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Hidden Hand Message - Law Of One - Discussion!

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posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 06:45 PM
reply to post by AdonaiChristBless

Yes, I admit I am at fault for my wrong-doing's yet only small though I am aware of other's that shall see differently when they realise not everybody around them are people but something more with a hidden agenda. Those people I feel sorrow for as they in my opinion will have harder, struggling challenges ahead

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 07:54 PM

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 07:58 PM
reply to post by AdonaiChristBless

haha maybe that something to come, wait and see people in for shocks but we will forgive you all when you finally wake up.

But you might suffer abit cause of ignorance nothing we can do if you choose to be like you are now.

Adonai Christ bless

Hi AdonaiChristBless,

If I could only share some of the more recent chat sessions with AdonaiChristBless (Quorum) the truth would come out but ACB knows I could never do that.

Yes it's true that this seemingly ordinary world has many -SHOCKERS- in store for it -coming- in due 'TIME' and yet to come.

However there's a reason/purpose for everything that ever occurs from the 'Infinite' picture.

Get back to the rest of the questions/comments sometime this evening my time, what is your time by the way? What is TIME anyway? Somehow I'm starting to feel a little lost in 'TIME'

Best Dreams!

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 09:56 PM

Originally posted by DClairvoyant
reply to post by AdonaiChristBless

Yes, I admit I am at fault for my wrong-doing's yet only small though I am aware of other's that shall see differently when they realise not everybody around them are people but something more with a hidden agenda. Those people I feel sorrow for as they in my opinion will have harder, struggling challenges ahead

I'm wondering how you meant this. Do you meant that humans, are going to see that some of their fellow humans, perhaps friends and family are something else, like ETs, for I know that there are ETs here amongst us, but I'm not sure its all sinister? Or do you mean that there are people who are influenced or possessed by negative entities? Or do you mean the people waking up to the leaders agenda?

I would like people to wake up period and realize that the world isn't just the way it is, as in its the best it can be due to the natural behavior of those around them or other countries/terrorists, but that this is how the bloodlines run this world, and start to realize they need to love everyone equally, care for those without, share everything and stop giving money for tithes to the Churches and to the corporations, and use that money to equalize everyone in the world, clean energy, desalination, bring the deserts back. We have the manpower if we cooperate to do anything we wish to see, envision, we're the majority, and our dollars are paying for these guys.

Lets start to support the little business guys, establish coops, and even consider voting our own in and changing things, not the ones pre-selected for us.

Waking up to being loving and kind. Trying to overcome our flaws and try to get along with love, humor, friendship, and happiness as the goal for all, win/win.

So I want everyone to wake up all right, but I really don't care who is here on assignment, what species they, or even entities. Shine LOVE. Convert them. Let them feel our love so much that they would be running like that cat in the looney tunes wiht that love struck skunk after them. They would be hiding in the forrest with 3d camoflauge to escape, but it would be to no avail.

Thats the world I want us to make, so it wouldn't matter who was here. The meaner they are, the more love they need. And we need to give it to them, in spades, while we non-stop go about creating our own world right under their noses and invite them to join in.

Edit to add: You mean wake up to something like this?

Obama's Pyramid Guide: "You Look Like King Tut", Obama: "I've Been Told"

We should love them enough to create a great world, only buy from each other, not them, and invite them to convert, and do a u-turn on the road they're traveling, shine love. I don't mean cave into them,. Non-violent, resistance is needed in a world wide scale. General Strikes. Personally, if one thing is wrong, and one person is on the streets, whole communities, and whole nations should not go to work until its solved, and take that off their taxes. Its has to do with numbers. The majority can do that, and get away with that.
edit on 4-11-2010 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 04:02 AM
I now support ETMAN in his work, issues in place have been removed you will notice changes in both of us, it is your best interest you listen and all empty cups and learn from us things are more deeper than any of you are aware, we are brothers and friends and will be continueing to help you all understand within the limits that we are permited.

Adonai Christ bless

edit on 5-11-2010 by AdonaiChristBless because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 04:33 AM
reply to post by thedoctorswife

Hi The Doctors Wife,

Hello Et-man, i just wanted to ask a you a quick question, something is happening to me which is really scaring me, i dont know if theres something wrong with my brain?

Yes, no, maybe, somewhat, possibly. lol

What does the Doc have to say about it?

or if this is happening to other people,

Everyone-1 experiences 'TIME' differently.

