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Hidden Hand Message - Law Of One - Discussion!

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posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

Absolutely! LV

I've just been doing it for so long its automatic.

There is a big difference between "guiding" someone to see spirit - - - then telling them what it is. That is one of my biggest problems with most organized religions.

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 06:47 PM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

Gaining knowledge from books is fascinating yes...but people need to know and see that the most pure and important spiritual wisdom is not something that another man has to pass onto you. Its something that you can find within you all by your self.

The truth comes from within a persons spirit, this is the connection to the spirit of Truth. Truth comes through the Holy Spirit of Yeshua/Christ and all things can be revealed/known unto man according to the will of the Creator.

You do not need a savior.

Due to the state of opposition found in all things that some consider to be the fall of mankind, creation remains in a ying/yang state/condition. The divine plan of the Creator for earth's Creation was to eventually perfect it's condition/state according to that which is perfect according to the Creator. It was necessary that man/woman partook of the tree of knowledge having both choices of good and evil available to them in a world full of eyes/knowledge and oppositions found in all things. The tree of knowledge being available with freewill to choose one from the other was part of the divine creation plan. Man/woman being subjected to both sides of the coin or ying/yang opposition found in all things choices so man/woman could experience and move through a process of mortality to someday be raised into immortality having body joined with spirit in a perfected state that they may receive eternal life and a fullness of joy.

Yehsua/Christ was in the beginning of the creation with earth's universe as man knows it to be and was part of the divine plan with the predestined blueprint to redeem the world from it's fallen/immortal state to eventually raise up everything and bring it unto the Father into an ascended/immortal state. Those who've chosen the path leading back to the Father may be revealed the truth of all things found through the Holy Spirit that is One with the Father and through this spirit may all things be known and revealed unto man for those who diligently seek the truth of it. Prayer in spirit to the Father through the Holy Spirit in the name of the Son. One must only have an open heart and empty cup with willingness to receive and the Holy spirit of Christ can reveal the truth of all things unto them according to the will of the Father.

In the Divine Eye....what is needed here for this is already perfect.

The world exists in an imperfect temporal state/condition and for some according to their understanding/truth of existence they may perhaps see and feel creation to be perfect, but for those in other areas of the world experiencing much pain, sorrow and suffering it is far from it. Place yourself in others shoes around the world and what would it be like to experience life as they know it in their shoes. The world is in a temporal imperfect state of mortality and opposition remains in all things however there is a divine plan from the beginning of earth's creation as man knows it, the alpha and omega (Creator) of creation shall return and bring earth's creation into an ascended/perfected state according to the true vine - divine plan. From mortality shall all things transcend to immortality/ascension to eternally live on forever and move forwards into the eternities of progression where there is no death, there is no pain and there is no sorrow only that which is eternal life which brings a fullness of joy to all those who partake of it.

Man has his own ideas of what the world needs to be 'perfect' but please dont doubt that the design serves in its perfect purpose.

Man's ideas of perfection are far from perfect however the Creators divine plan has a perfect purpose and to this end were all things created that in due time they may be raised from a state of experiencing opposition in all things to a state of perfection. The Creator of earth's creation as man knows it to be is perfect in every which way according to that which is perfect for the Creator being of one compound and Life. The alpha and omega beginning and ending plan is perfection. All things will complete themselves by design to eventually become one compound in a perfected state of existence. Life and creation was never intended to be in an eternal fallen state with ying/yang oppositions found in all things, a state of suffering, pain, death and sorrow but the world and earth's creation as man knows it to be was created for the very purpose of bringing forth eternal intelligence spirits into bodies and progressing them into higher ascended states of existences where they will receive a fullness of joy.

The world of not meant to be without sorrows and fears. These things have purpose.

All things have purpose according to the divine plan of the Creator but such temporal sorrows, sufferings and pain will only be for a TIME according to the omega/end plan of Creation which is in truth an everlasting beginning without ending into the eternities and beyond.

Dont deny your own self of being a 'son of God'.

All who do Good are inherited Sons and daughters of God, those who do the will of the Father may be one in spirit with the Father and all things that the Father has are freely offered and given unto the sons and daughters of those who choose the path that leads back to the Father.

Humble yourself and accept your Spiritual right that other man have denied you of for so long.

Humility and gratefulness is necessary, every spirit has the free right to choose from the path of the tree of knowledge that contains both good and evil. Those who choose that which is Good or of God may receive an eternal inheritance to also be like unto God and receive of the fullness of the Father. All things are freely offered unto the inherited sons and daughters of God who choose one compound over another or that which is Good being of God which is one and the same. As the Father and the Son are eternally one with the Holy Spirit so shall those who choose Good over evil be One with the Son and Father. One in spirit and understanding, one in likeness and in heart.

There can be leaders to show us the way.....but ultimately, we each must burden the cross and give back to Earth what is of Thee.

Earthly leaders of an imperfect world are in an imperfect state/condition, the path and truth has been given unto mankind through the Son Yeshua/Christ who came into the world to show the truth of all things unto the world and pave the way for mankind that all may return back unto the Father who accepted the spirit of truth and the Son. All things were pre-known/planned from the beginning of earth's creation as man knows it to be with a perfect divine end/omega plan. The Son offers redemption for mankind from it's fallen state for all those who accept the spirit of Truth which is the true Holy Spirit which is One with the Father. It was necessary for spirits to receive a body and choose one thing from another in opposition that they may also become like unto the Father and someday receive eternal life and a fullness of joy. To this end was all matter therein organized/created that they may one day become perfected through the Son and brought back to the Father and through the Holy Spirit which is One with the Father.

He told you.....your blood is his blood, your body is my body.

The lamb of God even Yeshua/Christ the Son of the Father came unto his own and they received him not, but for as many of them who came unto Him with a broken heart in humility He did heal them and take away their sins/conscience of any faults and errors made from ever experiencing and choosing one compound of good/evil over another. Their bodies and blood are of Him, their bodies are and were created by and through Him, as all things contained herein existing in earth's universe of matter were organized and placed into existence by Yeshua/Christ the Son and through the power of the Holy Spirit of the Father.

