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WAR: American Hostage Paul Johnson Beheaded; Video of Act Reported -- GRAPHIC CONTENT

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posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 02:41 PM

One thing that we can do is send letters, emails, to our senate, house of rep's, and congress, DEMANDING Impeachment proceeding to begin on Bush&co , , DEMAND that they pull ALL American's and troops, out of that god-forsaken, satanic playground, cut off all ties and help to those people,...... until they do something for theirselves to help rid their land of these animals that are killing our people, .

Do you really think that once we pull out of this massive litterbox of a country that "they" will just stop terrorizing us? Ignorrance!

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 02:41 PM
It seems this is the method of their ability to get the attention and the emotional responce they are looking for. They know this method strikes the heart and soul of the US. Expect more, as long as our responce is one of anger and fear.

They want us out. They want to cripple us by fear and disgust. They think this will change our resolve.

Guess what, it only validates the reason for our efforts.

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by nanna_of_6
Please everyone let's give a moment of prayer for the "Johnson Family" !

NOW, wake up people !!!!!!! We've got to do something about this and the other's that have been beheaded, not to mension all our troops that have been slaughtered over there.

(shacking head sadly and slowly )
One thing that we can do is send letters, emails, to our senate, house of rep's, and congress, DEMANDING Impeachment proceeding to begin on Bush&co ,
, DEMAND that they pull ALL American's and troops, out of that god-forsaken, satanic playground, cut off all ties and help to those people,...... until they do something for theirselves to help rid their land of these animals that are killing our people,

I for one will be sending out e-mails to congress and other's calling for/ no, I'm going to demand that they start Impeachment proceedings.
Bush&co war against Iraq was the biggest mistake made in US history and they need to go before they destroy the whole USA as we had known it to be.
...... Bush and co can go to HELL and
as far as I'm concerned.

Man shut the F up this killing was no justified this is a time for us to rally around our armed forces and our president not trying to take him out of power that is what the terrorist want you to do so suck it up and we have to come together and defeat these mother f**** and defeat this evil.

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 02:46 PM
Once again, Islam has reared it's true and ugly head. And yes, I mean all Muslims.

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 02:48 PM
]does anyone know the real al Islah website url?

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 02:49 PM
This has nothing to do with Islam. Its a few idiots doing this in the name of Islam.

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 02:50 PM

While anger and outrage at today's news is expected, it is imperative that members keep some things in mind.

1. Do NOT, under any circumstances, start taking pot-shots or hurling insults at each other. You will be warned if you do so.
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posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 02:50 PM
Pull our guys and gals out. Who cares what they do to each other over there? Our problems are right here at home. Then, if we are provoked or attacked, then go at them, en force!!!. They will be literally begging for peace. We can send more jihadi to paradise than they could even imagine.
I feel the same way about this !! Better yet, pull all troops and people out, then drop a mid-size bomb on their a$$s, then we can return and clean out the rest of the terrorist , but Bush and Co should be forced to go over there too.

Reagan......... give me a break.............. the man had his finger on the nuke-button towards the end of his time as president, the man was becoming senile in his last few years in the white house, that would have been really bad if he nuked our country by mistake .

Bush is turning into a twin to Hitler ,.................. GOD HELP US ALL !!!!!!!!!

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 02:53 PM
From what I have read of the Quaran, the whole religon is based on eliminating the Infidels. If that isn't a conspiracy, I don't know what is.

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 02:54 PM
This is why I want to see the return of the days when there was more than one superpower in the world. We need Russia to rise again and China to become a megapower like the U.S so that all nations can focus on destroying the Islamic Fundementalists.

I don't think China supports islamic terrorists, god forbid someone attacks China I would imagine China would find out who was behind and then systematically obliterate them. Russian president Putin said "Russia does not negotiate with terrorists, it destroys them"

Good words and this is what we need more. The U.S.A. cannot fight terror groups alone.

Simtek is right, the religion is based on destroying those who do not comply. I believe that the main goal of Islam is to expand and convert wirh force if necessary.

And I've been so nice and soft to Islam these days.. but I am beginning to think perhaps there is more to it than what we see. But of course there are fundemtalists in any religion... but some people who follow Islam are not as willing to do what others are willing to do.

[edit on 18-6-2004 by RedOctober90]

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 02:54 PM
Now that I've had a chance to calm down a little, I still stand by my previous statement that we should nuke 'em 'till they glow.

That, however, it tempered with my thoughts and prayers going out to the Johnson family in this time of loss.

Several people have suggested that we pull out of Iraq. I tend to think that this would be seen as a sign of weakness, and would invite further terror attacks on the USA proper. We need to drop the political infighting, and rally around our armed forces, and give them what they need to succeed in eliminating the threat.

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 02:58 PM
Ouizel the only way to reduce the threat (we cannot completely eliminate all terrorists) is through intense intelligence gathering and then we find out who the targets are and then destroy them.

Not wait untill they attack.

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 02:58 PM
Today's death of Mr. Paul Johnson was yet another battle in the war on terror. Unfourtunately, it was a battle that we really had no chance of winning. The deck was stacked in their favor.

The outcome of this battle was more then the death of one man, it was the effect of putting fear into the hearts of many americans. And by so succeeding , they have won this battle.

What happens next? Who knows. But this one battle is not yet over. If people can channel the venom and hatred they have now, into re-doubling our efforts to find the sick sons of b!tches that did this, and set an example for the Arab world with them, then we can begin to turn the tide of this war.

The Arab world respects brutal strength, and mocks kindness. Can we win this war by building schools? Or do we win it by smothering the will in every arab man?

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by mpeake

Do you really think that once we pull out of this massive litterbox of a country that "they" will just stop terrorizing us? Ignorrance!

Our troops are for protecting us in the usa, they can be scattered around out country to do what they were trained to do, keep the terrorist OUT. We need to close our borders to everyone that is not American, then work on searching for the other terrorist in our country and get rid of them. To hell with Iraq and Bush & co's war over oil !!

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 02:59 PM
The only thing these people understand is Death, so we should give them what they understand.

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 03:01 PM
To all of you whom are a part of this site this is a day of injustice and sadness. My thoughts or should I say our thoughts and prayers go out to the Johnson family members, the berg family, the Jacob family and to those who suffered at the hands of mindless animals who have no thought or conscience of the deeds that they have done.

All I know is this, is that the day will come when justice will be served on them and their families. I believe and I would even say that many of you would agree with me at this point that the local and international intel services and special forces groups know who these people are but finding them is the problem. However, once found they should face the same treatment by first seeing one of their loved ones die and then have their bodies wrapped up in a pig skin and thrown in a nameless pit after they have faced justice...

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 03:08 PM
A 91 year old man was beheaded in Los Angeles on Sunday.
Should we nuke that place too?
There are evil people in every country, you can't kill everyone in the country because of the actions of a few.

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by AceOfBase
A 91 year old man was beheaded in Los Angeles on Sunday.
Should we nuke that place too?

That's a loaded question
I would love to see LA disappear

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 03:16 PM
If these bastards are ever captured who are responsible for these kidnappings and deaths - I vote for their worldwide public execution...

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 03:18 PM

Originally posted by muckminer
If these bastards are ever captured who are responsible for these kidnappings and deaths - I vote for their worldwide public execution...

That would seem to be fair, since they basically publically executed Mr. Johnson.

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