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So if Germany started both world wars....

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posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 09:05 PM
reply to post by woogleuk

D-day would have never happened without the U.S. and you know it. Monty was a Tart and never won till the U.S. Generals knocked the Nazis on their heals. America took Africa and Europe and met the Russians in the middle.

Yeah the allies helped but you all Europeans lost the ranch and we got it back for you all the while fighting on THREE major fronts. The whole mainland of Europe fell to the Nazis and only England stood in their way, if it were not for the water and the U.S. showing up on time England would have fell.

The COSSAC plan proposed a landing from the sea by three divisions, with two brigades landed by air. Following Eisenhower's and Montgomery's revision of the plan, this was expanded to landings by five divisions and airborne descents by three divisions. In total, 47 divisions would be committed to the Battle of Normandy: 19 British, five Canadian and one Polish division under overall British command, and 21 American divisions with one Free French division[citation needed], totalling over a million troops.[32

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 09:56 PM
reply to post by redseal

i agree, but we did take in nazi scientists and agents afterwards and gave them positions. ANd over time AMericas laws and policies are becoming akin to what Hitler had planned for Germany, yet at the same time we see a strict smackdown of rights, such as a new bill to make gardening illegal, or the war on drugs which is a total failure and farce, only entertaining the self rightious COPS watchers out there whenever someone gets "busted" or "set-up". Or when cops beat people and destroy property and make up charges etc..

The jails, thats another story, filled with druggies and non violent criminals, while the violent ones get out sooner than a stoner. SO today is much different, and yesterday was too, I mean we had banksters funding both hitler and america. And many of our own high level people knew it.

-1913, Jeckyl Island was the end of liberty and the beginning of tyranny.

posted on Aug, 16 2010 @ 05:30 AM
i thought this thread ended but ok.
summer 1941 the battle of britain was won, sept 1941 america joined.
d-day was mostly british empire troops and ships.
in the end we all won, even the germans because im sure the people didn't want the war either but were too late to stop hitler.
this was a thread about why people hate americans, not who won the war but this topic change helped the original topic.
the world hates this superiority complex that some people hold, not the country or countrymen.
it's never really a country who starts the wars, just their evil leaders.
now lets let this end and be happy.

[edit on 16-8-2010 by listerofsmeg]

posted on Aug, 16 2010 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by Sky watcher
reply to post by woogleuk

D-day would have never happened without the U.S. and you know it. Monty was a Tart and never won till the U.S. Generals knocked the Nazis on their heals. America took Africa and Europe and met the Russians in the middle.

Yeah the allies helped but you all Europeans lost the ranch and we got it back for you all the while fighting on THREE major fronts. The whole mainland of Europe fell to the Nazis and only England stood in their way, if it were not for the water and the U.S. showing up on time England would have fell.

The 'Battle of Britain', which Britain and her allies won, was 1940. Our victory meant Germany abandoned her attempts to invade Britain. Apart from 2 or 3 adventurers, no Americans were involved. America did not show up until over a year later - somewhat late for the party!

The turning point of the war was the 2nd battle of El Alamein in 1942 in which Monty defeated the Germans with no help at all from the Americans who at this stage were involved only in the Pacific theatre (as well as being daily bombed by Germany, Britain was fighting on the ground in Africa and Asia).

America only joined the European theatre in 1943 - 4 years after Britain. The invasion of Italy in 1943 by combined British and American forces was only made possible by the earlier British victory in Africa.

posted on Aug, 19 2010 @ 06:46 PM
Have you seen the guys that come up with these Disclosures, after the fact.

They'd break firing a heavy-caliber rifle. Then you've got your sabbatuge. Highly unpredictable. Cause, when they break, everyone's down. I'm serious. Some little dude, that one the war for US.

I don't believe it...

posted on Aug, 19 2010 @ 10:57 PM
Yes as so it would seem.
And oddly enough both times close to a year after Germany
acquired Tesla technology still in the hands of the Illuminati.

Now did someone want to stop the technology development
causing Germany to enter a high security state or start to
plunder surrounding countries in payment for development
and long range plans.

posted on Aug, 19 2010 @ 11:46 PM
Let's get the story straight in the proper timeline.....
again from a different source....

The USA had no choice for their "social security" is dictated by....
"Timothy E. Deal,
(Minister, Embassy of the United States of America)"
This monty hall impersonator is said to have "represented" the "we the people" at the buck in the ham palace, but who does he truly represent?
Now back to the question as to WHO declared the war and when...

