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Up to the Minute Iranian War Discussion Thread

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posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 09:34 PM
Ah there is no War in Iran so you can't have a War discussion.

The surest way to have a war in Iran is to convince the lame brain psychotic politicians the people will support one, so unless you really just hate people and love death and violence the threads idea is not just a false but a dangerous one.

Couldn't some of you people get a puppy or something.

In three years not one next month next week prediction for war in Iran has happened.

Really lets give peace a chance?


posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 05:22 AM
reply to post by ~Lucidity

You didn't mention my thread...
sniff sniff

Ha ha just kidding the jist of it was we eventually came to the conclusion that it is incredibly unlikely that the Iranians could have nuclear weapons short of buying a few, whilst following the traditional course of technological development.

A good idea for this thread might be to quote previous contributors with the best replies in other threads. Star and Flag

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 05:24 AM
This is fearmongering at its peak.

ATS should not permit this crap.

There is no war in Iran.


posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 05:25 AM
Obama in July stated that Iran has until September to comply with international proposals aimed at stopping the Islamic Republic from developing nuclear weapons. That is the deadline. The US will not act alone in instigating a war against Iran nor does it looks like the United States will be the one to spur a war. Israel, having proven its unwavering support of imperialistic terrorism, will be the one to ignite the match. September is but a short time away and we shall soon witness whether or not Israel and the United States will make good on their threats.

Humanity is at a dangerous crossroads!

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 05:41 AM
reply to post by JohnySeagull

I disagree I think this war is taking place right now. Your definition of a war might be tanks rolling down the street, bombs dropping from a massive aerial assault. But as most folks on ATS know there are covert operations from both sides taking place as we speak.

The players may be using proxies and 'soft' tactics but these are acts of war make no mistake, they are just methods of displacing responsibility, and an attempt to gradually weaken their enemy.

Sanctions themselves after all can be considered an act of war. They have been traditionally used to soften up a target before your classical war occurs.

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 05:48 AM
reply to post by DClairvoyant

do the powers that be really think that they are immune to karma-NOT-thats when i sit back with my feet up and watch the show, children!!

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 05:51 AM
reply to post by Breifne

and we are paying for it $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$, brother can u spare a dime??

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 06:00 AM
reply to post by Big Raging Loner

I have been around a while.

Basically through the whole decade of the eighties I with the rest of the planet was waiting on WW3 to kick off. It never happened.

If you wish to redefine what a war is then go ahead and knock yourself out.

THis just demonstrates how this site is rapidly turning to crap.

If this is not going to be moved to hoax because their is no war in Iran at the very least it needs to be moved to prophecies and predictions. THats more or less BTS anyways.

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 06:09 AM
reply to post by JohnySeagull

I'm glad you've been around for a while, no one on here has suggested WW3 apart from yourself. A war with Iran however increases in likelihood with each passing day. I have not redefined war as there have always been covert operations and propaganda when it comes it. But I am glad I have your blessing to redefine war should I choose to.

I think I'm not alone in saying if you don't like it why read it. Why not U2U a Mod and register your disgust about the thread, and the direction ATS has taken as of late, instead of whining on this thread and not taking action. Your not going to 'educate' whilst complaining with three lines of text to people who do not share your views.

To add you've only been registered since February 2010.

Has it really gotten that bad over the past 6 months?

[edit on 7-8-2010 by Big Raging Loner]

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 06:17 AM
reply to post by Big Raging Loner

A war with Iran would lead to WW3. I have my doubts it will happen. America tends to only illeagally invade countries that can't fight back. There are too scared of the likes of Iran and N.Korea. Course even countries they think they can whip are biting back. Afghanistan is quickly turning into another vietnam and as soon as they are out of Iraq Civil war will erupt.

My simple point is that their is no war in Iran at the moment. That is Fact.

The title of this thread IS talking about an Iranian War. Where?

I find you don't usually have to message they MODS. If they are monitoring the thread like they should they will see this is a HOAX.

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 06:36 AM

Originally posted by Big Raging Loner
reply to post by JohnySeagull

To add you've only been registered since February 2010.

Has it really gotten that bad over the past 6 months?

[edit on 7-8-2010 by Big Raging Loner]

This is the kinda argument a schoolchild would use.

I have been using this site for a very long time. Its probably been in decline for the last twelve months.

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 06:39 AM
Originally posted by DClairvoyant

Yeah, wow. So you're saying that an actual direct member of the "Rothschild Family" assured you (us) that both they and the Rockefeller family have "paid-off" everybody related to decisions made in regards to the Iranian conflict?

Oh, nevermind. You're just referring to some more hear-say that has been dangled out for everybody who believes everything they hear. AKA the Alex Jones Show. However, I would like to see that link if you happen to find it! Seems like it would be a great read. But at the same time, I'd much rather you relay such information as what you "heard on the Alex Jones show," and try to refrain from using the word "genuine" while doing so. Alex's version of "genuine" is much different than the true meaning of the word. His use of that word is far from "genuine," to say the least.

