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My absolute "last" post on the subject of LEOs!

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posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 08:47 PM

Originally posted by seeashrink

I radioed the bimbo and told her to meet me somewhere. I told her that I didn't mind her questioning my judgement but that she was never to do so in front of a client and that she could do so after the call.

And you were fired for this reason alone? This was the excuse you were given? No remprimand? Seems unlikely to me, that this would fly as a reason to terminate your employment. Anything else added to this?

There is no sense in trying to convince a bunch of cop hating close minded people that they are wrong. Like I said there minds are made up.

No, there isn't. While some people may be coming across as cop haters, as it seems from personal experience in some of the posts, I just want the facts on what you have presented here, without the flowery descriptions of your co-workers. You didn't address the court referring to these people that way then, did you?

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by PresumedInnocent

Beyond ignorant? So very kind of you to belittle me to boost your image.

I guess it's a southern thing that people not from the south would not understand.

We have or had respect for our parents way back in the dark ages of the sixties. It reminds me of the old sitcom Father Knows Best.

My father died in 2005 and I have never met another man that could come close to his wisdom.

If he said don't date cops then you can bet your last dollar that there is some truth to the idea that most cops are bad.

Edit to add: Yes it did seem ignorant to make the statement concerning my father. I had surgery yesterday to remove a badly infected AV Graft from my upper arm and have a dialysis fistula done at my wrist area day before yesterday. The pain is bad and am on heavy pain medication.

Now I have an excuse for my ignorance. Do you have an excuse for being so rude and nasty mouthed?

By now it should be easy to see that the majority of people do not trust LEO's.

LEO's have never done anything good for me. They enforce laws. Most of them can not even get that right.

[edit on 24-7-2010 by dizziedame]

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 08:53 PM
I am glad you wrote this post. It clearly, to me anyway shows a number
of things.
You and your GF where fired but we do not know why. It could just as well be
for your attitude and the words you used to this female "bimbo". Don't get me
wrong, I am a female and I too have implants and I know full well that A LOT of women (not all) use their female wiles to get what they want. I have always hated this about my sex and will therefor always class the female as the weaker sex. To me, intellect speaks volumes.
So maybe it was your behavior towards this said female that offended her. We do not know as you fail and choose not to tell us. This to me is the same as pleading the 5th (so as not to incriminate yourself). Next you do use the name calling route, to which I am not judging in general but only in this case as for you to of not thought about office politics leaves me to believe you are a little naive again to which is shown within the context of your post.
I am also surprised that you did not lock the door of your GF's house when you entered as you say that one of the cop is a hothead and therefor you should of known that he may try something underhanded. This says that you did not think safety first. You had just been fired for "nothing" so the safety of you and your GF should of been a primary concern.
I personally thank you for your post as it shows that cops are not to be trusted ever and that cops like yourself can't even protect themselves so they can not protect the public.

All in all I believe you as a cop got what you deserved but as a person you should grow from this and always view a cop as a bad person until he proves otherwise.

I do not like cops and will never trust them no matter what. Even if my life is in danger i would rather rely on a stranger than a cop. And from your story, all this does is back up my opinion that cops are less than average. You put your GF in jeopardy through stupidity. But being a cop she should be a bit tougher instead of having this PTSD (she was handcuffed and put on the floor, standard procedure for cops dealing with suspects, not that your GF was a suspect of course) which means she was not suited for tough, pressure saturated situations in the first place.

Maybe only truly bad people are suited to do the work of a COP as the good honest ones seem to suffer from to many ailments when the going gets tough.

Thanks for the post and I hope you and your GF don't crumble into dust over this little incident.

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 08:54 PM
Read your post again and tell me it's only a handful of bad cops that taint all cops. Your own superiors railroaded you.

Originally posted by seeashrink
Yes, I am a Police Officer. I have been for over 11 years now I guess. I take my job seriously and I take my authority seriously.

We sued the Sheriff's Office and the deputies involved in Federal Court. Our fourth and sixth

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 09:00 PM
Ok, I take my statement back and apologize as to the 16yr old statement as well, after all I was responding to your first post. where you stepped into your Sheriffs office and was releaved of duty. Fired without any hearing, without any arbertration without so much as a union representative............Ridiculous..absolutely twilight zone to me. As for where I worked, The northeast, with a dept size around 1400. Disney World ? No, It seems your the one who worked in Disney World, Our Fop would have had a field day with this case. Not to mention any lawyer worth his salt.

I wouldn't even know where to begin my lawsuit. Seriously, Dept suite, Individuals Suite, I would have been to every news media that would have had me. lol

We have had LEO Officers take a 3 day suspension for swearing at a civilian.
We have had LEO convicted of Murder and still collecting a pay while waiting for trial.

Lots more if you google it. You have never heard of the Officers Bill of rights ?? Amazing, simply Amazing.

I have read all 3 post and from your statements I would have had the Feds down where ever it is your dept located, They seem to be living in some sought of time warp back in the 50's.

Again my apologies shrink. I can not wait to tell this story to my boys up here...............Shocker puts it mildly.

