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Judge Blocks Parts Of Arizona Immigration Law

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posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 04:53 PM

Originally posted by sex raptor
heck yes.. this racist law will be block a win for the people of this world..

we are all one

Well the people that built a society that others find attractive fpr any number of reasons really dont have to let folks just walk right in and set right down.

The Mexicans are the first majior wave of immigrants to this nation that find the trees ripe with fruit already. In many parts of this country we dont have to care what they think and certianly if they are not citizens.

And unlike other race profiling issues in the past, when such a large % of Mexicans are known to be here illegally then racial profiling isnt really profiling and certainly when we are talking citizenship.

The profile is real.....the larger part of Mexians are illegal, they pay no tax, they live off our system in every way... but without accountability.

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 04:56 PM
reply to post by Gigatronix

Yes we should be putting the heat on to make our elected officials to deal with the problem, but we should not lose sight of the fact that even if we locked our country down and went into police state mode, there would STILL be people trying to get here illegally.

Warn the illegals via signs that they will be shot at, if they try to cross the border. After a few dead illegals, they WILL stop, believe me.
They continue to cross the border ONLY because they know that the politicians WANT them to cross, and become cheap labor.

If the government authorizes DEADLY force near AREA 52 land, they certainly have the ability to use it to enforce our borders.

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by Gigatronix

They both walk hand in hand. We`re suppose to sit back and watch our tax dollars go down the drain with this. Our government believes they are doing right by this, and while this is all going on, more and more people cross the border illegally, with no end in site.

Many say that the illegals are in need of work............well who isn`t anymore? Many say, well, they need to feed their families. Ok, fine, but they are staying here illegally, and sending their money back to Mexico. Many of them are not here because they want to be a legal citizen, they are here just for the money. So, does that makes what they are doing right? How is it right, when it breaks a federal law?

I see people clapping their hands, because the Arizona law was stopped by the Feds. But yet, there is a federal law stating that these people are here illegally. Ok then, how would you react if the Feds DID crack down on the illegals? Would you call them racist if they did?

You see, it doesn`t matter what country is at our southern border, be it Mexico, China or what ever country. Many would still play the race card because of the fact, that the greater majority of those crossing the border are from that country.

This isn`t about a race of people, it`s about people in general being here illegally. I myself don`t look at the color of their skin when it comes to this issue, I`m looking at people in general, that are breaking the law. To hell with skin color, it`s not the skin that is breaking the law here, it`s people who are breaking the law.

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by sex raptor
Im just really happy right now.. its not the poilce job to check their status.. Our system needs to be fix so it can be easier for them to become U.S citizen.

This is a win for the citizens of this world.. all we need to do is vote out the racist Arizona Governor Jan Brewer then we need tp make the 12 million ailens legal
This is a win for the foreigners. How exactly we have US District Judges acting in their interest not ours is a broader question, one that has been observed before.

My view on this, and "sex raptor"'s comments in this thread, is that it doesn't really matter what his opinion is. Of course he's happy, he wants open borders and lots of goodies for the foreigners. Affirmative action too for them, probably.

Anyway the battle is joined, I doubt Arizona is just going to surrender to Mexico, no matter with a US District Judge says. But I don't think the states will be able to band together and "convince" the US government of anything. All the emotional appeals, reasonable comments, etc. here are irrelevant. Either higher courts will enforce this taking or they won't. We'll see what the central government's social policy is going to be.

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 05:05 PM

Originally posted by Logarock ... The Mexicans are the first majior wave of immigrants to this nation that find the trees ripe with fruit already. In many parts of this country we dont have to care what they think and certianly if they are not citizens. ...

The first sentence is a very good point. Earlier immigrants didn't have all these social programs, bilingualism, etc. They had to hurry up and work, and hurry to learn English. What we gave them was the opportunity to do it, that's all. And we had plenty of jobs, not a shortage of them.

The second statement I hope is true. Maybe outside the District of the judge who made this ruling. Anyway, God speed.

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 05:09 PM
If the Federal Government refuses to enforce the laws of the land as per the US Constitution then they are an illegitimate regime and We the People of these United States are legally obligated to alter or abolish the said government.

