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Hidden Hand Message - Law Of One - Discussion!

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posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 08:28 PM

Originally posted by ET_MAN
reply to post by AdonaiChristBless

Hi AdonaiChristBless,

Thank you for taking the time to reply, I still have some questions for you and hope to better understand where you're coming from exactly. I applaud you for your efforts in trying to help people and do feel that you are genuinely sincere about it.

By the way - ET MAN.

Thank YOU. Thank you for rising above the babble and intelligently directing this thread and questions in a mature thoughtful manner - - - that we may all learn/experience - - knowledge/information presented by all participants.


ET MAN - for president! (of the universe) Sorry - couldn't resist.

Maybe you could just arrange an implant in the next few candidates - - - so that you can infuse your wisdom in their unsuspecting gray matter.

Hey! We could all lighten up a little. LOL

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 08:37 PM

Originally posted by Rodaggam
Gravity has been explained by the Pleiadian Maggador, stating that gravity is caused by micro-singularities, or mini black holes, in the center of Earth and other planets and suns, and this is why suns eventually collapse into red dwarves etc and then turn into black holes - as the black hole will grow.

This is also causing vulcanic and seismic activity on planets as the black hole affects everything.

More info on this and his information here:

Hi Rodoggam,

It sounds like Nassim Haramein's black hole nature of reality/unified field

Best Wishes!

[edit on ECDT1111AugPM51 by ET_MAN]

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 09:01 PM
reply to post by ET_MAN

Thank you for such intelligent message my brother may you be blessed through all the time. I know who I truly am now and everything ties in with everything that has happened. I realize for what I know is a gift that I must treasure and be thankfully appreciative off. For what I do not know is for my own good and I must show patience like a true Angel to show them that I know what must be done.

Thank you my brother for everything you showed me and done for me you are of true light.

P.S: if you are confused what I am talking about ask Unity she will explain it better

Love and Light to you.

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 09:35 PM
reply to post by Archangel In Training

What do you think of the concepts in the movie Inception (if you have seen it)?
Is the Expanding Earth theory correct and Earth is really expanding?
Is the Earth hollow and Agartha really exists?


posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 09:50 PM

Originally posted by sphinx551
reply to post by Archangel In Training

What do you think of the concepts in the movie Inception (if you have seen it)?
Is the Expanding Earth theory correct and Earth is really expanding?
Is the Earth hollow and Agartha really exists?


Inception is possible however rules must be applied to it, it is only allowed if the individual you are invading is ok with it and his guides clear it. That is the only time you are able to go within a dream of another person but if you do get in. Now getting out would be the problem so I do not truly suggest because what they spoke of in the movie is true. Due to the fact that there are infinite levels of dreams and constructs. So being trapped would not be nice nor it would be a good thing to experiment with. Trust me from personal experience I know what I am talking about.

Earth yes but not expanding she is growing growing into a mature state more likely. Like me and you grow from immature children to mature adults

Yup the Earth is hollow there are worlds within worlds down there and some of those worlds are not such good worlds to be in. Some are 10-20 times worse then Earth up here so we should be very thankfull that we are up here. Also send a lot of love and light down to there because they really need it. Warning to you my friend no matter how intriguing it will be do not go down there because many people do not return. It is very very very very rarely that someone returned from a trip from down there. Once they returned they were never the same again in a mental state type of way. Cause some sick sick stuff happens down there and it could scare even the most mentally and emotionally strongest man alive.

P.S: You are one furry guy my friend
I envy you most likely you do not get cold in winter

Love and Light it is fun to answer your questions also great to talk to you.


[edit on 20-8-2010 by Archangel In Training]

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 09:51 PM

[edit on ECDT1111AugPM51 by ET_MAN]

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 09:59 PM

Originally posted by Archangel In Training

Yup the Earth is hollow there are worlds within worlds down there and some of those worlds are not such good worlds to be in. Some are 10-20 times worse then Earth up here so we should be very thankfull that we are up here. Also send a lot of love and light down to there because they really need it. Warning to you my friend no matter how intriguing it will be do not go down there because many people do not return. It is very very very very rarely that someone returned from a trip from down there. Once they returned they were never the same again in a mental state type of way. Cause some sick sick stuff happens down there and it could scare even the most mentally and emotionally strongest man alive.

