posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 08:51 AM
reply to post by frugal
Here's the way I see it: I believe in the bible, and so I'm looking at things from its perspective. In the end times we see a couple of big things..
The antichrist rising to power to lead a one world government, a one world currency, and a one world religion. These things all seem to come together
very quickly, and we are already approaching the global currency quite rapidly, with the OWG and OWR close on its heels. The bible tells us that the
christians will get raptured, wherein the blink of an eye all people who have accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior will immediately be removed from
the earth.
Can you imagine a world after millions of people vanish into thin air? All of a sudden these people aren't here to pay taxes, pay debt, or work at
their jobs. You're looking at what is likely to be the final nail in the coffin of our global economy situation. If it happens like this, the world
would be in turmoil and seemingly with no way out.
All this happens prior to the antichrist coming onto the scene, and when the AC does get here (soon after the rapture, we're told), he will tell a
'great lie' that will deceive the nations. Now... If you were Satan and wanted to take control of the world after the rapture, how would you do it?
One fairly obvious way would be to be the guy with all the answers after all heck breaks loose. So, what cover story would the people of earth accept
the most willingly? We're told that over half of the population of the US believe that alien life does or could exist. Over half. Iirc I think the
statistic is bigger than that, you can look it up yourself. Anyway, this number likely does not include many christians, who again will not be here
anymore. You've got a world looking for answers, and you've got them scrounging for evidence that alien life exists. Look at the way we here at ATS
jump on the latest 'proof' of alien life. So, all you've got to do is release documents that talk about it (not hard to believe they exist, we've
already seen lots of breadcrumbs leaked out) and wham you've deceived the nations.
Politics are corrupt. You've no more than to follow the news for a week to find evidence of that. Where does the corruption stem from? Well, we
christians believe from Satan. And if you've got one corrupt source that is the driving force behind this tidal wave of events, it will be all too
easy. Not to mention that the Holy Spirit will no longer be holding things back. When we read the book of revelations, it seems like it can't
possibly be taken literally. But what if it can be? I think things are going to start getting very weird after the rapture. Bring a clean pair of