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Hidden Hand Message - Law Of One - Discussion!

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posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99
By the way, this explains why in moments when I feel presence, I fail to ask the questions many want to ask, all I want to do is bask in the Universal Understanding and be so happy to recognize them, to experience this, for I'm more about them, the people, than the science. I even look at pictures of galaxies, like 3 spirals I saw not too long ago, and all I can feel is greeting of joy and light for I can feel Family, and usually see glimpses of children going to school, country and cities. To me the adventure is the people, I'm a hobbit and prefer the shire, surrounded by Family.
edit on 2-11-2010 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given) just 'be' and let it 'just flow'.

I have a suggestion for kinda just came to me today and your 'ID' was seemingly connected to this 'thought'. You often talk about this world being a 'technology created' by higher ups and that its similar to like a DVD player/computer ect....that its a program.

Have you ever tried to 'listen' to the trees? Have you ever tried to 'understand' a rock? Have you ever tried to see yourself, in a bird? Have you ever tried to 'feel' a nature? If you have tried it...and you say that no you dont feel a Spirit in nature....are you willing to try this again?

You can ask for protection, humble your heart, open your mind of pre thought ideas...meditate for stillness of the mind. In a quiet moment, or many quiet moments, start taking a blade of grass and hold it between both hands. Ask the inner being of you...if its just pixels of information that makes that blade of grass. Then ask....if the blade of grass, actually holds within it, higher densities of existence. Within that small blade of can hold the a planetary consciousness and a solar consciousness....within your hand. Through the first density, these higher densities take on a complex, compressed form...that you can hold, in your very hands. You hold within your own hands, 2 higher densities that you are of....the Earth (planet consciousness) and the Sun (solar consciousness) as well as 'mineral' which allows the higher densities to work together in many expressions.

Now if this sounds too 'occult' for you....or just too far out of the way of what you are comfortable all means...cast this post aside and worry not with it at all.

We (from my limited understanding) are expressions of the infinite one...through the avenues of our Sun and the planetary consciousness of Earth.

Who would of thunk....what wisdom can lay in 1 blade of grass....or what deep understanding and connections one blade of grass holds.

Also...mineral forms of life are not without wisdom. Even rocks...have their own story

Maybe you are surrounded by family in a way that you have yet to behold.

edit on 2-11-2010 by LeoVirgo because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 04:49 PM
The Nummo
(also Nommo)

The Dogon religion focuses on immortality because the key spiritual figures in the mythology, known as Nummo, were immortal. According to the Dogon, these fish and serpent like beings came to Earth from another star system. When they died and were reborn they could remember their previous existence. The Dogon elder Ogotemmêli described life and death for the amphibious Nummo as being like a snake shedding its skin. According to the Dogon, in the beginning of human existence, immortality was the norm and time as we know it was irrelevant.

According to Ogotemmêli, there wasn't any intelligent life on the planet when the Nummo first came to Earth. There was some suggestion in the mythology the Nummo's world had been dying out, which is why they ended up here. They had planned to live on the Earth and combine their DNA with the animals here to create a new life form they could inhabit. What Dogon mythology tells us is the experiment failed. Not only was humanity born from this failure but as a result, humans became forever twinned to the alien Nummo. According to the Dogon, our connection to them exists on a deeply spiritual level in the collective unconscious. The Nummo communicate with humans through symbols and these symbols are the language of the unconscious.

No idea of the significance but assuming this story is close to some true then from the perspective of a believer in soul groups the native life of earth was created by one soul group and then was interfered with by another.

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

I've meditated in nature, with trees, snails, insects, and even upon a rock, that did not have the energy hit that you or I would and I have energy recognition. I can touch the computer at times, and know someone has sent me an email, or feel someone connect and they've posted, or the chat is up.

The rock however have a story that showed me earth, children, wars, mountains, deserts, planes, and even the energy of the cosmos.

I was able to connect to a dragon fly and show him the safety of the door, and he was rescued, he flew out straight by my face to say thank you.

And in Infinity there can never be One. We are infinite, eternal, never ending, this is my avatar currently, and one i will remember, until one day, it may become as insignificant as remembering an outing I had as a tiny child, for I only remember some, nearly all actually though, I even remember diapers, and eating peas in a high chair, crawling, and much more going all the way back to a photo taken when I was scared, under one month of age. So, who knows I may always remember this journey,though I'm going to quickly erase all the bloopers.

Even mosquito's can tell a story. Earth is like a living library, and one can reach in and study it. Mosquitos are mothers, and need to be tended by the cosmos. And also, I don't hit them, only blow them away. I try not to harm anything. Even was unthinkingly flushing a spider down the toilet, and then in a split second completely regretted the act as pointless. Though in full flush, near the finish mark, it stopped in that second, and I scopped it out, and put the wet little creepy crawler up in the top shelf of the coat closet as it was winter outside, and he would have frozen and my ex husband would have killed him on sight.
edit on 2-11-2010 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 09:39 PM

Originally posted by AdonaiChristBless

Lucifer fell through the desire of self, but this doesnt mean the frequecy did not alter later in another fall originally the experience was still STO but changed after eden into STS.

Adonai Christ bless

One cannot be brought into the Infinite One's presence....... without having one's weakness made manifest.... leading to further purification. Two cannot stand divided.
edit on 2-11-2010 by HarryJoy because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 11:50 PM

Originally posted by spannera

Does the logos suffer from split personalty?

Originally posted by AdonaiChristBless

Do not forget your creator is Lucifer/Yahweh there essence is present in most of mankind hence your soulgroup is the fallen ones in bible texts 'the rebellious angels who seek there own kingdom'.

could it be that lucifer/yahweh are two different spirits/angels not a one being, both as a part of creator god in whole.
yahweh/jesus being the word of god, god's word and spirit seperating to form individuals as mankind and angelkind as foundation of world, gods holy spirit being michael, from michael came all the angels including satan.

the word of god in form as jesus, the power to perform that word as holy spirit by michael, both created angel and man, where satan then was the cause of man and angels fall, those of who rejecting gods word as angel or man being led to lucifer/satans relm or kingdom of the fallen, and those who believe in the word becoming as union with christ the son of god through the holy spirit into kindom of heaven. all as being or given that choice to become sons of god, spirit in god.

so should this then be michael/jesus as creators, lucifer/satan as fallen, man with choice to choose from either kingdom in the making.

edit on 3-11-2010 by redgy because: added line

edit on 3-11-2010 by redgy because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 02:08 AM

Originally posted by redgy

Originally posted by spannera

Does the logos suffer from split personalty?

Originally posted by AdonaiChristBless

Do not forget your creator is Lucifer/Yahweh there essence is present in most of mankind hence your soulgroup is the fallen ones in bible texts 'the rebellious angels who seek there own kingdom'.

could it be that lucifer/yahweh are two different spirits/angels not a one being, both as a part of creator god in whole.
yahweh/jesus being the word of god, god's word and spirit seperating to form individuals as mankind and angelkind as foundation of world, gods holy spirit being michael, from michael came all the angels including satan.

the word of god in form as jesus, the power to perform that word as holy spirit by michael, both created angel and man, where satan then was the cause of man and angels fall, those of who rejecting gods word as angel or man being led to lucifer/satans relm or kingdom of the fallen, and those who believe in the word becoming as union with christ the son of god through the holy spirit into kindom of heaven. all as being or given that choice to become sons of god, spirit in god.

so should this then be michael/jesus as creators, lucifer/satan as fallen, man with choice to choose from either kingdom in the making.

edit on 3-11-2010 by redgy because: added line

edit on 3-11-2010 by redgy because: (no reason given)

Yahweh is not jesus do not get confused, jesus is a much higher developed spirit but remember that even lucifer fell from Christhood, your duty on earth as the macrcosm is to bring you back to heaven hence why your playing the bad guy on macrocosm and have to choose Christ and deny lucifers efforts of corrupting, it is your duty hence you play out all the karma of lucifer on microcosm and macrocosm this is why Lucifer said through one of those channeling that he has no choice but to do the evil he is doing now to move into hell so he can work on his own karma in suffering, remember the draconian empire are the devils spoken by prophets not lucifer.

