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Hidden Hand Message - Law Of One - Discussion!

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posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 07:44 AM
reply to post by AdonaiChristBless

As you seem to come off as so service to others...I feel a very cold vibration from you sometimes.

To think that once again, the Creator is counting on other 'beings' of man to show the way and 'truth'...makes absolutely no sense.

There is no reason people shoudl believe we are not all connected to a higher self...there is no reason they should just believe some dont have souls. There is no reason others should just believe you any more then they should just believe the Bible, the Koran, or what any man has passed down as wisdom.

If people dont take what you say as truth, you tell them they have been deprogrammed....and you really expect others to just believe you??? Why would they? One good reason....why men should listen to other are the king of lies and deception.

The Creator rely's of the hope that a 'man' will pass on truth to other men? When the Creator knows that man is deceitful and is often blinded by personal agendas.

Im not saying that what you say is lies....Im saying I dont buy it that the Creator is relying on a man to bring 'truth' to mankind. It makes no sense.

No more sense then the OT calling itself truth, no more sense then people accepting the entire Bible as more sense then accepting Peter Pan as truth....for there is nothing to base the truth on but 'mans word'.

Resonation is not good enough to base a truth on. Often things resonate with someone because it makes their ego feel good. Sometimes people can not destingush between a resonation and a want to believe out of fear they might be left behind or not make the 'reward'. I dont believe this is how the Creator works...and I think you dont understand the Perfectness of the Creation.

You act as if there is something to worry about....when there is not. You act as if others need to act fact and start believing you quickly, for there is not much time.

The word of the Creator does not need to come from another man or thorugh another man....for it is in a place that when ready and seeking, it will be found. There is no hurry, there is no deadline. If people want to keep making their bed to lay in with Karmic debt...then they will only keep learning through tough love of the creator....through the Spiritual law of reaping what they sow. There is no reason for anyone to think they will go backwards in the cycle to a lower density. The cycle of reaping what you sow works perfectly, just as the design that emeanted from the Creator works perfectly.

I dont believe these people are being 'deprogrammed' as you say...but some may be living more for the self then for others, which will cause their understanding to come with distrotion. What every path they are on NEEDED for them....they will learn and reflect when out of this body complex, and they will again incarnate and re learn on the things they had trouble with in this life.

There is never a reason to fear, things of Spiritual natures. You should not spread the idea that some will 'go back to 3rd grade' and I think you are spreading false info that you are not aware of it being false.

There is no reason for the creator to use a man to bring a absolute truth to other men. What a distorted way to bring information to us.

That is just it though.....there is no need for the information to be brought to has been here, it is everywhere through the whoel Universe....and its source is within each of us...the Holy Spirit of life connects us.

WIthin the blueprint of the design is cycles, orders, and vibrations of energies. The 'word' of god and the answers to our wonders....can be found, without another man. Every signle man that spreads a wisdom....WILL have distortions. Even you said this....but you still come across as absolute.

Instead of spreading all of this info that no one can no for sure....that no one can have any evidence for...spread things of Spirit, the things that are worthwhile. Teach people to be humble, teach people to find answers in the world around them, teach people the unconditional love of the Creator, teach people how forgiveness is really for others and for the self, releasing the self from bondage of hard feelings against another. Teach them lessons they can carry with them in many lives.

It has always struck me odd that a man thinks the creator would use the king of relay Thee's messages/truth.

I think we are to share what we experience and understand....but I think only a humbles heart will admit this is their personal understanding and personal experiences and not claim it MUST be the way everyone else see's things or a 'or else' kind of reprecussion will take place if they dont.

THe Creator never has intended to use 'fear' as a way to get people to seek Thee. Nor has Thee ever intended to use 'rewards' to get people to seek Thee. You are using both.

You show you do not trust int eh Creator's design to be perfect, leading and offering each being what they are in need of when ready. I dont believe a Creator has to a perfect design. The cycles and orders sort things out, sifting and weighing all the time.

