Isn't it just a cliché?
I mean.....
Let's start it this way: I play video games for a long time, nearly 20 years and i learned that video games back then where not only shaped or
created by men,but also by women. It's a funny fact that the first game that was banned in germay was created by a woman, carol shaw, and the game
was river raid. Roberta Williams basically created the graphic adventure genre with Mystery House and created the King's Quest series. Years later
she shocked the world with the ultra-brutal Phantasmagoria. There were other female game developers like Gabriel Knight by Jane goes up
until the Assassin's Creed series produced by Jade Raymond.
The same can be said about actors, directors of movies, autors and everything. Women don't want to be put into a cliche but they get pushed into it
because of some stuborn, old-age men who think that is the right way. A good example would be Danica Patrick. She drives in Indycar, she has some
success and there are guys who say "she has advantages because of her weight", "she has advantages because she's a woman" and all that crap.
It's unfair how woman get treated by man, because they think they're superior and they just can't accept the fact, that women are equal. If guys
can accept that, there won't be any problems, but they just can't.
Just look at sports. There's "girl sport" and "men sport" and there are to many guys who for example think that women can't play football
(soccer for you americans). The female national team of Germany for example is hugely succesful in the last 21 years (2 world cups, 7 europen
championships, 3 bronze medal at the olympic games) at first all males thought it is a joke, now they're fans because of the success they have.
The main problem is clichés and the fact that girls are raised in the old way, while boys are raised to be the "males", the hunters ,the rulers and
all the crap. If humanity could advance one step into the future and just accept that genders are equal, i think the world would be a little better.
I mentioned it before here, i work in game developed and you won't believe how many guys are there who ask, how it is possible that i workd in that
field, why i do it, why i love it and how it could be, because i'm female, because i look rather "good" (or sexy) and that can't be possible,
because some cliché say the only people who work in that job have to be ugly, overweight guys.
(but well Jade Raymond proves them wrong, i may
be prove them wrong too and Corinne Yu who leads Microsofts Halo development team proves them wrong