Man, I can't wait till Election Day ... it's going to be real sweet

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 05:11 PM
Is anyone able to search "U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton"?

This is at least my fifth time searching and my computer says it can not display webpage.

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 05:15 PM
reply to post by sweetliberty

I just did it through Google and it worked fine.

Line 2

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 05:32 PM
I have a great idea. some one get a bus and when they have crosst the border give them a free ride to Washington DC or some ware like that. all of them. nothing illegal in that!

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by buddha


Let them camp out on the lawn of the White House and make catcalls at Michelle ... well see how long Obama tolerates that nonsense.

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by ChrisF231
If the Federal Government refuses to enforce the laws of the land as per the US Constitution then they are an illegitimate regime and We the People of these United States are legally obligated to alter or abolish the said government.

Man, I can't wait till Election Day ... it's going to be real sweet

Which laws are they not enforcing???

People are caught and deported say they are not enforcing them is ignorant.

Maybe I'll complain about the police because although they do catch some speeders...they don't catch them they obviously are not enforcing the laws. Solid logic, eh?

Think about it.

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 05:59 PM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

What law are they not enforcing, DUH DUR, maybe the Constitution? Oh, that is right, you do not know what that IS!

Ever hear of this one?

To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;

You know, one that is ACTUALLY IN THE CONSTITUTION, not like the other things they do that are not in the Constitution.

Like perpetual war.

To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;
To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;

Like unlawful taxation.

No Capitation, or other direct, Tax shall be laid, unless in Proportion to the Census or Enumeration herein before directed to be taken.

Like removal of property rights.

The right to Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness (property rights)

I would include the rest but they are not in the Constitution so they DO NOT have the power to do these things.

Like the takeover of private companies.
Like seizing assets and giving it to their union whores.
Like protecting their corporate whore bankers.

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 06:02 PM

Originally posted by ProfEmeritus

Warn the illegals via signs that they will be shot at, if they try to cross the border. After a few dead illegals, they WILL stop, believe me.
They continue to cross the border ONLY because they know that the politicians WANT them to cross, and become cheap labor.

While I'm not sure this is the answer, it seems ironic to think we could suggest militarizing our border, but the thought of asking a potential illegal for his ID is off limits.

Like I said before, everyone wants a solution, but who is willing to pay the price?

Ok, let's bring the ban hammer down on Big Business. No more hiring illegal/undocumented works or pay huge huge fines. Sounds good right? Ok well first we got to establish a governmental oversight commitee, ya know, a bunch of crusty white politicians. They can sit there and say, ok these rules apply local business' but walmart and (insert megacorp) are cool because we got lots of money from them. There's problem number 1. Whos gonna watch the watchdogs?

Problem 2: Oh boy we just created more government, which means more money being spent, rules regulations statutes exemptions legislations bills comittees hearings. More beauracracy, red tape, software systems to manage all this and telecommunications etc etc etc. Where's all the money coming from for this? For a bunch of people who are so wary of government it seems odd to be clamoring for more....

Problem 3: Ok no more free healthcare, no driving, immediate deportation if caught. Ok well now we've got a bunch of unemployed, sick, desperate, paranoid, illegal people. ANybody wanna take a wild stab at the percentage of people that will commit another crime as a result of these dire circumstances? I'd be willing to bet that a fair amount will pack up and go back to wherever they came from. But I'd also be willing to bet that a comparable number, will try and stay. Because they tasted the good life ya know, their used to being here, all their friends and family are here now. Plus they will have legal friends and family that are sympathetic to their situation. So problem 3 is you're going to have signifigant amoutns of people that won't be easily removed from our country. This will lead to resentment and fear and paranoia for everybody.

Problem 4: Ok so fortify our borders, bring troops home from other wars and put them to work. Now we got the army rollin around in hummers in your neighborhood. Oooh scary, the police state is right around the corner right? So we got SEAL snipers watchin the borders. They plug a couple of drug runners, now it's an internation crisis cuz they were unarmed and we got human rights violations and people in mexico start rushing the borders and now suddenly we really are defending our border. Cuz you know, soon as you tell somebody they can't cross this line some tough guy got to step up and test you.