Adonai Christ bless

Adonai Christ bless

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 05:47 AM
The thought has occured to me lately that the seven churches in the book of Revelation may have a lot of significance as far as relating to this topic. As I see it... a "Church " in its purest form is a groupsoul or memory complex ? of a higher density being. It struck me that each of the seven churches may be the "crop" that was grown during each of seven cycles. Possibly being produced simultaneously in different dimensions. In the context of the narrative it would appear as though they do exist simultaneously. References are made to the fact that not all of the people from each "crop" will be "saved" or preserved this also would be in keeping with the idea of a harvest. The book of Psalms I believe the 12th one...makes mention of silver being purified in a furnace of earth 7 times.( We are likened to vessels of clay in the Bible). Just thought I'd throw that out there to see what others thought. The verse that opened this idea up to me is the one that tells husbands to love their wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself for her. He also said that unless a kernel of wheat falls into the ground and dies it cannot multiply. ( A metaphor of him being sown through self sacrafice and death).

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 06:38 AM

Originally posted by LeoVirgoWe (from my limited understanding) are expressions of the infinite one...through the avenues of our Sun and the planetary consciousness of Earth.

That is true in a way, there is just one catch. We have not matured yet, we are still connected to that infinite one. Just picture a sun which has infinite rays going into all directions, one human is like a ray with it's head (the senses) at the far most end of the sun (ideally) looking at the exact opposite of the center from which it came. Humans keep making the same mistake over and over believing they are that center or they need to bend the ray in such a way it will revolve around the center (there are so many ways different ways of responding).

When dying the ray goes back to the source until it is nearly there (or completely absorped again) and just before that happens the "end" of the ray is reincarnated again.

A human being "letting go" (or realizing what it is, where it came from and where it can go) of the source or a center of the sun from which it came would become a sun after which eventually it will "produce" rays just as it's "parent" sun. Or realize the end of the ray is like a sphere with a center of it's own, there are so many ways.

Those rays that suffer are those that want to get into the center of the parent sun. It is like a child growing up in the parent's house believing it is orphaned, some of the children believing they are parents, some children have climbed out the window and created a room in the garden around the house, some are on the roof and some say there are children who have even made caves under the house. Then there are some kids who say there are things in the sky sometimes which take them away and then return them back to their room. Some say they weren't returned but we know better.

In reality it's the parents who made all these things for their children even if they know the children might hurt themselves. What the children are supposed to do is learn how the house was constructed, then learn about the neighbourhood and then find a suitable place to construct a house of their own. Which is no small feat but that is how it is.
edit on 3/11/2010 by Dragonfly79 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 08:19 AM
reply to post by Dragonfly79

That thought is most defiantly interesting and I have considered it many times.

But I have to ask myself some things when looking at it all from a perspective....of a scale...of 'order' in what we can only know as 'time'. I think its possible....that we, have already been 'a sun'....'a planet' ect....

If we think about the 'outward' manifestation of the universe...starting with a Central Sun and 'going outward/ex-pressing outward' we have a 'order'.

Central Sun
Solar Systems

Without all the former....'beings' would of not 'became'. I have to wonder and keep an open mind to the idea that a 'conscious' individual 'being' has a 'moving forward' beyond from whence it conscious beings...we now start to move back through the scale from what we are 'of' and moving back to the central sun...we unite there.

It could be though...that as we see a 'order' occurring...that we can not be familiar with what happens 'from individual consciousness' for it could be a 'whole new universe' burst forth in 'awareness' of 'itself/being'-bringing all the things it was 'anew'. Emanating through the avenues of 'individual consciousness' seeds to be planted outside of this Universe. Or what about a 'species' becoming a united consciousness? could be that we, as beings, need to pass on to other beings...awareness to what we are of...with the will to respect it, be of it, and tend to it wisely....becoming more a galactic 'wave' of energy as united conscious beings of this Universe.

What if through the individual conscious expressions....will come the 'fine tuning' of the infinite one....awaking from its own 'dream' and slumber. In that instant, there may be a collapsing and re-booming....all over again.

Seeing it from a perspective of a 'infinite one' that is constantly in 'expression' for to 'be' is to 'ex-press'.....I see a order occurring....and I see humanity or any type of conscious being on any planet....being the latest 'compression' of all the former emanations....holding within 'it' all the potentials already of the 'former'....and a need to emanate into something that already 'is not' in our perspective or time/order/being.

I see through the order...the infinite one emanating from etheric states of being to more physical/compressed forms of being...that are more finely focused in a expression of 'being' that is aware of itself. So I must keep an open mind that we may be 'becoming' something we cant 'predict' for in our 'time order' we have not 'seen it yet' or have observed other 'beings' that have become it yet.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 08:22 AM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

Edit to add....I disagree with pretty much all channeled material and how they order the densities. I just have different experiences when observing the order while in the order of the manifesting 'Spirit' of life. I would also like to say....with each 'physical' manifestation...they is going to be a etheric connection that cant be seen. Like soul groups, divine attributes, planetary attributes ect.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 08:45 AM

Originally posted by DClairvoyant

Originally posted by AdonaiChristBless

Originally posted by DClairvoyant
reply to post by AdonaiChristBless

That does not make sense. How can a false light/source hold wisedom and knowledge if it's not true.

Wisedom comes from TRUTH and knowledge that hold's TRUTH, cannot be both Good & Evil. They are completely two opposites of eachother. That's where the balance is held between the opposites.

Wisdom is not like people think it is why not many achieve it here, you think there is not negative wise beings?

Adonai Christ bless

If negative wise being's were really wise about anything then why choose a path of hatred over Love?

Who says they choose hatred over love, perhaps the problem is mankinds interpetation of that vocal frequecy indentifier.

Adonai Christ bless

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 08:47 AM

Originally posted by DClairvoyant
reply to post by AdonaiChristBless

And continue with his 'freewill' as you had quoted with this superflicious punctuation.

Are you saying that one-1 does not require 'freewill' again with the superflicious punctuation in Utopia?

Are you stating it's a bad thing to have "Freewill"?

Think of it this way 'Free Will' would mean seperation from Divine Will which is a group shared will and way of being, your very existence is only because of Divine Will and the entitys which play their rolls. So in context of a Utopia as in Heaven indeed Free Will is non existant it is a distortion but a rule we follow.

Adonai Christ bless

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 08:49 AM

Originally posted by spannera
reply to post by AdonaiChristBless

Human love is not the answer divine love. Do not forget your creator is Lucifer/Yahweh there essence is present in most of mankind hence your soulgroup is the fallen ones in bible texts 'the rebellious angels who seek there own kingdom'.

Indeed and those who are meant to try reduce the deception are struggling to awaken others, they are crystalized in their distortions and it leads them into suffering soon.

Adonai Christ bless

Hidden hand stated that Yahweh was our/human group soul complex/ Earth sub Logei and that Lucifer was trapped here by our Group soul interfering with the other sub logei's free will. Is this correct and does the Lucifer logei originate in the Pleides star system?. Where does what is referred to as the Ra Soul Complex originate.

More so mankind is both hence your duality in being known by many, venus but lucifer has also been involved in venus, no the logos Christ Jmmanuel did better known as Yeshua.

Adonai Christ bless

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 08:50 AM

Originally posted by DClairvoyant
reply to post by AdonaiChristBless

Would you kindly care to elaborate on who the few are and named, so to speak wise negative being's?

We will give you the most relevant which can easily be researched even today which ties to babylon, Moloch is considered a God of Wisdom now do homework.

Adonai Christ bless

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by AdonaiChristBless

Just curious ACB.

What do you think of Aaron C. Hanson (Donahue)?

I've always found him fascinating to listen to. He seems quite intelligent.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 06:14 PM
reply to post by DClairvoyant

You showed a picture of the Sun and Earth pointed out with a line and arrow. Well if that was the case of the Sun supposedly being large like viewed in the picture in your above post's. Then why does the Sun appear to be in similar size of our moon.

Hi DClairvoyant, hope things are going well for you in the land down under. Of course to man the moon is closer than the sun therefore appears around the same size due to as you put it 'Distance' which is really only our own human perspective based on the senses and perception of distance, size and objects. I see that you have your infinite thinking cap on as always and thanks for sharing some of your food for thought with the rest of us.

You look at the picture the Earth being a dot, and the Sun the size of a football, now forget what NASA tell's people about distances and all that hogwash. In a place of Infinity & beyond, there's no such thing as end or start, or time, or distance.