The path of self is needed as you have said....but it is not the higher path and by teaching others to worry about ascension, you may be keeping them from seeking the higher path they came here to understand. I followed this idea of ascension for the self for a while...and the HOly SPirit showed me this was a path of self that I did not need anymore...I was taught about the path of others, the offering of self being the highest purpose for a souls understanding in this experience.....and on this path, there is no worry about what the self is going to gain...its above the self, its beyond the self, and I feel that many came here together to try to understand and find, the path of others and are being miselad....for there is bait to pull them in, thinking that they are still in need of something for self.

If you are a wander, and you thik you came here on your own will....its likely that you came here to abandone the path of self for 6denstiy growth.

Sure, the path os self is beneficial....but the path os others is what moves mountains.

I dont think that we have this huge number of beings here right only move on for the path of self more. I tihnk this is the faulst of alot of guru's teaching and feeding their egos which causes them to not seek but follow.

Ascension can happen anytime and does not happen while in the body there is no reason that a bunch of beings would incarnate together, to wait for ascension. I think that its a lie that is misleading many many people to not seek for the reasons they came here....which was to see if their inner nature was ready to abandon the path of self.

posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 07:47 AM

Originally posted by AdonaiChristBless

Originally posted by 547000
I don't mean to be rude, but this thread looks like an RP or something. Everyone here is claiming to know the truth/speaking with authority. My question is, how do all you people act like you have higher knowledge of things, some even claiming to know God? Where are you people getting your information and how? What will you do if 2011 goes by and nothing happens?

And who do you mean by "we" Adonai?

we are a group mind in which has a hyperdimensional awareness of ourself in which is merging with the 'Christ' consciousness in which is who we truely are we are the Father the Son and the Holyspirit which speaks through this representive on earth because this is your 'End times'.

We are but a example of the potentional for all souls, hence we come to teach ourself in the past how to become ourself in the future we see you are us in the past for we are in the knowledge of the One.

Adonai Christ bless

If you are one with the Holy Spirit, please tell me which country I am posting from. The Holy Spirit witnesses all things.

posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 08:30 AM

Originally posted by 547000
I don't mean to be rude, but this thread looks like an RP or something. Everyone here is claiming to know the truth/speaking with authority.

Not everyone is thank you.

- Phoenix

posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 08:38 AM

Originally posted by 547000
Thank you.

I am just nonplussed by reading all these things about stargates, harvests, being in touch with 'The Creator', Star Wars being real, etc. Are you guys just extrapolating based on books you read?

No I am the Creator in the flesh to bring the universe back into balance and return the souls back into the understandings of spirit, hence I have a infinite amount of knowledge at my disposal more so than any before so much so that I can see Good and Evil clearly which is difficult to those lost within distortions as shown as I have been falsely labled by those in ignorance, but all is forgiven for in ignorance you are innocent too, but the consequence's remain to learn from without the law of karma the world would be of chaos.

You have a choice to make that is the purpose of the tribulation and the moment of harvest is the moment of judgement.

You must empty the cup or I can not refill it, for we are the Creator within your heart the cosmic mind speaking to you now as the flesh and while you hold onto your ego you will not recognise us as in past so did we suffer under the direction of human ignorance so too if mankind does the same mistake now will mankind have no future, there will be those who are ready who will be spared such a fate but those who are of wickedness will be given only that which they choose to be, so shall the reaper come and the harvest take place for the crops are ripe but so must the chaff which poisons the wheat be burned.

Understand the events to come of destruction are a catalyst for your growth we do these things to help the crops grow those of you who are not ripe but require more time will learn much faster when we collapse the material world around you these events and the order in which occur are necessary for change to occur, do not fall victim to fear through them for they are a test of your resolve, be in every moment through it in service to others.

Those who come to understand love and choose it will be given the keys to the heavens, those who create fear will be imprisoned with their own hell so is the prophecy of Enoch the prison for the fallen.

