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They Want the President Dead?

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posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 12:26 PM
BTW, I don't care if it is republicans, liberals, or progressive democrats, but if they make deals with big businesess at the expense of Americans they are ALL the same.

Many republicans are only RINOs (Republican In Name Only) and they do not represent in any way real republicanism as the forefathers saw fit to govern the United States.

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 12:34 PM
reply to post by ElectricUniverse

I don't necessarily disagree with your points. I just wonder about the stance during the Bush years. Particularly on the Constitutional aspects.

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by jam321

Yeah,but the economy is in a seething heap of hooey because of something that was done during the Clinton administration................

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by chiponbothshoulders

Some interesting information...I wish the latter had kept updating (and gone back a bit further), because I'm sure it's worse now...

Where Is The Money?

The Missing Money

Do you have any links from the Clinton, Bush-41, and Reagan eras to support what you said? Such as, what the foreign debt was at that time?

[edit on 7/28/2010 by ~Lucidity]

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by ~Lucidity

Which Constitutional points are you refrring to?

Federal Lawsuit Filed Over DHS ‘Rightwing Extremist’ Report

By Richard Thompson | April 20, 2009

The Thomas More Law Center, a national public interest law firm based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, announced last week that it filed a federal lawsuit against Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano. The lawsuit claims that her Department’s “Rightwing Extremism Policy, ” as reflected in the recently publicized Intelligence Assessment, “Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment, ” violates the civil liberties of combat veterans as well as American citizens by targeting them for disfavored treatment on account of their political beliefs. Click here to read the complaint filed by the Thomas More Law Center.

Napolitano tried to blunt the public furor over the Report by a half-hearted apology to veterans, but she left out of her apology all of the other Americans her Department has targeted because of their political beliefs. In fact, officials in DHS now admit that their internal office of civil liberties objected to the language in the extremism report, but the Department issued it anyway.

Janet Napolitano is lying to the American people when she says the Report is not based on ideology or political beliefs. In fact, her report would have the admiration of the Gestapo and any current or past dictator in the way it targets political opponents. This incompetently written intelligence assessment, which directs law enforcement officials across the country to target and report on American citizens who have the political beliefs mentioned in the report, will be used as a tool to stifle political opposition and opinions. It will give a pretext for opponents of those Americans to report them to police as rightwing extremists and terrorists. You can imagine what happens then.

The Report specifically mentions the following political beliefs that law enforcement should use to determine whether someone is a rightwing extremist”:

Opposes restrictions on firearms
Opposes lax immigration
Opposes the policies of President Obama regarding immigration, citizenship, and the expansion of social programs
Opposes continuation of free trade agreements
Opposes same-sex marriage
Has paranoia of foreign regimes
Fear of Communist regimes
Opposes one world government
Bemoans the decline of U.S. stature in the world.
Upset with loss of U.S. manufacturing jobs to China and India

. . . and the list goes on.

humm, wow so only a small portion can be excerpted now.

The following part is very important and very telling.

"The Report specifically mentions the following political beliefs that law enforcement should use to determine whether someone is a rightwing extremist”:

Opposes restrictions on firearms
Opposes lax immigration
Opposes the policies of President Obama regarding immigration, citizenship, and the expansion of social programs
Opposes continuation of free trade agreements
Opposes same-sex marriage
Has paranoia of foreign regimes
Fear of Communist regimes
Opposes one world government
Bemoans the decline of U.S. stature in the world.
Upset with loss of U.S. manufacturing jobs to China and India
. . . and the list goes on.

[edit on 28-7-2010 by ElectricUniverse]

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by ~Lucidity

Well, let's see, at the end of George Bush office the U.S debt was 2.6 trillion, since Obama, and his administration have taken control the U.S. debt is claimed to be at $13 trillion..

So just how big is the U.S. national debt in 2010? Well, according to the U.S. Treasury Department, on June 1st the U.S. National Debt was $13,050,826,460,886.97. For those not used to seeing such big numbers, that is over 13 trillion dollars.

And according to Senators like Ron Paul the figure is higher.

BTW, i am not letting off the hook any corruption which was under Bush, however the debt has gone extremelly high since Obama took office, and we are just in his first year.