'TIME' being merely a perception of their own personalized/individual body suit and no 1-body is ever perfectly/identically alike.

Like a snowflake!

Same goes for the 'soul' no one-1 'soul' is perfectly/identically alike.

As the body has 'fingerprints' so does the soul it's own 'soul-print.'

i know they say that time speeds up dramatically as you get older, but im only 42 and in approx the last year, time is flying past me, something that happened a week ago seems like a day ago, i can remember the smell of last years Guy Fawkes fireworks like it was last month, when it was a year ago, its really weird, i dont like it, tell me its my imagination.

As you wish:

It's your imagination,
It's your imagination,
It's your imagination,

There's no place like home,
There's no place like home,
There's no place like home,

It's all in perception based on one's awareness.

You are experiencing your existence on a seemingly faster pace than others and of course there is a reason for that happening whatever that may be. Some are experiencing this existence much slower and TIME is not really moving forwards or anywhere at all, only for those experiencing this existence and perceiving it to be and that moves them seemingly forward into their new space/time/dimension like a video clip from 1 scene to the next.

From the 'Infinite Picture' The past, present and future is simultaneously occurring all at once within this universal/creation/system and is accessible to the Creators/Designers outside of what man considers to be TIME.

Scene by scene - Clip by clip.

As Albert Einstein once put it:

"Now he has departed from this strange world a little ahead of me. That means nothing. People like us, who believe in physics, know that the distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion."

Albert Einstein

In 1952, in his book Relativity, Einstein writes:
Since there exist in this four dimensional structure [space-time] no longer any sections which represent "now" objectively, the concepts of happening and becoming are indeed not completely suspended, but yet complicated. It appears therefore more natural to think of physical reality as a four dimensional existence, instead of, as hitherto, the evolution of a three dimensional existence.

"Time is only an illusion." The existence of the future follows from Minkowski`s World of space-time.

There is no difference between the past and the future in the 4-dimensional space-time-world. The present is only an illusion.

"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one."

Albert Einstein

Everyone is experiencing 'TIME' differently in their own unique way based on one's perception/awareness and their own unique individual/body suit that was created/designed to do just that.

Every 'soul' has a unique body that grew and formed in a certain way specifically for that unique 'soul' that was inserted/placed into that body.

'Intelligence consciousness' or what we consider to be an 'aware being' or 'soul' is placed/inserted into a human body usually early on. Some while inside the mothers womb, others at a later stage of the pregnancy and some after the baby is born.

Some of you have seen parts of your life before you came to earth but won't remember it other than a familiar feeling somehow that you've experienced or seen a part of your life beforehand. Some are intuitively being given a feeling that they know what's about to happen before it happens.

Sometimes this can be part of the reason for 'de ja vu' among other reasons.

Upon leaving the body everyone will receive a type of life review in one way or another. Some will be able to to re-experience certain parts of their life and even interactively experience things as if it were a 3D interactive movie or filmstrip filled with scenes and clips of their life. Everything that ever happens in your life is recorded by the 'soul' and will never be lost in 'infinite' memory. Upon leaving the body some may experience how they made others feel and experience what it was like for those people they interacted with.

All things that have ever been will always be from the 'Infinite' picture.

Infinite Universes/Realms/Existences/Dimensions/Channels/Stations and -ENDLESS- Others.

Wish for the Best!
Hope for the Best!
Dream for the Best!

Best Wishes!
Best Dreams!

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 06:03 AM
Found this today, tis providing a wonderfull evening of contemplation, would recomend it to anyone interested in self inquiry It start half way down second page

I became interested in the author and found his wiki;

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 08:17 AM
I've been in communication with ET_MAN for a while now. Some can receive certain contact experiences not by request but for a specific reason/purpose, it's never within human control who has such experiences. ET_MAN has received information/knowledge about this existence that is of importance pertaining to things yet to come. I am in support of ET_MAN before the hosts of heavens in his mission in life and his current understandings being witness to information/knowledge from the Creators/Designers.

How some of this information will be dispensed/shared will be according to the Creators/Designers or (Family in Heavens) will as we work together bringing DIVINE LIGHT TRUTH into the world with new information that pertains to future events yet to come. For we are of the same vine.

