reply to post by poet1b
As another mentioned, I refer to it as the serf laws.
Color of law, legislation that only appears to be law.
It is like the movie, Minority Report. You can be arrested for Possible future crime. Or, you the serfs are acting dangerously, since you are a slave
and property of the state, that is a no no.
Criminal law, use to be defined when there was a victim to this tenet, harm another or infringe on their right to Life, Liberty or Property.
I would argue that this came about way before any president you mention.
This scheme was created when the government, either state or federal began when they introduced legislation to LICENSE legal and lawful activity.
What, is driving (legal term) the same as operating a motor vehicle (legal term) or the same as traveling (legal term)?
Tell me, what type of law is traffic under? IMO is like a hybrid of contract law and maritime law. The UCC. Commercial Code. That in and of itself
tell you something. Just the definition of person under UCC code. Take a look folks, the rabbit hole goes way..................down on this
Example, how can one be charged with operating a motor vehicle without a license? Because one did not sign any contract with the government, this
could not fall under the contract law, so some sneaky things had to be created.
Also, why will a LEO throw you in jail if you fail to sign a traffic ticket? Because you are refusing to sign a forced contract to be under the
jurisdiction of their court. Sign it with the under duress once. Or the myriad of other formats.
under duress, without prejudice
all right reserved UCC 1-207
without prejudice UCC 1-207
From here-
In July 1913, the state of New Jersey became the first to require all drivers to pass a mandatory examination before receiving a license.
WOW, why does THAT date keep coming up in history.
Things that make you go HMMMM.
Now we need a license to marry.
license to buy
license to sell
license to be born
license to die
license to ................
You get the idea.
Show me in the Constitution, where the government is allowed all these schemes. That is what they are, schemes to control and tax. A license to STEAL
in other words.
That is all the government knows, tax and control.
Hey, poet, I was just using you as the collective you for format purposes. Later.
[edit on 8/2/2010 by endisnighe]