Hard to actually imagine isn't it, but the basic/fundamental understanding or idea of it can be somewhat understood that things go on forever and not only in just 1 direction as if this universe is the only dimension or channel/station but merely 1 of Infinite ONE-1 among Infinite others.

Since clock's are man-made either way.

Exactly and earth 'TIME' is a man made idea/concept applicable to humans on Earth first of all because they believe in it as it makes sense to them. Secondly they practice it and base their lives on it. TIME, dates, calendars, calculations, mathematics 'Science' - 'Human ideas' and so on.

And as for the clock mechanism of planet's and moon's in this solar system, who's to say it's time related.

I see the infinite thinking cap is on, who's to say that anything is really moving or orbiting anything at all and what is motion anyway.

A saying comes to mind. 'As the world turns' well it takes TIME for the world to turn so is everything based on that very concept/idea of TIME - moving into the future or into other times and periods. Is that what moves a person forward and allows planets to orbit or is there something else behind it all. Do we age because we believe we are aging or is it because our very lives from what we know from 'birth to so called death' is based on that very word TIME. Just a matter of TIME or in due time.

What is 'TIME' anyway.

Does it have anything to do with motion, thoughts and actions.

Does everyone have the same perception of 'TIME'' or do some people experience days, hours, minutes longer than others.

Does 'TIME' seem to move faster for some people.

Just a few thoughts of course, when I was younger days seem to go much slower and as I've so called aged in this temporal experience/existence - days and years seem to pass much quicker.

Is 'TIME' then based on awareness level being merely our own perception of that very idea or word.

Is everything in history happening right now somewhere in 'TIME' beyond this 'TIME' or the current dimension/future space/time we currently occupy.

It isn't, there's no such thing as "time".

TIME does seem to be just an idea for us at this level of awareness/understanding/consciousness though doesn't it help us better understand how things run/work and move around us. Motion, aging, past, present and future. SIZE is also our own idea/concept of something based on our current level of understanding/awareness/consciousness level - almost like TIME but if size doesn't exist within Infinity then of course TIME is kind of like SIZE because there is no beginning or ending to it either therefore everything that exists in one TIME or another must have always existed and will always exist without beginning or ending so called -ETERNITY-

That would make everything that exists -ETERNAL- and everything Infinite in themselves not only in SIZE but in TIME and if there is Infinite TIME then there would be -Eternal progression- meaning we have Infinity and Eternity to continually progress and if that is the case we have always been progressing in one way or another without beginning or ending. It can get deep where there is no deep but an infinite amount of sheep. -)

It's just a repeated cycle.

The quest for Truth video I posted suggests that very idea about TIME and Infinity that everything perhaps endlessly repeats itself in cycles infinitely. So it ends where it begins but then begins again where it ends and that is a repeating infinite cycle that goes on forever. Well it sounds like a good thought and idea but would that mean that there is ever any progression happening along the infinite cycle way or does everything just repeat itself over and over forever. In truth from my understanding of it ---there is eternal progression yet within ETERNITY there are infinite perceptions of TIME according to the conscious observer experiencing based on their current level of awareness ---Within Infinity and Eternity - everything that has happened and will happen at some point in TIME has already happened or is happening and exists simultaneously on infinite levels within ETERNITY.

"Times" just a deception to the Human-mind,

Someone can view everything in this existence as some form of deception even the very religions of the world or educational systems can all be looked upon as deceptions or someone can see things a little further and consider that perhaps everything has a reason/purpose for happening and existing the way it does. 'TIME' may just be a necessary thing for this existence and it's occupants to have and duality may just be necessary for progression of the spirit/soul. Having opposition choices available to us may be part of that infinite/eternal progression – the question then may arise well what is it that we are progressing to or working for?

Some would say to be more prefect but isn't PERFECT just an idea as well based on someone's belief or personal definition of the word applicable personally to them?

Perfect for some may not be perfect for others, so progression may not be about working towards perfection according to what some define that word to be but moreso for the experiences one experiences which is part of eternal progression or the 'spiritual' progression of one's infinite ONE-1 soul/being. What is gained from life experiences or so called progression? A higher awareness perhaps and greater wisdom/knowledge/intelligence, something learned in ways that the physical body/mind doesn't perhaps clearly understand/perceive but that the spirit/soul/being understands/realizes and is more aware of.

so is distance as how can one-1 determine the speed of Light, when the element of "time" has been taken-out-of-the-picture. It can't exist without "time".

Nice to see the infinite thinking cap on, looks good on you-) Motion and SPEED based on our own perception/idea of 'TIME' within Infinity Space/Time/Eternity.

Are there Infinite perceptions of 'TIME' in existence.

Could a trillions years according to what we perceive years to be to a conscious observer on another level be merely only a few minutes as we perceive minutes to be in perception to another.

The Universe moves around us,

Fist of all where there is no first let's ask ourselves what 'Motion' actually is and by the way what is Motion?

Some astrophysicists may say that if we picked up an apple and moved it to another location that apple would not be the same apple since every TIME something moves, it deconstructs itself and then while in motion reconstructs itself to another location.

So if you move your hand back and forth your hand is deconstructing itself and reconstructing itself.

What we consider to be modern Science is still working on figuring out what an atom is and contains and by the way what is an electron? Humans have their own theories/ideas of such things and are still always mind boggled by many things that cannot yet be answered, explained or understood.

How do we expect a cartoon character if we lets say could place a conscious 'spirit/soul/being' into that cartoon character, how could it ever figure out what a TV channel/station or cartoon really is?

It would be looking at things like pixels or mega pixels and asking itself questions like what is an atom or electron?

The Universe we live in and planet itself is a highly advanced Creation which is another word for technology or I use it in that way and it's beyond our comprehension to clearly and fully ever figure out but it's part of our progression and learning experience attempting to do so. Since we exist within the TV channel/station or cartoon using that as an example/metaphor then how do we ever expect to figure out what pixels/atoms electrons and mega-pixels really are?

Motion, Speed, Distance, Space, Time and Infinity/Eternity. There is much to learn, explore and figure out. An infinite amount of things. Most humans can barely figure out where they are and why they are there. Isn't that what beliefs and religions are really all about? Making sense of why humans are on earth, what's the reason for it, how they came to be and where they are going? Much of finding the answers to those very questions comes in better understanding the reality in which we occupy and connecting with a higher understanding/awareness of what Infinity and Eternity really means/represents/IS. In the bible it's been written “ENDLESS is my name,” well what does ENDLESS truly represent/imply/mean?

Duality based on my understanding of it is one of the most difficult experiences for an 'eternal soul' to go through and it's a very excellent step once we make it past this level as things only get more FUN and so called heavenly/wonderful past these stages. I enjoy feeling happy and having FUN or going on a nice vacation - who doesn't?

Of course there are an infinite number of vacation spots/existences out there with zero wars and evils to be found in them. Evil is not necessary for Good to exist, evil and good are actions and opposition choices one to another and people can choose to do one or the other based on their understanding of both words and what their definition of good and evil is. But in duality existences both choices of opposition are always available - it doesn't mean that 50% of the people must choose one and the other 50% must choose the other. There are existences that exist that have only GOOD things on them according to the most common definition/understanding of the word good. Such existences we could say have wonderful, friendly, kind and loving people that share with one another everything and find happiness in making others happy. Some worlds are all about having a BLAST and FUN and there is no suffering, pain, evil and wars that are so prevalently found on planets like earth.

Happiness is eternal and so is Love and Love can infinitely increase to infinity and so can happiness and joy. The feelings I've felt and remember some would do anything in their lifetime to feel again. Humans in these bodies on these levels can't get a taste of those much higher wonderful heavenly blissful feelings that we one day will all receive and it only gets better and better from there. So getting through this duality existence is a big step to infinite progression where there is no big. My only suggestion to anyone working on getting past this temporal existence/level is to always follow their heart and search within themselves for direction/guidance/answers making a connection to that Infinite ONE-1 spirit of LOVE and PEACE that connects all of us and can be found within. Remember that it's your actions – INTENT- and how you treat others in this temporal school/life/existence that truly counts.

There is ONE common spirit accessible/shared between all 'souls' and I consider that spirit to be the spirit of LOVE. It's also a spirit of PEACE and it could be said that this is the Holy Spirit many speak about, it can connect us one to another. We all have a FAMILY who've made it past duality existences such as this one who LOVE us and are cheering us on and happy to see us progress helping/assisting us in our lives at times whether we realize/see it or not.

we don't move around the Universe.