This is not about a blood sacrifice. The Spirit needs no spilling of blood.

This is why the world is in such a fallen state and imperfect ying/yang condition as war, bloodshed and murder continue. The choice of choosing good over evil from the tree of knowledge remains until the end/omega return of the Creator and earth as man knows it to be will ascend into a perfected state of existence. The Creator is perfect, therefore the ending of the Creators Creation will come into a perfected and immortal/ascended state. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit reaches out with open arms continually towards all mankind for those who receive them, even until the end of TIME as man knows it to be.

It is for each to discern within them, not through a book that holds no life.

The book is the very book of Life and contains the knowledge for the inherited sons and daughters of God to return unto that which is Good. To the Father may they listen through the words of Good which is of God that was given unto the Son and brought into the world for all to see who have an eye to perceive and see the spirit of that which is true. The truth and light of this world cannot be taken away from earth. The testaments of Yeshua/Christ written cannot be taken away, but the adversaries have worked hard to destroy and distort the true words of Christ. Religions of the world have been counterfeited with truths to draw in men mingled with distortions and lies. The pureness of the teachings of Christ are perfect truth and 100% clean water. Religious institutions of the world have taught redemption and repentance unto mankind but in subtle ways have led those who follow down a path into thorns and weeds of distortions and deceptions due to the adversities and kingdoms of the earthly world overtaking and corrupting them.

Those with open spirit eyes to see can perceive and know of all things through the spirit of Truth which is the true Holy Spirit that reveals all things unto them from the Son of the Father. The Holy Spirit abiding within them perceives the world structure/coding of information and finds 50% half truths mixed in and mingled with distortions/disinformation and lies. That which is opposite of truth can be perceived and known as untruth by the spirit and Holy spirit which is One with the Father and Son. So is the structure of earth's temporal existence and fallen state/condition mingled with 50% of one compound and 50% with another.

Always follow your heart and allow the Holy Spirit to direct you in your path and be your guide/connection to the Father that will lead and guide you through the examples set of and by Yeshua/Christ so that you may properly discern truth from the many distortions/counterfeits and deceptions of truth intentionally placed where they are in this world by the adversaries.

I saw my mothers most terrifying moment during her 9 hours of a near death when she experienced her faith of being washed in the blood.

Your Mother experienced inner visions/dreams while in the body.

It was the only time she was left alone. She was left in a never ending flow of blood all around her and others....trying to clean it up frantically.

The above is in representation that no one man or woman can clean themselves but it was necessary from the fall of mankind that redemption come into the world as a gift and blessing from the Father to the inherited sons and daughters of God so that they may be cleansed through the blood of the lamb who is without fault, error or blemish. Through the atonement and sacrifice that the Father gave unto the world to all those who accepted the offering of His only begotten Son, who came into the world to redeem and take upon himself the blood of the world so that all may be saved and partake of the gift of the tree of life that leads to eternal and everlasting immortality and joy offered unto the world of the Father. For the Father so loved the world that He truly offered His own Son in the flesh to come unto his own Creation and pay a ransom for all errors and sin that all may be partakers of the kingdom of Heaven that are endless. The Creator and Father in Heaven opens His arms to all of mankind and eternally extends an open invitation to any who choose Good and desire to be the partakers of the Goodness and God kingdom which is the Good kingdom.

It was not supposed to be there and they all knew it. A lady came to look upon her, she rode a white horse, she was nude, and she held a book. She looked down on them and wrote in the book. I will never forget how terrified my mother was during that part of her experience. She called the woman 'death'.

And so is there a temporal state/condition of death to those who reject life and choose it, the Father is of the Living and the Son (IS) the Son of Life, He is the true Light of this world sent before us out of pure love for all from the Father to pay a ransom to cleanse all form imperfection and error so that they may pass through the tree of knowledge between good and evil. Only through the Son and through the atonement and sacrifice of Yeshua/Christ can mankind find their way back to the Father which is the opposite of Death. God is of Life and Good is God, The Creator of the Living opposite of the underworld spirit prison which is darkness, temporal death, weeping and wailing, trembling/knashing of teeth which is a temporal state of darkness for those who reject the truth opposite to that which is of Life and the Light of Christ.

The checkerboard structure is the pattern, representing opposition found in all things. There is a temporal spiritual death on one end and life on the other and a stairway leading to the all seeing eye representing the true God which only represents Good. The Creator of Creation that has been counterfeited by the adversities and they use this structure to deceive many into believing they are the Creator and God. Full of distortions/deceptions and lies, more cunning than the snake approaching it's prey. That which is opposite to Life is that which is death, evil and darkness behold the pale horse of death. There are two lanes to a road on a highway that is a free-way, mankind is free to choose/partake of one or the other according to that which they so desire and choose. Death on the one hand and Life on the other leading back to the Creator of Life.

Ever since then and through seeking after her experience.....I have came away with the understanding that to believe someone had to die for you...then the blood is also on your hands.

The dream/vision of your mother was interpreted according to perception/interpretation of such. There's a doorway leading out beyond the pale horse of blood and death that leads to the Son who offers cleaning to all those who come unto the Father through the Son in humility asking. All are forgiven who asketh and no one is turned away who is truly sincere with a broken heart in humility. No man or woman is perfect as the only begotten Son of the Father was perfect who showed the world the way of what perfect is to be. All of mankind have fallen short and are incapable of cleaning up the blood of the world but through the Son even Yeshua/Christ all of mankind may be saved and cleansed.This was and is the divine plan of the Creator from the beginning of TIME as man knows it to be according to the matter of earth's creation and universe that was organized by the Son through the power of the Holy Spirit and Father. The lamb without blemish of God came into the world to redeem it and overcame the world so that He may draw all things unto the Father according to the will of the Father.