Adonai Christ bless

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 08:18 AM
reply to post by AdonaiChristBless

Hi AdonaiChristBless,

I now support ETMAN in his work, issues in place have been removed you will notice changes in both of us,

This is good, interesting things can happen when certain visits occur with certain people.

it is your best interest you listen and all empty cups

We all carry cups that need to continuously be emptied, even on a daily basis.

things are more deeper than any of you are aware,

Evidence of such can be seen in just trying to contemplate 'Infinity' and what earth's universal/system/existence IS - but there are many things yet existing on, down, within and under this planet that most are unaware of that would put the world in -SHOCK- and disarray.

we are brothers and friends and will be continuing to help you all understand within the limits that we are permitted.

Everyone can be brothers, sisters, family and friends if they so choose to be and everyone has limitations on what can be known according to that which has been authorized/permitted/allowed for them to have for the 'TIME' being as everything has a reason/purpose for happening even certain given knowledge/information.

I've been in communication with Adonai for a while now. Some can receive certain contact experiences not by request but for a specific reason/purpose, it's never within human control who has such experiences. Adonai has received information/knowledge about this existence that is of importance pertaining to things yet to come. I am in support of Adonai before the hosts of heavens in his mission in life and his current understandings being witness to information/knowledge from the Creators/Designers.

How some of this information will be dispensed/shared will be according to the Creators/Designers or (Family in Heavens) will as we work together bringing DIVINE LIGHT TRUTH into the world with new information that pertains to future events yet to come. For we are of the same vine.

Adonai Christ bless

Christopher ET_MAN

Best Wishes!
edit on ECDT1111NovAM51 by ET_MAN because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 08:39 AM
reply to post by ET_MAN

Hello ETMAN and all

First I must say, its been great having you 'back' in the thread ETMAN...even if this is just a temporary 'spurt' of your recently available time. I will again start off with how great it is many here can share their perspectives...for discussion lets us see 'other phases' of being and this helps us all to think more critically and maybe even be more open to a possibility that we did not or have not see before. If all I ever had was only my own thoughts to challenge my critical thinking....I then would only be having repetitive conversations with my own self, likely leading to many times then 'arguing with self' and then 'not talking to self'

When you say there is 'no center' because infinity has no 'starting point'....I can agree with the 'all that is' perspective' BUT when we look at physical existences....we can compare this 'compressed energy existence' to having 'levels of existence' and showing on a larger scale to this Universe, there was a center point of beginning with something like the 'big bang' and even in our own bodies workings we have a 'center' point to anything we bring to outwardly expression....and that center starting point in us is a 'thought'. Before I Universe began to become a 'outward expression' as a conscious being 'becoming' (manifesting, to and fro, from the 'still mind of spirit') there very well could have been a 'collapsing or 'budding'' of a former 'expression/existence/manifested thought' that in its purification process....became a 'new seed' to be birthed into what we see now as our Universe. I cant say for sure that this is not what happens over and over and over...that there is a 'energy consciousness/Spirit of lifemind' that experiences stillness, then experiences in its 'mind' to and fro' and in this to and fro comes forth 'thought' and in this 'being' needing to express this 'thought' takes form into a outward manifestation and in that manifestation that is WITHIN the Spirit and the Spirit is also WITHIN the emanation of itself. We can say that there is a 'center point' to this manifested Universe where 'to and fro' came forth as well as even in the works of our own mind as beings that express....what ever comes from us that we 'create or make happen' starts as a stillness, thought, then 'to and fro (motion) to a outwardly manifestation/expression. The Spirit of Life....can be infinite, always 'going' and always 'becoming' but there may indeed be a 'cycling' that KEEPS this Spirit 'going' and becoming. Just a a seed sits in the Earth, it is of the Earth but within that seed IS the becomes a tree to produce more seeds...and those seeds return to the source from whence they came...back to the Earth and then again, the cycle goes on and on. I think our bodies recycle to the 'physical energy' and I think our 'souls' recycle to the Etheric consciousness energy. I do not think anything that holds without Spirit. We see 'souls' as needing to be conscious....but I dont think this is so. I think a 'soul' is the word to describe a energy body that is in 'form' and all this is is a 'phase' of the Spirit. The illusion that this 'body' is separate from the 'source' of Spirit is just an illusion....for truly the Spirit in all of these working as 'one' in a way we as seemingly separate individuals can not 'see''. So instead of me seeking to 'become' this progressing 'self' I now try to 'be of' this infinite Spirit that is in 'expression' and I as a 'phase' of that Spirit...try to allow the Spirit to work through this body, as an instrument, for its 'expression' of itself to become its true potential. As I try to 'be of' this larger expression that is in a 'totality' one expression with many phases of being 'of it and in it'.....natural nature of Spirit becomes...seeing all other life as a part of me and I a part of them. Seeing in physical I am of the Earth, Sun, solar system, galaxy, galactic sun, central sun, universe.....and in etheric I am of a planetary consciousness, a solar consciousness, a 'system consciousness' and galactic (integrated) system, and a 'center' which is not so much a 'location of a center' but is what is within all of the 'phases' and connects all of the phases...the Spirit of life which is a ongoing expressive being that cycles becoming and being.