What is motion?

Everything you see is an perception, as everything is energy, electrical signals and vibration's.

That's about where Science is at today, still trying to figure it out. Modern day man and what is modern by the way - being 'finite' will continue trying to make sense and understand the nature of it's reality/existence and what is an atom, electron, pixel and megapixel by the way?

After realising this I can now go-under for what feel's like a few second's and just as I'm falling to sleep, manifest a thought into a creation infront of me.

The advanced creation 'alive' and 'intelligent' technology universe we currently occupy is a highly sophisticated interactive and reactive 'Intelligent' system for the occupants that reside within the system. Nature, earth and the universe or the magical technology megapixels are full of 'intelligence' but 'intelligence' does not always equate to 'consciousness' or being aware of itself. We can take a robot or computer for instance and upload it with much information/data and it can store this data in it's memory/hard-drive/software or whatever one wants to call it and so on. (metaphorically speaking). If our computer for us can be interactive or that robot it can communicate with us and give us all the information/data/answers we need as it is full of the information/knowledge we uploaded and is 'intelligent' according to our design but it's not necessarily aware or conscious as we are being the designer/creator of that particular technology robot/computer or whatever it is that we've create as an example.

Nature and all life around us is interactive and reactive, it's full of intelligence and a very advanced creation/technology live/organic system full of life that we look at to be natural, nature, lifeforms, evolution, creation and so on.

It's weird and I can do it. And the other werid thing I do to people, when i lock onto their eyes, I send clear thought's to them and they stop right in their tracks and go completely zombified and I pick up on all their motives and idea's.

Some have special talents and abilities that others don't have and some of these abilities/talents are hard to explain by science and the seemingly regular/ordinary explanations/sciences of the world. Paranormal things occur and happen all the TIME within TIME that Science can never explain but that is another subject/topic all in itself that could take up many pages.

In a realm of so to speak, "TIME" we can easily justify that distance/speed/time are equal and in conjunction with eachother and that all is possible to a certain degree of one-1 own understanding.

so now we no longer have distance/speed and time. Therefore even more than ever, all impossibilities are possibilities and endless outcomes and we can all progress infinitely throughout Infinity & Beyond.

What get's me is HOW can that be placed so to speak on a cd into our brain (dvd-player) when we perceive our brains as solid matter with a start and end.

Is that to be taken literally or as metaphor. lol

Therefore: Our brains are not what we perceive them to appear as solid matter, yet they are something more than just a brain. They are more than just matter, their energy.

It's much more than just energy and that is where the 'soul' resides or the driver of your technology body attached/linked to what some would call the nervous system but let's not get too nervous about it. lol

The driver driving a vehicle doesn't always feel the damage to the car when it gets in a wreck.

So now let's imagine an Infinty & Beyond magnitude to where there is no such-thing as "TIME" and our brains are just as equal in size like the old saying as one-1 member stated here, that our Sun could be the same size no lesser no more than a grain of sand.

Let's pump up the volume a little bit and say that our brain is no lesser or greater in size than the infinite universe and everything outside/within/beyond it. It suggests that there is infinite space in all things and nothing is greater or lesser than any object when it comes to size.

Using this understanding of size and comparing it to 'conscious intelligence' one can imagine that if there was a grain of sand size intelligence or a sun size intelligence nobody can say which is smaller or greater from the infinite perspective. We can also look at people's IQ's and say who is smarter or more intelligent than the other. Well from the finite view or our current human perspective we would probably say this guys a genius extremely 'intelligent' and this other guy is close to 'brainless' and it's not always because their blonde either. lol Just a joke and no pun intended to all those blonde's out there.-) The above is the finite temporal world perspective according to what the conscious observer sees/perceives and of course it's only based on the temporal person occupying the temporal vehicle/body for the 'TIME' being.

From the infinite view or perspective we would say that all 'conscious intelligence' regardless of what level it is on --- IS no greater or lesser than any other 'conscious intelligence' as it's eternal and can endlessly progress within 'Infinite' amounts of TIME or Eternity.

If we move past the 'TIME' part we can really get into some deep thoughts but let's leave it at that for now.-) Hopefully we can get into some good discussions yet to come on 'TIME' as this thread further progresses.

So with that in mind, our brain being the grain of sand and inside that grain of sand, there are Infinite outcomes and possibilites succeed's with greater understanding of "no-TIME" that they progress outside of this grain of sand into Infinity & Beyond where you now become the remote viewer of the experiencer.

It's a thought-)

Thanks for sharing,

Best Wishes always!

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 06:18 PM

Originally posted by ET_MAN
reply to post by DClairvoyant

You showed a picture of the Sun and Earth pointed out with a line and arrow. Well if that was the case of the Sun supposedly being large like viewed in the picture in your above post's. Then why does the Sun appear to be in similar size of our moon.

Hi DClairvoyant, hope things are going well for you in the land down under. Of course to man the moon is closer than the sun therefore appears around the same size due to as you put it 'Distance' which is really only our own human perspective based on the senses and perception of distance, size and objects. I see that you have your infinite thinking cap on as always and thanks for sharing some of your food for thought with the rest of us.

You look at the picture the Earth being a dot, and the Sun the size of a football, now forget what NASA tell's people about distances and all that hogwash. In a place of Infinity & beyond, there's no such thing as end or start, or time, or distance.

Hard to actually imagine isn't it, but the basic/fundamental understanding or idea of it can be somewhat understood that things go on forever and not only in just 1 direction as if this universe is the only dimension or channel/station but merely 1 of Infinite ONE-1 among Infinite others.

Since clock's are man-made either way.

Exactly and earth 'TIME' is a man made idea/concept applicable to humans on Earth first of all because they believe in it as it makes sense to them. Secondly they practice it and base their lives on it. TIME, dates, calendars, calculations, mathematics 'Science' - 'Human ideas' and so on.

And as for the clock mechanism of planet's and moon's in this solar system, who's to say it's time related.

I see the infinite thinking cap is on, who's to say that anything is really moving or orbiting anything at all and what is motion anyway.

A saying comes to mind. 'As the world turns' well it takes TIME for the world to turn so is everything based on that very concept/idea of TIME - moving into the future or into other times and periods. Is that what moves a person forward and allows planets to orbit or is there something else behind it all. Do we age because we believe we are aging or is it because our very lives from what we know from 'birth to so called death' is based on that very word TIME. Just a matter of TIME or in due time.

What is 'TIME' anyway.

Does it have anything to do with motion, thoughts and actions.

Does everyone have the same perception of 'TIME'' or do some people experience days, hours, minutes longer than others.

Does 'TIME' seem to move faster for some people.

Just a few thoughts of course, when I was younger days seem to go much slower and as I've so called aged in this temporal experience/existence - days and years seem to pass much quicker.

Is 'TIME' then based on awareness level being merely our own perception of that very idea or word.

Is everything in history happening right now somewhere in 'TIME' beyond this 'TIME' or the current dimension/future space/time we currently occupy.

It isn't, there's no such thing as "time".

TIME does seem to be just an idea for us at this level of awareness/understanding/consciousness though doesn't it help us better understand how things run/work and move around us. Motion, aging, past, present and future. SIZE is also our own idea/concept of something based on our current level of understanding/awareness/consciousness level - almost like TIME but if size doesn't exist within Infinity then of course TIME is kind of like SIZE because there is no beginning or ending to it either therefore everything that exists in one TIME or another must have always existed and will always exist without beginning or ending so called -ETERNITY-

That would make everything that exists -ETERNAL- and everything Infinite in themselves not only in SIZE but in TIME and if there is Infinite TIME then there would be -Eternal progression- meaning we have Infinity and Eternity to continually progress and if that is the case we have always been progressing in one way or another without beginning or ending. It can get deep where there is no deep but an infinite amount of sheep. -)

It's just a repeated cycle.

