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All right, am I the only one feeling this?

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posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 01:40 PM
There has been a few threads regarding some sort of feeling/energy thing that is going on. Extremely powerful and rewarding in that sense when you work with it what you get out is tremendous. This is compared of course to mine and I guess others experience as well. However for a while now it has been hard to breath, heavy chest and heart. Some sort of a panic attack mode. Last night it changed, just got to bed and what did come to me was a extreme warm fuzy feeling, energy filled with relief and hope if that not sounds to corny. The most significant around this experience lately is that we are walking right into change aka you = everything. This feeling/energy going on now is the whole thing, no one more then me? And yeah also this seem to be some sort of cool cleaning process, like lay back and it will "repair" you and fill you with some sort of loving,fuzzy energy feeling. Sounds familiar?

And we have this going on:

Something? Nothing? Everything?

posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 01:48 PM
do you live on your own ? or do you have relationships ?

posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 01:51 PM
Just In Case...

Lot of this going around.

posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 01:52 PM
Well let's just hope it's energy you are feeling, and not anything serious to your health.

Feeling any numbness?

posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 01:56 PM
Hmm maybe should specify more, its not dangerous or anything like that. I have been dealing with it over a long period with different ways of approaching it. Lately though its like everything comes together, as well for my personal experience but also some sort of cosmic thing. But if you dont know what I mean then you dont =)

And by my own as for the moment.

[edit on 3-8-2010 by InOurNature]

[edit on 3-8-2010 by InOurNature]

posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by InOurNature

And by my own as for the moment

i think its something like robby williams sings: "...i am loving angels instead..."
dont know if this is something what you are experiencing, just my thoughts.

posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 02:10 PM
reply to post by InOurNature

Any empirical data supporting it as anything more than a physical sensation? After all, human history is crammed full of mystical moments of transcendence that were nothing more than food poisoning. Not to suggest anything like that in your case, but when dealing with issues that have enormous implications, it's always best to get a little forensics together before heading into court.

posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 02:14 PM
In my own personal case, this has been going on since 2007. There are some who believe there are serious earth changes occurring, and those who seek, will find. There have been alot of "awakenings" and stirring of soul's during these times.

HAAHAH! NO, the warm fuzzy feeling, is not corny and perhaps that is the feeling you should try to tune into when you are feeling panicked or nervous.

For some who are awakening, there seems to sense of urgency... a feeling to get things done.

I suggest you meditate. If you don't or never have... try it. =0)

posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 02:24 PM

Originally posted by InOurNature
There has been a few threads regarding some sort of feeling/energy thing that is going on. Extremely powerful and rewarding in that sense when you work with it what you get out is tremendous. This is compared of course to mine and I guess others experience as well. However for a while now it has been hard to breath, heavy chest and heart. Some sort of a panic attack mode. Last night it changed, just got to bed and what did come to me was a extreme warm fuzy feeling, energy filled with relief and hope if that not sounds to corny. The most significant around this experience lately is that we are walking right into change aka you = everything. This feeling/energy going on now is the whole thing, no one more then me? And yeah also this seem to be some sort of cool cleaning process, like lay back and it will "repair" you and fill you with some sort of loving,fuzzy energy feeling. Sounds familiar?

Hello InOurNature-Yes I understand what you are saying and it is the fight of negative and positive in our soul. The closer we get to the truth the more positive we become if we want that, or the more negative we become if we want that. It all depends on yourself to understand where we come from and what you want to become. If you are positive and you understand this you will feel the warmth. Negatives make your head hurt and you feel trapped or everything is falling into yourself pushing down. When we are in our darkest hour is when we will know and feel the positive or negative and which we will become.

posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 02:27 PM
I too have been experiencing this since around 2007. It started as a sort of underlying nagging feeling or energy, it just lingered in the back of my mind. Sometimes I would casually ask others if they had noticed it, and many have. Although. I am careful not to say I believe I am physic. Perhaps it is simply the knowledge that we are abusing our habitat and it is scary and ever present in our minds. I too feel it even stronger today. Its highly uncomfortable.

posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 02:37 PM
Ehh as again to specify I am fully aware of the negative feelings, that is what I have been working with for 7-8 years. By that I mean this is something totally far from it. The "panic attack mode" is nothing dangerous and it is something that is rewarding in that sense it is nor god nor bad. Not right or wrong etc, it is and when you deal with it what you get out is something that effects your whole existence. And this now is so totally different and nothing compared to what I felt before.

posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 02:54 PM
Nah, I don't feel anything unusual, that is until I read your OP, then I felt what you felt. A mental effect essentially.