All spirits who accept the true teachings of Yeshua/Christ from the Father are sons and daughters to the Creator even our Father who art in Heaven and can be Sons and Daughters of God or that which is Good. Yeshua/Christ took upon himself the sins of the world being without fault or error and due to him overcoming the world all elements and matter are subject unto him. He came unto his own Creation and his own received him not, rejected of men He was sentenced to death, but for those who received him gave He power unto them to be the sons and daughters of God.

Upon the only begotten Son leaving the flesh in perfection having overcame the world without blemish or fault - all of Creation was subject unto Him and he took upon himself immortality being the first of the resurrection of the Dead and the door and pathway for all of us to follow. This is the doorway that leads beyond the blood and death of the one riding the pale horse. He or she that knocketh in humility and sincerity asking forgiveness of their errors/ways shall be forgiven and received. For those who seek the truth of these things, pray unto the Father that the spirit may come unto you. Those who ask of the Father in the name of Yeshua/Christ believing that they shall receive in patience, sincerity, diligence and with gratefulness in heart so shall they receive saith the gatekeeper. All good things asked of the Father in Yeshua/Christ's name shall be given unto those who ask if it be in wisdom according to the will of the Father.

Im sorry if this is too forward....I dont bring it as forceful or a matter of factly. I do feel though that when I had this time in my life of learning from Spirit, I was prepared to tell others these things no matter if they listened or not. I was told many would not and I had to be ok with that. For me, its truth.....all I can do is tell within what I say or speak, empty your cup and seek the Spirit within you and take what I say, to the heavens themselves.

Those who've ascended and transfigured into immortal beings were once like the spirits of man/woman on earth. In due time one day spirits of men/women on earth will someday become immortal beings if they so choose to be. No man or woman cometh unto the Father unless first they accept the Son and no man or woman comes into the immortal and benevolent perfected states of existences unless first through the teachings and examples given unto the world by the Son. It's necessary for one to further empty their cup in order to receive of the fullness of the truth that can be given unto all of mankind to those who are truly seeking the true vine which is one vine-divine truth through the Holy Spirit which is ONE with the Father and the Son.

You can also call on Jesus. I can offer you an exercise as you call on him. It may take several times of quieting the mind and being honest enough in heart to feel him come to you...but when he does-notice what he does if you kneel.

He wont stand before you or over you....he kneels, with you. He walks, beside you. He will bow, back to you. He showed you your path to walk but he cant walk it for you. Let him give you strength, love, and acceptance.

The path and way of Yeshua/Christ has been given unto the world and no other man/spirit can walk the path for another due to freewill, love, respect and agency given unto man by the Father. A person can choose their own path but Yeshua/Christ and the Father, Family in the Heavens will always be there with extended and open arms for those who come unto them in sincerity and humility. Ask and it truly shall be answered, knock and the door will find it's way open unto you. But ask and knock in sincerity truly desiring the knowledge of the truth and behold all things shall be made known unto you through the Holy Spirit coming from that which is Good the Creator of Good = God.

Please dont take my words any different then others words that are sharing what they think. I do believe that each person is right where they need to be but also,

Such is the case in some cases but many are yet being beguiled/deceived and led down the crooked path that leads to over flowing blood that cannot be cleansed or taken away unless through the atonement of Yeshua/Christ who is at the gates awaiting all who come unto Him and asketh or knock.

there are many opportunities that are given to us and we just wont see them for what they are.

We all have reasons why we walk the path we are walking right now...Im just sharing mine all the same.

Your intentions are genuine and sincere and I hope you also see the true intentions of why I share what I do and the genuine sincerity behind sharing such things. I have unconditional respect and love for you and everyone in the same way that you do regardless of differences in belief. Nevertheless I must testify of what I know to be true within the entirety of my whole being. For this end was I brought back to life to eventually be a witness to these things of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit which are ONE. I know that if one diligently seeks the truth and continues onwards in prayer that they will find the Son of the Father and be led along the path you speak of right where they need to be. I know you are on that path right now and that the spirit will accordingly act in due time and reveal unto you the truth of these words according to the time and will of the Creator. This is my witness and testimony unto you and the world and all those who read this and I say all these things in the Sacred/Holy name of Yeshua/Christ and in the true spirit of Love and Peace.

What counts, is your inner nature towards others. Accepting yourself and others, treating all as you wish to be treated. Dont let anothers dark heart, bring out your own ways of flesh. Try to always be the light in the dark forest. At the end of the day, we all should be able to come to the table and brake bread together.

At the end of the day those who've chosen one path opposite of that which is Life and Good must find their way back to the others to break bread at the same table and partake of it. On one end there is everlasting Life and Eternal happiness and joy, on the other end of the table comes a temporal pale horse of death through consequences to one's actions/choices/decisions (The reaper) who will reap upon those according to their own works sown - opposite of that which is Good and of God being of Life and the Light of Christ which is Eternal.

Your Eternal Brother,
Best Wishes Always!
edit on ECST1111DecPM41 by ET_MAN because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 07:17 PM

Originally posted by ET_MAN
Truth comes through the Holy Spirit of Yeshua/Christ and all things can be revealed/known unto man according to the will of the Creator.

That's one belief.

I think Jesus might be an over seer of this world. But that would put him more in a sub-creator category - - - or even below that as he answers to his father the sub-creator.

Its interesting that Mormons believe there are many worlds - - but Jesus is the God of our world. Not the universe. Not other worlds. Just this one.

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 07:22 PM
reply to post by ET_MAN
So this thread is a discussion on philosophical believes, not just hidden hand- law of one, so why did you not title it, Hidden hand message,law of one and general philosophical believes- discussion. I dont want to sound rude but are you a mod now?, do you get to decide what is off or on topic, ive had a telling off for going slightly of topic In a post i made, and it was trivial , but this thread went way of topic ages ago. It was meant to be a discussion about the hidden hand message-law of one, to coin an american phrase, PERIOD. Im sorry ive had to say that et-man because i seriously like and respect you.

