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Pirate ISP Launches In Sweden

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+22 more 
posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 09:58 AM

Pirate ISP Launches In Sweden

The Swedish Pirate Party, who are at the forefront of anti-copyright lobbying in Sweden, are planning to shake up the country’s ISP market. After taking over the supply of bandwidth to The Pirate Bay, Piratpartiet will now partner in the launch of Pirate ISP, a new broadband service that will offer anonymity to customers and provide financial support to the Party.
(visit the link for the full news article)

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posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 09:58 AM
Sweden's pro-fileshare party, the Pirate Party, is launching an Internet Service Provider that I have seen called "anonymous isp" and "pirate isp."

It's going to be managed by a company called ViaEuropa, anf they state that they will not log IP addresses, so that if lawyers and governments go after them, they have nothing to hand over.

A bold way to throw down the gauntlet. Become the change that you seek, eh?
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 10:00 AM

I love the Swedish!

This is great, we need more businesses who start up directly competing with large ISP's and provide the services that us regular users want.

Sure the pirating is somewhat bad (depending on your view of file sharing) but the no logging of ISP's and what not is fantastic.

However I must ask, aren't there laws preventing a company from NOT picking up IP's and so forth?


posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 10:05 AM
I sort of don't mind this idea ...

But then at the same time not all of this information at an ISP is used to track mostly innocentish people. What about the more dangerous criminals or child sex offenders?

I'm always torn between my privacy and my safety on this issue - I'm afraid there is no correct answer.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 10:06 AM
As a Finn Swedes aren't my favourite folk. On this issue however we and everyone else should follow their lead.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 10:08 AM

Originally posted by Pinke
I sort of don't mind this idea ...

But then at the same time not all of this information at an ISP is used to track mostly innocentish people. What about the more dangerous criminals or child sex offenders?

That's a VERY good point. I certainly don't wanna see the resurfacing of the GNUTELLA network or have a place where sex offenders have free reign with child pornography and the likes.

Although I am sure in this day and age, nobody would mind if this ISP kept track of sex offenders signing up or had some sort of security protocol in place.

I'm all for tracking of IP's and that sort of thing if there is a legitimate reason.


+7 more 
posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 10:32 AM
I wish them well, let's not forget that internet anonymity needn't equate to criminal behaviour or perversion.

A lot of people close their curtains at night for privacy...not because they have something to hide.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 10:37 AM
I heartily support this - I am more than happy to pay for products that I think are worth it though.

Originally posted by Pinke
I sort of don't mind this idea ...

But then at the same time not all of this information at an ISP is used to track mostly innocentish people. What about the more dangerous criminals or child sex offenders?

I'm always torn between my privacy and my safety on this issue - I'm afraid there is no correct answer.

I would think that as a rather bold private enterprise they would simple have a zero-tolerance approach to anything of that nature. I would think it would come with an automatic report to the relevant authorities and removal of service.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 10:59 AM
It will only work inside Sweden if other countries/organisations want to stop it.

Simply block all IP addresses that start with this ISPs numbers. Bingo - end of story. Even if this was only done in the States that would mean an end to access to most of the things they are after. This can be done in the backbone(s) and the satellites and this ISP could do nothing about it.

Shame, but that is what will happen.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 11:04 AM
I'm definately switching to this when it becomes available.
Great news.

I really, really hope we can keep the internet free.. we don't have a lot of time fighting this tyranny and attempt at censorship, once technology reaches a certain level fighting back against scientific dictatorship becomes nigh impossible.

PsykoOps, why don't you like swedes? Didn't help out enough during WWII?
Are the swedish immigrants rude and too drunk?
Trust me, we get it back tenfold from finnish booze hounds!

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 12:49 PM
Iceland is talking about going down this path and now obama wants some type of internet kill switch anyone looking to the future needs to move away from Dot.Com and using server in the USA.

Who the feck put the yanks in charge of the internet and you can have your google back too.

Don't trust so called free proxy servers but do trust the Tor network because it's the best i've seen.

Yes i know, i know the pedofiles and terrorists use the internet but we are trying to get them out the church and out of office and were not to happy about drugs being sold on the streets of america to fund an ilegal war as told by Oliver North and now we have drugs production up 300% in afganistan so you tell me who needs watching.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by jokei
I heartily support this - I am more than happy to pay for products that I think are worth it though.

Originally posted by Pinke
I sort of don't mind this idea ...

But then at the same time not all of this information at an ISP is used to track mostly innocentish people. What about the more dangerous criminals or child sex offenders?