Is it possible that the ONE is you and that you are the ONE but that every 'being' or 'soul' on this planet has their own Infinite ONE that they can go back to.

I think when we can shed the illusion of 'self' and the desires that come with the experience of being a 'self' we can peel the onion layers back and we are all of the same onion. Our 'souls' are all a 'phase' of one being. Just as though all your thoughts, seemingly 'separate expressions' of you, that are still all OF you.

What is a higher self anyway if there's no such thing as higher or lower?

There does seem to be a 'levels' that make us be of a certain nature and I think the Bible explained it well when it said 'Know what is of flesh is flesh...and know what is of Spirit is of Spirit'. As you think more with your physical senses, desires, lusts, needs and wants for the 'self' can be what unknowingly choose to 'live for'. As we think more with our etheric 'being' we see new possibilities and potentials for us to be a 'part of something bigger' then ourselves. It seems to be set up very perfectly, causing us to 'go through all the earthly desires before we start to see the pearls that lay beneath the waters'. Many think this path of processing flesh from Spirit is all for our 'selves' as progressive beings.....I now see this is all a processing of a ONE that IS Spirit...that is now in a very compressed existence of all the existences that came before us (on the 'time' scale) and it seeing all of its manifestation/expression from the 'phases' of being a 'conscious being' looking at itself as well as being an expression of itself. The expression "the god in me see's itself, in you'....can sum this up. I can go outside and sit...and the Spirit within me see's itself, all around and loves to gaze at 'itself' in the expressions it has become.

In your may get an 'idea'. In this idea...from there many potentials lay for new thoughts and possibilities. With this 'idea' you may find purpose to 'express' yourself with this 'idea'. You may manifest a 'action' or even 'created' something through outwardly manifestations. The action or manifestation is 'perfect' and 'prime' in your mind, as a absolute and it is hel within your mind as 'finished', you can SEE the results of the action, you can hold within the mind what the created manifestation will look like, you have a' prime image' of this 'idea' you are going to 'express'. Till this 'idea' comes forth as the 'expression' you want it to be.....on the outside, it may look like many pieces on a table with no true purpose or intent in anothers eyes...but in your mind, the finished purpose and prime image is already hold the 'totality' of the idea in your mind, its already 'finished' in your mind and brought to frutation in your mind.....its just that the outwardly expression has not completed itself yet,,,through you, and it will be 'OF' you and a 'phase' of you will be IN THAT outwardly expression that started as just a thought in your mind.

It can be seen in such a way where there is no higher or lower yet we all infinitely exist with ONE-another simultaneously and moving onwards like a never-ending story.

I see it all more as the snake that eats its own tail....a circle, that comes back around and meets itself....but yet the cycle of the circle keeps going on again...and comes back around again.

I dont think that earth's seemingly destructive nature like storms, volcanoes, earthquakes....would end if we 'unit' and become a loving species. I think its the other way around. I think us being a part of Earth....have much to be shown from her nature...from her needs to 'cycle' and keep 'reforming'. I dont see any reason to say that the reason Earth has 'destructive' behaviors is due to how mankind is behaving. We can see many planets have this same destructive need and this what we call wrath of nature has a purpose...for cycling, for reforming, for allowing things to keep 'coming anew'. I think its more about learning to respect the behavior of the spheres and sun and systems.....then finding a way for them to become better.....for I see them as already perfect in the potentials they offer us and that they are in 'being'.

What do you see when you look at a dishwasher, microwave, television or computer? Can you connect and become one with such technologies imagining yourself to be the computer or dishwasher like you are with the rock and tree? Can you pick up an ipod or headphones and make a connection with it in the same way you could with a blade of grass?

