As many of you people right now on this forum are going about your journey of awareness of various nefarious political institutions and world
government agencies- what you may not be aware about is how people in power tend to operate. Free market capitalism is an ideology that we claim to
follow in the United States... that people are free to buy what they want, and, do what they want and as they please. I want you to make the
distinction between free market capitalism- and authoritarian corporate capitalism. Capitalism has evolved far from the days of the industrial
revolution- and now it relies more on PR than the actual product itself. As Edward Bernays puts it- other people mold your minds and gives you
opinion from a rubber stamp, from a factory, and tells you what to think and how to act. I recommend reading
Propaganda so you can see the
mechanics of this invisible government.
"The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society,"
Bernays argued. "Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our
country. . . . In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking,
we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons . . . who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who
pull the wires which control the public mind."
Those are wise words. But I said we were being set up. What are we being set up to do? Who is setting us up? The media controls the issues that we
talk about. Rather than reporting on the news- the corporate MSM has been guiding the people and they have been directing and programming us to
behave in certain ways. Now, it is certainly true that many of the people in the MSM do bring facts to back up their arguments, and their arguments
may be based on some sense of reality.
However, they want us to focus on certain things- and there seems to be people while it may not be intentional- it seems to lead us to certain
conclusions I shall say, or to act in different ways. I just did some google searches, and, I'll show you what I mean. Whether or not they are
trying to get us to do anything- the news is reported in such a way by different people who spin it in certain ways- to try to get us to do what they
want. Just how bad is it? It is very bad.
Take a look at the following google searches I've done:
These are the issues that TPTB want us to focus on. Many of us are angry at what's going on, and TPTB are doing exactly what they did before in
2006- that rather lead us to the right conclusions- they want people to be lead to believe that voting for the Republican party might be something
they want to do if they dislike Obama (even if they don't like the Republican party).
The worry about going into a double dip recession is a real one- but that still doesn't explain all the discussion about a hypothetical. We could
very well be going into a double dip recession... but we haven't even gotten out of this one. The only recovery there has been has been for the
elites- and TPTB want us to think that if that recovery doesn't go as well, then we're going to be headed into a double dip. It's predictive
programming to make us think we had a decent recovery in the first place.
As for the other issues- if Obama is a socialist, or if the tea party is racist those issues are mostly distractions. There surely are lots of racist
people in the tea party, but there are also lots of racist liberals and progressives who don't want to admit that they are racist- but make tons of
stereotypes for asians and mexicans. Those are side issues, and, the issue of Michelle Obama going on vacation is a side issue.
You see, my point is that the TPTB, and the media, is trying to set you up. This isn't exactly divide and conquer... but it's predictive
programming. They're trying to program you to behave in certain ways and think about certain things- all while avoiding the real issues.
It's time for us to wake up.
[edit on 10-8-2010 by Frankidealist35]
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[edit on Wed Aug 11 2010 by DontTreadOnMe]