posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 02:20 PM
Please everyone let's give a moment of prayer for the "Johnson Family" !
NOW, wake up people !!!!!!! We've got to do something about this and the other's that have been beheaded, not to mension all our troops that have
been slaughtered over there.
(shacking head sadly and slowly )
One thing that we can do is send letters, emails, to our senate, house of rep's, and congress, DEMANDING Impeachment proceeding to begin on Bush&co
, DEMAND that they pull ALL American's and troops, out of that god-forsaken, satanic playground, cut off all ties and help
to those people,...... until they do something for theirselves to help rid their land of these animals that are killing our
I for one will be sending out e-mails to congress and other's calling for/ no, I'm going to demand that they start Impeachment proceedings.
Bush&co war against Iraq was the biggest mistake made in US history and they need to go before they destroy the whole USA as we had known it to
...... Bush and co can go to HELL and
as far as I'm concerned.