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Communism and Socialism for Dummies

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posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 01:29 PM
reply to post by texastig

The user has been trolling the boards all day with the same comment about Communism. Just another nut.

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 01:31 PM
reply to post by astrogolf

There's no reason to argue with someone who is arrogant like you!
second line

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 01:48 PM

Originally posted by astrogolf
reply to post by Romantic_Rebel

What are you, nine? Didn't you mean "proven"?

When his command of the English language is actually relevant to the topic being discussed, please be sure to let us know.

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by astrogolf
reply to post by Romantic_Rebel

This poster is what the marxists call a usefull idiot. Through years of demoralization and brain washing, the recruit "leftist idealogues" to join their ranks. These people are imune to facts. You can show them documents, photos, physical evidence of concentration camps, and none of it matters. Sadly, after stage 3 of a communist revolution, our current stage, these leftists are either executed or imprisoned along with the dissedents, as they are no longer useful. They become a problem to the regime because they are so disillusioned after seeing the reality of communism. Here's a clip from an ex-KGP officer regarding what is currently underway in the US and a related thread. It will explain her

There's that name calling again. One thing about the righties they always call the other view what they are themselves or speak in opposites. For instance, Bush's law to allow corporations to pollute the air was called, "The Clean Air Act".

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by damwel
There's that name calling again. One thing about the righties they always call the other view what they are themselves or speak in opposites. For instance, Bush's law to allow corporations to pollute the air was called, "The Clean Air Act".

Always? No. Sometimes? Yes, as do members of the left wing. Remember kids- all generalisations are wrong, except this one.

I wish this blatantly partisan nonsense from both sides of the economic spectrum would end.

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 02:47 PM
Please remain on topic.

Do not post to the poster.

Thank you.

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by damwel
There's that name calling again. One thing about the righties they always call the other view what they are themselves or speak in opposites. For instance, Bush's law to allow corporations to pollute the air was called, "The Clean Air Act".

Not all righties do that. Lefties do it also. Let's be fair.

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 03:35 PM

Originally posted by texastig

Originally posted by damwel
There's that name calling again. One thing about the righties they always call the other view what they are themselves or speak in opposites. For instance, Bush's law to allow corporations to pollute the air was called, "The Clean Air Act".

Not all righties do that. Lefties do it also. Let's be fair.

I already said that.

Anyway, on topic I thought that was a pretty good summary overall.

[edit on 30-7-2010 by LeftWingLarry]

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 04:11 PM
Its my understanding that after socialism, then comes communism, meaning that is the next "step" so to speak. Unless of course you have a country seized through war, in which a dictatorship is set up. Am I correct?

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by The Endtime Warrior

Well how should I say this? Yes you're right on the three step.
Communism is the third step of a three step plan – the first step is revolution (to remove the monarchy or government), the second step is the establishment of a ruling proletariat which is called “socialism” (a government of the people). When the socialist government attains its main goal – removal of all private property ownership, the government is meant to step down and the state becomes headless – this is communism. Accordingly, there has never been a true communist state as all socialist states end up retaining their government.

While in the video they called Socialism a mixed of Capitalism and Communism which is actually mixed economics.

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 10:37 PM
Your constructs are inheriently violent. (not to mention artificial, naive, unsustainable, counterproductive, evil, ect ect ect...)

And thus, I oppose them.

[edit on 30-7-2010 by Neo_Serf]

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 11:08 PM
reply to post by The Endtime Warrior

THe real progression of political theory:
Infants, with no capabilities of their own are natural communists, they do nothing and are supported in every way.
Adolescents are socialists, they are supported and expect it and if they do chose earn some money nowadays they keep it for themselves unless their parents force them to give it up, so they still suck off their parents because they are functionally immature, but at least they score sometime for themselves ( or used to before they mostly all became lazy videogame addicts or mallrats or druggie communist agitators)
The greater degree of self sufficiency the greater transition to capitalism, where mature self sufficiency occurs( nowadays this is an ever infrequent event.
A functional capitalist (absent intentional misrepresentation of liberal manipulators as a misleading pejorative definition of capitalists) economically is one that being in a postion of self sufficiency can now provide for a family on his own. his reason alone used to be the reason to transition from living at home in the basement but now, there's no need to marry, just be a babydaddy or babymomma)