When I look at manmade objects....I do not feel the Spiritual connection unless I go to a very deep level of its emanation that takes me back to the very point where that object once was held within the mind of a being as a 'perfect thought' and it eventually became a 'expression' from that being. That person that 'thought' to make the literally, in a way, connected to it, for within his or her thought of the object 'becoming' it would not be. I do not on any level feel the same connection of Spirit within manmade objects....there is a huge difference between those objects that man has emanated as his creation and the things that Spirit brought forth through the avenues of 'galactic, system, solar, planetary' expressions. Nature is much different in its pure form....then man taking things of nature and bringing it forth through his own thoughts.

I actually to be very honest am finding it spooky that some people feel more connected to technology then nature.

As we are all 'cells' to one living body....we can wonder what possibilities we have as conscious beings when we become aware that we are 'all of one living body' and what our potentials would to use things like the 'cells' of our own body. The cells dont have to be conscious to be servicing their purpose or potential. If we are one living body, we may not see the purpose of ourselves as cells to one body and we dont even have to be conscious of what 'as one' as are doing for the 'one living body'. But I do awareness comes to true frutation....your cells can become more a part of you...and you a part of them...and things like healing can occur...when you see that your 'true self' is the life within all things...and this life all around you...can react and respond to you being aware of IT.

Always a blessing to pass thoughts back and best to you and yours always

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 09:25 AM
reply to post by AdonaiChristBless

I could not support you, unless you showed good works in words for some time, for I have gone through some pretty strong abuse, and the words you've used with people have caused trauma. You sentence people who post wonderful positive loving posts to reformatting and your words have been the equivalent of a mass murderer, to me, I have been in a state of trauma, flight or fight, post trauma stress sydrome over them, and yet found it in myself to respond as well as humanly possible to you. But there is nothing in this universe that makes you Yeshau, and even if you have had real contact, good. Nice to hear, but to endorse you based on your past posts would be like co-abusing people. You owe everyone a huge apology.

I bent over backwards to distinguish your behavior from your soul and spent much time differentiating and praying for you and sending compassion to the child in you hurt by life. Just so you know. But to me your words have been monstrous.

I don't care whats under this earth, what things are coming, nothing in the entire existence on any plane, universe, beyond or beyond beyonds could ever change my support of everyones eternal existence and LOVE for all.

Not only that but I don't support any Higher Ups doing things the way you have depicted cycles or existence because they would not be good guys then. I mean it. In addition the opening page of your website has some pretty masonic dualistic words, representing God, and God as both Good and Evil. NOPE!

Edit to add: And some of the problems that you've been having, I have had tests done by my contacts, and then received protection from for the most part, almost like being born again with this removed and have experienced protection consistently from negatives except when I started reading the Casseipian Wave, channeled on a ouji board, wtih negative jaki in it, at your recommendation. Then our whole family took a hit, and I'm going to be starting my second dose of antibiotics, for the sudden lump in my lymph gland has given way to bronchitis.

I highly advice all people to avoid reading any work, whatsoever, that is channeled in any way. It gives permissions, to whatever entities are in the work to mess with you.
edit on 5-11-2010 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 10:38 AM
Food for thought scriptures for the day

Luke 5: 30-31

30 But their scribes and Pharisees murmured against his disciples, saying, Why do ye eat and drink with publicans and sinners?

31 And Jesus answering said unto them, They that are whole need not a physician; but they that are sick.

Mathew 5: 38-45

38 Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth:

39 But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.

40 And if any man will sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloke also.

41 And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain.

42 Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away.

43 Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy.

44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.

45 That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.

No man also seweth a piece of new cloth on an old garment: else the new piece that filled it up taketh away from the old, and the rent is made worse.

And no man putteth new wine into old bottles: else the new wine doth burst the bottles, and the wine is spilled, and the bottles will be marred: but new wine must be put into new bottles.

14 Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.

  15 Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.

  16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

We do have an Eternal Father and Family which is in the Heavens above and Beyond.

edit on ECDT1111NovAM51 by ET_MAN because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 10:41 AM
reply to post by ET_MAN

I agree and the spirit of such has been in many people's posts, except for his.

Also, surely people understand role playing, and some people on this thread have been doing a lot of it.

I also find making formal oaths to each other before the Highest Heaven a kind of role playing. We're to yes, when we mean yes, and no when we mean no, according to the bible. That only strokes egos. Also I call it a manipulation.
edit on 5-11-2010 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 11:23 AM

Originally posted by Unity_99
reply to post by ET_MAN

Hi Unity_99,

I agree and the spirit of such has been in many people's posts, except for his.

