole".
I'd say its about the same thing..

Sounds to me like you think only one opinion matters, your's.!!!!

I agree with these soldiers. Yes they signed up freely but with the promise that they would be serving to protect the good ole USA.

Not secure some oil and poppy fields for Bushie and his mates...

Your words,

They were doing just fine living off of the military dole until old Bush came around. Then they had to actually do some real fighting. They should of stayed at home and continued collecting welfare......instead of enlisting.

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 01:28 AM
reply to post by GeorgeBush

You may or may not be an ex marine but you do realise chances are you just picked a fight with a 12 year old.....

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 01:52 AM
Reply to post by CynicalM

First, there is no such thing as an ex-Marine. Secondly, I created that email 10 mins ago.

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posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 01:57 AM
reply to post by GeorgeBush

well, if you really did that, it just shows that you really shouldnt be online trying to pick a fight, thats not normal

maybe you should go to Iraq, kill some children, some people without training, to take this anger out of your body, right? -sarcasm

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 02:06 AM
reply to post by Faiol

Just for you information, I did serve a tour in Iraq. 2004-2005. Google operation phantom fury. I recieve VA disability compensation for PTSD at the 100% rate. Us vets have a saying, if you ain't been there shut your *snip* mouth!


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[edit on 8/13/2010 by JacKatMtn]

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 02:08 AM
reply to post by GeorgeBush

Hey, I was stcking up for soldiers, but you do have a mouth...

Us vets have a saying, if you ain't been there shut your *snip* mouth!

Obviously missed the lessons in respect...


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[edit on 8/13/2010 by JacKatMtn]

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 02:12 AM
reply to post by GeorgeBush

whatever can get you thought a night of sleep

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 02:15 AM
Reply to post by CynicalM

You do realize that calling a Marine a soldier will get you a quick trip to the E.R. , right?

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posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 02:21 AM
Reply to post by Faiol

The only thing that helps me sleep is zolpediem, you probably don't know what that is, *snip*

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[edit on 8/13/2010 by JacKatMtn]

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 02:40 AM
reply to post by GeorgeBush

You do realize that calling a Marine a soldier will get you a quick trip to the E.R. , right?

The U. S. Marine Corps has a long and glorious history. There is no need to be defensive or "touchy" when occasionally being referred to as a soldier, even when the person speaking is not totally aware of all involved in the fact he is alluding to.

Rather, be yourself informed of what is so and what isn't, through your own research and studies. Nor is it of any benefit to deride those of other services, as is a common practice-- doing so merely reveals your own ignorance, and it belittles our Corps.

Good to see your ego made it thru...
Enough "tough" talk.
I'm staying on topic...You read some history

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 02:40 AM
reply to post by GeorgeBush

edit double post

[edit on 13-8-2010 by CynicalM]

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 02:54 AM
Reply to post by CynicalM

Our corps? enough said, Semper Fi!

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posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 02:56 AM

Originally posted by wcitizen

Coming from veterans of the Iraq war, this has got to have some serious impact. These veterans of the Iraq war know they were duped into risking their lives, and that tragically many of their ranks lost their lives for no good reason based on lies and duplicity.

They are still fighting for their country and for their lost friends.

I love the way their resolution really cuts to the chase.


(visit the link for the full news article)

No, thank you. Some of us (from the first Gulf War for example) never received a home coming parade in the United States. There are so many more soldiers that deserve that thank you more than I do from all the countless wars that have been fought. Unfortunately some soldiers will never again be able to comprehend what that actually means because of the trauma they have.

I am not speaking for all Veterans (they will say what they want to say if they so choose or can say anything at all), I am only speaking for myself when I say again, THANK YOU.

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 03:08 AM

MY2Commoncentsworth wrote:
They were doing just fine living off of the military dole until old Bush came around. Then they had to actually do some real fighting. They should of stayed at home and continued collecting welfare......instead of enlisting.

You know I really resent that comment you made and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Not many things get to me, but that really hit a nerve. I'm ashamed of you and I'm going to end it there.

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 06:57 AM
You know, I originally posted in this topic, under the assumption that it could Potentially be kept civil, after all, ATS has a reputation for some forms of intelligence, right? - Yeah, guess not.