The point of youthful support of socialist'communist political system is the promise of always having a mommy and daddy in the form of the state making up for basic personality defect preventing either the capability or desire for maturation and self sufficiency. In nature, one matures and succeeds or remains immature and fails as support always stops at some point. The fear of failure is what keeps young, lazy naive and weak people flocking to socialistic endevors in spite of the fact that there are no self sustaining socialist systems that didnt start by looting a more successful formerly capitalist system first. There has never been a socialist system that formed and succeded in any other way, nor can there be. People who remain immature and not fully functional don become self sufficient and cant generate a functional self sustaining society without theft and demonization of successful people. The fact that politicians dont and wont ever love them as dearly like their own mommas did seems to evade them, but what the hell, they're immature!

[edit on 30-7-2010 by mordant1]

posted on Jul, 31 2010 @ 04:05 AM

Originally posted by mordant1
reply to post by The Endtime Warrior

THe real progression of political theory:
Infants, with no capabilities of their own are natural communists, they do nothing and are supported in every way.
Adolescents are socialists, they are supported and expect it and if they do chose earn some money nowadays they keep it for themselves unless their parents force them to give it up, so they still suck off their parents because they are functionally immature, but at least they score sometime for themselves ( or used to before they mostly all became lazy videogame addicts or mallrats or druggie communist agitators)
The greater degree of self sufficiency the greater transition to capitalism, where mature self sufficiency occurs( nowadays this is an ever infrequent event.
A functional capitalist (absent intentional misrepresentation of liberal manipulators as a misleading pejorative definition of capitalists) economically is one that being in a postion of self sufficiency can now provide for a family on his own. his reason alone used to be the reason to transition from living at home in the basement but now, there's no need to marry, just be a babydaddy or babymomma)

The point of youthful support of socialist'communist political system is the promise of always having a mommy and daddy in the form of the state making up for basic personality defect preventing either the capability or desire for maturation and self sufficiency. In nature, one matures and succeeds or remains immature and fails as support always stops at some point. The fear of failure is what keeps young, lazy naive and weak people flocking to socialistic endevors in spite of the fact that there are no self sustaining socialist systems that didnt start by looting a more successful formerly capitalist system first. There has never been a socialist system that formed and succeded in any other way, nor can there be. People who remain immature and not fully functional don become self sufficient and cant generate a functional self sustaining society without theft and demonization of successful people. The fact that politicians dont and wont ever love them as dearly like their own mommas did seems to evade them, but what the hell, they're immature!

[edit on 30-7-2010 by mordant1]

I see what you did there. Nice job trying to characterise your political opponents as 'children'.

posted on Jul, 31 2010 @ 08:00 AM
reply to post by LeftWingLarry

Actually I merely describe real events and connect the dots that your kind keeps trying to hide..
Adult Children seeking perpetual support for themselves and refusing to take adult responsibility for their condition define themselves as children. What you want to do is redefine childishness as a form of maximum evolved being legally entitled to perpetual support by the ever dwindling pool of real functional adults who you redefine into worthless slaves which must be punished by serving their children in perpetuity.
Curous logic yours, if the children refuse to grow up and transition to adult hood and self sufficiency, after the slave/parents are worked to death, who will be the next group sought out to be demonized and forced to serve?

posted on Jul, 31 2010 @ 08:09 AM

Originally posted by mordant1
reply to post by LeftWingLarry

Actually I merely describe real events and connect the dots that your kind keeps trying to hide..
Adult Children seeking perpetual support for themselves and refusing to take adult responsibility for their condition define themselves as children. What you want to do is redefine childishness as a form of maximum evolved being legally entitled to perpetual support by the ever dwindling pool of real functional adults who you redefine into worthless slaves which must be punished by serving their children in perpetuity.
Curous logic yours, if the children refuse to grow up and transition to adult hood and self sufficiency, after the slave/parents are worked to death, who will be the next group sought out to be demonized and forced to serve?

