posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 10:28 AM
I'm over 50, but I still have my memory. Mr. Obama is doing everything he can to clear up the mess left by EIGHT (8) years of the previous
administration, which took a surplus and turned it into the greatest deficit in American history. As an economist, I know sometimes it's important
and useful to run a deficit economy. But at the end, when the deficit is no longer needed, there'd better be SOMETHING to show for it. Mr. Bush and
his administration had nothing to show for running a deficit economy except two wars and helping the very rich people.
It is TREASON to threaten the President of the United States. I disagreed with Mr. Bush on most things, but I would have taken a bullet to protect
him and the office of the President. And I still would. I voted for Mr. Obama and I will again. The deficit economy he's running will have
something to show for it--if the very wealthy and their representatives (Republicans) don't screw it up, as they so desperately want to do.
It is illogical for a family of four with an income of less than $50,000 a year to vote Republican. It is NOT in their best interests.
I agree with the poster of this thread: The experience he or she had is extremely disturbing and an example of HIGH TREASON. I do not agree with
capital punishment (for one thing it's too expensive--much more costly than keeping a prisoner for life), but in the case of HIGH TREASON to MY
United States, I'd stand them against a wall. That's Constitutional, by the way.
I hope the Secret Service is working at high efficiency. They haven't lost a President since Jack Kennedy (and I remember that awful day, too!), and
they'd better NOT lose this one.
One poster was right about most people not voting for Mr. Obama (or any other President for some decades). The people who don't vote, in my humble
opinion, do not care about the United States, are ignorant of their duties as citizens and DISRESPECT the men and women who gave their lives so we
have the right to vote. They should hang their heads in shame.
Those same men and women who paid the untimate sacrifice for our freedom also paid for the security of the President of the United States. They paid
for all of us. The "media" is so fixated on twentysomething "celebrities" who can't handle their drugs or alcohol or mind their manners. But
the real celebrities in this Nation are the men and women who put themselves in harm's way on a daily basis. These are our heroes. These are the
people the media needs to remind us exist for our safety and our rights. AND the safety of the President of the United States.
Threatening the President, whether you agree with him or not is TREASON and those who do it NEED to be investigated by the Secret Service post haste.
Now. Get the TRAITORS off our streets.
And this post's serious examination of TREASON in America--Remember: "...ALL enemies, foreign or DOMESTIC..." (emphasis mine), angers me and
frightens me.
This post's thread disturbs me to the point of reminding citizens of their duty to our Constitution to identify TRAITORS and report them so they can
executed as provided in the Constitution. Well, calmer thoughts would force me to warn them first of their mistaken thinking.
Thanks for posting.