Kick ass song btw, one of the heaviest I've heard, if not the heaviest.

[edit on 3-8-2010 by Masinger]

posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 03:02 PM
I have been feeling about same way since 2007. But what I'm feeling is more pushing me to move to a certain area. Finding a job there has kept me from moving and the feeling gets stronger the longer im away. Anyone else being nudged to relocate?

posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 03:48 PM
Hey dude.

I know exactly the feeling you speak of.

It's a huge thread, but I'm sure you would be able to relate to a lot of the topics brought up. Here's the link to that thread:

OP, I feel it too. You are not alone.

Another poster mentioned wanting to relocate. Oh my goodness, the urge is so strong for me to move to Europe.

Good luck everyone.


posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 04:47 PM

I was just reading the synchronicity thread, and thought would it not be fun to have one? Then i saw this thread title, and i was annoyed. It is about as non-revealing of the content as possible
Then i thought, what if this was one about "feeling something in my body" since i have been feeling normal again this day. For a long time i have had EXACTLY the symptoms you described in op.

WOW, just wow

posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 06:40 PM

Originally posted by InOurNature
Hmm maybe should specify more, its not dangerous or anything like that. I have been dealing with it over a long period with different ways of approaching it. Lately though its like everything comes together, as well for my personal experience but also some sort of cosmic thing. But if you dont know what I mean then you dont =)

And by my own as for the moment.

i DO know what you mean.

it is just the effects of changing vibrational energy - our cells are undergoing change, too, from what i understand from various sources. it makes sense to me, as well, and i've had my "own" ideas for most of my life that this was coming - this change, and i know many others have, as well.

it is going to become crystalline instead of carbon - not that carbon isn't crystalline to some degree, i'm sure, since it is a pure element. maybe the carbon is going to crystallize? that would make us diamonds, clear cut and brilliant, so it is in the realm of possibility unless one lives inside a box.
obviously you don't. neither do i.

it will pass after a while, then there might be something else that is vaguely discomfiting to take it's will pass, too, and so on.

i have to get dinner out of the oven. i'll try to come back.

posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 07:09 PM
Yeah well this thing is here to do something, and it do involve you because this time it is everything. Meaning it is you that is coming and your own personal experience, your own exploration. When I put that i perspective it seems perfectly logic and have worked out exactly according to my experience, what I have been feeling, and in a sense something that I already know. And this is the part where we use to get hanged up, because why should we know, why should anything affect you? I really do think the lesson here is that you are everything and everything is you. And that remakes everything as well =)

[edit on 3-8-2010 by InOurNature]

posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 07:13 PM

Originally posted by rakkasansct
Anyone else being nudged to relocate?

more like not-nudged - to just stay where i am because that is where i need to be.

when i'm away, it doesn't feel right. i used to LOVE to travel and get away but now it just doesn't feel like something i should take too long in doing - go out of town if necessary, go home asap.
however, the traveling aspect doesn't feel as near as menacing as it did for a long time period prior to this one in which things are changing.

i think for those getting the nudge to re-locate, if it passes your own personal criteria for legitimate, then re-locate!
if you are being nudged, then it is by sentience that is more aware than you are, presently, but watching over YOU.
it might even BE you.
regardless, you know it cares.

listen to the inner.

posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 07:28 PM
reply to post by InOurNature

I hope you aren't being Microwaved

Seriously though I notice you live high in the Northern hemisphere, I'm wondering if this could be significant?

I have got this feeling

I've got this feeling to move away somewhere but I have absolutely no idea where

For me to actually move away right now is not very practical anyway.

Where do I want to go? why?

what funny about this is that I cant stop thinking about the Himalayas

posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 07:50 PM
reply to post by Seventytwo

yeah, that one is pretty drastic!

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