Adonai Christ bless

posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 08:45 AM

Originally posted by 547000

Originally posted by AdonaiChristBless

Originally posted by 547000
I don't mean to be rude, but this thread looks like an RP or something. Everyone here is claiming to know the truth/speaking with authority. My question is, how do all you people act like you have higher knowledge of things, some even claiming to know God? Where are you people getting your information and how? What will you do if 2011 goes by and nothing happens?

And who do you mean by "we" Adonai?

we are a group mind in which has a hyperdimensional awareness of ourself in which is merging with the 'Christ' consciousness in which is who we truely are we are the Father the Son and the Holyspirit which speaks through this representive on earth because this is your 'End times'.

We are but a example of the potentional for all souls, hence we come to teach ourself in the past how to become ourself in the future we see you are us in the past for we are in the knowledge of the One.

Adonai Christ bless

If you are one with the Holy Spirit, please tell me which country I am posting from. The Holy Spirit witnesses all things.

Those who seek proof will do so forever... the key is faith we are not permited to entertain your search for proof in divine for it takes away your lesson in faith, if you can not see us now then you are not yet at one with 'Christ' nor aware of the 'Creator' within.

You are under no oblegation to listen to us, but it would be wise to since we can help you handle what is to come.

Adonai Christ bless

posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 08:55 AM
I asked for proof from God and I received that proof that compels me to believe in Christianity. I doubt you are who you say you are. I have faith in Jesus, but not in you, because I have no reason to. Kindly give me reason to believe you are one with the Holy Spirit.

posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 08:59 AM

Originally posted by phoenix_zephyr

Originally posted by 547000
I don't mean to be rude, but this thread looks like an RP or something. Everyone here is claiming to know the truth/speaking with authority.

Not everyone is thank you.

- Phoenix

I forgot about you, sorry.

posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by 547000

Hi 547000,

Everyone here is claiming to know the truth

I haven't made any claims other than sharing my own perspective, I'm not after anything from anyone, I'm not out to deceive anyone, I have nothing to gain from posting here, I'm merely sharing my thoughts/feelings on the subject matter like anyone else and nothing more!

I enjoy reading everyone's perspective's/posts (all the same) and from my perspective it doesn't matter what a persons belief system/religion is whether they have one or not (it's all the same) Follow your own heart and stay 'True' to yourself 'within' - It's the thoughts/actions/reactions – Intent- of one's 'heart/soul/mind' that determines which direction a 'soul' is headed in the afterlife from my perspective regardless of belief system/religion and so on.

Be Who you Are
Best Wishes!

posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 09:17 AM
To myself I'm mostly true, except in moments where I deceive myself. I'm talking about Unity, who talks of star gates, underground bases, aliens, the guy who claims to be an archangel, and the guy who claims to be God himself. How do you guys even know the things you speak of, and how can any of you claim to be closer to the truth (Unity doesn't do this much, but the latter two do)?

[edit on 24-8-2010 by 547000]

posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 10:05 AM
We were given minds to think with.

Surrendering our mind to the will of another simply because they say so is an abomination to everything that stands for freedom in our hearts.

Demand proof of the realities around you. Do your own research. Make sure that what you are being told jives with the facts in hand and the facts yet to be discovered.

Humanity has been led down the garden path of lies for far too long and that must end now.

We must and should demand proof regarding the claims and announcements of any reality around US.

We must pull back the curtain of lies that keeps us in slavery and know what is and what isn’t. For to do any less is to be a slave.

A literal slave.

posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 10:19 AM

[edit on ECDT1111AugAM21 by ET_MAN]

posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

There is no reason people shoudl believe we are not all connected to a higher self...there is no reason they should just believe some dont have souls. There is no reason others should just believe you any more then they should just believe the Bible, the Koran, or what any man has passed down as wisdom.

