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It's Time to Impeach the Torturer-in-chief!

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posted on Jun, 19 2004 @ 01:18 AM
Okay, now that this has found it's proper place, Iwill add only this. If the author of the article quoted at the begining of this thread leaned any more to the left, she'd be horizontal. I'm as likely to believe anything from her as I am from Hannity or Limbaugh.


Originally posted by crmanager
SETH? by the way... grow up.

Hey man, I'm over forty. I can only grow out.

posted on Jun, 19 2004 @ 03:55 AM
I'm not going to read the whole thread, I'm just going to go straight to your first lie - Clinton being impeached because of sex.

Is there a problem with telling the facts straight up? Must you always twist facts to askew the truth?

The article is full of assertions and assumptions, and as typical, the same old ones, which always ignore the fact that the corporate goldmine just isn't happening, nor will it.

As usual, these whining, anti-American types snivel about some abuse of prisoners (Wearing underwear on their heads, being tied up and being made to pose naked in a pyramid. Gee, yet these same bozos snear at the numerous interns et al who have been sexually assaulted by your favorite president), yet do not attempt to mention the Geneva convention when anyone mentions the kidnappings and beheadings that are taking place. I don't hear these people uttering a sound about the assasinations of Iraqi policemen and government officials.

You need to get it through your head that the war on terror is real, and the war was declared by the enemy even before Bush got into office. You need to wake up and smell the bitter coffee and realize that they want you dead, the American way of life terminated.

[edit on 19-6-2004 by Thomas Crowne]

posted on Jun, 20 2004 @ 01:42 AM
If this is the offending language

It was our mission, Bush preached, to save the Iraqis from Saddam-the-torturer. But a telling phrase in Bush�s January 2003 State of the Union Address should have prepared us for the emergence of Bush-the-torturer.

"All told, more than 3,000 suspected terrorists have been arrested in many countries, and many others have met a different fate," Bush said. "Let's put it this way," he clarified, "they are no longer a problem for the United States and our friends and allies."

This was an implicit admission by Bush that he had sanctioned the summary execution of the "many others."

then I say that the author, and ECK, are grasping at straws. "No longer a problem" to me means that our forces wiped them out on the battlefied. And, I say, good for them.

ECK, your hatred for Bush is going to consume you from within. It seems that you can't let a day go by without screaming about him. What are you going to do if he wins the election? I know I'll be voting for him.



I hear that term about once a year, and I still get a belly laugh every time I hear it!

posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 12:58 AM
Ok, impeach Bush...

For what!!!

For the billionth time....
IF there was ANYTHING actionable to nail Bush with...WHY hasnt his opponents used this yet? Why havnt these impeachment proceedings started yet? My guess? because THERE IS NOTHING TO USE THAT WILL GET HIM IMPEACHED!!!

If youve got the goods on him, do it already...
otherwise stop the whinning!!!

posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 07:13 AM
Eastcoast kid threads are to my liking, but that is personal opinion, yes this president along with his cronies should all been brought to justice for been liars and for bringing instability to another country, that was wrong and you people can argue about it but at the end this president irrationality make him stuck his foot on his mouth.

About bashing Eastcoast kid for his threads well it sound to me like a fight about seniority on this site, and is amusing how one can bring up how long you had been a member, actually make no sence.

Yes this thread should be in the mud pit not because it should, but because some want it that way.

For the ignore button, I guess that is of personal choice and I have never Ignored anybody to me that is rude everybody have the right to post his opinions and when somebody step out of line that is why moderators are for, and if you have a thin skin you should not be here.

It EastCoast kid to me you always make a point, this president is the worst thing that ever happened to this country, and for Clinton been impish for sex, well we adults are all sinners as well.

Now bush he has destroy and entire country now if that is not a cause for impeachment I wonder.

[Edited on 23-6-2004 by marg6043]

posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
this president is the worst thing that ever happened to this country, and for Clinton been impish for sex, well we adults are all sinners as well.

You're right, Marg. Bush is certainly worse than slavery, the Civil War, the race riots, the Vietnam War, or the L.A. riots.
Please temper your hyperbole and for God's sake, get real.