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 07:34 PM

Originally posted by thedoctorswife
reply to post by ET_MAN
So this thread is a discussion on philosophical believes, not just hidden hand- law of one, so why did you not title it, Hidden hand message,law of one and general philosophical believes- discussion. I dont want to sound rude but are you a mod now?

What's the big deal?

Most of the participants in this thread have been in it from the beginning. We've steered it in many directions - - eventually - ever so often - looping back to HH and Law of One.

We are happy - - minding our own business - - enjoying ourselves.

What!?!?! Are you and a couple others the "new" cops showing up at the door at 10:00 because of complaints - - - to end a perfectly good innocent and joyful party?

Leave my party alone.

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 09:50 PM

edit on 2-12-2010 by AdonaiChristBless because: (no reason given)

There were two birds sitting in a tree, one bird sees with red the other with blue. The bird seeing in red says to the one seeing in blue what is it like to see blue and the bird seeing in blue in the tree says what do you mean; I see only that which I am able to see which is the color blue. The bird seeing in blue then says to the one seeing in red what it's like to see the color red. The bird replies to the bird seeing blue; I only see that which I am able to see in which it appears to be the color red.

The two birds say to one another then what others colors can we not see, another bird comes along which sees all the colors and discerns every color of the rainbow and they say unto him, what do you see and the other bird says I see red, blue, green, yellow, orange, purple, violet; they say to him what is it like to see and he describes it as a rainbow and they say “what is that?”

He describes a rainbow but the birds which can only discern the colors of red and blue do not understand what he describes unto them as they still cannot perceive it so believe that such a thing could never exist.

The bird which understands what a rainbow looks like says to the other birds, if you can not see the colors how then can you say it doesn't exist, is it because you are color blind and cannot perceive it or understand it?

What if I was to give you some of my sight and offer you to see yellow, then you may see yellow and red but still would not see the full spectrum in the color of the rainbow, but if I was to give you all my sight then you would see the rainbow and understand what I'm referring to.

For I say unto you that those on earth have been whitewashed and conditioned to see only a few colors of the full spectrum. Until they properly come unto the pureness of the holy spirit of Christ they cannot perceive the rest of the rainbow.

For the flesh and mind is weak yet the spirit is always strong and willing for those who pray unto the Father in the name of the Son through the holy spirit.

Some are missing the full spectrum of the rainbow and must wash away their eyes to further allow the spirit to open their eyes of understanding to the full spectrum of the rainbow.

The Christ lives and He shall return, he is the way back unto the Father, those who discern the truth of the spectrum of the rainbow see and perceive it in their spirits. For the time is coming that the winds shall blow as the season draws nigh, prepare yourselves today while you are being called in spirit.

I am your Brother and come unto you humbly beckoning that you find this truth and rainbow for yourselves. Pray always that ye may not be deceived for Satan and those of the underworld wish to entrap and take you upon the coming of the great and quickening day of the Lord. I say unto you that you may not find the truth of these things until you humble yourselves as little children and empty every last drop of your cup with an open spirit that the holy ghost may come upon you and bring you a greater understanding of the truth of the full spectrum of the rainbow.

The holy spirit brings you good tidings and news of amazing things to come for those who listen now and hearken unto the words of Christ who shall come.

I leave you my witness in the name of Christ that I know these things to be true and the time draweth near as the field is already ripe and ready for the coming of the Lord. Prepare your spirits and let us return back to our Father in heaven together.

Reach out to those in need and help and assist them, overcome the material world of corruption and greed. Be ye not of the world and white as doves as there are many wolves that seek to bring you down with them when the time of the Lord comes. Amen

I say keep thy Faith Hope and Love but seek the true meaning of them for many shall tell you this is Faith, this is Hope and this is Love and they shall present nice flowers which are distorted in color and have stinging wasps and toxins that paralyze.

I bear you my witness that I know these things to be true, I say these things in the name of Christ. Amen

A Brother Forever
Adonai Christ Bless

edit on 2-12-2010 by AdonaiChristBless because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-12-2010 by AdonaiChristBless because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 11:05 PM
reply to post by ET_MAN

Thanks for the time of your posting....but I did not join this thread to be preached to about the Bible. If this is the direction you are going to go in now I think you need to start a new thread in the faith forum.

Im not going to take the time to respond further on this because I defiantly do not take the bible or any material as a total truth.

To sum it up....I think you just took every souls right away from them.

We are no different then Jesus, we are all one.

I as well can say, I share what I say because my whole being finds it to be truth. But the supposed truth that is throughout most of the Bible is not something I am going to spend time discussing. It would turn into pages on end about why I dont accept most of what you just posted which is strictly pretty much from a book, what another man has told you.

If it suits your soul to follow that, then I only hope it brings you inner peace.

There was no mistakes. All was meant to be as is. We do not need redemption, we did not need blood covenants, and from what the Spirit has taught me, its a very dark belief that blood had to be split in the name of God.

If your further replys are going to be full of Bible babble which is so unlike your usual 'thinking for yourself' I would rather not partake.

And please, that is not a personal think to you in any way. But there are reasons I dont talk in the Christian threads anymore and I just never thought I would be preached to here in your thread by you.

Its no big deal to me either way....but the Spirit has led me through the book helping me discern it. The majority of it is not spiritual wisdom but earthly knowledge of rituals and beliefs that are not of the Holy Spirit.

Many can think the Spirit leads doesnt make it so. Jesus himself has led me in the discernment as well. One of the first things he showed me....was blood sacrifice was not of Spirit and that we are no different then him, all being One with God/Spirit.

I really dont need a reply because I dont wish to go rounds about the Bible. Ive done enough of that on ATS.

Good luck to you and yours always....what ever path you are on, is what you are in need of somehow, someway.