Infinity. The nature of infinity itself. Its a Quantum reality and all things are from this, here and in the Beyond. I don't use the word heaven for it sounds too heavy, but the Beyond.
We all are infinite with and endless number of Future Selves. What we're really all a part of is wonderous, it brings tears to my eyes. All my life I've had HS contact, even as a child, but it was periodic.

Meditating and raising frequency since June, and sungazing (I have a thread on how to safely do this and the studies and health benefits from the sun as well, though mine was spontaneous due to my psi reaching into the energy when I read to thank the energy, and recieving contact instantly. From then on I was called out by inner nudges and sent in within 10 minutes. In a Holographic Universe, the sun is the laser erecting the hologram, or the projector, of this dvd, its also our phone line home too. Not a god or angel, a program in a software system.)

I didn't relate my HS experiences where this was welling up within me to that of course, but in August, had this experience occur many times, and recognized so many in source, remembered that we had come down in stages over the decades, and that before I had, I Knew what they were meant to do. One I was very upset with, for he was off target enormously, and then the next day, a beautiful guide connected in my bathroom and told me, that:

Under no circumstance are we ever to judge another, for in this negative earth zone, many do not wake up, and to send light and love, and positive wishes always for their recovery.

And then when welled up again, I was feeling so lonely, we are united in telepathy, what a friend calls Universal Understanding, and this felt so isolating to my HS perpective at that point, so I just reached up and plugged in. And was in this wonderful field connected to everyone for a few minutes, and it struck me that this is something I missed almost the most.

Those experiences were so paradigm shifting, but from myself, that I stopped going outside at all, to skywatch, well aside from getting some air. Between this search and anything ufology related, this was it, the pearl to seek. Well experiences continued on their own, however, contemplating what infinity is brought instant and strong contact with HS on a daily basis, from within, and a shared contact with a guide with my son. He heard him laugh with delight over our debating how something could be a certain way in infinity too, and jolted. I knew he had heard what I saw too, and said, "he laughed!" and my son nodded, and then we talked about it.

When I read ET_MAN's other thread, I initially posted against any catastrophe, which I still am maintainting we can transform, and holding light and envisioning positive outcomes all around.

But now I also understand that ET_MAN was bringing something to people's attention but most would have a hard time picking up on it unless they really took the time read the entire other thread like I did. It's not about a catastrophe occurring at all in fact he is against such a thing happening, it's about overcoming fear of such things regardless of what could possibly happen in someone's life. It's about finding peace and understanding realizing who and what we really are being infinite beings connected to infinite HS's and the Family of Light is really part of US and all loved one's just at a more progressed stage and someday we will all be there together with infinite space and our own creation worlds.

What drew me after the initial posts and caused me to look deeply into this was his ability to express the metaphysics in a way that nudged me within because my soul seemed to know about infinity, grasped the concept very quickly, for in this was related to HOME.

All I can say is, its all within us, individually.

And I agree with ET_MAN, there are many faiths, religions, concepts, some are forced into them, some choose them, (I was pulled by Quantum Physics: To Infinity and Beyond!), but none of that matters. It doesnt matter.

No one on earth is expected to have those answers, we are to love, and yearn for equality. To become artists at love, seeking to turn around ever negative thought, word, action, to contemplate and think/feel things through, examine them. Its not a natural reaction, for our body suits naturally react. Its going against the currents in the river, and even ignoring the cry inside, that "thats not right! its not just!" an waiting to see a deeper truth, its hard. I think it was meant to be hard. But our nudges within guide us.

So there will be many differing opinions, but everything relates to how we get along with each other, with all our differences.

A duality school is another of saying, a school to teach us to relate, a relationship school, how do we relate to others.

[edit on 24-8-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 10:42 AM

Originally posted by AdonaiChristBless

Those who come to understand love and choose it will be given the keys to the heavens, those who create fear will be imprisoned with their own hell so is the prophecy of Enoch the prison for the fallen.