Where are the entrances to the Hollow Earth? Do Reptilians live in the Hollow Earth? Do tall humans live in the Hollow Earth? Is Hollow Earth a place a person can visit right now physically or is Hollow Earth or Agartha a higher vibrational place?
I am done asking questions for today.

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 10:07 PM
reply to post by sphinx551

There are some terrible channels under the earth where terrible things are done by the bloodlines and also by that which loves a desert. They drink peoples blood, eat certain organs as well, there are altars, for rituals, terrible things, they make genetic mutations, even insect humans. They also clone giant insects. And for breeding purposes.

There are positive bases and channels as well, but.....enough said. And if fema ever occurs, the trains take people down below, never ever let them round you up.

Love is what is needed. For when we turn all things around by viewing all in the other's perspective and forgive, not judge and work through our issues, we are shining love, we are determined to not give negativity even to those who are not being loving towards us, but reminding them they are light under their masks, planting seeds, they do not have a hold over us. Our Higher Selves are the only ones who decide this and the Family of Light.

Then this is not possible.

But the would be elites have sold out humanity to these negatives and put karma, wars, and the starvation of many on us, claiming they are giving us what we wish. We are making the choice.

We need to strive for, yearn for, and reach the next level of love, expanded consciousness, compassion, caring, lending a helping hand.

And to me, forgiveness and healing vastly overcomes karma.

[edit on 20-8-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on Aug, 21 2010 @ 03:07 AM
reply to post by ET_MAN

Good is all actions which intention and moderation behind it is done to serve another it base is on selfless action through choices.

Evil is all actions in which intention and moderation behind it is done to serve self it base is on selfish action through choices.

Both are in them-self different para-grams of knowledge one is a infective force it imposes on others, one liberates others in its knowledge, one uses the truth to free, one uses the truth to enslave.

Neither can exist together for they are polar opposites so they are a constant conflicting of energy which takes manifest in many forms through the various 'dimensions/densities' this people know as duality in which in order to progress into the less distorted realms one must begin to discern oneself own Evil from oneself own Good through decided in which they 'Love'.

This decision a polarisation will occur this will determine the possibility of realms the soul can enter for its next series of lessons depending upon the choice depends upon the type of realm they experience in the next cycle, hence Evil be-gets Evil and Good be-gets Good.

So in conclusion what we are telling you is Evil is a infection in which if one does not learn to discern can possess the person leading into psychopathic behaviours which then generates karma in itself and if taken far enough into 'Evil' one will polarise within it frequency therefore progress into a more 'negative' world of experience hence what Lucifer was referring too.

But Lucifer is not truly 'Evil', Evil in being is the 'old gods' specifically Moloch which is the son manifestation of the centre Ormethion father and creator of Anti Christ Moloch/BAAL/DAGON in which all infected become part of, hence in being Ormethion is the 'creator gods' which created all draconian races and necronicons and the physical universe is it creation to temp the spirit into being binded..

Through manipulation of the laws in place they are able to alter the environment there by the genetic structure so that it becomes a source of food for all 'STS' entities therefore feeding the 'old gods' and Ormethion in the process. They then with there knowledge of 'cause and effect' set-up a organisation to direct the timeline towards specific events and outcomes limiting the possibilities of future developments and containing the world within limiting parameters designed to be a struggle and to generate the emotional sustenance that they feed upon which is the distortions people so network amongst each other, specifically they feed upon all forms of your suffering Wether is be mental, physical or emotional.

This limits us too 4000 words these topics to be understood in part would take much more than that but we have given you a summery, we will answer the rest of questions in next post.

Adonai Christ bless

posted on Aug, 21 2010 @ 03:34 AM
What kind of life should they be living to learn?

One in which always do they question every thought every action every emotion felt, one which they question reality and what is happening in the environment at all times, one which they constantly seek the truth for the greatest good.