Clinton was not impeached for having sexual relations with an intern. He was impeached for LYING UNDER OATH in court.
What exactly has Bush lied about? Contrary to what some people refuse to get through their thick skulls (pay close attention now), THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION NEVER TRIED TO MAKE A CONNECTION BETWEEN IRAQ AND 9/11. The administration DID make an al Qaida/Iraq connection however, a connection agreed upon by Russia and THE 9/11 COMMISSION.
Got it people?

As for the WMDs, this was like punishing a child who denies eating the cookies, and in fact denies that the cookies never existed, when there are crumbs all over his face & hands.

[edit on 23-6-2004 by Homer Jay]

[edit on 23-6-2004 by Homer Jay]

posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 06:30 PM

TextAs for the WMDs, this was like punishing a child who denies eating the cookies, and in fact denies that the cookies never existed, when there are crumbs all over his face & hands.

ha, ha, that is good, but my cookie jar version is the one that goes this way, the president got his hand in the cookie jar but the jar is full with red ants and the more he try to get the cookie the more he gets bitten to the point he now have the hand so swollen that he can not get it out of the jar and he can not get the cookie either.
(Iraq, the Oil and the mess we are in)

I heard this on TV long time ago, or something like it.

posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 12:33 AM

Originally posted by Homer Jay
THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION NEVER TRIED TO MAKE A CONNECTION BETWEEN IRAQ AND 9/11. The administration DID make an al Qaida/Iraq connection however, a connection agreed upon by Russia and THE 9/11 COMMISSION.
Got it people?


That's just another lie, and a piece of historical revisionism from the criminal element in the Whitehouse. American people who are sadly pro-Bush on the Iraq invasion and occupation are pro-Bush because they believe that there was a connection between Iraq and 9/11, and that connection was brought into being by the Bush administration, pure and simple.

posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 03:42 AM
MaskedAvatar misinforms,
"American people who are sadly pro-Bush on the Iraq invasion and occupation are pro-Bush because they believe that there was a connection between Iraq and 9/11,"

First fallacy.....This statement suggests ALL people who are pro-bush/invasion....Im pro invasion, but not pro Bush for example....

seccond fallacy......"they believe that there was a connection between Iraq and 9/11"
FALSE, and i KNOW others have pointed this out to you when youve made this statement on other related threads.....

We believe there is a connection betwen Iraq/Saddam and Terrorists....not a hard link to Iraq/Saddam and 9-11......

There is a big differance...try this (a thread i know your part of)

Now I'll agree that there ARE indeed poeple that believe there is an Iraq/9-11 link and that this could have been interpreted from remarks by the administration.....but not EVERYONE thats either/both pro Bush/pro war has this eronious perception.

posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 07:11 AM
People you have to check this site it pretty much summarize this government and really brings the meaning of what bush agenda is all about.

I appologize if all ready is a reference to it.

Sorry but it is not conection of Sadam and Al-queda on 9/11 this issue has been discuss in other forums. This goverment has dig hard and low but can not make the connection unless they fabricate one.

posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 08:57 AM

Originally posted by MaskedAvatar
That's just another lie, and a piece of historical revisionism from the criminal element in the Whitehouse. American people who are sadly pro-Bush on the Iraq invasion and occupation are pro-Bush because they believe that there was a connection between Iraq and 9/11, and that connection was brought into being by the Bush administration, pure and simple.

Where is the lie? There is no lie. There was a connection between Saddam and al Qaeda, documented many times in this forum.

Nobody I know is saying there is a link between Saddam and 9/11.


posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 10:18 AM
Marg, Im scared for you....(i soo want to flame you but am affraid of the new pit thought police)

If you believe ANY of the complete crap that the link you posted said, i think your ripe for some badguy to tottally con you out of your life savings.

Did you even read thru the links people provide for you? (I read yours)
How can you swallow only ONE side of a story without doing ANY research into the other side? Deny ignorance as this site says!!!
Do you dare to attempt to answer any of the questions i asked of you previously in this thread? Go back and look and see if there are any that youd be willing to answer, so that i may try to further understand your viewpoints.