"Do you know the beginning that you seek the end?"

posted on Aug, 21 2010 @ 06:22 PM

Originally posted by redseal
Seems odd to me that their are so many USA haters on here... I mean for fooks sake when did the USA ever kill a few million jews? Why are we not just full blown chastizing germany?? does time heal all wounds? and if so why isnt the USA who wasnt the last nor the inventor of slavery ever cut some slack??? Why dont we ever hear about the africans who sold their own into slavery?? Seems so easy just to blame the red white and blue for everything when in fact you me and he would speaking german with out them.

Germany started 2 world wars, and the USA cleaned up the clutter, yet it is us who get the bulk of your crap... no Hitler ever came from the USA....

Seems wierd to me that Germany just gets a free pass on all of this racial clensing stuff.

F the USA right, I always wanted to speak German anyway!!!!!!!!!!

Bad USA, Good Germany starters of 2 world wars....

What the FCK ever!!!!!!!!!!!

The past is the past.

posted on Aug, 28 2010 @ 05:02 PM
just after reading the first page all i have to say is look a george bush as an example.... obama also came in saying he was gonna pull the troops out but guess what they are still there.... Americans have been brain washed to beleive everything they hear and see on tv..... im canadian and i hate the u.s.a for the sheer ignorance that the population portrays as a nation.... Currently america is helping pakistan which is funding afghanistan, therefor funding their own war so that they can have their oil.......... thats all im gonna say for now

posted on Sep, 3 2010 @ 11:35 PM
reply to post by redseal

I have to agree with that. Were the German people really so niave that they did not know what was going on with the Jews or plans for World Domination in WWII?
If so, can they be forgiven for blindly following a leader as insane as Hitler.

I have nothing against the Germans, but when people talk about the attrocities of the American Government, they need to put in context

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 02:32 PM
Hi Carter,

I have a few 'observations' and statements to add...

Originally posted by cmcarter
I have to agree with that. Were the German people really so niave that they did not know what was going on with the Jews or plans for World Domination in WWII?

To put how much one could 'know' in Germany into perspective the Nazi regime executed, depending on who you will believe, up to a quarter million of their own soldiers by the end of the war. If one compares population sizes the German regime was not much less brutal towards it's own soldiers and citizens than the Russian one and if you think serious issues like genocide are widely discussed ( whether you know or think you know you will quickly know that you best shut up) in this climate you have the wrong idea about the type of brutality such governments employ to keep their citizens in line.

As for the German people being naive despite Hitler promising peace and prosperity ( much like the bush Jnr; and many others) they did not in fact chose him and, in fact , in the case of Germans chose Hindenburg ( who was suspected to be quite senile at the time) rather than Hitler. So much for the Germans as a nation not being at least wise enough to know that they could do better than Herr Hitler. In fact since voter turnout in the USA is normally between 50-60 % Bush jnr wasn't elected ,twice, by around 25% of eligible voters. If you ask those people how many are in favor of foreign invasions and or genocides i doubt the numbers would be as low for Germany back then or for that matter now

If so, can they be forgiven for blindly following a leader as insane as Hitler.

Hitler was not in my opinion insane ( and clinical opinions on such issues vary significantly) , at least no more so than either of the bushes, and a host of other well known presidents. Since he most certainly better educated/more knowledgeable one has to wonder where the line between sanity can be drawn in his instance. If Hitler succeeded in his goals of a continental reich he might have been hated today ( by whoever was still free enough to have such a opinion) but probably no more considered insane than Alexander.

I have nothing against the Germans, but when people talk about the attrocities of the American Government, they need to put in context

To have something against Germans for the crimes they as people did the best they could to prevent would, in my opinion, be insane but as you accurately point out without context few can ( and far fewer do) knowledge and 'facts' can be quite deceptive. How many Americans went to jail in their effort to prevent the torture/execution of 'suspected' terrorist since 9/11? What power do you think the American government would exercise against suspects and those who try to help them if something like the cold war ever went hot?

It's oh so easy to call others cowards for 'inaction' when those in the so called freest nation on earth does so little to keep themselves and fellow citizens free. How many people would the American government need to execute as terrorist 'sympathizers/traitors' before the American people got the message,and like good Nazi's, started minding whatever business did not attract any attention?

I am sorry to have to break it to you but terror works and if governments become corrupt or Messianic inspired enough to kill those who oppose them it becomes dangerous to your health to even attempt having a different point of view.

If it could happen to a cultured, well educated and Christian society like Germany it can happen, and in my opinion did happen, elsewhere.



[edit on 7-9-2010 by StellarX]

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 09:53 AM
I have a really strange story of the war source in page 3 of my profile
(11/3/2009 @ 02:35 PM)
that links Rockefellers and the moneyed with developments in Germany.
Perhaps on both occasions or world wars.