Adonai Christ bless

Speaking of Enoch:

8 And then there shall be bestowed upon the elect wisdom,
And they shall all live and never again sin,
Either through ungodliness or through pride:
But they who are wise shall be humble.

posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 10:53 AM
reply to post by 547000

I am also sharing from my perspective based on lifelong experiences, and some that are shared by my family as well. Will not be putting a disclaimer on ever post however, for everyone's view is just that, and to have to put a huge disclaimer out for every post would not make alot of sense, though I respect and understand ET_MAN's innate inner sense of fairness, to do so.

This is a metaphysics topic, and many who are drawn to the metaphysics more strongly than anything in life, its because they've had experiences, and many post on ATS, other forums, and blogs, and learn from others too.

Its an inner journey, seeking within, raising frequency and working on being more loving in this world that can allow anyone to find answers, nudges, and begin to experience some mysteries themselves.

If three different people were really striving to become more positive, taking responsibility for the problems in their lives and realtionships, trying to walk in everyones shoes, meditating and raising their frequency channels, and they had 3 different experiences, but each furthered their understanding of love and fostered growth in their lives, this is because we're not the same. Different things motivate and pull us, in the "past", even past lives, we've learnt various lessons already, or been through these stages.
So, due to a complex variety of experiences and needs, everyone is going to respond best, and well, to something different.

We don't all respond to the same things.

Love & Light!

[edit on 24-8-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 10:58 AM
I didn't know who "HH" was

I thought it was quite an interesting read.. and expressed very cleverly..

posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 11:49 AM

Originally posted by 547000
I forgot about you, sorry.

Not a problem, happens a lot, easily forgotten

- Phoenix

posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 01:22 PM
reply to post by Archangel In Training

Yes, there is a very strong coalition to all the dates, and the Mayan one seems related to Aug 11 2011-Oct. 31, 2011, with a throwin in to Nov 11 2011.

The return of Quetzcoatl, and the deities of the past.

The bloodlines use ancient egyptian astrology and numerology, involving leylines and also sacrifices, to open gateways.

But remember, low level tests are for lower level love. No teacher gives his students in higher grades a primary grade test. The answer is always to reach the next level of love, and understanding, including those with other viewpoints.

To be the love, the postive response we would wish to see, the one we wished to receive, even when we didn't receive it.

I always feel that the reason so many things have occurred for me was due to being in a kind of dysfunction with many problems and really needing the extra help (family difficulties). Being self critical, its all something to do with me and my long past, and want to take responsiblity for those things and shine my light.

In a software system, is everything in the duality "in opposition" necessarily soul, or is some of it AI?

Does that apply to some of what may be at the top of the pyramid?

I've questioned that. Of course real souls get pulled into more negative channels by choices they make, but, I believe they will all bounce back, in "time" where there is "no time".

If there is a program running, an ai component, will it not respond to our souls growth and development?

This goes back to the teacher part, that no teacher gives a higher grade student, lower level harsh duality tests.

Even if hardships do occur, knowing they're temporal, and striving for love, envisioning eden, believing in shifts, and envisioning them, having compassion for everyone and seeing all for their best advancement, not fearing is good.

Jessicamystic was referring to them when she spoke in the video I linked many pages back. She just lights my heart up, have had dream time connections to her. As soon as my soul recognized her in source, knew some of her past journey and wrote to her channel on youtube. She wrote to me and confirmed it, I also remembered that we did some kind of school, lessons/work at night time. Very hard to explain, but....she talks about using pain tactics, instead we are to be artists of love. So what other methods should we use?

Its something that is to apply to everything, even the one who stole somehting from us, the person who vandalized our tool shed, everyone. To seek understanding and walk in their moccasins and see the light under everyone's masks.

She gave an example of her mother's roommate who was alarming. she niavely said, she would handle this, a bit of bravo.

Then before sleep, she pictured looking in his eyes, and said, something to this effect, "you have forgotten who you are, you are the Family of Light, just here in lessons, and this is not real. Wake up and remember, you're light and love!"