Love always

As others say they bear witness in the name of Christ.....I too, stand before the heavens in that it is from the Spirit I have learned what I have. Only mine is without a book. The truth is in places that no book is needed or no other man is needed to tell you about it. Its in life, the very design of the Universe. The true word of God is in life itself.

I hope others know, they are loved without measure and I hope they can allow themselves to claim back their personal birth right as a child of God with or without Jesus. To think a man had to die for you....the blood is on your hands just the same as it is the ones that took his life. To not a part of the Divine plan. No covenants were needed....for it all was as it was meant to be from the beginning. We are not here because of someone doing wrong and a mistake in the plan. I find this a sad turn of this thread.
edit on 2-12-2010 by LeoVirgo because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 11:16 PM

Originally posted by AdonaiChristBless

For I say unto you that those on earth have been whitewashed and conditioned to see only a few colors of the full spectrum. Until they properly come unto the pureness of the holy spirit of Christ they cannot perceive the rest of the rainbow.

Again with Christ.

Well - I guess all those who believe in Christ will love your story/parable.

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 11:30 PM
I don't remember a lot of bible stuff with HH. Am I wrong?

What's the deal?

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 01:28 AM
HH's message has connections with the bible as they both speak of lucifer and the devil, yeshua and god, among other points of love and negativity, of resurection to a higher relm as in heaven and or hell, places where spirit then goes by following one way or the other.

where is truth to any message without comparrison between accounts of all material being given, whether that includes bible, channeling, spirit within or just something that someone else wants to bring forth. HH's message clearly dictates things from the bible and conforms them to it's own version of events held as belief, just as belief may lie in the coming together of different messages or accounts of how life and mankind really came to be.

it's not about preaching what is right or wrong, it's about giving access to all materials and a choice of sifting through ones own belief for greater understanding of the whole that is shown through any infomation being shared.

what makes channeling or any other similar source any better or more believability to the accounts held then any other material which has evolved through histories past such as religion or myths already in place, to a point that HH's message seem to give challenge to or direction away from such mainstream beliefs and puts a new spin on things already as given.

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 05:28 AM
reply to post by Annee

Hi Annee,

I think Jesus might be an over seer of this world. But that would put him more in a sub-creator category - - - or even below that as he answers to his father the sub-creator.

Yeshua/Christ was real and the only begotten of the Father born into the flesh, what Christ performed on earth was that which His Father performed in previous creations/existences. Those who saw the Son saw the Father in work as they are One and the same in example. Yeshua/Christ is our Spirit Brother and was chosen to take upon the assignment that He did. The assignment he took upon himself had nothing to do with being greater or better than another or being a ruler over another, such teachings are a distortion of the pureness of the true teachings of Christ.

The divine pre-mortal plan was to reach a higher state of existence and we're all in this together as spirit intelligences experiencing a difficult mortal world with oppositions found in all things. Just want to add for the record, what I'm sharing shouldn't be taken as preaching, it's really only sharing and everyone here should already know that as we've been discussing/sharing for many pages now openly on beliefs and this is the very thing that I'm doing.

Where there is one intelligence on one level there is always another level and so on as there are different levels of intelligence so does the Father have a Father as the Son has a Father. Creator, Creators, God, Gods are merely just human words but in truth all who become perfected immortal beings that are brought into the heavens are one and the same in potential/capability and all things are given unto them, where there is no greater or lesser and those in the Heavens are far more humble and lowly in heart with never-ending unconditional patience, understanding, compassion moreso than man could ever know or become at this level of existence being temporal and mortal. Man has ideas of Kings, Rulers and other such things about Saviors and Gods that are running and ruling over them. This is not the way it is in higher states of existence outside of earth's universe. Such ideas of Kings and Rulers or Gods in the way most define that word to be are of man and are distorted not coming from the true vine-divine truth.

Its interesting that Mormons believe there are many worlds - - but Jesus is the God of our world. Not the universe. Not other worlds. Just this one.

I've been told not to join any religions on earth as most for the most part have been over taken, altered and distorted in various ways. - some religious institutions and teachings draw closer to the truth than others but most have been mingled with half truths/distortions on the pureness of the true teachings of Christ. This is not to say that there are not good churches out there that carry the spirit of Christ to a certain level/degree.

There has been a great cover up by the adversaries of the world behind the scenes who are real and have done everything in their power to cover up the truth about the life of Christ and the true teachings that Yeshua brought forth to mankind. Many would claim that Christ never lived and it was all just a myth and metaphor but I will plainly tell you those are deceptions and lies covering up the real truth.

If you take notice you will see more and more materials coming out to discredit the life of Christ as the time draws near where He shall return and the adversaries of the world know this and are working overtime with plans around the clock for things yet to come.

As the signs of the coming of our Family in the Heavens become more and more apparent those who disbelieve may wonder and consider but the majority will still disbelieve. Even when great signs and wonders are shown forth will they be excused, unaccepted and written off by science.

This thread has always been an open discussion and everyone is free to share anything they want, however they want, as long as it's in accordance with the ATS rules. I setup this thread due to received requests on another thread and never expected it to go this many pages but nevertheless it's open for discussion and all are welcome.

Love & Best Wishes!

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 05:30 AM
reply to post by thedoctorswife

So this thread is a discussion on philosophical believes, not just hidden hand- law of one, so why did you not title it, Hidden hand message,law of one and general philosophical believes- discussion. I dont want to sound rude but are you a mod now?, do you get to decide what is off or on topic, ive had a telling off for going slightly of topic In a post i made, and it was trivial , but this thread went way of topic ages ago. It was meant to be a discussion about the hidden hand message-law of one, to coin an american phrase, PERIOD. Im sorry ive had to say that et-man because i seriously like and respect you.

Hi The Doctors Wife,

I'm sorry if anything I've written or shared has upset you for whatever reason, such is never my intention but we have been sharing various different beliefs throughout this thread all along. Everyone is free to share and discuss whatever they choose to discuss along the lines of beliefs, philosophy and even life in general. I've stated this very thing before quite a few times and nothing has really changed other than me sharing what I know for myself to be true through real personal life experiences and real NDE and physical experiences that I've had.