To live in harmony with each other as brothers not just say it but to generate groups and communities working together as a family, but to also disassociate from wicked people as it is necessary for they will try to corrupt and manipulate the good so that they become evil, for this is the nature of such things.

To gather knowledge always but to discern through a though-er process, so that one does not absorb damaging knowledge, To give to each other without a intention of taking unlike the economic model mankind is conditioned to live by now, this does not mean physical always as one can give spiritually as well by being their for the person.

To put living things before material inanimate objects, to seek spirit over matter to understand consciousness in all it complex details to put effort into learning about oneself and oneself reality 'which is much hard work'.

To learn humbly and to not claim truth as your own but to understand truth as something one progresses towards as one learns within ones own path but that truth itself is truly One which belongs to the 'Creator' how much of it you are aware is a different matter.

To control ones emotions and channel it productively, to overcome sexual desire itself so that the energy may be used for more creative mediums, to use the emotions wisely in discerning good and evil for one who is angry at seeing another being tortured maimed killed by evil is good, righteous anger is good, anger over something for oneself such as something going wrong that you did not want to happen in your expectation is bad anger is ego 'false self'.

Much more but limited medium we are using plus people must learn for themselves.

What lessons do they need to learn?

Specifically the Natural laws which govern this realm that we currently occupy, understanding but the simplicity of it and the complexity. It is very important that the Karma law is understand in all of its complexity then one can consciously guide oneself in life without karma being part of the experience. Understand that science is a part of it as well but so is understanding of esoteric and gnostic perspectives but all must be inter-grated to be utilised.

What other kind of things should they avoid doing besides giving advice to others or teaching?

This question can be answered by reviewing other questions however on a physical level look after your container, find out which chemicals affect it in what way which exercises help it develop which mediums are best for learning and which are harming you. We will give example hydrofluoric acid 'fluoride' put in tap water and other substances is a dangerous material to be exposed too not only does it make one more susceptible to programming but it will limit ones third eye from developing therefore the ability to utilised healing energies to fight of illnesses within oneself as well as to see truth clearer, it alone will create blockages within your psychic centres.

Be aware also that any form of technology that can transmit light can be utilised to affect your thought patterns, this includes computers, TV's, Radios, strobe-lights, satellites etc. it is recommended reduction of exposure if truly seeking to develop yourself to deeper levels of consciousness awareness.

[edit on 21-8-2010 by AdonaiChristBless]

posted on Aug, 21 2010 @ 04:01 AM
reply to post by ET_MAN

Who are the masters and where are the masters?
The entities in which developed a soul complex to point in which it created a 'higher-self' to work with, the entities in which developed their knowledge to the point in understanding and through utilisation of the awareness achieved 'Ascension'.
Do you have power over the world elite/bloodlines?
No that would be breaching there freewill, I have the power over my own experience here yes.

Is there something that you can do to them?

Is that why they fear you?
Yes, our knowledge my knowledge they fear.
Where does your knowledge come from and are you channeling most of your information since you refer to yourself as 'We' most of the time?

It is mostly memory, years of research and allowing 'Creator' to show me the answers,

Do you believe in just 1 Creator for this universe or are there many?
One that is the many yes, we have explained much of it in more detail in our thread but it is 150+ pages of information 'we do code within our answers as well so that souls have options of further development through realisations on there own'.

Do you believe in everyone being a part of the 1 Creator or is the 1 Creator separate and a different entity/being from 'souls' experiencing life on planet Earth?
Part of it but some only currently have a imprint have not developed a complex yet, physical universe itself has separated itself from the ethereal in being so hence sustains itself like a parasite on each other feeding on the spiritual energies of developing souls.
Some do not have a soul but a imprint they are usually 'Evil' those who are adamatic at the true developing sparks amongst the darkness.

How has the Creator shown you the answers?
In signs in life and through the language of light.

Have you spoken directly with the Creator?
Yes before birth was the Creator Adonai.

Does the Creator show you visions?