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 09:12 PM

Originally posted by sassyncute
You put your GF in jeopardy through stupidity. But being a cop she should be a bit tougher instead of having this PTSD (she was handcuffed and put on the floor, standard procedure for cops dealing with suspects, not that your GF was a suspect of course) which means she was not suited for tough, pressure saturated situations in the first place.

What a freaking disgusting insulting IGNORANT comment you made there.

Nothing cute about you...

Honestly learn a little something about the things you assume you have anything of worth to speak about, before you go saying grossly offensive & stupid things like "this PTSD" (like its some alien lifeform you've never heard of before) is something she got out of a 'lack of toughness'???


[edit - calmed down a bit..]

[edit on 24/7/10 by B.Morrison]

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 09:12 PM
There are a few good cops and/or LEOs, I haven't personally found any, but people keep telling me that they are out there, but so far not one has been willing to get involved.

As for corrupt LEOs/Agents, personally I have less regard for their lives than I do for the lives of cockroaches, just before I stomp on a few when I see them.

Maybe one day I will find those few and brave real cops who seem so far to be an enigma, or existing only in fictitious stories and, have a new level of respect for them.

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 09:41 PM
reply to post by seeashrink

It's a shame that good cops such as you and your wife are forced out of the system because we need you, however I honestly believe you're better off being out of the force. What sort of a life would it be when you spend every working day looking over your shoulder constantly worrying about who's watching or setting you up for the next false accusation?

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 10:04 PM
Very well said OP, you hit the nail on the head. As much as I personally hate felling controlled or manipulated, Its everyones job to help keep the peace. Its when one polarizes oneself to either end of the spectrum that they lose focus of the true goal/intention of their respective institution. Nobody will be able to accept any truth when one remains polarized.

There are many good cops out there right now with great hearts and intentions .But the bureaucracy of a corrupted institution can break a good soul if not balanced.

[edit on 24-7-2010 by up up and away]

[edit on 24-7-2010 by up up and away]

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 10:33 PM

Originally posted by Blanca Rose

Originally posted by seeashrink

She was a rookie and tried to correct me in an area, but she was wrong and I told her so in a professional manner. She and her breast implants went crying to the Sheriff and office politics kicked in.

You might think you have a professional manner, but stop, right there. Is this really what you have to say about this woman? How is this professional? This makes you sound like a "pig," to me.

First of all, you don't say what she accused you of, so it's hard to say whether or not she should have reported you for whatever, but if this is what you have to say about this woman, Lord only knows what she accused you of, but lets say, it's obvious! You also refer to this rookie as a "bimbo."

While you think you are helping your cause here, I can't help but think you come off sounding like a complete jerk!

Blanca Rose~
Thank you for savng me the trouble of typing that EXACT same response.
"bimbo"? " then The fake breast comment... ya.. piggish sounding without doubt. I can sum this up in ONE WORD now...


posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 10:51 PM

Originally posted by Godz Enigma

Originally posted by Blanca Rose

Originally posted by seeashrink

She was a rookie and tried to correct me in an area, but she was wrong and I told her so in a professional manner. She and her breast implants went crying to the Sheriff and office politics kicked in.

You might think you have a professional manner, but stop, right there. Is this really what you have to say about this woman? How is this professional? This makes you sound like a "pig," to me.

First of all, you don't say what she accused you of, so it's hard to say whether or not she should have reported you for whatever, but if this is what you have to say about this woman, Lord only knows what she accused you of, but lets say, it's obvious! You also refer to this rookie as a "bimbo."

While you think you are helping your cause here, I can't help but think you come off sounding like a complete jerk!

Blanca Rose~
Thank you for savng me the trouble of typing that EXACT same response.
"bimbo"? " then The fake breast comment... ya.. piggish sounding without doubt. I can sum this up in ONE WORD now...


Seems to me that his emotionally charged use of the word bimbo to describe someone who did him wrong is about equivalent to you two using the words pig and jerk in your emotion. Pot meet kettle.

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 10:56 PM
The FOP doesn't get much attention in the western states either.

As for the characterization of the rook as a "Bimbo." As a former FTO myself, that tends to fit the type. Unfortunately, too many of them make their probationary periods and make other officers lives miserable. I left my department in 1999, after I was told I was too black and white about my job. I was told by a Lt, that there were very small areas of black and white, but a huge gray area. I told him to shove his gray area up his nether regions and quit the next week. I'm much happier in healthcare.

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 11:08 PM
reply to post by ~Lucidity

Well, if he didn't use those terms, he wouldn't have come off as a jerk or a pig, now would he?

I was not there, to see if this was a normal speech pattern for the person, when it came to his woes at work, but it might be part of his problem.

I was here reading the thread, and could easily make the distinction.

I am also not emotionally charged in regards to what happened to this fellow, so, no, I am using the term jerk, or pig, because in this case, it's easy to say it fits.

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 11:20 PM
Well, try real hard to either get past the one word and get to the meat of the topic or just quit. I'm sick of reading about the bimbo word in every other post as if that proves anything one way or another or even matters. Go start a topic about bimbos if you're so hung up on it.

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 11:25 PM
reply to post by ~Lucidity

The meat of the matter? LOL, you have got to be kidding me?