Love & Best Wishes!

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 05:55 AM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

Hi LeoVirgo,

I defiantly do not take the bible or any material as a total truth.

I've also shared what I feel about the many deceptions/mistranslations/distortions of the bible but for those who can discern that which is truth and good from the opposite it's not very hard to take that which is good and pass over/discern that which is of the opposite. All that is Good is of God=Good. Just another human word really and man has the divide and conquer, survival of the fittest mentality, therefore man creates their own interpretation/definition of what they perceive and believe.

To sum it up....I think you just took every souls right away from them.

How so? Did I not share that all are eternal intelligences with the same rights as all other eternal intelligences and potentially everyone has the same capability/potential within the eternities. One must never say never when their dealing with forever.

We are no different then Jesus, we are all one.

I've shared the very same thing if it was picked up on. However we all do have different assignments or things to accomplish on earth's temporal mortal life existence if you want to view it in such a way.

I as well can say, I share what I say because my whole being finds it to be truth.

I've always suggested follow your heart and in my situation in sharing some of what I have, it may be quite different than in others situations. As for myself I can plainly say due to the experiences that I've had that I know what's beyond the veil of earth's existence and the truth. But I also realize that you may discount and disbelieve in all such experiences as being simply delusions or created experiences in the mind/spirit or something along those lines.

But the supposed truth that is throughout most of the Bible is not something I am going to spend time discussing.

I actually didn't post any direct quotes from the bible although some of what was shared came from the true teachings of Christ that remain in the bible that have for the most part been left untouched and remain as truth.

I dont accept most of what you just posted which is strictly pretty much from a book, what another man has told you.

Yeshua/Christ is the ONE who told me through an NDE miraculous/experience of me coming back to life according to life and death as man understands it to be.

If it suits your soul to follow that, then I only hope it brings you inner peace.

The spirit of Christ is inner peace and ONE with the Holy Spirit of Love and Peace.

There was no mistakes.

Do you believe that you've never made a mistake in your entire life?

We do not need redemption,

Humanity is not perfect and if you can find someone out there that feels they have lived a perfect life than that would be amazing in my eyes. I would have to say if that was the case then perhaps according to their own perception of what they believe to be without mistake or perfect they have lived according to that which they perceive/believe to be perfect. For spirit intelligences which we are - to move forward/progress and exist on higher levels of existence in immortal and perfected worlds/existences we also need to be on that level and without mistake perfected through the spirit of Christ.

How can we join those if our spirits are not in tune with the Creators. It simply cannot be done and to this end there must be redemption and someone taking away our mistakes so that we can reach that level and overcome the oppositions of duality so that we can also become perfected and one in spirit as they are. No fault or errors can ever be made in a perfected state of existence where there is only one spirit and no adversary or opposition that works against us. To exist in such a place is to receive a fullness of joy and eternal happiness, where there is no death or opposition that works against the body, there is no pain or suffering, the body becomes ascended to immortality and everlasting eternal life. To this end was all Creation created so that the Creators could bring to pass eternal life to all spirit intelligences, that they may be eternally happy.

Let he or she cast the first stone that is without error or mistake in their ways.

we did not need blood covenants,

There are no blood oaths and such performed things are not of truth but are distortions, deceptions and lies by the adversary.

and from what the Spirit has taught me, its a very dark belief that blood had to be split in the name of God.

Wars, murder and such things are dark and evil and clearly not good things. The atonement of Yeshua/Christ who gave his life due to him being sentenced to death was to bring to pass the eternal life and immortality of all spirit intelligences and each were more than happy and excited to receive such things before this world in the pre-existence state. What our Brother, Friend and Family member Yeshua/Christ did for us was the greatest thing that could have ever happened. There is nothing dark about the Family in the Heavens coming down and bringing us back to be with them.

If your further replys are going to be full of Bible babble which is so unlike your usual 'thinking for yourself' I would rather not partake.

What I share has not come directly from the bible but is confirmed knowledge received to me personally and the spirit of truth is always here inside of me. I cannot deny what I know to be truth for I have been and seen and witnessed things for myself.

And please, that is not a personal think to you in any way. But there are reasons I dont talk in the Christian threads anymore and I just never thought I would be preached to here in your thread by you.

Perhaps you've taken it as such but we've been discussing and sharing beliefs all along, please read your own replies back to me throughout the discussion and they also could be taken in such a way although I do not take them in that way. I do my very best to only find the good in all things.

Its no big deal to me either way....but the Spirit has led me through the book helping me discern it.

If you are referring to the bible it's mixed up in disinformation structure on a certain level/degree like everything else in earth's existence of duality. Distortions of truth can be found in all earthly materials but most of the words of Christ in doctrine do contain plain in site truths in them nevertheless. What I have to share comes from being a personal witness to certain things and it's not taken from earthly materials but from real experiences and given knowledge/understanding, nevertheless truth is in plain site and can be perceived by all who truly understand how to discern properly what truth is.

The majority of it is not spiritual wisdom

Have you not yourself used statements and teachings coming directly from the words of Jesus Christ (according to that which is written in the new testament) in your own words.

Many can think the Spirit leads doesnt make it so. Jesus himself has led me in the discernment as well.

Do you believe that Jesus Christ lives not being recycled according to some of your other beliefs?

One of the first things he showed me....was blood sacrifice was not of Spirit and that we are no different then him, all being One with God/Spirit.

What you were shown in this regards is true and correct if such words are interpreted correctly.

Good luck to you and yours always....what ever path you are on, is what you are in need of somehow, someway.

Are those who are torturing, murdering, abusing and doing all kinds of evil in the world right where they need to be? Are those performing such things without mistake or error, are they perfect? Even those who do such things intentionally knowing exactly what they are doing to others and enjoy doing such things, are such without mistake and perfect?

