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It's Time to Impeach the Torturer-in-chief!

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posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 12:24 PM
If Klinton was impeached for lying about sex, then reasonable minds should come to the conclusion that placing oneself above the law and sanctioning TORTURE is a war crime, which translates into a high crime. The only way the USA will be able to restore its credibility and honor is to do the right thing and IMPEACH BUSH!

The Torturer-in-Chief
By Marjorie Cohn
t r u t h o u t | Perspective

Friday 18 June 2004

The teflon that has enveloped George W. Bush is chipping off. Arriving in office with the promise of a "humble" foreign policy, Bush was sitting pretty at the beginning of his term. But George�s honeymoon has turned sour.

From the first day of his presidency, the neocons in Bush�s cabal determined to "stabilize" Iraq for U.S. corporate investment. Bush had his own motives to "git" Saddam for his would-be hit on George I. The tragedy of September 11 gave them just the opportunity they�d been waiting for.

Cloaking themselves in the "War on Terror," Bush and his minions methodically wove an intricate web of deception to convince the American people that Saddam was about to launch the "mushroom cloud," ending civilization as we know it.

It was our mission, Bush preached, to save the Iraqis from Saddam-the-torturer. But a telling phrase in Bush�s January 2003 State of the Union Address should have prepared us for the emergence of Bush-the-torturer.

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 12:27 PM
EastCoastKid, do you ever post anything other than ripping our current administration? Welcome to my ignore list, you are the first one. I hope you are proud. I am so tired of your posts. I looked at some of the threads you start, and you comprise over 1/3 of the posts on your own thread! What are you trying to accomplish? Nevermind, don't answer that because I won't see it.

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 12:33 PM
You've not been at ATS near-long enough to make that assumption.

And I take it as a compliment that you've ignored me. You can't handle the truth.

Keep your head the sand! Baaa-aa--aaa. Sheep.

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 12:37 PM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid
You've not been at ATS near-long enough to make that assumption.

Oh I see you started 9/19/03 and I started 11/23/03. That is a huge difference, not! Damn, my ignore button is not working. Oh well, anytime I see a thread title about impeaching Bush or some other stab at the administration, I'll know it is you and I won't have to look at it.

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 12:48 PM

I started out making a smart-ass remark about the "torturer" comment. Then I realized that this is the best aspect of the country. You can make those kind of comments freely and without fear of retribution.

I am amazed how people look at the same information and come to opposite results. I look at the information leading up to the war and even up to now and see we were right in going in (even Putin said Saddam was coming after us, he just says we went after Saddam wrong,snicker...CHECHNYA? HELLO?)

You look at the info and see the U.S. as warmongering and evil led by a mouth breathing troglodite who gave orders to torture innocent, pure Iraqi men.

You rock!

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 12:51 PM
lol, don't you just love the "impeach him" crowd?
They tend to ignore logic.
By the time any impeachment hearings would be ready, it'd be election time....

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 01:43 PM
Please, why isn't this in the mudpit where it belongs? I will comment after it is moved.

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 01:47 PM
I voted for Bush, the imbecile. I have a right to disagree with his policies. Those who still support him are blinde, deaf and dumb.

The funniest thing is, he'll have your a$$, too, when the time comes.

You've been warned.

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 01:49 PM
For all of you blinde Bushies out there, I suggest you read the third Geneva Convention. The Gonzalez memo is quite enlightening, too. Try justifying BushCo's actions in light of those documents.

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 01:53 PM
I dont normally step in the mud pit because I dont have any hipwaders to make it through the BS, but since you brought this up. Bush didnt order prisoners tortured, I refuse to accept that. And before I get hit witha big ole mud pie, NO I dont 100% support Bush, I think his domestic policy is lacking, and he has approved far to much spending. I DO agree with the tax cuts, the war on terror, and Iraq. The democrats might have stood a chance of winning this year with a decent candidate and a platform, but Kerry is so flip-flop that only the straight ticket democrats will vote for him.

In conclusion, see you at the ballot box.


posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 01:55 PM
OK I know I am asking for abuse but...

What does Bush's actions have to do with the Third Geneva Convention?

Also I said you have a right to disagree. That's the great part of being American.

SETH? by the way... grow up.

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 01:59 PM
My ignore button works very nicely. I'm tired of seeing all these impeach Bush threads... don't some people know we are at war, a war that is not being fought under any rules as we knew them in the past ... one side beheading innocent civilians, just because they are Americans. Come on people, get your liberal heads out the sand and see what the world really is all about.

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by zsandmann
I dont normally step in the mud pit because I dont have any hipwaders to make it through the BS, but since you brought this up. Bush didnt order prisoners tortured, I refuse to accept that.

Uh.. YEAH, he did. If not, then what was the Gonzales memo for? An intellectual exercise? I think not. You should look into it and quit relying on belief. You sound like a Democrat now.

] And before I get hit witha big ole mud pie, NO I dont 100% support Bush, I DO agree with the tax cuts, the war on terror, and Iraq.

Based on what? There are no WMD, the mobile lab story was a crock as well as the drones that supposedly were coming for our coast and now we learn that our troops have been torturing innocent Iraqis. There was NO justification, legal or moral, to invade and occupy Iraq.

The democrats might have stood a chance of winning this year with a decent candidate and a platform, but Kerry is so flip-flop that only the straight ticket democrats will vote for him.