Does the Creator visit you in person?
No, representations have occurred at specific intervals in life-path.

Have you been taken off this planet and shown things?

If so, do you leave in the physical body or are you taken out of your body in spirit?
Soul leaves the body.

Can you share some of the experiences you've had with the rest of us?
At a later time we have shared some in our thread, but to many answers in one posting is not so good for the brain 'can cause overlord'.
There is so many who with good intentions are causing damage to others this is why we Intervened.

Are you one of the masters?


I must assume according to your perspective that if you are one of the assigned masters by the Creator having good intentions to assist others then you in particular are not causing damage to others but other people with good intentions trying to help people are only damaging themselves and others by trying to help?

Yes but I have the experience/knowledge to understand how to do it without causing the damage.

Do you believe that you are the other people in this world and that they are you also?

Yes all is self however not all is of the same 'Creator' as in each creator creates and a personal link occurs with that aspect of intelligence.

Is everyone the same soul/being experiencing a small piece or fractal of the 1 Creator from your perspective?

No, different essences from different aspects of infinity intelligence logos consciousness expressions, hence not all are at same level in development or share the same awareness, nor do all have the same potential.

Please provide details and further explain where you are coming from and it would also be great if you could start a reptilian thread on ATS and share some of what you've shared with everyone on Godlike productions. I would love to participate in that thread and share my perspective on it.

We have done that, ATS is linked to the elite but so is Godlike productions we are getting to point now of progressing past these sites and developing our own, this will be done to be example to others of service to others all information in all forms will be given freely no obligation to reading any material will be required but it will be recommended of we plan to structure it in a way so that it helps one develop oneself understanding from simplicity to complexity.

We simply spoke in them because one can find diamonds amongst coal, we simply applied the pressure over time to generate gems for others to find.

Last question:

If you are a master sent by the Creator to teach the world on how they should be living their life and what choices they should be making to escape being a food supply to the evil one's who run/control the universe then how are you getting this information out to the world?

At present I am speaking on forums, to people in person and through my being here it changes things, it is not yet time to go 'Public' as to many instabilities would lead to people attack those of us causing chaos where it is not needed 'we learn from our mistakes as well'.

What kind of tools has the Creator given to you to properly share this information with the rest of the world in order to prepare for the as you put it 'Coming Harvest'?

Ability to see the subatomic particles itself with my physical eyes, to read the information they are presenting to be able to discern in mind a complex amount of information and sort through the most relevant and useful information to absorb and utilise in life, there is more but at this moment we choose not to say.

Adonai Christ bless

posted on Aug, 21 2010 @ 08:52 AM
[edit on 21-8-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on Aug, 21 2010 @ 01:06 PM
Do the 12-13 elders recommend/prefer that souls incarnate on Earth or can a soul truly choose which planet to incarnate to?

posted on Aug, 21 2010 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by AdonaiChristBless
reply to post by ET_MAN

Good is all actions which intention and moderation behind it is done to serve another it base is on selfless action through choices.

Evil is all actions in which intention and moderation behind it is done to serve self it base is on selfish action through choices.

I like that. I prefer Positive and Negative - - over Good and Evil - - but that's just me.

I live (24 hour continuously) by "Every Thought is an Action".

Choosing positive/good at the first formation of thought. Is a responsibility.

If a negative thought begins to form - - twirl it - twist it - - don't let it leave the "nursery". You can put anything in positive. It may not always be a happy positive - but that's the challenge.

posted on Aug, 21 2010 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by AdonaiChristBless

Hi AdonaiChristBless,

Thanks for taking the time to further explain everything, I think your answers are wise and good one's. I have some more questions based on those answers but I just wanted to say that we share much in common. Many things that you've shared are very similar if not the same things I've shared in other threads just in a different way. The same principles and fundamental/basic understandings of avoiding doing 'negative' things or 'evil' - service to self things - focusing on service to others and more 'positive things' due to consequence for those actions when choosing 'negative' - 'evil' or as you put it 'service to self' versus 'service to others.'

