posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 12:53 PM
this is good news, the bill itself was not going to solve anything anyway
here is my reasoning
as i said in another thread, when you have a bug problem in your house, you don't just get rid of every bug you see on the spot, while that might
work for a bug intrusion here and there, when you've got an infestation happening the solution is to call the bug man and lay out a chemical
perimeter around your house which will effectively solve the problem
the illegal immigration problem in america is the same, this bill will enable police officers to stop more people based on profiling, which
undoubtably will solve more illegal immigrant problems that have ALREADY immigrated here, but as long as we don't finance and focus our attention and
intelligence on building up our borders and preventative measures for this problem, it will keep occuring
that is why i think this bill, racist or not, controversial or not, would not have solved our illegal immigrant probelm anyhow
all this bill was going to do was introduce into our mentality that it's ok for police and officials to question you based on how you look, or for no
reason at all, ultimately these are philosophies outlined in 1984 and includes a growth of 'big brother's' powers
i would like to add it is not neccessarily a good thing though, as the federal government is stating that states do not have the right to try and
solve 'federal' problems, and the fact that the federal government is intervening within a states rights to govern itself in it's own rights is
though, in my personal opinion, the bill was not going to solve anything anyway, this is a testament to our current times
when america was founded, states were given certain rights apon which the government could not federally interfer, but i fear recent years have
created the federal governments beleif that if they so choose to they can intervene in any state however they want, legally or not, they think
they're the federal government so they get the final say.. which is not what was originally intended in the creation of america
so ultimately my conclusion is this, we avoided a bill that introduced 1984-like proposals, and yet we avoided it by the federal government jaming
into our conciousness that it can do whatever it pleases, i don't know which is worse
[edit on 7/28/2010 by indigothefish]
[edit on 7/28/2010 by indigothefish]