I'll admit though, that I may have completely misinterpreted the point you were trying to make. I apologize if this is the case. However, it feels like you're pushing some mighty dirty opinion as factual information, and I just want to be sure that people do their homework before hopping on to your train. No offense intended, obviously. And thank you for sharing, D. Much respect, as always.


posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 06:40 AM
There will very likely be no "Invasion" of Iran. The US just don't have the manpower to do so, and I can't see NATO members stepping up and sending in any troops either in what will be a unilateral attack, either initiated by Israel or the US.
To date, there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever of any Iranian nuclear weapons programme so, unsurpringly, they are unable to comply with the US requirement of opening up said programme for inspection and ceasing all work. What they are doing - building a power station and enriching fuel for it, and a medical isotope production unit - is all known about and has been subjected to more inspections and monitoring than any other nation. But, I digress!

Back to the subject of any attack on Iran.

Any attack will of course target their nuclear research centres and possibly the power plant that Russia has been building for them. That will only be the start though, as I am sure they'll also want to take out government offices, communications and military targets too.
So, they do all of the above....... then what? Are the Iranians just going to sit back and take it? Shrug off the ensuing deaths of loved ones and accept it? I somehow doubt that.
What will follow will be an escalation of bombings and other incidents as they start hitting back at western targets using asymmetric warfare tactics rather than all out military confrontation. And who could blame them?

Iran is no threat to the US, Europe or anywhere else. Those who they do pose a threat to, the Israelis, have brought any troubles on themselves through their murder and oppression in order to steal land and resources from their neighbours and the Palestinians. This is NOT my problem and I will say that to the face of any slimeball politician here that wants to involve the UK in any action against Iran.

The same people who were beating the drums for war with Iraq are the ones beating the war drums again for war with Iran. We are fed the same lies they used for war last time around, just regurgitated and spun with a different enemy in mind. Meanwhile, the military industrial machine salivates at the prospect of continued profits, as do the politicians backing war, whose stock portfolios will increase as a result. And of course, let us not forget the Israelis stage managing the whole event who, with the removal of Iranian opposition, will be free to continue as before and start planning the removal of their next foe, probably Syria, or Jordan, or Egypt or Turkey or...etc...etc...

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 06:48 AM
As accidentally posted in another Iran thread by me:

Great thread!

An act of arrogance on my side is, me and a friend have made a bet in regard to a possible Iran war. He says it won't happen. I say it'll happen before the 1st of december. I hope he wins, of course.

I remember I told a female American friend on the Internet about the Iranian president's debate challenge, and she was like, "Are you serious? That man isn't worth debating with", and I said, "Isn't it better to debate him than to bomb his country back to the Stone Age?" And she replied, "You know, I won't discuss this with you."

The thinking of some Americans is stunning. And the thinking of some people (like my friend) just because something comes from a conspiracy theorist, is pretty sad.

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 06:58 AM

Originally posted by Britguy
There will very likely be no "Invasion" of Iran.

Yes. an invasion of Iran has been "imminent" for several years now but it hasn't ever materialised. In the meantime Iran has carried on getting stronger as a regional power, both politically and militarily. Perhaps all the talk of attack and all the sabre-rattling is the attack.

According to this article by Gwynne Dyer a US invasion of Iran is unwinnable and the Pentagon knows it. Short of nuking the place that is...

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 07:43 AM
There's a good video on this thread that sums it all up.

There's no justification whatsoever for attacking Iran, anyone who says otherwise is talking complete BS. Watch the video!

Britguy Well said

The same people who were beating the drums for war with Iraq are the ones beating the war drums again for war with Iran. We are fed the same lies they used for war last time around, just regurgitated and spun with a different enemy in mind. Meanwhile, the military industrial machine salivates at the prospect of continued profits, as do the politicians backing war, whose stock portfolios will increase as a result. And of course, let us not forget the Israelis stage managing the whole event who, with the removal of Iranian opposition, will be free to continue as before and start planning the removal of their next foe, probably Syria, or Jordan, or Egypt or Turkey or...etc...etc...

US, Iran go 12 rounds in nuclear punch-up at UN conference

Ahmadinejad gives exclusive interview to RT

[edit on 7-8-2010 by kindred]

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 08:06 AM
I the interest of balance I have wrote this thread about why we won’t be attacking Iran anytime soon. I also think it’s a bit odd to have a thread like this for a war that doesn’t exist.

Why NATO Won’t Invade Iran.

[edit on 7-8-2010 by kevinunknown]

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 08:15 AM
Iran and the world should welcome a US led war with Iran. Another trillion dollar war would finish off the world's former super power and destroy it economically, worsen international relations and ultimately leave the USA isolated and in continuing economic decline, while China rises to the top as the new supreme world leader, policy maker and economic power.

I think we should go for it!

Self destruction is a good thing.

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 08:40 AM
reply to post by ~Lucidity

That map you posted with all the US flags around Iran is highly misleading. I'm not surprised though, as you seem to post a lot of very misleading information.

By looking at that map you would think we had armies or bases at each of those locations, but that isn't the case. For instance, we have no armies or bases in Pakistan.

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 08:58 AM

Originally posted by filosophia
so who thinks the attempt on Ahmadenijad was real, and who thinks it was just a fire cracker? Not sure what to believe there.

Don't think it was an assassination attempt - from what i understand, it happened to far from his vehicle.

Might have been a failed attempt, but i'm leaning towards the fire cracker actually

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