Originally posted by LeoVirgo
reply to post by ET_MAN
*peaks head in* did someone say 'oneness'
Hi Leovirgo, yes it was I, that was cute by the way, thanks for peaking in and hope you can stay and share more with others. I only see goodness in
you and I know that you truly are a great person and your words speak much louder than pictures.-)
If you will pardon my re-entry to take a shot at your questions
You were pardoned before the thread started, you had me on the first letter of your first post. lol
Im not here to tell you they are right...and I hope no one is here to say they are right....if purely for the sake of sharing and discussion, I
will partake.
I can respect how you feel and I won't claim myself here to be any greater or better than any one-1.
Lots of good questions etman. Been pondering on them.
That's great, I was kinda expecting you to show up and fill in the blanks.
I was given a few more things to ponder on. Thinking outside the Box, like the Magicians Apprentice shared with us. You may have noticed in some of my
posts and suggestions.-) They are never to insult but to start thinking MORE because understanding ALL of Creation is still way over our heads, me and
you both alike. There is only so much we can understand/know on this level and we are still learning things through the life experiences that we
have.The spirit is continually teaching, this is part of what we consider to be 'eternal progression' but for now in this lifetime since we cannot yet
see ourselves ahead of it As Above – So Below, with a Family like we have down here and children so shall it be Above then we must call it temporal
It's hard to deny that we are not growing from birth and learning new things/progressing in spirit and in awareness/knowledge of our surroundings from
birth to death. But death as we know it is merely an illusion, the body being matter returns to dust while the 'soul' is connected to all things in
spirit that returns to the spirit world with family on the other side.
Everyone-1 is connected -ALL -'souls' through spirit as we all are a FAMILY unit. In the same way that all Flesh or Humanity in general as a whole is
all connected from Father to Son, Mother to Daughter, Grandfather to Grandson and so on. Families on Earth can show us how it is and will be
Eternally. It is the As Above So Below, Earth and the human Family shows us this along with all things that produce offspring and family as well.
Is everything in the universe a 'ONE' consciousness mind?
In the sense of the 'universe' I would say there is a 'one something' but am unsure what exact words I would use...maybe 'one consciousness
One spirit tuned in with all things of Creation that carry a signature of the Creator in energy, a 'oneness' that connects each of us to each other
like Brother to Sister, Father to Son, Mother to Daughter each containing an Eternal 'Soul' within them but connected in 'oneness' to each other and
all things in Creation. That is the 'oneness' spirit we all feel and connect with.
but I think words like 'mind' are open to being alot of things and we can easily confuse then or mistake the word to be like 'human mind'
which I dont think they resemble all that much.
The Creators (Family) intentionally created many wonders for us to look upon and think about. There are many reflections found in nature and above up
in the cosmos that reflect and show us that we are all coming from something much greater than we could possibly ever fully comprehend/imagine. It is
showing us that we are such a tiny spec of the picture yet we are all part of it at the same time being 'oneness' and connected in spirit, One-1 to
another like a Family Unit. Families are Forever and all 'souls' have always been in one form or another. We should be grateful and take joy in our
hearts that we are part of this Infinite never-ending eternal picture with the Creator/Creators because everything they have Above they offer to us
(Their spirit children) and where they are now, we will one day be. We will move forwards to outer universes and beyond as we continue to spiritually
progress and learn and reach new levels/heights of Love, Awareness & Spirituality to eventually become Creators of such wonderful Creations as this
and beyond. Eternal-Progression!
Is there one spirit in the universe? I would answer 'yes'.
I would answer yes as well. A 'one spirit' that connects all of us one-1 to another in 'oneness' maintaining our unique 'souls' (Family) working our
way forwards to new levels (Together)
Does the Spirit transcend and 'be' without the universe?
There is an energy signature on all things from the Creators (Family) but the energy has always existed in space. Infinite energy in space, and 'They
Said' - Let there be Light and there was Light. Space is Eternal and has always been. Creation comes through knowing how to create and manifest
energy in BELIEVING but must be done with a connection to the Creators spirit or Holy Spirit of Peace & Love.