My kind? What is 'my kind'?

The rest of your post sounded frankly like the rantings of a madman. I suspect that they probably are.

posted on Jul, 31 2010 @ 08:32 AM

Originally posted by LeftWingLarry

Originally posted by mordant1
reply to post by LeftWingLarry

Actually I merely describe real events and connect the dots that your kind keeps trying to hide..
Adult Children seeking perpetual support for themselves and refusing to take adult responsibility for their condition define themselves as children. What you want to do is redefine childishness as a form of maximum evolved being legally entitled to perpetual support by the ever dwindling pool of real functional adults who you redefine into worthless slaves which must be punished by serving their children in perpetuity.
Curous logic yours, if the children refuse to grow up and transition to adult hood and self sufficiency, after the slave/parents are worked to death, who will be the next group sought out to be demonized and forced to serve?

My kind? What is 'my kind'?

The rest of your post sounded frankly like the rantings of a madman. I suspect that they probably are.

Your kind is what you project about yourself, and not my evilness in noticing
I'm evil for being myself and youre not? Funny that you allow yourself the privilege of passing judgment on me, yet deny anyone to reflect upon your own charactoristics?
Verrrry EEnteresting. Yep that would be your kind fo shizzel

posted on Jul, 31 2010 @ 08:45 AM

Originally posted by mordant1

Originally posted by LeftWingLarry

Originally posted by mordant1
reply to post by LeftWingLarry

Actually I merely describe real events and connect the dots that your kind keeps trying to hide..
Adult Children seeking perpetual support for themselves and refusing to take adult responsibility for their condition define themselves as children. What you want to do is redefine childishness as a form of maximum evolved being legally entitled to perpetual support by the ever dwindling pool of real functional adults who you redefine into worthless slaves which must be punished by serving their children in perpetuity.
Curous logic yours, if the children refuse to grow up and transition to adult hood and self sufficiency, after the slave/parents are worked to death, who will be the next group sought out to be demonized and forced to serve?

My kind? What is 'my kind'?

The rest of your post sounded frankly like the rantings of a madman. I suspect that they probably are.

Your kind is what you project about yourself, and not my evilness in noticing
I'm evil for being myself and youre not? Funny that you allow yourself the privilege of passing judgment on me, yet deny anyone to reflect upon your own charactoristics?
Verrrry EEnteresting. Yep that would be your kind fo shizzel

Are you high?

posted on Jul, 31 2010 @ 08:52 AM
reply to post by mordant1

Dog eat dog macho right wing politics is not equality between the sexes, it is extreme slavery. Social Democracy is about SUBSTANTIVE equality for ALL people. Anything else is a crime against humanity, and I consider women with small children doing work of equal value, and theres no children in a scarsity system, just victims when theres not tons of equally high paid, low hour jobs.

Personally money, realtors and many laws are crimes.

Its over. No more. And communism, or any form of facism, isnt the way either, it just means another long fight for freedom.

For prosperity, and equalty, people need to be cooperative and free, not in any extremes and all people, exactly as they are, all ages and health healthy, wealthy and wise, and completely equal and valued. The Venus Project in grass roots versions is a system of prosperity and choice.

This thread is a right winged, macho, sexist, slave driving, survivial of the most unencumbered healthiest man, with the richest family behind him, and try to smear political ideology to suit himself.

Not interested.

Its a crime against humanity. Look at the world and realize something. All people have the right to the land, resources and food. All people should be able to form eco villages and build houses for each other.

The right thinks that the people who didn't like Bush or Obama will fight for this freedom to go back to Bush. NADA.

No one is going to withdraw support from the government unless this whole left and right, banks and realtors and abuse of humanity ends by all the bloodlines and all the elite.

Won't lift a finger for any change unless its permanetnly progressing humanity into full equality, freedom, with a conscience, and the cosmos.