I'm always torn between my privacy and my safety on this issue - I'm afraid there is no correct answer.

I would think that as a rather bold private enterprise they would simple have a zero-tolerance approach to anything of that nature. I would think it would come with an automatic report to the relevant authorities and removal of service.

I very much hope this is the case, but I suppose I would fear that it would be useful for people to conduct criminal activity with since they wouldn't be able to be tracked in post.

Ultimately the internet is a tracked medium. Perhaps its the police deciding whats right and wrong, or perhaps its the ISP as in this case. It may be a lesser evil if the ISP takes full responsibility and does do some reportings of wrong doing.

In my experience someone is always deciding even if that decision is not to act.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 03:40 PM
I always figured that once the net started being censored that darknets would start appearing out of nowhere. Kinda reminds me of mIrc days.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 03:47 PM
reply to post by mother1138

Bravo to them!

Damn right. The Corrupt Nazi Politicians have access to every piece of data on every aspect of our lives, while they, in the form of true blue cowards, hide all their own details and crimes behind the very convenient label of 'National Security'. And we know that they use doublespeak, and that in doublespeak 'National Security' means 'Protection of the Criminals'.

On a level playing field, I have to say, they wouldn't stand a snowflakes'hope in h--l.

This is a step towards a level playing field and I applaud their splendid effort and gumption, and I truly hope they manage to circumnavigate all the flack that will now be stormed upon them by the corrupt politicians and corporations.

Said politicians, with tedious predictability, will once again trot out the same old, same old line that it is for reasons of national security, protection of this and that (ie. their own interests) that this must not be allowed to exist.

And I say to the lackey politicians, I do not want your protection, and when you raise your objections I will say NOT IN MY NAME. You are NOT protectors, you are murderers, fraudsters, exploiters, abusers and terrorists. YOU are my persecutors, YOU are my tormentors, YOU are my oppressors, YOU are my exploiters. Your veneer has worn thin, the mask has fallen and the facade is so transparent.

I will support the new ISP and I will RESIST my oppressors in every way I can.

Perhaps Iceland could also do the same.

[edit on 25-7-2010 by wcitizen]

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by TheLaughingGod

Oh well, it goes back to the times of Crusades against finns and the fact that we used to be under Swedish rule. Also mandatory Swedish in schools sucks big time. Not to mention hockey

In WW2 we did get huge aid from swedes and such so that was the 'time of exception'

If Finns and Swedes got together with this issue we'd have the super nordic net power. Finland has made internet connection a human right and is updating networks at a huge speed. That coupled with such an ISP we'd rule the virtual world. We do have pirate party in here too afaik

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by jokei

Whenever you trade security for freedom you deserve neither. Its a good quote from a genius.

Plus, if you teach your children right they wouldn't end up in chat rooms like that. Parents need to watch over their children and teach them well, can't always protect them with a bubble and expect the state to become a nanny-state just so parents can run wild and not lift a finger to educate or protect their children.

[edit on 25-7-2010 by EspyderMan]

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 03:58 PM
Please, please people don't fall into the trap which the Criminals themselves have laid for us.

Most criminal activities, including paedophilia, emanate from the Government themselves. There is a huge amount of evidence for this.

They want TOTAL CONTROL over us, and so they covertly instigate criminal activity, believing it won't be traced back to them, to furnish them with an excuse to censor and control the people.

Please, please wake up to this. Unless people understand this, they will repeat the very same lines of argument which support the REAL criminals, and all endeavours to maintain freedom of speech, freedom of the internet, etc, will be sabotaged by the people themselves, who believe the fiction and lies of the Criminal Psycholticians.

If they were to stop all their own evil, criminal activity, the levels of crime would dramatically plummet like we've never seen before.


Is it any coincidence, do you think, that this whole internet censorship has gathered such momentum recently - just as more and more information is coming out which is exposing their murderous crimes?

[edit on 25-7-2010 by wcitizen]

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 04:01 PM
I heard they were planning to do something like this. Apparently, all politicians in the Swedish Riksdag (sort of like the US Congress) are immune towards legal persecution. Which means, they can't be charged for running this ISP and supporting Pirate Bay and other file sharing sites.

Something along those lines at least. I don't remember the details.

If I can, I will definitely switch to this ISP. They will need our support in the beginning, while they're growing - and afterwards, we will need theirs, when the retards start cracking down on pirates.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 04:21 PM

Too bad my country would never ever follow lead.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 04:22 PM
Go for it! I'd love to see where this goes.

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