I also prefer using the words 'positive' and 'negative' myself as Annee suggests and have used those words in the past instead of 'good' and 'evil' but they were easily misinterpreted by some so I think the best way is to use both words to define what is meant to be conveyed as many people see things differently and interpret both words evil and negative differently.

Evil be-gets Evil and Good be-gets Good.
what we are telling you is Evil is a infection in which if one does not learn to discern can possess the person leading into psychopathic behaviours which then generates karma in itself and if taken far enough into 'Evil' one will polarise within it frequency therefore progress into a more 'negative' world

I think that is well said, what a person chooses based on the decisions they make and actions towards others determines the outcome/consequence of where they go and what they become. The more they are serving themselves in 'selfishness' disregarding others and even hurting/harming others in order to get what they want for themselves the more they are going astray and turning towards the 'negative' or 'evil' - service to self side which leads them to an afterlife/existence that will match up with who they've become and how they chose to live.

I just wanted to add that I believe it's necessary for everyone to experience things in life to learn that is why there is oppositions and two sides to a coin in all things. So we can have freewill and choose our own path and learn in the process. However as you have pointed out there are consequences for those actions and choosing certain things that hurt/harm others by only caring about ourselves being 'service to self' comes with a price. It's still a learning experience but it can lead us to becoming something we may not want to become but ultimately we are choosing our own path based on how we treat each other and ourselves.

Through manipulation of the laws in place they are able to alter the environment there by the genetic structure so that it becomes a source of food for all 'STS' entities therefore feeding the 'old gods' and Ormethion in the process.

amongst each other, specifically they feed upon all forms of your suffering Wether is be mental,
physical or emotional.

Do you feel that 'entities' are only feeding on the 'service to self' people through their negative 'service to self' actions/conflicts along with all of those suffering in the world through war, disease, starvation, abuse, neglect - experiencing misery/pain and so on or is everyone feeding them in one way or another to a certain level/degree?

What kind of life should they be living to learn?

One in which always do they question every thought every action every emotion felt, one which they question reality and what is happening in the environment at all times, one which they constantly seek the truth for the greatest good.

I feel the same way and agree that people should closely watch their thoughts/emotions - actions/deeds that determine many things based on the law of consequence to action.

Here are a few quotes of mine that fall in line with what you've shared.

Questioning things in the world and finding answers for one's self is the best thing a person can do, one should always follow their heart.

One should consider that by setting their heart upon materialistic things of the world it is not the wisest choice to make as temporal things of the world are taken away upon leaving the temporal vehicle/body/flesh.

One should consider that it's a wiser choice/decision to focus on that which is 'eternal' versus focusing on the temporal body/worldly possessions.

To live in harmony with each other as brothers not just say it but to generate groups and communities working together as a family, but to also disassociate from wicked people as it is necessary for they will try to corrupt and manipulate the good so that they become evil, for this is the nature of such things.

Hidden hand shared the following that I completely agree with and I think it's a great answer, by the way I don't disagree with everything in the HH message.

How do you choose a Service to others path?

HH: Be good to yourself. Cultivate a genuine Love for Life, and for Being. Be genuinely thankful to the Infinite Creator every day, for bringing you into Being, and for his bountiful provision. You have "survived" this far, have you not? You may not have everything you want, but you have everything you need, in order to complete that which you incarnated here to do. Give thanks for that. Show acknowledgment and gratitude to the Infinite Creator, for all that It has done, and is doing for you. It has given you the gift of Life Experience, and offered you the Free Will to decide what you will Create with it. Guard your thoughts carefully, as they are more powerful than you may imagine. When you are coming from a place of Love for, and Service to your Creator, a life of Service to others will become a natural outflowing from that. Always look for ways that you can be of assistance to your fellow Beings. Being of encouragement to others. Build people up, and do not put people down. Be a beacon of light, in a dark world.