Eternal energy I consider to be 'Natural' since it's always been. The manifestation of the materials in this Universe were brought together and
constructed in 'BELIEVING' working energy (Soul/Mind over Matter) and there was LIGHT. Once Creation was in place with worlds beyond our comprehension
in this Universe with life on them like Earth all similar by design as the Universe shows similarity in planets/shapes/sizes and so on. So are all
lifeforms that were brought forth upon the face of the Earth. The Creators Created Man from the materials of Earth in their own image and likeness
giving us dominion over all the Earth so that we may learn as they once did when they once were BELOW as a Family Unit that are now ABOVE. It is truly
wonderful to know that Families Live on Forever, it is not a mere desire of wanting it to be so - but it's how As Above So Below just (IS) –
Does the universe 'have' to be for the spirit to be...I would say no.
The oneness we all share in connection one-1 to another in spirit is our connection to family as a whole within this universe. The energy signature of
all matter or Creation comes from the Creators and is connected in spirit through energy/vibration of the Creators. We are their Eternal Family and
what does this truly mean? It means that As Above So Below, our children our unique 'souls' that have been with us in one way or another Forever. It
means that when they were born we brought them into this world as their parents to show us the As Above So Below way Families work as a Unit
(Togetherness) yes 'oneness' overall in Humanity coming from the same Spirit Family each possessing our own unique/individual 'soul' as we see this in
nature, uniqueness in all things, offspring and family, snowflakes and trees. There is a special family 'oneness' in spirit or unity to be seen that
the Creators want us to pay attention to and recognize/learn and ask about through spirit tuning into the 'oneness' spirit' found in all things as The
Creators are emanating/vibration energy/signature of Creation (being their Creation) and coming from the cosmos and beyond but connected back to the
Does that include every single thing such as dirt, rocks, iron, copper and other such materials found on earth?
Defiantly. All of those things occurred in a natural 'state' of being.
Truly everything comes from a so called nature state or 'natural' state being Creation even man is natural itself so our creation is of the natural
state. However, I must agree with some here that when man creates something it loses the/Creators energy signature as it is not 'Alive' as we know it.
Let us take a tree for example, we chop it down and create a table. The Tree is now dis-attached to the natural energy grid and loses the signature
of the Creators being not 'Alive so contains a different state of energy/vibration being disconnected from the planet 'Not Alive' and transformed into
something different or man-made but with no flowing 'spirit' from the energy grid or signature of the Creators. (It turns into a different vibration
of energy)
Are they part of us?
We all are a part of Earth.
We all are part of Earth and the Earth is part of the universe in whole. Interesting observation - what does the distance of one planet to another
show us – As Above So Below. Earth is a Family Unit (Together) We are a 'oneness' in spirit (Together) in the same way that a Family Unit is of
other worlds with (life on them) (Together) also as a family unit. This demonstrates Uniqueness /Separateness one planet being away from another and
different/unique - yet 'ONENESS' in spirit connection to all that is within the universe from energy to spirit and the greatest of all things is it
demonstrates and shows 'FAMILY.'
A Family Unit in 'oneness' working (together) as we must all work and live together on a planet and learn to love each other like (family) - As a
whole or family unit. One-1 can recognize that we are all part of an eternal Spirit Family and working our way up with never-ending progression.
When do they lose their spirit? When we manufacturer a coke can? When we use the material to pave a concrete road?
Some have suggested that technology being man-made has no spirit but that dirt, rocks, iron, copper and other such materials do. If this is the case
then what are man-made objects made out of?
Nothing can exists within being a part of 'energy'...I wouldnt say anything 'looses spirit' but there are different 'states of being'.
Things that are not alive as we know it are disconnected from the 'nature' or 'natural' energy signature of the divine Creators therefore dis-attached
being man-made inventions/technology and so on with a change in energy signature/vibration. One-1 may notice when a tree loses it's connection to
life and is cut down it can either be turned into a table, man-made object or it can remain in nature and slowly break down to go back into the
Earth. This is what I'm sure most notice and see being a phase of being or process of recyclement as the energy/materials will be reused in the Earth
to give nourishment to other life that is connected and will grow and reuse this energy for 'food' as we call it or 'nourishment' for them to survive
and grow connecting it back to the energy grid of Life and the spirit of 'oneness' that we are all connected to.
If you go into a lumber store and try to connect with a piece of plywood and feel it's energy it will be much different than a connection being made
with a tree that's alive or connected to Earth's energy grid. Once it breaks down and is used by the Earth again it then can be given back to
'nature' to make use of it and take 'nourishment' from it – since all things use energy in one form or another to grow. So we do observe the
recyclement of all energy including the human body that eventually breaks down into the earth re-connecting to the energy grid signature from the
Creator/Creators that connects us all to each other in 'spirit' - all Life with a one connection in spirit.