The quest for Truth video I posted suggests that very idea about TIME and Infinity that everything perhaps endlessly repeats itself in cycles infinitely. So it ends where it begins but then begins again where it ends and that is a repeating infinite cycle that goes on forever. Well it sounds like a good thought and idea but would that mean that there is ever any progression happening along the infinite cycle way or does everything just repeat itself over and over forever. In truth from my understanding of it ---there is eternal progression yet within ETERNITY there are infinite perceptions of TIME according to the conscious observer experiencing based on their current level of awareness ---Within Infinity and Eternity - everything that has happened and will happen at some point in TIME has already happened or is happening and exists simultaneously on infinite levels within ETERNITY.

"Times" just a deception to the Human-mind,

Someone can view everything in this existence as some form of deception even the very religions of the world or educational systems can all be looked upon as deceptions or someone can see things a little further and consider that perhaps everything has a reason/purpose for happening and existing the way it does. 'TIME' may just be a necessary thing for this existence and it's occupants to have and duality may just be necessary for progression of the spirit/soul. Having opposition choices available to us may be part of that infinite/eternal progression – the question then may arise well what is it that we are progressing to or working for?

Some would say to be more prefect but isn't PERFECT just an idea as well based on someone's belief or personal definition of the word applicable personally to them?

Perfect for some may not be perfect for others, so progression may not be about working towards perfection according to what some define that word to be but moreso for the experiences one experiences which is part of eternal progression or the 'spiritual' progression of one's infinite ONE-1 soul/being. What is gained from life experiences or so called progression? A higher awareness perhaps and greater wisdom/knowledge/intelligence, something learned in ways that the physical body/mind doesn't perhaps clearly understand/perceive but that the spirit/soul/being understands/realizes and is more aware of.

so is distance as how can one-1 determine the speed of Light, when the element of "time" has been taken-out-of-the-picture. It can't exist without "time".

Nice to see the infinite thinking cap on, looks good on you-) Motion and SPEED based on our own perception/idea of 'TIME' within Infinity Space/Time/Eternity.

Are there Infinite perceptions of 'TIME' in existence.

Could a trillions years according to what we perceive years to be to a conscious observer on another level be merely only a few minutes as we perceive minutes to be in perception to another.

The Universe moves around us,

Fist of all where there is no first let's ask ourselves what 'Motion' actually is and by the way what is Motion?

Some astrophysicists may say that if we picked up an apple and moved it to another location that apple would not be the same apple since every TIME something moves, it deconstructs itself and then while in motion reconstructs itself to another location.

So if you move your hand back and forth your hand is deconstructing itself and reconstructing itself.

What we consider to be modern Science is still working on figuring out what an atom is and contains and by the way what is an electron? Humans have their own theories/ideas of such things and are still always mind boggled by many things that cannot yet be answered, explained or understood.

How do we expect a cartoon character if we lets say could place a conscious 'spirit/soul/being' into that cartoon character, how could it ever figure out what a TV channel/station or cartoon really is?

It would be looking at things like pixels or mega pixels and asking itself questions like what is an atom or electron?

The Universe we live in and planet itself is a highly advanced Creation which is another word for technology or I use it in that way and it's beyond our comprehension to clearly and fully ever figure out but it's part of our progression and learning experience attempting to do so. Since we exist within the TV channel/station or cartoon using that as an example/metaphor then how do we ever expect to figure out what pixels/atoms electrons and mega-pixels really are?

Motion, Speed, Distance, Space, Time and Infinity/Eternity. There is much to learn, explore and figure out. An infinite amount of things. Most humans can barely figure out where they are and why they are there. Isn't that what beliefs and religions are really all about? Making sense of why humans are on earth, what's the reason for it, how they came to be and where they are going? Much of finding the answers to those very questions comes in better understanding the reality in which we occupy and connecting with a higher understanding/awareness of what Infinity and Eternity really means/represents/IS. In the bible it's been written “ENDLESS is my name,” well what does ENDLESS truly represent/imply/mean?

Duality based on my understanding of it is one of the most difficult experiences for an 'eternal soul' to go through and it's a very excellent step once we make it past this level as things only get more FUN and so called heavenly/wonderful past these stages. I enjoy feeling happy and having FUN or going on a nice vacation - who doesn't?

Of course there are an infinite number of vacation spots/existences out there with zero wars and evils to be found in them. Evil is not necessary for Good to exist, evil and good are actions and opposition choices one to another and people can choose to do one or the other based on their understanding of both words and what their definition of good and evil is. But in duality existences both choices of opposition are always available - it doesn't mean that 50% of the people must choose one and the other 50% must choose the other. There are existences that exist that have only GOOD things on them according to the most common definition/understanding of the word good. Such existences we could say have wonderful, friendly, kind and loving people that share with one another everything and find happiness in making others happy. Some worlds are all about having a BLAST and FUN and there is no suffering, pain, evil and wars that are so prevalently found on planets like earth.

Happiness is eternal and so is Love and Love can infinitely increase to infinity and so can happiness and joy. The feelings I've felt and remember some would do anything in their lifetime to feel again. Humans in these bodies on these levels can't get a taste of those much higher wonderful heavenly blissful feelings that we one day will all receive and it only gets better and better from there. So getting through this duality existence is a big step to infinite progression where there is no big. My only suggestion to anyone working on getting past this temporal existence/level is to always follow their heart and search within themselves for direction/guidance/answers making a connection to that Infinite ONE-1 spirit of LOVE and PEACE that connects all of us and can be found within. Remember that it's your actions – INTENT- and how you treat others in this temporal school/life/existence that truly counts.

There is ONE common spirit accessible/shared between all 'souls' and I consider that spirit to be the spirit of LOVE. It's also a spirit of PEACE and it could be said that this is the Holy Spirit many speak about, it can connect us one to another. We all have a FAMILY who've made it past duality existences such as this one who LOVE us and are cheering us on and happy to see us progress helping/assisting us in our lives at times whether we realize/see it or not.

we don't move around the Universe.

What is motion?

Everything you see is an perception, as everything is energy, electrical signals and vibration's.

That's about where Science is at today, still trying to figure it out. Modern day man and what is modern by the way - being 'finite' will continue trying to make sense and understand the nature of it's reality/existence and what is an atom, electron, pixel and megapixel by the way?

After realising this I can now go-under for what feel's like a few second's and just as I'm falling to sleep, manifest a thought into a creation infront of me.

The advanced creation 'alive' and 'intelligent' technology universe we currently occupy is a highly sophisticated interactive and reactive 'Intelligent' system for the occupants that reside within the system. Nature, earth and the universe or the magical technology megapixels are full of 'intelligence' but 'intelligence' does not always equate to 'consciousness' or being aware of itself. We can take a robot or computer for instance and upload it with much information/data and it can store this data in it's memory/hard-drive/software or whatever one wants to call it and so on. (metaphorically speaking). If our computer for us can be interactive or that robot it can communicate with us and give us all the information/data/answers we need as it is full of the information/knowledge we uploaded and is 'intelligent' according to our design but it's not necessarily aware or conscious as we are being the designer/creator of that particular technology robot/computer or whatever it is that we've create as an example.

Nature and all life around us is interactive and reactive, it's full of intelligence and a very advanced creation/technology live/organic system full of life that we look at to be natural, nature, lifeforms, evolution, creation and so on.

It's weird and I can do it. And the other werid thing I do to people, when i lock onto their eyes, I send clear thought's to them and they stop right in their tracks and go completely zombified and I pick up on all their motives and idea's.

Some have special talents and abilities that others don't have and some of these abilities/talents are hard to explain by science and the seemingly regular/ordinary explanations/sciences of the world. Paranormal things occur and happen all the TIME within TIME that Science can never explain but that is another subject/topic all in itself that could take up many pages.

In a realm of so to speak, "TIME" we can easily justify that distance/speed/time are equal and in conjunction with eachother and that all is possible to a certain degree of one-1 own understanding.

so now we no longer have distance/speed and time. Therefore even more than ever, all impossibilities are possibilities and endless outcomes and we can all progress infinitely throughout Infinity & Beyond.

What get's me is HOW can that be placed so to speak on a cd into our brain (dvd-player) when we perceive our brains as solid matter with a start and end.

Is that to be taken literally or as metaphor. lol

Therefore: Our brains are not what we perceive them to appear as solid matter, yet they are something more than just a brain. They are more than just matter, their energy.

It's much more than just energy and that is where the 'soul' resides or the driver of your technology body attached/linked to what some would call the nervous system but let's not get too nervous about it. lol

The driver driving a vehicle doesn't always feel the damage to the car when it gets in a wreck.