As others say they bear witness in the name of Christ.....I too, stand before the heavens in that it is from the Spirit I have learned what I have. Only mine is without a book.

Have you been into the heavens and can you clearly remember what it was like? My experiences do not come from books.

The truth is in places that no book is needed or no other man is needed to tell you about it.

If such were the case than there would be thousands of truths in the world. Is there only one truth or can there be more than one truth? If I was to ask you how you were born into the earth life existence could you tell me that you were never born and have no mother or is there only one truth answer to such a thing?

The true word of God is in life itself.

The true word of God comes from God and is of the Father, the temporal/mortal/duality Creation reveals parts of the creation but is mixed in with half truths and half lies as the structure of duality shows oppositions in all things. Man exists in a mortal/imperfect world that contains disease, pestilence, famine, starvation, sufferings and sorrow even unto death (as man perceives it to be) which is not in a perfected state/condition. If earth existence were in a perfected state , there would be no imperfection, pain, sorrow, suffering, death or opposition of one compound to another on one hand immortality and eternal life and on the other hand an opposite compound of opposition.

I hope others know, they are loved without measure and I hope they can allow themselves to claim back their personal birth right as a child of God

I have also shared that all of mankind have inheritances and birth rights to be Sons and Daughters of God. In truth all spirit intelligences are children of God. Not in the way man perceives children to be on earth for them but on a much higher/different level than could ever be further touched upon at this time. TIME being the Key to all of Eternity.

with or without Jesus. To think a man had to die for you....

Do you believe in Jesus Christ? Do you feel that you know him in Spirit? Do you pray unto the Creator in Jesus Christ's name?

To not a part of the Divine plan.

Clearly killing is not part of the Divine plan, yet are all who kill without mistake and perfect and right where they need to be doing what they are doing? Are all those who murder, abuse and torture knowing and understanding exactly what they are doing to others making them suffer in pain perfect and without mistake? Is that right where they really need to be?

Love always

Love back to you Eternally Forever!

Blessings & Peace!

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 07:04 AM
reply to post by Annee
Oh i so sorry, wheres the love and light now my friend. So are you saying that newish members are not allowed to state their opinions on a relevant issue. All that has been said is that this thread has fallen away from discussing the hidden hand message, and thats entirely true, yes occasionally it has been steered back, but i wonder how many of the thousands of words written in this thread have been about HH. Im sorry to upset you i just thought it was ok to state an opinion on something, obviously i was wrong and you and your friends dictate the route this thread must take. However, if you ever want a good discussion on the actuall HH message please come along to the new HH thread, you will be most welcome.

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 07:19 AM
reply to post by ET_MAN

Dont be silly, nothing you could say would upset me, i dont think you have it in you to upset anyone because you have a really good heart, I dont want to row with anyone, but its just that an issue has been made about this thread not really being specifically about the HH message. Now theres a new one, we can go to that one to talk about HH and continue to talk about spiritual issues on this one. Problem solved.

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 07:31 AM
Hello my friends,

I thought this a good place to interject some of my point of view again. Some posts have taken on an unexpected, yet delightful turn for the better.

First, Adonai, I love the more positive tone of your message. The parable you provided reminds me of an old Nigerian tale told by Babalawos of the IFA traditions. Well done my friend. I encourage you to keep the positive tone growing, but as always, do that which your heart commands.

ET_Man, all I can say is WOW! This was a truly surprising turn. I do not believe I read a post by you which brought in the Christ before, so this definitely took me a little by surprise. This is not to say I haven't enjoyed your posts, I have indeed. Though the view may vary from my own, the common thread of love was always present. How can one speak of love and NOT champion its greatest living testimony?

That being said, I wanted to touch upon perfection. As always with this thread, I do not get involved much, but prefer to observe the growing conscious awareness taking place. However, when a point does arise to touch on, it is because I see great importance in sharing my view because it may benefit the reader. It is not important that all benefit for those who need it will partake, and those who don't will flatly reject it. Such is the nature of sharing.

Are all perfect? Absolutely!

Our father has so created this existence in such precise order that even from our very limited point of view, we can calculate the movements of the great bodies in heaven. With tools and technology we can peer into the smallest realm of the electrons, protons, and neutrons and plot their course and future course based on the mathematical precision in which they move. What this shows us is that everything in the universe has a predetermined course based off the predetermined courses of the rest of the bodies in the past and even into the future. Our view is but an infinitesimally small fraction of the existence, thus our understanding is equally small.

Now what of the divine intelligence who put all into action? What view does it have over the entire work of creation?

My friends it is foolish to count anything as a mistake. That which brought all into being knows the course of movement of every body in this existence even before that body has thought to take it. The calculations are beyond the scope of man to conceive. This is ok, for we are babies to this understanding. Everything is in divine order and this we must have faith in. To do otherwise is to cast judgements on the creators work. To do otherwise is to continue the hardships and pain which result from such judgements. Every human being, no matter how cruel to our primitive understanding of things, has done his part to bring man forward in time. They show us a world we do not desire. They show us behavior we do not wish to see. Yet, we have played a part in the ascension of every cruel leader and despot. We have played a part in the murder of every innocent. We have assisted in the world we see right before our eyes. So, it is foolish to judge that which we are part of. It is foolish to judge the work knowing we do not comprehend the mechanisation of it.

We have intelligence. We can perceive. That which we do not wish to see in our world, we have the power to change. To change, we must understand from whence the undesirable sights before our eyes comes from. It comes from our system of inequity. It comes from judging one over the other. It comes from judging who is right and who is wrong instead of sharing. This great world of endless bounty we have carved into pieces and claimed dominion over. Do you not see that it is equally gifted to all men? Do you witness the boundary lines which divide one nation from another when you take the small step outside our atmosphere? Can you not see it is whole? The division is a creation of Man, not the creator who made it. The sense of inequity is a creation of man, not the creator. Does a father choose among his children which one he loves best? No, not if that father knows true love. Could you decide which of your children to murder if you were faced with the choice? Would you not sacrifice your own life to avoid such a choice?

