Some of you crack me up.
"Can We, And Will We, Fix this economy?"... "Yes We Can".
"Can We, And Will We End These Stupid Wars".."Yes We Can".
:::cries from crowd in glee:::
"Can We fix this mess that the republicans got us into?"... "Yes We Can".
"Can Wefix this national healthcare problem?"... "Yes we Can"
:::more cries:::
"Can We Get This Country Back On Track?"....YES WE CAN!!!!!!!
"Can we have an OPEN and TRANSPARANT government?? "YES WE CAN!!"
:::people fainting like they were at a Michael Jackson concert:::
This man promised people SOOOOO much, yet took the other road because he is a sell out, YET, you STILL continue to back the man that smacked you
upside your head after you gave him YOUR ALL.
You are STILL buying into his BS.
All you can do is call out the previous administration for mistakes that THIS ADMINISTRATION has made, and blame THEM because OBAMA cant deliver on
the promises HE made. You call out the American people as Racists, fear mongers, haters, and puppy killers because you have no LOGICAL stance on WHY
this president has screwed you over(Along with the rest of the people in this nation).
-Instead, You go after the people WHO DIDNT vote for him, LIKE THEY are the ones who let this POS in office.
Face it. You have been punked.
(And btw OP, this isnt directed towards you). I know your stance on Obama already, I have participated with you in many threads, and I can honestly
say that I dont think you are one of these people.
This is directed towards those WHO REFUSE to admit the facts.
This man IS NOT our saviour. He is our demise. And the American people brought it upon themselves by electing with their hearts instead of their
brains. Common sense went right out the window on this one because of hate from the last administration. It BLINDED them. In a way, they were lured by
candy corn and lollipops.
This President wont be assasinated, that would be the end all be all of our Nation if that happens. There is already enough hate in the air as it
is(and rightfully so), but that does not mean you get to throw Logic right out the window and act on Emotion. Afterall, thats how this guy got elected
in the first place.