So now let's imagine an Infinty & Beyond magnitude to where there is no such-thing as "TIME" and our brains are just as equal in size like the old saying as one-1 member stated here, that our Sun could be the same size no lesser no more than a grain of sand.

Let's pump up the volume a little bit and say that our brain is no lesser or greater in size than the infinite universe and everything outside/within/beyond it. It suggests that there is infinite space in all things and nothing is greater or lesser than any object when it comes to size.

Using this understanding of size and comparing it to 'conscious intelligence' one can imagine that if there was a grain of sand size intelligence or a sun size intelligence nobody can say which is smaller or greater from the infinite perspective. We can also look at people's IQ's and say who is smarter or more intelligent than the other. Well from the finite view or our current human perspective we would probably say this guys a genius extremely 'intelligent' and this other guy is close to 'brainless' and it's not always because their blonde either. lol Just a joke and no pun intended to all those blonde's out there.-) The above is the finite temporal world perspective according to what the conscious observer sees/perceives and of course it's only based on the temporal person occupying the temporal vehicle/body for the 'TIME' being.

From the infinite view or perspective we would say that all 'conscious intelligence' regardless of what level it is on --- IS no greater or lesser than any other 'conscious intelligence' as it's eternal and can endlessly progress within 'Infinite' amounts of TIME or Eternity.

If we move past the 'TIME' part we can really get into some deep thoughts but let's leave it at that for now.-) Hopefully we can get into some good discussions yet to come on 'TIME' as this thread further progresses.

So with that in mind, our brain being the grain of sand and inside that grain of sand, there are Infinite outcomes and possibilites succeed's with greater understanding of "no-TIME" that they progress outside of this grain of sand into Infinity & Beyond where you now become the remote viewer of the experiencer.

It's a thought-)

Thanks for sharing,

Best Wishes always!

Learn to sumerise brother it puts people of to always have to read a novel when the point could be made by sumerisation which makes it easier for people seeking specific data.

Adonai Christ bless

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 06:23 PM

Originally posted by Annee
reply to post by AdonaiChristBless

Just curious ACB.

What do you think of Aaron C. Hanson (Donahue)?

I've always found him fascinating to listen to. He seems quite intelligent.

based on vibration of site we feel false prophet, but given insight somewhat to convince people to listen really a waste of time and nothing of growth will come from it.

Adonai Christ bless

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 06:24 PM
reply to post by LeoVirgo


Hi LeoVirgo,

WOW...what a reply that was

It may have been too long of a reply lol After posting I reviewed and noticed some of the long winded repetitiveness but I did try to sum up some of the questions to your answers though I realize I didn't address them all. Will work on the rest in this post and the upcoming!

I sincerely, thank you for your time that you always take to come to a very personal level with me and others in your responses.

It's nice to have a discussion with you and others on things, my pleasure.

Thank you so, for sharing 'you' and I want to thank everyone else for sharing 'themselves'.

It's a good attitude to have and I feel the same way about everyone who's shared with us some of their personal thoughts, ideas and beliefs in this thread.

I still....cant get past seeing things in a 'oneness' at this 'state of perspective' I am in.

Go with what you feel and always follow your heart has always been my modo. I hope you don't get the wrong impression to any of my posts, I'm not trying to change anyone's perspective or belief on anything - just sharing some of my own and I'm sure it's a whole new take on things for most considering some of what's out there in world religions/beliefs - I feel I have the understanding/reasons why the many beliefs/religions are in existence and so diversified.

one can say that this is a limited view and that I cant see yet I am a infinite being in my own right...

I would say we all have a limited 'finite' view for the 'TIME' being at this level and I would think that most of us could agree on that but the fundamental/basic concepts/ideas of 'Infinity' can somewhat be touched upon and understood to a certain level/degree and we are somewhat discussing them now or at least the basics and trying.

.but I can say...I have been there with that perspective already, and now see past that.

It's nice to hear that you've thought of some of this before and now that your past that state of understanding could there also be something more yet to get past. I mean is it possible that there is always something past something and yet something beyond that yet to understand. Just a thought!

Be it wrong or right, limited or not so limited, I cant say.

There are so many things that will burst most of our temporal earthling bubble beliefs that await us and that means me, you and everyone. But then again that's merely my own 'finite' belief based on my own current understanding of what awaits us in the 'infinite' existences yet to come.

As they say 'baby steps' but in this case from the infinite/eternal perspective --- 'baby steps' where there is no baby or steps.-)

I have experienced 'feeling as if I was a infinite being' in my own right....

Everything is 'infinite' so (technically) you could say that you are an 'infinite being' even if one believes themselves to be infinitely recycled, they still could say that they would infinitely continue on in one form/body or another but then again I'm sure you've already thought about that perspective/take on it.

through the avenue of a 'infinite soul' ever progressing. In that experience, I felt in touch with a 'soul group'...then 'higher self'....and later learned that even that higher self...was a 'many' in one'.

If you are an 'Infinite' being in the literal sense then that could mean there are 'Infinite' versions of yourself on 'Infinite' levels. Such as a fractal that is infinite within an infinite fractal or if we use another metaphor – A clip on a roll of film within TIME among other infinite clips on infinite rolls of film within TIME all interconnected/inked 'Infinitely' representing new progressive states of the Infinite ONE-1 being. Of course these are just simple metaphors and many others could be used but I think you get the picture. So the ONE could be no greater or lesser than the other ONE both being infinite in themselves with no SIZE having infinite amounts of TIME or an Eternity to progress. So who is to say that there are not Infinite ONE beings in existence Infinite in themselves among Infinite other ONE beings. Of course all are connected and part of the 'All that is' but they are a part of 'Infinity' or the 'All that is' no greater or lesser than any ONE of the other infinite ONE parts being Infinite in themselves with Infinite levels of themselves connected to infinite others. The relationship with ONE another is eternal as all Infinite ONE beings share that connection/relationship one to another as an Eternal Family. We all possess infinite potential/capability with an ETERNITY and we all have Infinite levels of our infinite ONE selves without a beginning or ending having always existed and never ceasing to exist. So a simple example of seeing this would be the 'you' at age 11 being a past version of yourself and the 'you' at age 30 being a little more progressed or the so called future version of yourself. If we took it a step further we could say your past life and present life and so on.

For those who believe in past lives and some claim memory of them, do they believe that they were recycled and then reinstated into their current being by the ONE. In other words did they merge into the ONE after death and then were they reincarnated into what they are now. How do they receive past memory of their past self in another existence. These are just thoughts and is it possible that there past life memories are coming from their eternal 'soul' that has experienced 'Infinite' experiences and existed forever with access to infinite memory/knowledge of it's infinite ONE being. Even though this current temporal state of existence or the body ONE occupies now will surely be a different person/experience/incarnation as ONE's previous life existence as ONE has temporally lost their higher awareness or memory of who that ONE they are really IS or where that ONE really came from. Is it possible that the ONE is you and that you are the ONE but that every 'being' or 'soul' on this planet has their own Infinite ONE that they can go back to. Yet all of us or the infinite 'ONE-1 'Us' all reside within the 'All that is' Endless/Infinity sharing a connection in spirit all being 'Infinite' in ourselves as if we are an infinite fractal within an infinite fractal sharing that same infinite fractal/connection linked to each other in spirit as an eternal never-ending Infinite FAMILY among infinite others yet all Infinitely ONE in family.

I actually call that higher self now, a counselor, guide, and it has many phases I can tap into to learn, grow, and perceive many different avenues of 'being'. I could even call this 'higher self' being made up of 'divine spirits' that were still 'one spirit' in totality but expressing itself through '7-9' divine fractions of being, though those fractions could still be a 'one' and could be then called a 'higher self'.

I can see you've thought about this and had some of your own experiences with it, is it possible that there are not just 7-9 divine fractions of being but 'Infinite' in the same way that the ONE or the 'all that is' is Infinite ONE. Numbers, calculations, distance, speed, size and time are pretty much irrelevant to something that is 'Infinite' but we need them on this level to better comprehend/understand and 'compare/compute' things that's for sure. lol

What is a higher self anyway if there's no such thing as higher or lower?

Maybe one should just say 'infinite self' or IS and leave it as IS. -)

I could even call this my own family of light so to say.