To put living things before material inanimate objects, to seek spirit over matter to understand consciousness in all it complex details to put effort into learning about oneself and oneself reality

Well said

To learn humbly and to not claim truth as your own but to understand truth as something one progresses towards as one learns within ones own path

I completely agree and that is a good way of putting it, we are all progressing through earth life experiences and the memories we store in our temporal/technology finite brains is but a fraction in comparison to our eternal 'soul' memories/knowledge. Staying humble as you put it is a wise thing to do.

to use the emotions wisely in discerning good and evil for one who is angry at seeing another being tortured maimed killed by evil is good, righteous anger is good, anger over something for oneself such as something going wrong that you did not want to happen in your expectation is bad anger is ego 'false self'.

I agree for the most part, I just have my own perspective on this. I try not to harbor anger inside of me as it affects my inner spirit and could lead to certain prejudices/hate among other 'negative' actions but the way I see it is this.

Those who are doing such acts to another person such as torture, abuse, murder and so on I
denounce/reject those actions. I send out prayers/thoughts/wishes hoping that such activity can be stopped in the world. I send out Love and Peace hoping that humanity can learn it's lessons and end the human suffering, wars, bloodshed, neglect, abuse and so on. I always hope/pray and wish for the best outcome in all things for all people regardless of who they are or what they've done. I believe in everyone and see everyone as 'Family', I may not support their actions but those actions are not their eternal 'soul' only their temporal 'self' experiencing this world on their own path – perhaps lost and disconnected from their higher awareness/selves. I view them as temporarily finding their way in life and I wish/hope the best for everyone.

My 'soul' and 'heart' only harbors unconditional Love for everyone and I can't find it in myself to get easily angry. I may get frustrated and briefly upset but I can't find it in myself to get easily angry and I try not to harbor those emotions/feelings. If they do come it is quick and I reject/release them as I have learned my lessons on what anger/hate is and where it leads. That is my take on it.

"Fear leads to anger, Anger leads to hate, Hate leads to Suffering." Yoda

on a physical level look after your container, find out which chemicals affect it in what way which exercises help it develop which mediums are best for learning and which are harming you. We will give example hydrofluoric acid 'fluoride' put in tap water and other substances is a dangerous material to be exposed too not only does it make one more susceptible to programming but it will limit ones third eye from developing therefore the ability to utilised healing energies to fight of illnesses within oneself as well as to see truth clearer, it alone will create blockages within your psychic centres.

Interestingly enough, even though I do not post much on this I have long been into researching such things. I almost lost my life on one occasion and had an NDE experience where the doctors pronounced me dead and pulled out the equipment from the room. It took a lot of demanding on my family's part to have them try and revive me again and not stop but they finally did and sure enough 'miracles' if you want to call them that do happen. Of course I understand that it was planned all along and either way the family on the other side had it all under control and intended for me to come back and would have made it happen in one way or another.

Since that particular experience I had to recover and look after my body/healthy more closely due to the many complications I had including surgeries/medications/antibiotics etc while in ICU. I turned to herbal medicines, natural cures studying many natural supplements/alternatives to get myself back to heath instead of through prescription medications and knew I was being guided/led to such things. I've learned to avoid regular tap water, aspartame and other artificial sweeteners many years ago along with trying to avoid too many chemical additives/preservatives and so on sticking with whole fruits/vegetables/grains/foods etc.

The body can affect the spirit/connection and keeping healthy in every which way is a wise thing to do. I do not use microwaves or drink tap water. I try to avoid as many chemicals as possible and here is a really big important one for me. I take the time every once in a while to go on a detox to rid the body of toxins. 'Sweating' is the best way as the skin is the largest organ in the body that rids itself of toxins.

Using an infrared sauna or (regular) works the best to rid the body of built up toxins. Sweating when a person exercises is not the same as sweating in a 'sauna' as the sweating must come from a 'heat' source. If one truly wants to continuously rid their body of toxins and avoid possible physical health-problems/sickness/complications sweating is a good way. Sweating also releases fat and as most know toxins in the human body are stored in the fat cells. Building up the immune system is another key factor through moderation in diet and exercise. The more air that a person consumes per day the more oxygen blood flow there is that helps alleviate toxins/pathogens avoiding sickness/health problems.