I don't give a rat's B-hind about Kerry. He voted to give Bush the power to invade and he wants more troops. He and Bush serve the same master.


That makes no sense. Clarification?

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid
Uh.. YEAH, he did. If not, then what was the Gonzales memo for? An intellectual exercise? I think not. You should look into it and quit relying on belief. You sound like a Democrat now.

Im not a democrat, not now, not ever. Papers can be misinterpreted, Bush DID NOT order prisoners tortured, please present links to evidence that GEORGE W BUSH ordered this, we are at war, things happen. If Al Gore was president we might all be dead.

Based on what? There are no WMD, the mobile lab story was a crock as well as the drones that supposedly were coming for our coast and now we learn that our troops have been torturing innocent Iraqis. There was NO justification, legal or moral, to invade and occupy Iraq.

Correction: We didnt FIND any WMD, that doesnt mean they dont/didnt exist. Sadam was an evil dictator, he and his sons murdered 1000's of Iraqi citizens, we have found the graves, they also tortured and raped women and children, thats enough for me to kill them. "Innocent Iraqis" If soldiers and insurgents that kill and threaten members of their own country and civilians are innocent.

I don't give a rat's B-hind about Kerry. He voted to give Bush the power to invade and he wants more troops. He and Bush serve the same master.

Glad to know that you wont be canceling out my vote then. Dont vote at all, it will be better that way, or vote for the green party or libertarians or whatever.


That makes no sense. Clarification?

It was a quote from an old 50-60's?? video game which has become a classic example of mistranslating/misunderstanding the meaning of something. I thought it was relevant.

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 02:19 PM

Originally posted by MasterCoyote
My ignore button works very nicely. I'm tired of seeing all these impeach Bush threads...

Boo Hoo. If you don't like it, too bad.

don't some people know we are at war, a war that is not being fought under any rules as we knew them in the past ... one side beheading innocent civilians, just because they are Americans. Come on people, get your liberal heads out the sand and see what the world really is all about.

You are so in the dark.

I suggest you go look up the meaning of PALEO Conservative. NEO Conservatives are straussian LIBERALS, but you silly people don't even understand that.

So, MasterCoyote, woof, have you ever been to Iraq?

To answer someone else's question, if you have to ask WHAT the third Geneva Convention concerns, then you really are snowed. You might wanna take a look at it. Bush and Rummy are war criminals. I NEVER thought I'd witness such a thing in the USA. It's disgusting.

The old maxim is SO true, though. Those who do not learn history, are bound to repeat it.

Here's an interesting piece on Britain's occupation in 1917:

Iraq, 1917
By Robert Fisk
Independent U.K.

Thursday 17 June 2004

They came as liberators but were met by fierce resistance outside Baghdad. Humiliating treatment of prisoners and heavy-handed action in Najaf and Fallujah further alienated the local population. A planned handover of power proved unworkable. Britain's 1917 occupation of Iraq holds uncanny parallels with today - and if we want to know what will happen there next, we need only turn to our history books...
On the eve of our "handover" of "full sovereignty" to Iraq, this is a story of tragedy and folly and of dark foreboding. It is about the past-made-present, and our ability to copy blindly and to the very letter the lies and follies of our ancestors. It is about that admonition of antiquity: that if we don't learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it. For Iraq 1917, read Iraq 2003. For Iraq 1920, read Iraq 2004 or 2005.

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 02:22 PM
EastCoastKid, 5 of the 13 posts were yours before I posted this. Like I said before, your threads are comprised of YOUR posts. Oh that's right I haven't been here near long enough to make that assumtion. LOOK AT THE FACTS! You are the major poster to your own threads. I can be here 1 day to determine that.

I can only assume that you mean I haven't been here long enogh because of your point total compared to mine. You see, I only post when there is something worthwhile to post, not mudslinging. Besides, most of your points come from people replying to your threads by flaming you, not contributing or agreeing with you. Oh, and BTW, you can be registered as little as one day to look at someone's posting history.

Speaking of posting history, here are some of yours. See a theme?< br />< br />< br />
Well there it is, your last 80 posts, I would say without looking too hard, that 90% of those post are bashing Bush with little or no evidence to back up your claims.

[edit on 6-18-2004 by nyarlathotep]

[edit on 6-18-2004 by nyarlathotep]

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 02:29 PM
Cmon EastCoastKid. Tone it down a bit. The message ends up getting lost in the delivery. Besides you are making me look like a moderate. :-)

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 02:29 PM

Originally posted by Seth Bullock
Please, why isn't this in the mudpit where it belongs? I will comment after it is moved.

i agree it belongs in the pit. i MIGHT comment but i might not seeing as how SOME people only want to bash, as evidence by their behavior.

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 02:55 PM
Here's a link to:

Administration Lawyers Ascribed Broad Power to Bush on Torture �



Working Group Report


Detainee Interrogations in the Global War on


Assessment of Legal, Historical, Policy, and

Operational Considerations

6 March 2003

Should be very informative. Enjoy!

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid
to do the right thing and IMPEACH BUSH!

Fine, you get your wish, now what, how does that help take care of the present situation. What's your solution for handling the terrorists. They're certainly not going to stop because Bush is gone. This is the reality that we are in now and the one that must be dealt with, so I'm curious on what your remedy is for the present.

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