Look, this Topic, is way OFF topic, it's gone from a case of a guy attempting to blame and bring the Bush administration up on charges, to 'Oh em gee, who's enlisted' - Look, here's my address on the lot of it, and then I'm going to close because unfortunately, it really seems like you all can't be adult about this.

#1 - I'm not saying those that have claimed to be a marine, are not, but I'm definitely not saying you are - though you do have a reputation for having attitudes. Let me also say this, 'us vets' or rather us currently serving and deployed under a hostile combat environment have a saying as well, and it typically goes, 'for those that have seen the acts of war, it's not something you stand to brag about' much in close relation to 'if they never spoke about it, it's probably true' - The fact that you're a vet, doesn't give your word any more creditability than anyone else. The only difference is, you enlisted, and signed up to serve. Just because you didn't 'agree' with the policy under which you were deployed to a campaign, doesn't make any difference. You're still a soldier, and honestly, instead of whining about it, why don't you have some pride? You signed up knowing well off that you could, and probably would be deployed, the stipulations of why or where you're deployed aren't under your control, but you agreed and swore to do it when you enlisted.

#2 - Other than just straight bashing on Mr. 'OMG It's a Political Scheme by the Democrats!' I'll say this, while the way he went about it is entirely wrong, and his maturity level seems to decrease with each post(not that he isn't receiving the same amount of immature nonsense in return) but it's not as far fetched as you want to think. It wouldn't be the first time the political agenda has been used (by either party) to help sway voters either direction, IE, if you'll recall there was a lot of it recently with the whole, "My name is so and so, and so and so voted in favor of decreasing VA benefits" or whatnot, and then it zooms out to show a Vet missing a leg who then walks of. It's potentially the same ploy - I'm not saying it is, I'm just not close minded enough to say that it isn't.

#3 - Despite despising how immature some of the acclaimed 'military personnel' have gotten, I will say this. While I won't attempt to 'silence' anyone and their opinion, you do, see, and experience things in the war zone that really only then gives you the right to immediately analyze the situation and establish a true basis of complaint, or argument. Though I am also a very firm believer in speaking your opinion, I just also in return ask you respect my right to think it's horse-crap and withholds no factual basis for your accusations.

Freedom; 173rd ABN; 1-91CAV; RC East; Afghanistan - Current.

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 07:02 AM
sorry to inform ya'll but Dubya has already
pardoned himself from all crimes
including 9/11 by executive order.

What makes this Bush pardon process so unconscionable is that we would have a mass murderer pardoning both himself and hundreds of his accomplices and accessories after the fact. They would be walking around free with immunity for life, while their victims' suffering goes on forever.

We can only hope that Congress and the Supreme Court would recognize the grave injustice such pardons would create, realize that the founders intent of the Constitution never contemplated such a vast criminal conspiracy being allowed to pardon themselves; and to find legal means to void such a horrible and unjust outcome. Let both them and the news media know how you feel about this critical issue.

[edit on 13-8-2010 by boondock-saint]

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 07:58 AM
Please discontinue any personal jabs at each other and debate this topic in a civil manner.

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 07:59 AM
And what about Obama?
He's not only continuing the war he's expanding it!

Nothing against Obama?

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 08:27 AM
reply to post by MY2Commoncentsworth

Wasn't General Patton assassinated for what he discovered post war?

He discovered the "I" of it all.
The "I"s always 'had' it.
By good design.
A natural 1.

We herd sheep, we drive cattle, we lead people. Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way.

Patton, you say?.....needs no patent for what he learned.

Rangers led the way in spirit though not always with 'perception'.
They were always who they were.
Now they know.
They are watching.....
For One to Do the Right Thing.

Silently saluting U.
SuAsponte! or Hærens Jegerkommando; both apply.

But it's not necessary.
Who am "I" to judge?
Who is another to nudge?

That's humanspeak.
To Soulspeak silently.
As a specop with 'good' intentions.

[edit on 13-8-2010 by Perseus Apex]

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 08:52 AM
You guys should check out the ongoing Iraq Inquiry being held in the UK. Witness statements from former cabinet ministers to the ex head of MI5 call in to question the validity of the evidence that took us to war. There are transcripts and video of the public sessions.

It is believed Blair had a dossier fiddled which was to be the primary motivator for getting the required votes to go to war.

The Iraq Inquiry

Iraq Dossier

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