Most athletes cannot get sick or an infection easily due to the amount of oxygen they intake. Building up the immune system, ridding the body of toxins and exercise is key to avoiding illness/infections and keeping the immune system prime from my perspective. Going on a natural juice fast is a good way of cleaning out the body as well and I would recommend using a 'sauna' at least 20 minutes every now and then. It takes about 5mins for the body to start sweating and a person should sweat a minimum of 15mins for it to be an affective session to get rid of toxins. You will notice feeling cleaner and better after stepping out of the 'sauna' and you are also burning calories and losing weight at the same time which is a plus.

I also try to use natural/organic 'Braggs' apple cider vinegar a few tbsp's a day with vegetables on a salad or straight along with a few tbsp's of first cold pressed olive oil that are both healthy/beneficial to the body. Using cayenne pepper if you can handle it with food helps clean out the bloodstream as well. I also recommend a few tsp's or tbsp's of 100% virgin coconut oil on a daily basis which has many health benefits and can also help one lose/maintain weight. Braggs liquid amino acids is a great natural (health beneficial) substitute instead of using soy sauce. Consuming fresh lemons is healthy and cleans out the body as well. Garlic is a great anti-oxidant to help clean out the bloodstream and heart. First cold pressed oils of all kinds can do wonders for the body and are very health beneficial if used in moderation. Flaxseed is excellent, taking a few tbps's of Psyllium husk is good to help clean out the colon every now and then. Doing a colon cleanse or getting a colonix is a good way of avoiding illness/sickness/disease as it rids itself of built up excess toxins/junk in the colon. Drinking a number of good herbal teas can only be health beneficial. Kidney/liver cleanses every so often are recommended. These are some things I recommend to people out of many different things I've tried. Of course I have a long list of things but will leave it at that.

An organic apple a day helps keep the doctor away and I believe in that.

Good music is always soothing to the 'soul.'

I support what you've suggested when it comes to the body and health and it's an important thing as well but from my perspective the most important thing is the eternal 'soul' as materialistic things of this world including the temporal body will eventually breakdown in due 'time.'

Moderation/balance is the key to good physical and spiritual health.

Be aware also that any form of technology that can transmit light can be utilised to affect your thought patterns, this includes computers, TV's, Radios, strobe-lights, satellites etc. it is recommended reduction of exposure if truly seeking to develop yourself to deeper levels of consciousness awareness.

I agree on many levels as there are (definitely) subliminal messages/programming going on within commercials, advertisements, newspapers, TV shows, movies and so on. I try to avoid watching too much TV and getting outside in (nature) is preferable/recommended. Going on hikes if you have a place to hike or nice walks/jogs. Getting enough Sun in the morning, 15mins a day if possible or more is excellent. Jumping on a mini trampoline or any trampoline is good for the body and does wonders for the lymphatic system.

Is that why they fear you?
Yes, our knowledge my knowledge they fear.

Have the elite ever attempted to contact you?

Do you believe they monitor you?

Where does your knowledge come from?

It is mostly memory, years of research and allowing 'Creator' to show me the answers,

Can other people in the world make the same connection as you suggest with the 'Creator'?

How has the Creator shown you the answers?

In signs in life and through the language of light.

Can other people in the world receive answers?

Some do not have a soul but a imprint they are usually 'Evil' those who are adamatic at the true developing sparks amongst the darkness.

How many in the world if you were to take a guess would you say do not have 'souls'?

What percentage of the world's population?

Is it possible for a person to lose their 'soul'?

Does the Creator show you visions?

Do these visions/dreams take place while in sleep-mode?

Have you been taken off this planet and shown things?

If so, do you leave in the physical body or are you taken out of your body in spirit?
Soul leaves the body.

So basically OBE outer body experiences?

Does this happen while you are in sleep-mode and do you return with full memory of those experiences?

Is it possible that some OBE's - visions/dreams could be implanted memories to cover up what may have really happened?

Is it possible that some memories are blocked and will never be taken back with a 'soul' when having such experiences?

There is so many who with good intentions are causing damage to others this is why we Intervened.

