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Originally posted by ET_MAN
reply to post by AdonaiChristBless
Hi AdonaiChristBless,
Thank you for taking the time to reply, I still have some questions for you and hope to better understand where you're coming from exactly. I applaud you for your efforts in trying to help people and do feel that you are genuinely sincere about it.
Originally posted by Rodaggam
Gravity has been explained by the Pleiadian Maggador, stating that gravity is caused by micro-singularities, or mini black holes, in the center of Earth and other planets and suns, and this is why suns eventually collapse into red dwarves etc and then turn into black holes - as the black hole will grow.
This is also causing vulcanic and seismic activity on planets as the black hole affects everything.
More info on this and his information here:
Originally posted by sphinx551
reply to post by Archangel In Training
What do you think of the concepts in the movie Inception (if you have seen it)?
Is the Expanding Earth theory correct and Earth is really expanding?
Is the Earth hollow and Agartha really exists?
Originally posted by Archangel In Training
Yup the Earth is hollow there are worlds within worlds down there and some of those worlds are not such good worlds to be in. Some are 10-20 times worse then Earth up here so we should be very thankfull that we are up here. Also send a lot of love and light down to there because they really need it. Warning to you my friend no matter how intriguing it will be do not go down there because many people do not return. It is very very very very rarely that someone returned from a trip from down there. Once they returned they were never the same again in a mental state type of way. Cause some sick sick stuff happens down there and it could scare even the most mentally and emotionally strongest man alive.
Originally posted by AdonaiChristBless
reply to post by ET_MAN
Good is all actions which intention and moderation behind it is done to serve another it base is on selfless action through choices.
Evil is all actions in which intention and moderation behind it is done to serve self it base is on selfish action through choices.
Evil be-gets Evil and Good be-gets Good.
what we are telling you is Evil is a infection in which if one does not learn to discern can possess the person leading into psychopathic behaviours which then generates karma in itself and if taken far enough into 'Evil' one will polarise within it frequency therefore progress into a more 'negative' world
Through manipulation of the laws in place they are able to alter the environment there by the genetic structure so that it becomes a source of food for all 'STS' entities therefore feeding the 'old gods' and Ormethion in the process.
amongst each other, specifically they feed upon all forms of your suffering Wether is be mental,
physical or emotional.
What kind of life should they be living to learn?
One in which always do they question every thought every action every emotion felt, one which they question reality and what is happening in the environment at all times, one which they constantly seek the truth for the greatest good.
Questioning things in the world and finding answers for one's self is the best thing a person can do, one should always follow their heart.
One should consider that by setting their heart upon materialistic things of the world it is not the wisest choice to make as temporal things of the world are taken away upon leaving the temporal vehicle/body/flesh.
One should consider that it's a wiser choice/decision to focus on that which is 'eternal' versus focusing on the temporal body/worldly possessions.
To live in harmony with each other as brothers not just say it but to generate groups and communities working together as a family, but to also disassociate from wicked people as it is necessary for they will try to corrupt and manipulate the good so that they become evil, for this is the nature of such things.
How do you choose a Service to others path?
HH: Be good to yourself. Cultivate a genuine Love for Life, and for Being. Be genuinely thankful to the Infinite Creator every day, for bringing you into Being, and for his bountiful provision. You have "survived" this far, have you not? You may not have everything you want, but you have everything you need, in order to complete that which you incarnated here to do. Give thanks for that. Show acknowledgment and gratitude to the Infinite Creator, for all that It has done, and is doing for you. It has given you the gift of Life Experience, and offered you the Free Will to decide what you will Create with it. Guard your thoughts carefully, as they are more powerful than you may imagine. When you are coming from a place of Love for, and Service to your Creator, a life of Service to others will become a natural outflowing from that. Always look for ways that you can be of assistance to your fellow Beings. Being of encouragement to others. Build people up, and do not put people down. Be a beacon of light, in a dark world.
To put living things before material inanimate objects, to seek spirit over matter to understand consciousness in all it complex details to put effort into learning about oneself and oneself reality
To learn humbly and to not claim truth as your own but to understand truth as something one progresses towards as one learns within ones own path
to use the emotions wisely in discerning good and evil for one who is angry at seeing another being tortured maimed killed by evil is good, righteous anger is good, anger over something for oneself such as something going wrong that you did not want to happen in your expectation is bad anger is ego 'false self'.
"Fear leads to anger, Anger leads to hate, Hate leads to Suffering." Yoda
on a physical level look after your container, find out which chemicals affect it in what way which exercises help it develop which mediums are best for learning and which are harming you. We will give example hydrofluoric acid 'fluoride' put in tap water and other substances is a dangerous material to be exposed too not only does it make one more susceptible to programming but it will limit ones third eye from developing therefore the ability to utilised healing energies to fight of illnesses within oneself as well as to see truth clearer, it alone will create blockages within your psychic centres.
Be aware also that any form of technology that can transmit light can be utilised to affect your thought patterns, this includes computers, TV's, Radios, strobe-lights, satellites etc. it is recommended reduction of exposure if truly seeking to develop yourself to deeper levels of consciousness awareness.
Is that why they fear you?
Yes, our knowledge my knowledge they fear.
Where does your knowledge come from?
It is mostly memory, years of research and allowing 'Creator' to show me the answers,
How has the Creator shown you the answers?
In signs in life and through the language of light.
Some do not have a soul but a imprint they are usually 'Evil' those who are adamatic at the true developing sparks amongst the darkness.
Does the Creator show you visions?
Have you been taken off this planet and shown things?
If so, do you leave in the physical body or are you taken out of your body in spirit?
Soul leaves the body.
There is so many who with good intentions are causing damage to others this is why we Intervened.
I have the experience/knowledge to understand how to do it without causing the damage.
Are you one of the masters?
Is everyone the same soul/being experiencing a small piece or fractal of the 1 Creator from your perspective?
No, different essences from different aspects of infinity intelligence logos consciousness expressions, hence not all are at same level in development or share the same awareness, nor do all have the same potential.
At present I am speaking on forums, to people in person and through my being here it changes things, it is not yet time to go 'Public' as to many instabilities would lead to people attack those of us causing chaos where it is not needed 'we learn from our mistakes as well'.
Originally posted by phoenix_zephyr
Never mind ... deleted post.
- Phoenix
[edit on 20-8-2010 by phoenix_zephyr]
Originally posted by Annee
Originally posted by ET_MAN
reply to
By the way - ET MAN.
Thank YOU. Thank you for rising above the babble and intelligently directing this thread and questions in a mature thoughtful manner - - - that we may all learn/experience - - knowledge/information presented by all participants.
ET MAN - for president! (of the universe) Sorry - couldn't resist.
Maybe you could just arrange an implant in the next few candidates - - - so that you can infuse your wisdom in their unsuspecting gray matter.
Hey! We could all lighten up a little. LOL