Now I assume Germany was always after an oil energy source and would venture
into an alternate source if possible. The 'self acting' machine using thermodynamic
atomic gas states seemed popular before world war I. Now if Germany was working
on breakthroughs what better way to grab this work but to arm Germany and
cause a conflict to end the development.

Sounds improbable but according to that tale that is how events seem to have
worked out.

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 10:53 AM
In modern cultural terms, America is >that< guy at the party: The arrogant asshat in designer clothes, that don't disguise his looking like a serial date rapist. The guy that touched up your girlfriend, then claimed she was begging for it. The guy that shouts down any dissenting opinions, while claiming he would die for the right to free speech.

If you don't recognise that guy from parties, chances are you're him.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by BLV12

and you sir are a misguided bitch who needs to do some research we lost a big chunk of the USMC fighting the Japanese we took island after island when no one else thought it possible and he was emphasizing his point by saying that you must be one of those sarcastic kids who think theyre cool when theyre not try being funny not a douche bag you ran the guys opinion over with false information.

Also the world takes credit for what the U.S. does but when we screw up they act like they did not help us do that and when we succeed everyone else takes credit

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 02:00 AM
True, Germany did start two world wars. Both of which were funded by American money. Yes the German exterminates Jews but IBM gave them the system to manage the Jews who were in camps.
Plus dropping nukes on Japan and invading countries like Iraq and Afghanastan for no reason doesn't help.. Saudi Arabian terrorists allegedly carried out the 9/11 attacks, not Afghans or Iraqi's. And then there was the lies about WMD's in Iraq.

I personally don't hate America or Americans and am thankful for what they have done, but the leaders are either extremely stupid or very manipulative and the public fed on a diet of fear by the media.

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 03:14 AM

Originally posted by redseal
Seems odd to me that their are so many USA haters on here... I mean for fooks sake when did the USA ever kill a few million jews? Why are we not just full blown chastizing germany?? does time heal all wounds? and if so why isnt the USA who wasnt the last nor the inventor of slavery ever cut some slack??? Why dont we ever hear about the africans who sold their own into slavery?? Seems so easy just to blame the red white and blue for everything when in fact you me and he would speaking german with out them.

Germany started 2 world wars, and the USA cleaned up the clutter, yet it is us who get the bulk of your crap... no Hitler ever came from the USA....

Seems wierd to me that Germany just gets a free pass on all of this racial clensing stuff.

Well - 'cleaning up' is pretty subjective. The American forces definitely did a lot of the fighting for the allieds in Europe during WWII, however that was pretty late in the game, so to speak. The British, French and Polish had been fighting for a long time, and had already claimed air superiority (The Battle of Britain). Anyway, I'm sure that Americans helped shorten the war for the allieds. The soviet forces really stopped Hitler though when Berlin fell.

Also - Roosevelt and Churchill pretty much sold out the Eastern countries to Stalin during the end of the war at the 'Yalta Conference'. Some 'cleaning up' that was. 50 years of soviet rule for Eastern Europe.

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 03:18 AM
USA people are Europeans. US inhabitants, we could say are cross-breed Europeans.

You don't, like I know nothing about WW1 and WW2 (you are only reproducing knowledge from regulated books and maybe some old soldiers that know some things about their mission)

For example 1 funding source for both side of the wars? The never thought you these things at school

edit on 3-6-2011 by TribeOfManyColours because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 04:11 AM
reply to post by redseal

what country has the most militarry bases in the world, what country has in the last 50 years started the mostwar, occupations and illegal occupations. What country says it supports worldwide democracy, but instead has over thrown democraticly elected leaders and replaced them with dictators. What country has trained the police forces of these nations in methods of torture. What country has just started two illegal wars not ratified by the UN and in direct contention with the Geneva Convention on human rights and torture. The true cost of both these wars including non combative death is someone where around the 12 million mark.
I will stop there. I dont blame the people of America. People are people the world over, the governmental institutuion of America has a lot to answer for

edit on 3-6-2011 by purplemer because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 07:38 AM
reply to post by Aristophrenia

LOL, you label these as US wars when 99% are mere conflicts that lasted a matter of hours. If you wanted to get nit picking and list every little conflict, each country would have a list about a 1000x's greater than anything the US has ever done.

BTW, I'm not saying the US is all rosey here. We've done some nasty things in the past but we've also done some very good things as well.
edit on 3-6-2011 by Bearack because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 07:46 AM
Which country is the ONLY country in the world to have used atomic weapons in anger?......

Yep, correct

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