Forgiveness: To break the cycle of inequity we have created, we must learn to forgive. Forgive yourself for every action you have ever taken in life, for it is the direct product of that which you have experienced. Forgive others, for every action they have taken in life is the direct product of what they have experienced. Love all like the perfect beings you are, and judge NONE.

To judge another is to judge the work of our father the creator. Man has not the view of eternity to make such judgements. There are no mistakes.

Judge not, Love all, be at peace,

With Love,

Your Brother
edit on 3-12-2010 by IAMIAM because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 08:00 AM
reply to post by IAMIAM
Beautifully said. EVERTHING that is has to be of God, because nothing can exist outside of the creator. The hardest lesson to learn is one of forgiveness, how do you forgive someone who has been continually cruel to you many many times, there is only one way, and still this isnt easy, and that is to remember that they and you are the same thing. Ive found though, that it is much easier to say than to do. I also agree with you that God has a plan and that there is meaning to everything that has happened to us in our lives. I would not be here talking to you now and would have not followed this spiritual path, had i not about 5 years ago been seriously ill and days away from death. I wont go into details, but i recovered and afterwards situations happened in my life that brought me to where i am today. I thank God for it because otherwise i might still be the person i was before my illness, stuck in the same meaningless existance. I am rich rich rich, i havnt a penny though, i feel God next to me all the time, i am happy most of the time because i trust him to give me what i need, and do you know what? he does. And thats no miracle, it was there all along.

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 08:13 AM
Coal comes from the ground in which ones stands upon, as more pressure is applied and as more time passes does the coal begin to become a diamond, but the diamond was always the coal for it is only in the pressure and time that the coal became the diamond; for the coal is dark and chalky and easily crumbled and burned for fuel and the diamond is light and solid and used to drill, as the coal becomes the diamond it gains the ability to refract light and all rays may be seen but as coal no rays can be seen.

For all who come from darkness can become like the diamond in light; so too does the coal have miners which mine it for diamonds and wait patiently for it to form. But for some due to the value of the diamond some miners corrupt the diamond so that they may use it for their own gain. They cut from a more natural form into a more valued form, for the coal seeks to be the diamond but the diamond is always the coal and so too does the coal give fuel for the miners.

The miners seek to mine for diamonds and some seek to give them away and some seek to take them for themselves depending on that what is within their make. A tree when burned becomes as charcoal which is much like the coal in itself, be weary of false doctrines, lies and deceptions so that ye may also not be fooled and taken by the wrong crowd.

A tree when burned becomes as charcoal which is much like the coal which becomes as the diamond, as the tree gives life to nature, in its death through fire does it fuel the fire yet more until it becomes carbon and then it becomes reborn. Be ye as children at heart always so that ye may also partake in the first resurrection without having to go through the processes.

As seen in the nature of time and pressure, it's observed that all things change according to a perfect plan. As an example take the process of coal becoming a diamond for instance, one must follow the processes to find the plan. For all who come forth out of darkness may become like the diamond of pure light.

Coal desires and seeks to be the diamond but the true light diamonds are always temporally processed through great patience from the coal. Have ye more patience and dis-attach yourselves to the material world in humility and be not of the coal but of the diamonds so that ye may also take part in the first resurrection on the day of the coming that will come as lightening that ye may receive light to be enlightened forevermore as the true light diamonds.

Adonai Christ bless
edit on 3-12-2010 by AdonaiChristBless because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 08:16 AM
The only thing is, God is a term we use here. For Infinity is an equalizing factor, and there are Infinite Creators/Designers, they don't call themselves God. To me when Yeshua was referring to his Father he was referring to his Higher Self, or our Mother/Father of our Family Group, unless they're one and the same.

All souls, infinite in number, and equal in their volume of infinity have always existed. Souls = Light = Intelligence.

Energy = Matter and Matter = Energy, as in the holographic schools, but Souls are Light = Intelligence, Infinite and Equal in potential.

So some may feel happy with pyramids and God, I am with thrilled with Family, equality, truth, not 50/50 duality blend of manipulations, trying to discern what is truth there. Manipulations or being told a fairy tale, as a good little child and its a Grims Fairy Tale about murder, exploiting other nations, floods, depopulation, gives instructions for monarchies, and for murdering people over sex, and disobediant teens, (not a fairy tale I would ever tell my children), but even worse, its a manipulation. I don't like untruths or manipulations, and I don't support telling them to others.

Love is Love is Love. And its truth too!

edit on 3-12-2010 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 08:22 AM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

I never believed in a blood sacrifice either, and even when I was going to Church, rationalized the only reason he did this was more as a Fireman rushing into save the children, and giving his own life, modeling STO in a heroic fashion. I also believed that he was dying with us, more than for us. Becuase the other version was unaccpeptable to me. I don't know whether I think of him as real or a metaphor either. Did he come down to every planet and perform this "sacrifice"? But metaphor is a manipulation to me, telling the good little children to go and read this and model it its good for them, then cookies and milk before bed. I only can stomach absolute truth, 100% unaltered truth.

Lack of 100% truth is lack of Love to me as well. Love = Truth as well, and never does one lie or manipulate in the Spirit of Love. So I don't go near the bible and patriarchal terms Father, and Trinity, when we're amongst Infinite Family, and Mother is always there as well, doesn't work for me at all.

Though I've had an experience with Father, also with Mother, and She wasn't planet earth or Gaia either. But the reality is, Beyond our Family Group, are Infinite others, Infinite Mother/Fathers, Grandmothers/Grandfathers and so on, and each one of us, a part of our own Higher Selves is Infinite as well, and has Infinite Potential, so its like an earth Family. Mother and Father, and children of different ages, all different in knowledge and growth, but 100% equal, and equal in infinite potential.
edit on 3-12-2010 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

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