[edit on 28-7-2010 by ElectricUniverse]

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by ~Lucidity

BTW, did you even listen to Rachel Maddow's video and what Obama has said about wanting indefinite detention even if people haven't committed any crimes?...

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 01:30 PM
reply to post by Flatfish

oh, i see that i'll have to put out this fire before it starts. I was being sarcastic. I was trying to make a jab at the way republicans in your country act. I was sure that I was being absurd enough that it would have been obvious. Pretty scary that there would be doubt as to that, no?

Conservatives in Canada are no different (nor do I suppose them to be different anywhere else in the world). When they're in power, anyone who doesn't support them is unpatriotic and possibly treasonous. When they're not in power, the ones who are are fascists - or some other form of slanderous evil - and opposing their 'tyrannical' rule is patriotism.

Their version of patriotism and justice is 'we are, you aren't. no matter what our views or if we change them.'

Like all of these 'concerned' Christians saying that no one has a right to call their homophobia out as the bigotry it is... because it's just 'their belief' and they're 'entitled to it'. But i guess these are the same stock of people that fought tooth and claw against desegregation. Using the exact same tactics and arguments, I may add.

Call for the murder of a Republican president and they'll scream for your death. Call for the murder of a Democratic president and they'll offer to load your gun, give you a ride, and buy you a beer afterwards.

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 01:38 PM
reply to post by FuzzyDunlop

Well, the fact of the matter is that this country, the Republic of the United States of America was founded under REPUBLICAN ideals, and our Constitution calls for the government to GUARANTEE a REPUBLICAN government...but of course a lefty from Canada would oppose to this...

BTW, I actually presented evidence that the Obama administration has targeted, and painted real Americans as "possible terrorists"...

There is at least one lawsuit against Obama's Homeland Security secretary who has labeled Americans who only oppose Obama's policies, oppose a one World Government, Oppose a COMMUNIST government, and other policies as "possible terrorists/rightwing extremists"...

Obama himself has been caught red handed even by LIBERALS for wanting indefinite detention for Americans even if they commit no crime...

[edit on 28-7-2010 by ElectricUniverse]

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 01:50 PM
reply to post by ElectricUniverse

But you do know it was called the democratic party then, right? or until at least around the time of Lincoln.

And I'm more than familiar with ALL the Constitutional travesties of the past 30 years, but thanks for that tip on the vid...seen it before.

[edit on 7/28/2010 by ~Lucidity]

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 01:52 PM
reply to post by FuzzyDunlop

First, let me thank you for apologizing for little Justin...though I'm still a little miffed about Loverboy.

You are correct that our Constitution does allow for the population to become bad friends with the government and throw them out. This is called impeachment. And it can be used for deriliction of duty--I'm looking at you, Congress.

Further, our Second Amendment was installed NOT to protect citizens from criminals or for hunting. It was installed because we'd just fought a war with a MAJOR world power (it's a miracle we won, really.) And Britain had forbidden firearms for anything except hunting. They also installed soldiers in citizen's homes to keep this firearm business in check.

However, no place in any law in America--from the Constitution to School Boards allows for the assasination of a government official. THAT is Treason. Disagreeing with the government is as American as rampant illiteracy, and we're proud of it.

I've spoken with (and taught) many foreign people. They always ask me why Americans are so angry wiith their government (and this was during four administrations and several changes in party domination in Congress). They came from what they considered hell-holes compared to where they were in the U.S. (I apologize if I use the term "American" to just mean the U.S. I know Canadians and Mexicans and all the nations of Central and South American can and should be noted as Americans, too. In acknowledgment of the international members of ATS, I promise to work on this.) I told them that was part of being a U.S. American.

Note: This description EXCLUDES the nations of Western Europe, Scandinavia, Japan and Canada. People from these countries usually just smiled politely and went away chuckling. They HAD health care! Single payer, too.

I DO think Single Payer Health Care can be viable in the U.S. Just the logic of it should be easy to see. The more people enrolled in any insurance company, the better. They pay lower rates, because the probability of ALL (or a significant segment) of those enrolled needing expensive health care at a given time is lower than an insurance company with fewer subscribers. This is kind of like banking. If all the customers of a particular bank wanted their money at the same time, the bank would crash. Wait, I think there's a Federal Reserve rule that would prevent actual closing. I'll look that up.