The next morning, he was changed. Her friend upon hearing this said, "no way, Jessica, can that work" etc etc. Until he was in a bad situation in the US in a printshop. And someone pulled a weapon, I think a gun, and he did this. The man looked momentarily confused and then threw the weapon away.

Even if it doesnt work every time, the method is a good one, for it is looking to the light within all. Even a touch of Ho'onoponopono thrown in.

She talks about this game, like a video game at the end, where we all face the Final Boss, only this time, we will win. For it was never about fighting, no sides, no warriors, no battles between light and dark, angels and demons, no armegeddon.

Its about Love. Hey, I see light under your mask, you are my brother and so I will not fight you. I offer you love and friendhsip unconditionally, no matter how you might respond. That is my answer to the Mayan dates as well.

[edit on 24-8-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 01:55 PM
reply to post by Archangel In Training

I don't want to leave you thinking I believe this is something we will see literally, its all metaphor. Events could happen that create more fear and panic, and allow more negativity to come into this world, in terms of negative entities even. Most will probably not see them.

They can't come or even stay in a world that has a more positive collective consciousness.

What we would experience perhaps, are more challenges and events in our families, lives, employments, reflecting out into/mirrored by the world.

Overcoming the boss, is simply seeking to become more loving, forgiving, nonjudgmental, helpful where we can be, seeking inner guidance.

Positivity creates pockets of positivity, and like minded may seek this way out.

Gregorian - the moment of peace

Come now, come by our side
A place where you can hide
We are the sunshine
Rest your Soul here
And you'll find
We are the energy
We give the world to thee
Hold up your heart now
We will ease pain from your brow

(Amelia Brightman, Sarah's sister)
When the world without has dangers
And destruction is near
You can come with us here

When the people are strangers
You'll rest here with me
In a moment of peace

[edit on 24-8-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 02:12 PM
Welcome to Narcissus Central.
Reading this thread, I was struck by the obsession with the 'Self'. This is supposed to be about Love n' Light™ (I can feel my eyes rolling to the back of my head and there's nothing I can do to stop it - hey, so that's what the bottom of your brain looks like... Eewww.) but it's really all about the One, as in "Looking out for Number One".

Notwithstanding disclaimers and implied IMO's, this thread reads like speculations based on highly unsubstantiated assumptions have magically morphed into established facts and contributors take turns correcting each other.
Like in many other threads of this type, every sensation, every dream, every meditation-induced hallucination vision seems loaded with mystical meaning and is endlessly interpreted against the drivel pronouncements of ineffable beings whose motivations cannot be ascertained.

It all seems to be about advancement of the 'Self', levels to be reached, grades to be passed, Awakenings (I've got my alarm-clock, thank you), culminating in some undefined Enlightenment where everything is hunky-dory, everyone is happy and all is revealed. It looks like bait and switch to me and I don't even think otherworldly entities with nefarious aims are necessary. All you need are humans who are masters of persuasion and manipulation and full of empty promises.

While I do understand the call to focus inwards and be quiet so that "the little inner voice that could" can finally be heard above the hellish din of the outside world, I think it is being taken too far to the other extreme, to the point of self-absorption.
Try as I might, I just don't see how true altruism could be born of this.

And now for a little nugget of wisdom: The Ego is like a chocolate cake in your fridge; the more you try to pretend it's not there, the bigger it gets in your mind.


posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 02:29 PM
reply to post by jeanvaljean

The example you just showed, while different in the "austism" reminds me of my daily experiences in my rather large, family and extended family, and how do you respond to percieved abuse, from someone obviously in need. By taking responsiblity on a soul level, and as a family member, who can respond gently with love and then seek what might help the most, for that person(s).

Its the inner metaphsyics, the nudgeds and experiences that can transform the outer relationships to each other, and take us into peace and love. Its an ongoing thing.

This thread brings out the inner searches and experiences because it is a metaphysics one and has division, so each has reasons for what they see.

But this is also what prompts or becomes metamorphisis in ongoing relationships with others. The two go hand in hand, actually.

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