posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 09:54 PM
What a complete mess. I wouldn't even know where to begin.
From the initial surfacing of reports saying the "tanker exploded", to a complete absence of expert opinion...
Well, it's just ridiculous. Who knows. I personally believe it wasn't an explosion of any sort, unless it was a percussion device without
fragmentation, but that is highly unlikely. Especially with that much damage.
There is no scarring, no flash burn, no paint missing, and no fragmentation of any kind.
So, I agree it wasn't a collision, nor an explosion.. so what is it? The faulty vent theory holds the most water, in my opinion. This doesn't look
like a kinetic force struck the hull in any way, there is no evidence to support it at all.
Back to the initial report, of the "tanker explosion"... seriously, what the hell? Is the media that shady today, where they just dramatize the crap
out of everything for ratings? When I first read the headline when it popped up.. I just didn't want to see it, I thought I would see a tragedy, and
I wasn't in the mood. Apparently, I was way off the mark. Sick of modern-journalism.