The children are the ones who don't wish to grow into loving caring adults worthy of being cosmic citizens and dont abandon slavery and inequality.

Grow up. Sick of hearing about this political clash. Well the whole system is criminal and slavery. Slavery is a crime against humanity. I renounce and denounce it all.

[edit on 31-7-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on Jul, 31 2010 @ 09:02 AM

Originally posted by LeftWingLarry

Originally posted by mordant1

Originally posted by LeftWingLarry

Originally posted by mordant1
reply to post by LeftWingLarry

Actually I merely describe real events and connect the dots that your kind keeps trying to hide..
Adult Children seeking perpetual support for themselves and refusing to take adult responsibility for their condition define themselves as children. What you want to do is redefine childishness as a form of maximum evolved being legally entitled to perpetual support by the ever dwindling pool of real functional adults who you redefine into worthless slaves which must be punished by serving their children in perpetuity.
Curous logic yours, if the children refuse to grow up and transition to adult hood and self sufficiency, after the slave/parents are worked to death, who will be the next group sought out to be demonized and forced to serve?

My kind? What is 'my kind'?

The rest of your post sounded frankly like the rantings of a madman. I suspect that they probably are.

Your kind is what you project about yourself, and not my evilness in noticing
I'm evil for being myself and youre not? Funny that you allow yourself the privilege of passing judgment on me, yet deny anyone to reflect upon your own charactoristics?
Verrrry EEnteresting. Yep that would be your kind fo shizzel

Are you high?

Your kind WOULD see being correct as intoxication. Likely because intoxication to avoid reality is a oft utilized tactic by that kind

posted on Jul, 31 2010 @ 09:08 AM
The only system that is free, about choices, and does not involve any form of slavery, is a system that is akin to the way the indigenous people have lived for years, it does not involve money or taxes. However, we are already advancing technologically. It does involve cooperation, it involves grouping up and sharing all the assets such as lakes and waterways, and setting up parks, it involves maintaining a clean world, and jury duty style managament and policing, with equality between men and women and equal groups deciding on things, so when it comes to homes and buildings, form is equally important to function and people aren't stuck in dirt piles, but the best locations are done. Nor are people stuffed into suites, all have homes and yards. Like Bali, villages would get together and help erect lovely eco homes for people, and help plant gardens together.

The amount of activity, inventions, science, art, projects, would involve volunteering of healthy citizens, who created a very up to date, truthful educational system. No copyrights, no patents, but full credit to creators and inventors, give and take like linux, and many many groups/guilds, whatever you want to call them teaching and providing the tools for any number of activities and hobbies such as art, music, inventions, science projects, any number of activities.

Free clean energy devices. Quantum zero point no longer repressed. Retraining at any time. Kids would still grow up dreaming what they wanted to be. And they would be able to try and many roles.

Mature, responsible, adult, free, system. Most crimes would be seen as a cry for help and they would need counseling and health examination.

No drug proahbition.

People could chose to volunteer for big projects, when they were young and fancy free, if they wanted to, because it would be all about choice. They could just be farmers, hobbists and look after family. They could still take, most people would be very happy to contribute and be taught from childhood that advancements occur with great minds and effort.

Many of the ones who are forced into unemployment and "children" as you call it, are the ones who have been treated by the economic system to be this substandard slush pile at the bottom that the monopoly system does not provide opportunities for. Many more of them will be able to accomplish their dreams, because they have them too.

Anything other than this system is slavery. And a crime against humanity.

Edit to add: spiritual meditational and psi development would be personal and private, no religious buildings and laws. Soltuions would be tried but not clung to by groups, true free enterprise, and trade. Psi would be taught to all children in school and locally. Communing with and respecting nature.

Earth as a progressive, free and cooperative, caring and responsible, more eutpoian school for the soul would be restored.

This is also the only thing I'm ever going to work for. Won't lift a finger to bring Bush's group back. Don't consider any form of fascism or eltism or a world of haves and have nots anything other than rule by the powerful, abuses of information, and hell on earth for the majority of people.

[edit on 31-7-2010 by Unity_99]

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