Respectfully Unity_99, I don't see ACB posting to you at this time.

I think we all need to work on having more unconditional love, patience and tolerance for each other regardless of the past or differences in belief.

Best Wishes!

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 11:45 AM
The hidden hand of one.
There is no you doing anything.
All is done prior to investigation.

What is receiving the information, sensation?
It is that.
I am that.
That is one.
All is that.
edit on 5-11-2010 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 11:45 AM
Im going to back Unity and say that this is a strange way to 'resolve' 2 very different natures (by combining them).

I have enjoyed your posts ETMAN but by you and ACB 'joining' together...I have no more reason to continue posting here.

He has casted judgment to others harshly and keeps backing the thought that he has this 'divine right' to do so.

My best to detect something stirring that I choose not to be of.

Enjoy life, it is precious.

Im going to go be a 'happy tare' somewhere else

Im not saying any which person was ever 'right' that is not what my purpose for posting this posts is...(Unity and I have gone on many merry go rounds together

But I can defiantly say...her nature of trying to allow another to 'walk their own path' while kindly giving her own thoughts of where she is at on her path....was much more accepting to me and showed a more humble being to me...then another that kept judging and casting 'threats' to every single person on this thread (besides his followers).

As one seems to tumble down the stair case...another gains a more firm stance on the stairs.


posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 11:58 AM

Originally posted by ET_MAN

Originally posted by Unity_99
reply to post by ET_MAN

Hi Unity_99,

I agree and the spirit of such has been in many people's posts, except for his.
Respectfully Unity_99, I don't see ACB posting to you at this time.

I think we all need to work on having more unconditional love, patience and tolerance for each other regardless of the past or differences in belief.

Best Wishes!

Im going to be straight forward here...which sometimes I dont like to be.

This does not sound like something ETMAN would sounds more like the nature of ACB.

If I were Unity...I wouldnt really care if ACB was posting to her or not...she is free to make a claim that she feels is important to make.

Im in full agreement with her making known what she felt and I think it should be dully noted that ACB's posts are more of flesh and ego (for self) then of Spirit (for all).

Sad to see....but I think some of us saw all of this coming.

What ever the reasons it is needed. For whom, I dont know. But it is needed. I wish all well on the paths they have chosen.

I leave those to their choices.

On my last note...I encourage all to 'find home' within them and all around them. NOW is where you are...HERE is what matters. Be all you can be, here and now. As you seek for things outside of you or in the future or in the will have distortion. It will seem like truth...but know its a limited truth. Find your true self by finding the 'you' within all life. You are a part of something bigger....that bigger something is EVERYTHING. Be careful of the biggest illusion of all of this...that you are separate from all other life. You are simply, a part of 'life' in the bigger is of ONE source.
edit on 5-11-2010 by LeoVirgo because: (no reason given)

Sometimes...we have to judge another path so we can protect our self and keep our path in check.
edit on 5-11-2010 by LeoVirgo because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 12:02 PM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

Thank you so much. Twighlight zone stuff really. Love is always Love no matter what and its what I endorse, and I always feels its a priviledge to read your posts, for even when we disagree, it shows to how sensitive you are and how deeply you seek for truth. I would be trying to convert any Contact that showed up that tried to suggest anything that ACB has written so far.
edit on 5-11-2010 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 12:11 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

After all the times you were judged by him, you still did your best to allow him to 'be' who he felt he needed to be....trying to send love in a dark place.

Defiantly strange. But I think we called this a few weeks ago...saw it coming. Lets just hope in our hearts that the one that needs a dose of humility will gain it somehow through this strange turn of events.

I feel like we are 'speaking' in a room where someone doesnt want us to be speaking

See ya in u2u

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

I kind of feel the same way. I'm being told there is obviously no real forgiveness going on, but there is quite a difference between forgiving a person's soul and standing up for someone's behaviror/posts, etc, that have been so hurtful to so many. I have to bow out too. Love doesnt follow negative words.

And I'm being told that this is all my doing, that you are saying this, that I am just stirring a pot of adversity and putting fuel on the fire, that this is all a test. That ET_MAN didn't mean this in the way we are interpreting. But the way its going to be taken is pretty obvious to most.
edit on 5-11-2010 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

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