In order to defeat your opponent, you should know EVERTHING about them, and not just what you THINK you might know, but really look objectivly and then compare for instance

How could some nobody, not in politics, anti republican, know ANYTHING about their (republican) secret 17 step plan? Doesnt much of this "plan" sound absoulutly insane to you? Where is the PROOF OF THIS PLAN? Or is Joe Schmo's word good enough to take as you even know him to judge his credibillity?

Was there ANYTHING of substance or was that a whole site of emotion ladden OPINION?

Its people that say and believe things like you posted, that make me really affraid in this you people live in a fantasy bubble some where? cause i want some of what you people are smoking to get there.....

Im happy that youve come to these forums tho, because it exposes the truth about where some people's mentality comes from....and i cant imagine where in the USA one can grow to be soo complacent as to believe whatever crap floats by on the internet, from an obviously BIASED source (no objectivity) with little credibillity IF ANY. And mostly i feel you believe this stuff either because you WANT/NEED to, because it fits with what you WANT things to be like, or you just dont know any better way to examine things. I cannot begin to understand where your opinions come from or why you BELIEVE things like that.

Again welcome to ATS, Enjoy, look around, try actually opening your mind to the POSSIBILLITY that there is more to know than what youve been programed/want/need/told about. Please try to not only put your ideas forward, but to LISTEN to others and EXAMINE what they say...

Im not saying take them for "truth" either....

But consider the source, Question your own beliefs if only to discover where YOUR weakness lie, so that your opponents cant use them against you.

Again, after reading several of your posts, and that last link you put up, i fear for what you dont know or are unwilling to see can hurt you.
I feel i cant even attempt dialog with you as the views you expressed are soo far away from the reality that i live in.

Please, take your head out of the sand, if only for your own sake, screw the rest of us....become objective for yourself.

(It was incredibly hard to not use words like blind, stupid, ignorant, delusional, hysteria, or other descriptive ((and emotive)) terms in this post)

Im only praying to the ATS Gods, I mean mods, dont warn me for this one.

posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 10:47 AM

Originally posted by Homer Jay
Clinton was not impeached for having sexual relations with an intern. He was impeached for LYING UNDER OATH in court.
What exactly has Bush lied about?

Give Bush a chance to lie under oath before asking that question. How many times has Bush testified under oath while sitting as president? How many U.S. Presidents have testified under oath while sitting as president?

That's what I thought.

posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 11:31 AM

TextIm only praying to the ATS Gods, I mean mods, dont warn me for this one.

you are ok, and for the link I found it amusing, just because I don't like bush it does not mean to be narrow minded, and actually political years are very amusing do to the fact that every candidate wants to be political correct, and the bashing, trashing and dirty secrets is all part of it, so enjoy the ride, after elections things will cool of and be back to boring politics.

(Marg, Im scared for you)

Thanks but don't be I am old enough to stoped looking behind my back.

[edit on 24-6-2004 by marg6043]

posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by MasterCoyote
My ignore button works very nicely. I'm tired of seeing all these impeach Bush threads... don't some people know we are at war, a war that is not being fought under any rules as we knew them in the past ... one side beheading innocent civilians, just because they are Americans. Come on people, get your liberal heads out the sand and see what the world really is all about.

And I am tired of people justifying the actions of this administration. This country is supposed to be the beacon of democracy and of freedom. Yet we invade a country, lie about the reasons and then start torturing prisoners? Some of you people really boggle the mind...

posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 12:39 PM
If this was back in the day you guys would be charge with treason ....

It's really sickening you guys side with the enemy, who actually beat the crap out of people till their liver burst or kidney's popped.

I don't see George bush standing around watching some guy get whipped, shot, raped, and tortured all the while smiling at what he sees.

That's Sadam, that's the Taliban, thats Sadam's insurgents.

See the videos?

Your vile, and a waste of American life. get off this soil, there's no room for your slanted sick discusting views.