One can call anything just about anything in this existence - just words really from our finite temporal understanding. I'm sure that your 'IS' or Eternal self and Eternal Family is all up there where there is no up or down within 'Infinity' - and you've definitely been in touch in one way or another.-)

But...still, this family, this counselor, this guiding light...was not the highest source of 'me'

Could there ever be the 'most high' highest source of 'you' since you are 'Infinite' in yourself with no beginning or ending as an infinite fractal within an infinite fractal among other infinite fractals.

Definitely not the highest source of 'you' where there's no such thing as highest or lowest but endless.

If all things are infinite and have always existed then there's no such thing as source of course and 'home' is right where you are now and will always be forever on 'infinite' levels.'

We keep hearing the word 'home' being used lol what is home anyway and it's just a word for us defined as a place where we live or reside. Well if we reside within Infinite existences on infinite levels and there are infinite 'US' or 'IS' (infinite selves) then I guess we have 'infinite' homes but the temporal one I live in for now on this level suits me just fine for the 'TIME' being.

and all 'higher selves/family of light/guiding lights' were a lower density of the 'one infinite being' that is of and has emanated this whole existence and is within its own emanation.

What is higher and lower anyway to the Infinite where there's no such thing as either.

Before I start tripping over my words and rambles, Ill try to sum it up from my limited view. Though much of what you say resonates deeply, our perspective of some things are a bit different.

Well I would hope so, you are LV and I go by the name of Chris and everyone should be perceiving this reality a bit differently for the 'TIME' being and you are not rambling I enjoy very much reading over your posts and yes they do make sense to me.-)

I do agree though, what truly matters is our intent.

I would hope that everyone in the world could feel the same way as you and I do on that. With that simple understanding people could have more Love and Respect for each other regardless of race, creed, belief or differences and then for sure this world could be a much more peaceful and loving place. But everything has a reason/purpose for happening whether we understand/see/realize it or not.

I think as more awareness comes into being as conscious beings....the more wars will cease and unity can and will occur.

You took the words right out of the lamb and lions mouth on that one. lol

If time is truly our own construct how does a 'soul' 'go on from here'. Here...suggests a place in time...and to go on...suggest a further place in time.

Then we try to explain motion, speed and aging. 'TIME' is the most difficult thing to understand in this existence and our technology temporal minds are wired to the understanding of beginning and ending from birth to death as we know it. What is here and where is here is a good valid question for one that is contemplating what infinity IS. To go on suggests 'motion' or moving somewhere and a place in 'TIME.' So how can anyone ever say that 'TIME' does not exist is a good question if there must be 'TIME' for us to be here and then move on. From my view 'TIME' is necessary and in this existence used as a tool/function/calculation for our temporal/finite minds as a another 'sense' of understanding so that we can better understand where here is and what tomorrow is and so on. 'TIME' is merely a perception/tool/function to help us better understand our life and everything around us. All good thoughts and questions you bring up LV and there is always much to think about when it comes to 'TIME.' Well it's about that time to wrap up this question where the curvature of infinity space/time is endless with infinity dimension/shape/size and what is TIME anyway by the way. lol

So I see it as all, already happening all at totality, it,

That is for the deeper thinkers to think about and I see you have your deep thinking infinite space/time cap on. From that Infinite view/perspective that all things are simultaneously happening all at once occurring at some point in TIME that helps us better understand ETERNITY and INFINITY because for both to exist all things would need to be never-ending simultaneously occurring on one level or another 'Infinitely.' So past, present and future are merely perceptions/ideas applicable for the finite conscious observer in the here and now as we understand it ---applicable to the temporal experiencers enrolled in this universal/system for the 'TIME' being.-)

this Universe, is a perfect expression of the 'infinite one'.

What is perfect and how does one define such a word? What's perfect for one person may not be perfect for another and this planet is full of things that we can all work on that are not perfect from a perspective though from the infinite perspective perhaps necessary and occurring with a reason/purpose. However all things have a reason/purpose for occurring whether it be pain, happiness, misery, joy, good, evil and so on. Progression is to experience and we progress in one way or another just by being in existence and experiencing duality whether we understand/see/realize it or not coming from an infinite perspective.

We see it as 'we' need to progress to the higher densities....but through the 'infinite one' or as the infinite one (a part of it)....we are already of those higher densities.

I'm with you on that infinite one part, if there are 'infinite levels or parts of our infinite ONE self then we are already simultaneously existing on infinite levels in those so called higher densities/dimensions/existences/channels/stations (whatever one chooses to label/call them) where there's no such thing as higher, lower, greater or lesser. The never-ending/endless or 'Infinite' ---IS that just IS.

From the perspective of the 'one infinite' its experiencing all the densities of its own expression/creation/manifestation all together

Which could all be Infinite ONE-1's experiencing, I see most of what you suggest about the ONE closely describing the Infinite ONE-1 or IS (Infinite-selves) being one infinite fractal among infinite other ONE-1 infinite fractals experiencing themselves on infinite levels of themselves. But we are all ONE-1 as an Eternal Family being Infinite in ourselves with no source of course because we've always existed but share much in common being eternal in likeness/potential/infinity/capability/creation and so on.

and we as one of the lower densities, it can experience its emanations of higher densities

It can be seen in such a way where there is no higher or lower yet we all infinitely exist with ONE-another simultaneously and moving onwards like a never-ending story.

(like the Sun, planets, solar system) from a limited deeper complex experience. As it is within us and we are of it, so to is the planet of it and its within the planet, so to is the Sun of it and its within the Sun, so to is the Solar System of it and its in the Solar System....ect.

All so called matter/vibration that some call energy within this existence/solar system/universe is just materials but they are also materials that have infinitely existed in one form or another however not everything is intelligently aware as the soul/spirit 'IS' but our 'spirit' beyond the perception of this so called matter is truly that which is aware being eternal-consciousness. The rest of the materials such as our body and all lifeforms/bodies/materials and so on within existence came from dust and will go back to dust or energy/recyclement but what is dust or dirt anyway? What is an atom and electron? What is matter and does it even matter? lol

.all the way to the central sun

Where there's no such thing as central or center.
Infinity is a never-ending thing and from the infinite perspective all that truly exists can never be mapped, pin-pointed or given location within infinite space/time/dimension, something that can be referred to as non-locality.

to where beyond that or further in depth of that is the original source of all that is.

What is original and what is origin or source to Infinity, sounds like a final destination or origination, an end/beginning type of place. INFINITY is without source or final destination/origination and never has a beginning/start point or ending/end-point. It's always tough for the finite 'TIME' being to bend/wrap their mind around this kind of stuff but it's a good exercise for the mind to discuss and connect with some of that higher awareness understanding where there's no such thing as higher, lower, greater or lesser.

I see the Universe is a very alive thing

It's very alive and just as alive as we are being a highly advanced live/organic universal creation/system Everything is not only alive but 'Intelligent' and here is another key it's interactive and reactive. However 'matter' and some of what's residing within this creation/universe is not all consciousness/awareness in the same way that we are eternal spirits/souls/beings. Though nature itself is interactive, reactive and 'intelligent' it can react to us, share information with us and it's certainly alive or live/organic material.

Nature, earth and the universe or the magical technology atoms/electrons/megapixels 'Matter' vibration/energy are full of highly advanced creation/technology -'intelligence' but 'intelligence' does not always equate to 'consciousness' or being aware of itself. At least not in the same way as eternal spirits/souls/beings. We can take a robot or computer for instance and upload it with much information/data and it can store this data in it's memory/hard-drive/software or whatever one wants to call it (metaphorically speaking) and so on. If our computer that we design on this level can become interactive with us or our advanced robots that will come into production eventually can communicate with us, interact with us performing tasks and functions providing us with whatever 'service' information/data/answers we need being full of information/knowledge being 'intelligent' but not necessarily aware or conscious as we are being 'spirits/souls/beings' or the Designer/Creator of that particular technology robot/computer or whatever it is that we've create as an example.

