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All right, am I the only one feeling this?

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posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 08:08 PM
I feel...something OP, similar to yours. A few weeks ago I had been getting random bouts of "heavy chest". It would only last a few breaths.

A few days ago ALL my energy had just been zapped, I slept ALL DAY!! I read a great way to describe that and it felt right to me.

You know when a TSUNAMI is about to come in and all the water recedes. Same thing just with energy is what I felt like. Today though I have felt really good, just trying to sort out everything that has been clouding my mind. Tomorrow can only get better!

posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 10:50 PM
reply to post by kyle43

i have been feeling *zapped*, too.
i do, right now.

but it's been a couple of weeks since i felt zapped the last time.
it usually lasts a few days, for me.

i have NEVER felt this particular kind of fatigue until this summer!

posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 11:03 PM
I couldn't fall asleep easily last night and usually I fall asleep easily. I twisted and turned for hours. That's the only strange thing I noticed at this moment.

[edit on 3-8-2010 by sphinx551]

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 01:30 AM

Originally posted by rakkasansct
I have been feeling about same way since 2007. But what I'm feeling is more pushing me to move to a certain area. Finding a job there has kept me from moving and the feeling gets stronger the longer im away. Anyone else being nudged to relocate?

Yep. Everything in my being told me that i needed to be back on my home soil. So i gave up my home in MA and Moved back to WV in Sept. of 2008. I hate it here, and i curse about it a lot, but i know i'm here for a reason.

InourNature, I'm sorry i am not following what it is your asking...Can u give an example? Maybe i can better answer your question. Are you asking if recently, people who tap into their personal energy and link to the cosmos are experiencing better outcomes?

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 08:18 AM
Hmm reasonable question I guess, this is more then just get in touch with yourself and start to release negativity. That is the goal of this whole thing, but what is happening now is something remarkable, something that comes from some sort of other source. Of course all that you feel and perceive comes from you, but this is like you know it is someone or something else poking on your existence. And it comes with feeling, energy, eeh does visions sound like something we dont reject and understand? For my personal belief in what this is I am quite sure that this is it, in that sense that the move from everything/universe has been made and we are now dealing with the consequences from it. And my question is or was if any can feel the sort of new energy and if anyone draw the same conclusions around it, if not what are we making of it? And if we dont relate to it, we dont.

And I should ad, what we are going through with all this hard feelings, negativity etc. We have been stuffed with it and we are now dealing with it in that sense it do come to us as a ride, a struggle filled with resistance, fear, anxiety, like the walls are closing in on us. This is what we look like and this is also the first thing we need to be dealing with. And cant we see it, that is your battle, there you have it =)

[edit on 4-8-2010 by InOurNature]

[edit on 4-8-2010 by InOurNature]

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 09:47 AM

Originally posted by InOurNature but what is happening now is something remarkable, something that comes from some sort of other source. Of course all that you feel and perceive comes from you, but this is like you know it is someone or something else poking on your existence. And it comes with feeling, energy,

That sounds like what some call psychic attacks. I've had it happen to me a couple of times. And i will say with complete conviction, that it was definitely from an outside, living, aware source. Are you saying it's a negative energy that is "poking" you?

So i guess, to answer your question, yes... there are others that are feeling it. I felt it MOST ( if you are referring to a negative force ) around 2004-2005... at the onset of my awakening.

You say you feel as though it's due to the movement in the universe. Personally, i feel this new energy is due to the ascension of the human spirit. There will be those who will resist those negative "pokes", and some who will be drawn to and enveloped by it.

And I should ad, what we are going through with all this hard feelings, negativity etc. We have been stuffed with it and we are now dealing with it in that sense it do come to us as a ride, a struggle filled with resistance, fear, anxiety, like the walls are closing in on us. This is what we look like and this is also the first thing we need to be dealing with. And cant we see it, that is your battle, there you have it =)

I agree with you regarding all of the negativity that is being shoved down our throats. I feel that now is the time that humans really need to become introspective, and decide who they really are. Struggle is not fun, but it's necessary. Those who do not see it, i can't speak for them... I'm not one of those people...but i see them around, on T.V, the internet..and they appear to thrive on it.

I agree with you that people need to be dealing with it. You're off to a good start i would say, by being aware and noticing it. As G.I Joe says... "And now you KNOW, and KNOWING is Half the battle! "

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 04:15 PM
i feel the energy often as a sort of vibration that causes me to involuntarily move back and forth, not my whole body but like my head and torso - just a little bit but it is rhythmic and regular. definitely it is not me doing it. it comes and goes although is here more than not, anymore. the intensity fluctuates. it is like my body is responding to those frequencies and responds in kind.

as far as the negative aspect of all this, i think it is like a purging. i was told that we can either choose love or fear, which are polar opposites. most think hate is the opposite of love but hate has no counterpart - it is something akin to both anger and apathy.

but fear comes from the idea that we might lose that which we love. i have been shown that's not the case, and never is the case. love is stronger than all things, EVEN DEATH.

and so, from what i understand, when the vibrational level of humanity is forced to make a split, due to the higher frequencies being attained at the high end of the curve, those who choose fear will be transforming into a new reality as well as those who choose love. but the realities won't be the same one - there will be two. two that exist on different realms of vibrational energy.

it seems to be something unavoidable, since the very nature of fear means that those who have succumbed to that side of things become increasingly more fearful as things get stranger. those who choose love see it as exciting and something to look forward to, even if it does cause some anxiety and confusion along the way. the key difference is giving into it or not.

so that's why it's important to help those who are fearful to lose their fears, with love. there are many ways to help and all of us are individually talented in so many various ways, but all measures must be executed with the single motivation of love.

as the time gets nearer to the end of the aeon, or age, the split seems to grow wider and the differences more pronounced, because of those reasons i described. it is just inevitable, i think.

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 09:10 PM
reply to post by InOurNature

All is One. Your experiences suggest both the physical and psychic. These are my thoughts on each.

Physical; IONS, electrical charged airbourne atoms. Negative ions contribute to a healthy environment and corona ions reduce health in the environment. Ions can be artificially produced. Naturally, corona ions produce around high voltage power lines for example and negative ions produce around waterfalls etc. Ions affect energy levels. It is thought ions affect Earth's electro magnetic fields.

Psychic; human awareness, it seems to me, enjoys a symbiotic relationship with our universe. The universe and us, together, engage in the ancient battle between light and dark, love and fear. We, as individuals, must make our choice. Changes in awareness, that the battle may be about to culminate, growing our mind, preparing us.

This is frustrating!

You know when a small child is first learning to read? It is so hard for them to connect their thought process with the word on the page, and then, suddenly, they just get it? (I'm not an educator, I don't know any of the terms associated with this)

I feel like such a child, on the cusp of understanding. And InOurNature, you are not alone!

[edit on 4/8/2010 by teapot]

[edit on 4/8/2010 by teapot]

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 10:46 PM
reply to post by InOurNature

I know What you mean.. . . "so to speak"

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