If others shared some of the same information you are sharing with good intentions to help others would you consider them to still be causing damage?

I have the experience/knowledge to understand how to do it without causing the damage.

If someone used your general statements on how to live and shared them with others would that be considered OK from your perspective?

Are you one of the masters?

Why is the word 'Master' being used?

Master versus slave? King versus regular? Lord versus common folk?

Just curious why the word Master is being used instead of 'Helper' or 'Teacher'?

Is everyone the same soul/being experiencing a small piece or fractal of the 1 Creator from your perspective?

No, different essences from different aspects of infinity intelligence logos consciousness expressions, hence not all are at same level in development or share the same awareness, nor do all have the same potential.

From the bigger picture let's say or 'infinite perspective' do you believe that everyone has the same potential or are you referring to just the earth life experience?

At present I am speaking on forums, to people in person and through my being here it changes things, it is not yet time to go 'Public' as to many instabilities would lead to people attack those of us causing chaos where it is not needed 'we learn from our mistakes as well'.

Do you have near future plans to go public?

Do you work with others helping you or is it just you?

Wouldn't it be easier to spread information through others if others shared some of the same information?

Love & Peace

Best Wishes!

[edit on ECDT1111AugPM61 by ET_MAN]

posted on Aug, 21 2010 @ 07:50 PM
I just want to say something about Self & Ego.

I tend to put everything in the simplest form - - so I know others can explain this better then me.

People tend to fear EGO. But Ego simply means "I" as does Self.

There is a difference between Self "healthy" - - and Self Service - in my opinion.

One should work on being "Self Healthy" - - so when one serves others - - they can give fully. It should come naturally from healthy energy.

I don't like seeing people do stuff out of "Fear of Ego" - - anymore then out of "Fear of God".

However - one can also become "Self Healthy" by serving others. Its kind of all in how its "woven" - so to speak.

posted on Aug, 21 2010 @ 08:17 PM

Originally posted by phoenix_zephyr
Never mind ... deleted post.

- Phoenix

[edit on 20-8-2010 by phoenix_zephyr]

Hi Phoenix,

I read your nice message the other day but didn't get a chance to reply but you did put a smile on my face just now coming back to the:

"Never mind ... deleted post." lol

I've enjoyed your cat pictures as well.

Stir the pot as in a good way for me but perhaps it's interpreted in other ways. For me though I kinda meant like making it more fun for everyone - adding in a little humor etc.

Anyhoo, I enjoy your posts so keep em coming!

Best Wishes!

[edit on ECDT1111AugPM61 by ET_MAN]

posted on Aug, 21 2010 @ 08:27 PM

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by ET_MAN
reply to

Hi Annee,

By the way - ET MAN.

Thank YOU. Thank you for rising above the babble and intelligently directing this thread and questions in a mature thoughtful manner - - - that we may all learn/experience - - knowledge/information presented by all participants.

This thread seems to be going in the right direction and hopefully we can keep it in the right direction on topic/track.

I also enjoy your posts, thanks for the contributions you've made.


ET MAN - for president! (of the universe) Sorry - couldn't resist.

Oh that sounds tempting and good but I'm just a humble earth shoe shiner down here and have to clean up after the mess.

Maybe you could just arrange an implant in the next few candidates - - - so that you can infuse your wisdom in their unsuspecting gray matter.

If the dark matter infusioner is up and running we can always arrange something but it has to be worked out with the shoe shiner boss. lol

Hey! We could all lighten up a little. LOL

Yes of course, hopefully we are all 'Light' and 'Up.'

Anybody gotta 'Light'?

Best Wishes!
Best Dreams!

posted on Aug, 21 2010 @ 09:01 PM
ET Man we request that you post the questions in easier to respond formats as this limits us to 4000 characters only and quote your words is difficult 'clutter' if to much is said.


What are you?

What came first the chicken or the Egg?


posted on Aug, 21 2010 @ 09:41 PM
reply to post by Annee

I agree Annee...the ego cant be shed..but it can mature.

There is such a thing as a mature, healthy ego.

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