I will add more on recyclement so that we understand that eternal 'souls' existing within matter/energy bodies are not only 'ONE' in material or
energy but 'ONE' in spirit as well. So oneness in material/energy spirit being connected to The Creators therefore we also share a common oneness
energy signature of the Creators who Created physicality as we know it- connected to them in spirit yet we remain unique 'souls' being part of a
(Family) unit as a whole or 'Spirit' family.
Our 'souls' cannot be seen by man yet they are there. This spirit that we all share in oneness cannot be seen by man but it is there and can be felt
and observed. Energy we can see and observe being made of the same stuff as this Universe was created from what some call nothingness which is
infinite somethingness or SPACE which is Infinite Energy/Space. Amazing how Infinity works, Infinite energy from anything out there can exist and be
tapped into if one knows how even an atom.
Man made objects are made of the natural energy that was naturally here...but they are a 'phase' of man. They would not be without man.
Without man there would of not been the idea, the need, the desire, the will, the working mind to process the thoughts and bring the idea to
Isn't it wonderful also, we are here to learn and and attempt to create new things as the Creators, that is what the Creators want us to do in order
to learn. We are creating new things, inventing new ideas and working together on things and that is also what the Creators smile upon. As long as the
creations we create are with good intent and for our own good. Not to use against others or enslave and start wars. It's when we create weapons of war
to use against each other that's not good. Humanity has many lessons yet to learn, everyone-1 should be treating each other more like (Family) and
recognize that we are all connected in spirit to each other and to the Creators being (Family.)
Can we bend/wrap our minds around it, and when I say that I don't mean coming out of a computer screen or system, such are metaphors for some to
further 'Think outside the box” about how much greater this amazing, marvelous, wonderous and beautiful Creation/World/Universe really is. From pure
energy it was created by the Designers/Creators - Energy Workers that manifested energy from nothingness which is somethingness from SPACE which is
Infinite space and energy. INFINITY is amazing and wonderous but a universe doesn't literally exist within us or in our bodies but there is Infinite
energy/space within us. (If one-1 only knew how to tap into it.)
Also, as the saying goes 'The kingdom of Heaven is Within Us' that is our 'oneness' connection in spirit to the Father/Mother (Family) and all things
in this Creation Universe sharing the same connection in spirit of 'oneness.' Made of the same energy matter all containing infinite 'souls' unique
and beautiful yet still ONE in likeness/design like butterfly's and snowflakes. Families are truly the greatest thing to ever have. I love my family
and isn't this what life is all about? Doesn't everything around us truly show us Family and offspring. Our own children we spiritually have a strong
attachment/connection to THEM because we know them and have been with them previously before but our physical temporal minds cannot remember because
of the 'Veil of forgetfulness' without preexistence memory/awareness.
I can touch a object made by man and feel there is a connection to man the maker. One can even maybe tap into the desire, intent, and
reason...for the first manifested expression of the man that made the first object...the rest are just copies not really needing the original thought
or idea. Still....tied to the original expression/idea/phase of a man that created the object. Maybe after man made the first table...another man made
it more creative...added a attribute into the 'phase' of that manifestation of him/her self. And so on.
Almost like placing a picture of War and Violence in front of plants out in nature. They do put off of a certain negative vibe that can affect
things around them. The above answer you just shared with us also shows that we ourselves as the Creator of something put our own Creator Energy
Signature on our own creation or man-made objects/technologies just like the Creators have their own energy Signature on all of Creation. Theirs being
'Life and Alive' (as we know it) manifested from SPACE which is the real natural source of energy. However the 'souls' of men/women have always been
(Spirit Family) to our Eternal Father/Mother (Families) In the Heavens above. Just as our Sons/Daughters will always be to us when we reach a higher
level of existence. As Above So Below (Family Togetherness)
Now look around, we have all sorts of phases of man placed into objects...as expressions of mans ideas. This can be our greatest potential or
our worst.
Technology can be used for the betterment of mankind or for not such good things in which we are seeing a lot of on this planet right now. Such as
wars, abuse, control through all of these technologies that causes suffering, starvation and a great depression among many. But never let depression
bring a person down, overcome it with Positive energy (Mind over Matter) (Spirit over Matter) we can turn a negative into a positive. We have that
capability within us, negative energy is not necessary to balance the positive energy on the planet (The Doctors Wife) therefore evil acts and
negative deeds are not necessary as well but are available always as a CHOICE.
Like a magnet with two sides to it both Positive+ and Negative-. What holds these two joined opposite forces together in one body to form like a
magnet and what happens if a negative changed polarity into a positive.