First of all, since the OP decided to come back and answer a few questions, or missunderstandings, it's clear, there is more meat than was in the bun to begin with.

There were other circumstances other than what was presented in the first post, or didn't you read furthur on?

He already had issues on the job, before his firing, to which he completely blamed the bimbo for, from the get go.

Why don't you tell the OP to start a thread based on bimbo's since he seems to be an expert on what is, and what isn't?

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 11:47 PM
reply to post by bull621

Listen big guy. Time I started reading your post I knew that you worked in a union state. No such animal here in the south. Before you start advising someone that they are being had, you should get you facts straight. I would have expected more from a 25 year veteran. Things are done differently in the south. Here you work at the liesure of the Sheriff who can fire you for no reason at all. Look it up and the shut up.

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 11:59 PM
reply to post by Blanca Rose

This was the reason given. As I stated in another post, in NC you work at the liesure of the Sheriff. You can be fired for absolutely no reason at all and there is no recourse.

Yes, I am letting off a little steam here in how I describe these people. No, it did not make it to court, and yes I would use different terminology.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 12:02 AM
reply to post by B.Morrison

I think you need a lesson in manners. I do not need to learn anything to do with what I said. It seems to me that people these days are to quick to "cry" and "whine" about trivial matters and now people have a "name or "label" for it they can claim they have it. Read the post clearly. He says they SUED the sheriffs department and LOST. So now his GF has PTSD ? I very much doubt it. From what? Being arrested for HEADING for her gun? All this is from a guy who got fired from his JOB. Is he Bitter? I would imagine so and therefor his story is tainted. But PTSD, that opens up a little hope for some monetary compensation, even though her BF got her fired for his attitude towards "implanted bimbos". Maybe he wished his GF has some front! All I see is people trying to play the system and milk some sympathy for their failings.

In the "old days" we never heard of all these silly little things people so frequently use to claim money or to get sympathy. I doubt the accounts of the story and therefor I doubt that a trained female officer of the law (supposedly) can dissolve into mental madness over a small little matter.

Just imagine what would of happened if she were actually "kidnapped" (as the op says) by proper bad criminals. I am sure you know the type i am talking about. Obviously there are no longer any requirement to joining the police or sheriffs office anymore, as her frailty would of showed up on any of the standard psychiatric tests they obviously did not use on her before joining.

So Mr Oz thanks for your input but its not need. In fact you should really read a post first and not only read what is in the post but what people leave out. As that says just as much about a persons validity. I based my OPINION on what he wrote and how he wrote it. If you have a comment for me, keep it to yourself. Or maybe you are just venting your frustration against females. It clearly shows you and the poster of this topic are the same type of person. And I do not think the OP is of the Character he so longingly claims. I like your little edit at the end with comment in tow. Speaks volumes about the man / boy you may be. I see attention seeker!

G'day B.Morrison.

[edit on 25-7-2010 by sassyncute]

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 12:08 AM

Originally posted by whatukno
I feel for you, I know quite a lot of cops that are good honest people that are quite professional and do their jobs right.

I have noticed a lot of anti cop posts here on ATS and it's quite unfair. I would say that for every report of abuse by the police that makes its way to threads here there are 10 unreported acts of civility and professionalism above and beyond the call of duty preformed by your average cop.

But no one is going to post those stories, do you want to know why?

Because no one films a cop being a nice guy, no one films a cop actually listening to a suspect and figuring out that they haven't done anything wrong. No one will film a cop helping someone out of the goodness of their heart. Why should they? That's what cops are supposed to do.

It's a thankless job, I understand that. I appreciate what cops do. But in the court of ATS public opinion, cops are all bad. (I think many of these posts are made cause a cop took someones pot away once.)

Keep the faith, some of us appreciate what you do for your community.

it is almost informal fallacy to say that, though.

I understand that it isn't often that an officer is filmed doing his job right. That is because it meets the expectation. people do not take exception to you doing what you are expected to do.

At work, when an employee does a really good job they are told. But when they just do their job, as usual, no one makes mention of it. Let them step out of line, and it is jumped all over.

If cops want people to stop talking bad about them, then they need to start turning their own in. There are crooked cops on every force, and we all know about the "Wall of Blue" protection racket that cops invovle themselves in when they circle the wagons (it is how a cop can be excused for shooting a dog, or killing a baby). If they would hold their own as accountable as they hold people when their rights are trampled on, then you would see a different perception.

They do it to themselves. We all know that they know who the crooked or bad cops are. But they lack the courage to put a stop to it. Without enough courage to do that, no courage in the line of duty will suffice.

We are complaining about it because it is a problem. There is anti-cop sentiment because there is a problem. The problem isn't that The People are whiners. The problem is a police force run amok.

edit to add for the OP: I agree that not all cops are crooked. But if you are a cop, and you allow your coworkers to get away with the crap we see happening, then you are just as "bad" as they are.

[edit on 25-7-2010 by bigfatfurrytexan]

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 12:11 AM
You're assuming first that they don't turn their own in....or try, and second that it's easy to?

[edit on 7/25/2010 by ~Lucidity]

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