If every U.S. citizen were enrolled in the same insurance company, not only would the rates be less expensive, but the costs of the needed Health Care would be lower. And certain outdated things like home doctoring might be able to return (as in France).

It's the insurance companies already in place that would suffer (a bit) from "Universal" Health Care for U.S. citizens. In Canada, as you know, there are still private insurance companies that supplement and (at least claim to) add value to the basic Canadian health care system. I think you'd find some of the larger, private insurance companies in the U.S. swallowing up the smaller ones and making themselves available as an Oligarchy industry to the wealthier citizens as supplementing United States "Universal" health care.

And please remember that for many U.S. Americans, the physical and mental health care they may need is provided by their Sunday Go To Meetin' preacher. Benny Hinn (or insert some other fraud) is their insurance broker. the short version answer to your question, yes, "Universal," single-payer health care in the United States is not only viable, I think it's inevitable. That is, when Congress removes their hands from insurance company lobbyists' pockets. Health care costs are rising fast and someday most of us will see what U.S. (and world) economists have seen for decades.

Thanks for your post.

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 01:57 PM

Originally posted by ElectricUniverse
reply to post by ~Lucidity

Well, let's see, at the end of George Bush office the U.S debt was 2.6 trillion, since Obama, and his administration have taken control the U.S. debt is claimed to be at $13 trillion..

So just how big is the U.S. national debt in 2010? Well, according to the U.S. Treasury Department, on June 1st the U.S. National Debt was $13,050,826,460,886.97. For those not used to seeing such big numbers, that is over 13 trillion dollars.

And according to Senators like Ron Paul the figure is higher.

BTW, i am not letting off the hook any corruption which was under Bush, however the debt has gone extremelly high since Obama took office, and we are just in his first year.

[edit on 28-7-2010 by ElectricUniverse]

I gotta call those numbers. Seriously. I don't have time right now to look at this, but I will. I believe what Ron Paul was referring to in relation to the Federal Reserves is not apples and oranges to the debt you're referring to here.

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 01:59 PM

Originally posted by ~Lucidity
But you do know it was called the democratic party then, right? or at least around the time of Lincoln.

It was called the "democratic-republican party" for a while...

Read the Constitution, and the history of our nation. Republicans are advocates of a Republic, which is what the Unitied States of America is, or was because it has been slowly transformed into something entirely different.

Jefferson and James Madison started the "democratic-republican party" in opposition to the federalist party.

The Federalist party was a group of influential bankers, and rich people, and unfortunately John Adams was part of this party even though he disagreed in some things with them...

[edit on 28-7-2010 by ElectricUniverse]

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 02:05 PM
reply to post by ~Lucidity

The debt i was referring to is what the U.S. Treasury Department claims...and "seriously" the debt under Obama in the first year has gone through the roof, and seriously he spent more money in his inauguration than any other president even when WE ALL ALREADY KNEW we were in an economic crisis...

Seriously, watch Rachael Maddow's video about some of the things Obama has been proposing...and she is a LIBERAL...

[edit on 28-7-2010 by ElectricUniverse]

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 02:13 PM
Let's start with this picture of a projection of the deficit from the Congressional Budget Office and a few cold, hard facts.

When unemployment is on a downturn, debt goes up.
When the tax base goes down for various reasons, including unemployment, debt goes up.
When you owe as much debt as Obama was left with, the interest on that debt alone accumulates at an alarming rate.
When you have two wars to continue paying for, the debt piles up.

This debt is a multidecade, multiparitsan fiasco, and any attempts to blame it on one administration are ignorant. I'll be back later.

[edit on 7/28/2010 by ~Lucidity]

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by wli192s

Every single one of those countries which has single payer/aka Socialised medicine has such system in bakruptcy..

You think people in Japan are very happy? why is it the country with the highest suicide rate in the world?...

People from Canada, and other parts of the world come to the U.S. for medical attention, and most of these people are not filthy rich...

They come here because single payer/aka Socialised medicine does not cover certain procedures, treatments, and even operations which are needed by MANY people... they can only find treatment, or operations in the U.S...

I was born and experienced poart of my life in communist Cuba, and all the lies about "free healthcare" and the "great free education' in countries like Cuba is nothing more than BS...