I hope that there is a natural way of it all working itself for the 'worst' to not become but I cant say I know that.
Simply CHOICE, look back upon history and discover that there were many times of peace, it wasn't always WAR and it doesn't always need to be either.
Keep in mind, what we carry inside of us affects and manifests into the world. Mistakes and negative energy are bound to happen, now the question is
to what level/degree. When we're upset or insulting someone by calling them a name or making judgments upon them we are putting out negative energy to
that person because someone will take it in offense unless they are aware that they can reject/reflect such negative energy and not allow it to get to
them turning that negative around into a positive.
Life surely goes on somewhere in this vastness.
Always go with your heart!
If you create something...it may be an original thought or it may be a idea that someone already produces only you just improved it our added
your own attractions to it. It would still be a 'ex-pression of you' and without the natural materials of earth...you would not be and the object
could not be. Think of all the materials that had to exists in the Universe before Earth 'became' for Earth to 'be'.
Intelligently Designed Creation came forth through empty space manifested by the true Light Workers or the Creators materializing things into the
natural process of life. Let there be Light and there was Light is how it began yet in Eternity technically it always has been. - Somewhere in TIME.
Some can tap into the memory of earth....which is being in the state of spirit without form, true self, and cascading back through different
vibrate forms of being, maybe through plants, animals, man, earths formation, or even times of themes of mans mind in a collective consciousness like
religions and why they thought what they thought ect.
We can be shown things through the 'oneness' spirit about nature, to better understand the process of life and what we call evolution as we perceive
it to be.
Then the question also comes in of 'soul' and what is a soul. Is is individual in its own right?
It is a unique family member of the Eternal (Spirit family) each family member has a connection in spirit one to another in the same way that all
humans are connected via generations/DNA/physical bodies from the first man/men/woman/women to the present day diversification found throughout the
world in cultures/races yet all being connected in 'oneness' being a part of the creation and sharing a 'oneness' in spirit, some tuned into the
spirit more than others.
I personally think right now (subject to change on understandings) that a soul is a word to describe a 'phase ' of spirit.)
Some call that reincarnation of a 'Soul', the 'soul' being eternal and continuing to work on spiritual progression until they've learned what they
needed to learn and turned their weaknesses into strengths (Spiritually.) But they are never separated to the (Family) as we are all made of the same
material/energy/signature of the Creator/Creators and share a 'oneness' in spirit with them if we tune into that channel/frequency of love and peace
found within us. Our Family the Creators will always be with us even until the end of time as we know it. (The kingdom of heaven is within you) is
your radio/communication to the 'oneness' spirit connecting back to the Creators. (Family)
Or do we also have a spirit? If we do have a spirit where is the spirit located at?
I would say all things have to be of Spirit....to 'be'.
I would not say the Spirit though, has 'location' unless you consider that its within all things...as well as surrounds all things (space)....and does
not have to be 'manifested in forms' to 'be'. A force beyond our measurements or understanding.
All things have the 'oneness' signature spirit from the Creators being 'Alive' (as we know it) and of their Creation/Making. But 'soul' is unique and
different than just energy and the 'oneness spirit.'
Is the spirit separate from the energy/matter or is it ONE with all things and all energy/matter is ONE with the spirit?
Spirit wouldnt be separate from anything of form....remember energy doesnt always 'take form' and there are states of 'energy' in 'fields' like
electromagnetic fields. Spirit doesnt have to be in a 'seen observable state' to 'be'. Lets not forget...there are many definitions of 'what is
The spirit of 'oneness' or Life/Creation is found within all thing Created by the Designers/Creators. All things that we perceive to be material
life, lifeforms, nature, planets, stars, galaxies and so on.
Or is everything truly just ONE and that means all energy even the technology that humans create?
Right...but remember...without man expressing there would not be certain things. There is 'intent and will and desire ect' behind the expressions of
manmade things.
We do not connect in 'oneness' spirit with technologies as there is not an 'energy/life force in them' but the energy they put out can affect us
depending on the vibration of the energy. The 'Spirit' behind the energy is what we share in 'oneness', the 'soul' is what we have (the you) which is
unique like a snowflake being part of a (Family) Unit but connected in 'oneness' through spirit. Nature shows us Family and uniqueness at the same
time but everything also shares a common 'oneness' in spirit or the spirit connected to the Creators – Earth Life (as we know it)
edit on ECST1111NovPM61 by ET_MAN because: (no reason given)