And of course, the War on the Border will be perpetual. Cuz for every way we find to secure it, someone will conveniently find a way around it. So it'll just go round and round. People will get nervous about bein so close to the heat that they'll move away. Now the economies of the border states start to suffer cuz people are leavin. The illegals will move with them. Oh you thought they were gone? LOL nah, it's just even more underground. The Underground Railroad 2.0 ya dig?

Meanwhile white people are are all fearful and stuff, Mommy theres a alien under my bed QQ

But back to the business:

So now the cheap labor is harder to come by, only the "Too Big To PLay By The Rules" institutions will have access to illegal workers. So some business shut their doors, because they can;t compete. Prices for stuff goes up, people lose jobs, more welfare and unemployment and stuff. Crime goes up, depression goes up. Less people go to college.

You get the idea.

So does anybody have an idea that won't hurt anybody? Or should we be careful what we wish for?

[edit on 28-7-2010 by Gigatronix]

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by endisnighe

No one is being invaded...calm down.

It sure does get people all crazy though to mis-label illegal immigration as an "INVASION"..doesn't it???

Gets people all mad and angry over...oh wait...they don't know why they are angry...but believe me...they are ANGRY.

You failed to tell me what law they are not enforcing...just re-directed to the scary INVASION...spooky.

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 06:10 PM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

So what do you call, in just Arizona alone, 300,000-360,000 people coming over the border per year?

Where 17% of those caught have been convicted of violent crime in the US.

Oh, it is just what then?

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 06:14 PM

Originally posted by endisnighe
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

So what do you call, in just Arizona alone, 300,000-360,000 people coming over the border per year?

Where 17% of those caught have been convicted of violent crime in the US.

Oh, it is just what then?

I call that people moving to where they can provide for their family...and with any group of have your good ones and your bad ones.

I don't call it an Invasion...I don't use scary words in an attempt to alter viewpoints based on fear.

And what an invasion force it and construction workers...who actually farm and do construction work. Those are some fierce soldiers.

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 06:20 PM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

Yep, and then we have the teachers stating that the southwest was stolen by the US.

Nope, not an invasion force, nope, nada, nyet.

Maybe just a purposeful destruction of the US sovereignty by the globalists?

No, never would the government use such a thing as that. Nope, nada, nyet.

Using un cuarto cerebro I see the problems but of course since you have a hand in the game I can see your reasoning to argue the points.

Can I go to Mexico and live there? Thought not.

SO IT IS AN INVASION, so take your propaganda drivel to someone that gives a damn.

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 06:33 PM
double post

[edit on 28-7-2010 by network dude]

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 06:33 PM

Originally posted by sex raptor

Originally posted by ProfEmeritus
I am not surprised by this ruling. It just confirms that all THREE branches of our government are corrupt, and could care less about the Constitution.
The illegals take to the streets every time someone threatens to crack down on illegal immigration. Maybe it IS time for the legal Americans that are SICK AND TIRED of the garbage being pushed by this government, to take to the streets, and WATER THE TREE OF LIBERTY.
We are sick and tired and are not going to take it anymore!

wasint just the illegals taken it to the street it was the american people mix with immgrants..

btw you mad?

I'd venture a guess that most of the American citizens protesting against the bill are members of SEIU or an affiliated union bussed in just for that occasion. It's all for show. SEIU in is in this up to the cods.

By the way, most "legals" I know support the AZ Bill. It's their jobs at risk and they're getting sick and tired of losing a job to an illegal "taking the easy way out" and "hopping the fence", ending up with the legal immigrant's job. That's a fair deal!!!

I can't wait for this case to reach the Supreme Court. I hear BO's State of the Union address spoke quite highly of them and you should expect Chief Justice Roberts and his fellow justices' to render a "just" verdict.

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 06:33 PM

Originally posted by network dude
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

tell you what sport, after you provide proof that you are personally housing at least one family of law breaking illegal immigrants so that they may "find a better life", I may listen to your argument. But as it stands, you are a bleeding heart who has no real idea of what goes on in the real world.

It's ok if 10,000 MS13 gang members enter the country illegally and look for new towns to take over and push their drugs. they have run out of people to kill in Mexico.

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