The only people in Cuba who can go to really good hospitals are tourists, and the Cuban elites and their families... Regular Cubans have to go to hell-holes of hospitals which lack medicine, even rubber gloves for doctors, and even aspirin many times is non-existant...

I have family in Cuba still and they, like all Cubans with families outside of Cuba, depend on their families outside to send them the medicine they need, and even money to help them pay for the food they can find...

Single Payer/aka socialised Medicine is a myth which has bankrupted many countries, and killed many people because they would not be allowed to get treatment, procedures, and operations that the "single payer/socialised medicine doesn't allow...

[edit on 28-7-2010 by ElectricUniverse]

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 02:19 PM

Originally posted by ~Lucidity
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

I'm well over 40 and nowhere do I say I didn't understand or don't empathize. I totally understand.

My concern is with the extremeness of what they were saying. And also the focus on the MAN. It can be argued that it's his job to take the heat, but still both the hate being projected and their solution are radical. I understand they're older and may think they don't have so much to lose. They've seen a lot and don't have a lot of time left to be pussyfooting around.

I understand that there's a huge frustration and desperation, but it's still not cool and maybe even outright dangerous to THEM to be speaking out this way...about killing the president. About wanting him dead.

Lucidity, I don't know you, but this story in the OP sounds plausible. It's been my contention from the beginning that the PuppetMasters wanted Obama because he's Black -- that way if anyone opposes the Obama agenda, he can be dismissed as a "racist" -- and the Obama regime has been playing the Race Card a lot, whenever possible. It distracts a lot of people from the real issues.

It's also my suspicion that the PuppetMasters really want someone to whack Obama, so we can have race riots in the street, declare Martial Law and suspend the Constitution indefinitely. Killing Obama just plays right into their hands.

On the other hand, they may already have someone lined up to kill Obama and have it look like a militia man did it. That way they also have an excuse to round up the militia and all their weapons.

Obama is such an arrogant narcissist, it's possible that he's not aware that this has been the plan all along.

Obama is destroying the US, which is just what the Far Left wants. The Far Left (Commies, Marxists, Anarchists, etc.) want the value of the US Dollar to sink (just as Soros* does), joblessness to increase and economic collapse. They want a populace so desperate they would allow the government to take over EVERYTHING, under the guise of protection.

Obama is a natural dictator (I've looked at his chart -- most astrologers in the West use the WRONG zodiac), he would love to rule by fiat.

*During a 2008 economic summit in Davos, Switzerland, Soros was urging the other member countries of the summit to drop the US Dollar as their reserve currency. The value of the USD would have plummeted like a lead brick, leaving the US without purchasing power. (Soros made his billions thru currency speculation -- his former partner dumped all his USD and bought up Chinese Yuan.) Luckily for the US, the other member nations voted down Soros' recommendation.

Soros also urged Obama to take steps to nationalize US banks. This new Financial "Reform" Bill that just passed protects the biggest banks and will help kill the smaller banks that can no longer comply with all the new Fed regulations. Freddie Mac & Fannie Mae (major players in the 2008 collapse) are UNTOUCHED by the "reform" bill. What a joke!

There are all kinds of people who would love to see Obama dead. But that (by itself) would not undo all the damage he's already done.


posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by ~Lucidity

...except for the fact that apart from the debt there are from 9.6 to other 13 trillions dollars which have gone missing under the Obama administration...

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by Astroved

I agree with you. I have stated that i have seen a race war which will begin in the near future. I am not sure what will start it, but what you say is very possible.

The very far left call people on the left (liberals, democrats, progressives) as "useful idiots". This is not my saying, this is what former high ranking soviet defectors have been saying for a long time.

[edit on 28-7-2010 by ElectricUniverse]

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 02:42 PM

Originally posted by antonia

ATS has just gone completely down the crapper. Used to be the majority of people thought 9/11 was an inside job, the government was putting fluoride in the water to dumb us down, the bilderberg group called all the shots, etc. etc. Now it seems everyone wants defend the Shrub. Seems people who genuinely believe in a conspiracy are few and far between around here.


Not so, IMHO.

What I believe is happening is that a tremendous number of people who voted for Barack Obama are beginning to see the light.

The only people who are still smitten with him are government employees and union members. The rest are starting to experience firsthand, just how much of a charlatan he is.

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