Nature itself and lifeforms in existence are very much alive and intelligent setup/created/designed to be interactive and reactive to the occupants of this planet. Nature can respond to man according to it's works and be acted upon or act upon. This means all lifeforms/elements/materials/energy and so on in existence. A rock, tree or blade of grass can interact/react and such things do as grass grows so do trees grow some producing fruit as a food source performing a task by design. Lifeforms, animals, birds, fish and the entire animal/lifeform kingdom serves a purpose for the eco-system (among other purposes) all with a reason/purpose and function. When it comes to eternal spirits/souls/beings such can be placed into virtually any object/lifeform/body as all objects contain infinite space or in other words a 'soul' can be placed/inserted into or experience just about anything in this 'alive/organic' interactive/creation/technology planetary/system if with reason/purpose for whatever reason that may be. Some animals/lifeforms do have have 'souls' but that doesn't mean all of them. Beings outside of this universe/creation/system/technology or let's say those in higher places can enter into any given object/lifeform void of 'soul' at will for short periods of so called TIME or long and interact with whatever they choose to whenever they choose to for whatever reason.

I noticed your nature experiment suggestion on meditating on a blade of grass, rock or tree. I've done a lot of that over the many years myself and have isolated myself in nature for sometimes more than a month at a time with zero human contact and contemplated INFINITY and nature many times on some of what we are discussing. Those were mostly camping trips I took in isolated mountain areas. Nature is interactive and so are animals with us even those void of 'soul' and by design. So called mother Earth Gaia and this planet are very much alive but part of this universe/creation/technology 'intelligently' interactive and can respond to us. The planet is not only alive but 'Intelligent' and highly advanced beyond our understanding and nothing in comparison to the tinker toy human earthly technologies we currently possess constructed from materials of this live/organic/intelligent planet/creation/system.

The planet can interact, respond and react according to the actions of the 'soul' occupants on the planet setup to do so and by design. The more hatred, prejudice, greed, wars, violence and bloodshed that takes place earth reacts and responds accordingly and in some cases brings consequences to the occupants actions both individually and collectively (depending) by design. Since the planet is an interactive system and reacts based on the status of the soul occupants inner spirit condition and actions everything that 'souls' choose, feel and perform can affect the status of earth's overall planetary condition. As an example of this interactiveness/reactiveness - if there was more unified love, peace and equality or the desire for such shared among the majority/collective of mankind to share possessions with no war, hate, starvation, pride, prejudices or greed everyone helping/assisting/loving and helping each other as family focusing on everyone's welfare– nature would react/adjust and alter/change according to the collective inner will spirit condition of man and earth's 'soul' occupants and the lion could lie down with the lamb.

This advanced Gaia world/system/creation/technology mirrors/reflects those occupying it and their spirituality/awareness level. This earth was setup in such a way within duality to act accordingly and some cases bring forth consequence to actions in sickness and in health and it's all part of the creation/software/system/technology that we are experiencing. (metaphorically speaking) As an anti-virus program running within a computer system detects a flaw or potential virus so can Earth itself detect the flaws and corruption within it's system and act accordingly for whatever purpose it was intended/setup/designed to do. We ourselves as 'souls' occupy temporal bodies existing within this system are made of the same materials as Earth and share a connection with those materials residing within them.

As you've suggested to do a little meditation experiment I have one for you as well.

What do you see when you look at a dishwasher, microwave, television or computer?

Can you connect and become one with such technologies imagining yourself to be the computer or dishwasher like you are with the rock and tree?

Can you pick up an ipod or headphones and make a connection with it in the same way you could with a blade of grass?

Imagine us creating a robot that is intelligent and loading it with everything mankind knows in all fields of Science on every subject. Imagine it being interactive with us programmed/designed to talk, get us drinks, serve us and answer all our requests/questions. Is this AI (artificial intelligent) robot alive or aware in the same way that we are.

Now imagine we find a way to insert ourselves or our 'spirit/soul/being' that is intelligently/conscious/aware of who we are as as 'being' inside that robot to experience it. Now we have all the updated human earthly education/answers and are probably more smart that anyone in the world. lol no really though besides that imagine now that robot being our current human body that we occupy and this in a way is how this Creation/Technology universe IS. Our IS (infinite self) comes into this temporal creation/intelligent/body that is creation and was setup/designed to be the way it is, feel what it does, the emotions, feelings, instinct, reactions, all of that. So here we are infinite spirits/souls/beings experiencing this existence inside of a technology body within this highly advanced alive universal/system that is creation on a higher level being a higher form of technology that we cannot fully understand/imagine created by the Designers/Creators and placed here for a reason/purpose as an interactive/intelligent/reactive school to learn, experience duality and progress.

As we search to be 'selves' and stay 'selves' we may be limiting our true potentials of this density. To find our true potentials...we may have to see, we are a part of a one infinite being...

For awareness sake, I also feel that it's important that everyone-1 realizes that they are of a ONE-1 Infinite being that has Infinite progressive levels and is existing simultaneously infinitely in the so called higher levels to Infinity and Beyond. Now realizing that and moving forwards or getting there is just a matter of 'TIME' and always a 'matter' of TIME but from the infinite perspective as you put it we are already there and have always been. But then again where is 'there' and is there ever a source or final destination. Difficult to bend/wrap one's mind around I'm sure and ONE can never know it all if there is no end and infinite never-ending experiences/existences or levels of progression.

Ok I didn't want to make this post too long so will wrap it up with a few more follow ups on the many good comments, insights and questions you brought up.

As we stand divided as 'selves' and as 'nations'....we still are ONE species,

I agree and if you ask me everyone-1 should start seeing each other as 'FAMILY' and a good lesson to take from the new testament and some of what Jesus taught was who is your brother, sister, daughter, son, father, mother, children. If we are all Infinite One-1 beings, being part of an Infinite One-1 Family or 'All that is/Infinity' then we are all Infinitely connected and share a common spirit within us that is accessible to us being Infinite ONE Eternal Family.

Our Universe, may be but like a blade of grass in a field of many blades of grass....infinitely 'being' and becoming....but still tied to a one source of emanating energy consciousness that has no beginning and no end

Now we're talking and and on infinite levels with infinite dimensions/realms/existences/channels/stations/universes merely one of infinite other creations/systems/technologies among endless others but all connected in one way or another from the infinite/eternal perspective everything being infinite not only in size but in potential/capability having an ETERNITY of existence to progress. The infinite fractals that contain infinite fractals within infinite fractals among infinite endless other fractals yet connected to 'all that is' and then there is always a beyond and yet another beyond infinitely with no source/origination or final destination only an infinite journey/path of eternal progression/experience existing in the midst of all TIME and ETERNITY.

I think the workings of the Universe proves the cycling theory...taking in and putting out, using and reusing....being and becoming....ect.

This beyond 'finite' human understanding creation universe/technology/system is a highly advanced 'alive' intelligent system/creation/technology/machine that runs by design and throws things in the recycle bin with the anti-virus programs running (metaphorically speaking) among others. It takes care of it's own and recycles 'matter' atoms/electrons/pixels/mega-pixels whatever those really are. -) Even our bodies run through the recycling system that are made of that same matter/energy being part of this system but our spirit/soul/being lives on beyond this universe/creation/technology/dimension/channel/station and comes to a remembrance of it's Infinite ONE being beyond what we call physical matter.

What other technologies/machines does man currently possess created by human hands that have the capability to recycle, manufacturer and re-create things all on their own. The tinker toy technologies that man has created are nothing in comparison to the universe interactive 'alive' and 'intelligent' magical system and there is really no way of understanding it fully at this level but we can still have bits and pieces of it in understanding.

There is no telling what potentials are 'beyond' this compressed existence of individuality.

Agreed, more than our temporal finite minds could ever handle or take as it would be an overload - how about 'Infinite individuality' with infinite levels of our 'IS' Infinite-selves that are Infinite ONE-1 in themselves among Infinite ONE-1 others. No greater, lesser, smaller or larger from the infinite perspective - all with infinite capability/potential and an infinite amount of space/time/experiences for all TIME & ETERNITY.

Not sure if I just rambled on in making no sense....or if any of it makes any sense to another

I gotcha
I hope some of what I wrote clicks in and makes sense for some as well. lol

Lots of love to you and to all....wishing all well!

You are a super kind person with a great heart and spirit LV, thank you for the efforts you've made to share with others in this thread and same to you as always.

Love & Best Wishes!

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 06:34 PM
reply to post by AdonaiChristBless

Hi AdonaiChristBless,

Learn to sumerise brother it puts people of to always have to read a novel when the point could be made by sumerisation which makes it easier for people seeking specific data.

Some things can never be summarized/explained in just a few words!

With Love Brother,

Best Wishes!

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