Islam preaches Britian and America are pigs. They've been doing this long before bush got into office.

Excuse me little worm, but before you go name calling a great president why don't you look at who you guys put into office.

A rapist, a sociopathic lying cheating scum bag called billy ...
Carter who was a complete idiot, he ran this country into the ground and made people dependant on government.

Your sick and vile. you have no idea what your talking about which is why you cut and pasted that article. Someone else's sick and twisted views on the president...

why don't you go over to Iraq and spend your glory days basking in the desert sun.. Oh yeah, you'd get captured and decapitated, thank your dumbass you have the freedom you do slander the commander in chief.

Treasonous bastard.

posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 02:02 PM

Originally posted by CazMedia
For the billionth time....
IF there was ANYTHING actionable to nail Bush with...WHY hasnt his opponents used this yet? Why havnt these impeachment proceedings started yet? My guess? because THERE IS NOTHING TO USE THAT WILL GET HIM IMPEACHED!!!

Add another to the Egyptian Republican list!

I guess you would want them to do things along the line of how the Right Wing conspiracy wentafter Clinton? Very public, very derogatory and in a rabid froth?

If you were as "unbiased" then as you claim to be now:

- they had nothing, thus needed the complicit media circus to defame
- they ended with nothing, all charges & explorations & fantasies fully vetted for what they were; so they settled on perjury regarding a sex lie

Those left of the Right ( because conservatives want nothing more to do with tis Charlatan; it's not justs Dems, Greens, Libs ) are more cerebral, will make the chess moves necessary & will bring to table such overwhelming proof that a complicit corporate media & majority ownership by the GOP of all branches of Federal government will be unable to stem the tide.


The Felony committed by the White House in outing a secret agent. Bush has hired external counsel & was questioned by Federal Prosecutors who already have testimony in pocket from Intel Officials from whence the outing came. He can't shake it: he won't get the felony rap, but will get the aiding a felony act crime charge, since the testimones clearly state he had pre-exisiting knowledge of the leak before it was leaked & he's not turned over the felon yet to boot.

Setting "legal" opinion on torture being ok.
" not apply under the rules of the Geneva Convention" - a epitath if everthere was one.
THe memos have been flooding the public forum, as well as the recorded legal opnions that he had (sanctioned) authored on the subject.

Holding back or doctoring data in the build up to war
Lie to Congress, and the half from your party will "oh, shucks" it; the other half will make a career out of puting your nutz in a vice.

Again, don't look to the bumbling, proof-less, ideolugue beserker rage that was the Clinton impeachment witchhunt to be the template for it to get done. It'll stay low on the radar because it has to: they don't have the MEDIA in their back pockets like the unsweet Il Dulce junta does.

posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by Bangin

Originally posted by Homer Jay
Clinton was not impeached for having sexual relations with an intern. He was impeached for LYING UNDER OATH in court.
What exactly has Bush lied about?

Give Bush a chance to lie under oath before asking that question. How many times has Bush testified under oath while sitting as president? How many U.S. Presidents have testified under oath while sitting as president?

That's what I thought.

That was among the stupidest retorts I've ever heard on this board (Colonel included). That is like saying, Bush has never killed and ate anyone, because unlike Jeffrey Dahmer, he never had the chance.

Ummm, so let me ask you, how many Presidents have HAD to testify under oath?

That's what I thought.

posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by Homer Jay
Ummm, so let me ask you, how many Presidents have HAD to testify under oath?

That's precisely my point, tough guy. If more of these so-called leaders were put under the knife, so to speak, we'd catch them in a lie or two. Hell, it might even be more 'juicy' than a blow job.

posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 05:36 PM

If you are talking about me, for posting the link, lighten up, life is more than just politics, and the link is very amusing, you have to approach it with open mind, like I said politics are dirty and in political year�s people have to be thick skinned.

Now, for calling me bastard, well I am not going to let you go that easy,
By the way I have a mother and father, and they are still happily married and has been for 45 years and counting.

I teach 6,7 and 8 graders I have been call worse.

Now if the coment was not for me well is still a littler bit to strong.

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