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Autistic Girl Expresses Profound Intelligence

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posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 01:01 PM

Originally posted by DGFenrir

Originally posted by CREAM
Autistic people dont have a problem precessing thought, they just process it differently so they are not going to fuction the same as everyone else.

If so then they shouldn't have a problem stopping their brains from overprocessing information.

Did the girl in the video know how people perceived her? Yes, cognition there is not impaired...

Impaired! Do you know what impaired means? It doesn't mean that all of her cognitive functions are #ed up.

[edit on 24/7/2010 by DGFenrir]

Yes I am aware of what impaired means. Not normal does not = impaired. Edit, if you ever looked at the definitions of cognition, it doesnt say mean having control over your body and actions, it means be able to process knowledge or to know, since autistic people KNOW(cognition) how they are perceived, they are not cognitively impaired, they are just socially impaired.

[edit on 24-7-2010 by CREAM]

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 01:03 PM

Originally posted by CREAM

Originally posted by DGFenrir

Originally posted by CREAM
Autistic people dont have a problem precessing thought, they just process it differently so they are not going to fuction the same as everyone else.

If so then they shouldn't have a problem stopping their brains from overprocessing information.

They are only "over-processing" information from your perspective, in their perspective they are processing it normally.

Nobody is or does anything wrong from from their own perspective. It's still wrong. Our brains shouldn't process information so that it disturbs our daily lives.

MR is a generalized disorder. It doesn't imply to only people with low IQ.

[edit on 24/7/2010 by DGFenrir]

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by DGFenrir
reply to post by Balkan

You said she was written off. Doesn't this that she can never live a life the same as normal people do? This is what I was referring to.
She is written off because she can never be the same as any other normal person. She can't function as a normal member of our society. Not in this condition at least.
This doesn't mean that she's to be forgotten and left alone without any help.

[edit on 24/7/2010 by DGFenrir]

Apologies, watching the video again, I was wrong to say the professionals wrote her off. I'm not big on head doctors and I guess I watched the video with bias-colored glasses and made my own dumb assumption. I see where your coming from and agree. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by DGFenrir

Originally posted by CREAM

Originally posted by DGFenrir

Originally posted by CREAM
Autistic people dont have a problem precessing thought, they just process it differently so they are not going to fuction the same as everyone else.

If so then they shouldn't have a problem stopping their brains from overprocessing information.

They are only "over-processing" information from your perspective, in their perspective they are processing it normally.

Nobody is or does anything from from their own perspective. It's still wrong. Our brains shouldn't process information so that it disturbs our daily lives.

MR is a generalized disorder. It doesn't imply to only people with low IQ.

[edit on 24/7/2010 by DGFenrir]

OK, thats fine, thats YOUR perspective of MR. I am just saying how MR is used(maybe not how you use the term MR, but how the doctors/mental health industry uses it) in the medical sense, as I said ask any doctor. As I mentioned earlier, many autistic people DO have MR. Some statistics say its 50%+ of autistic people, others say its less(one of the links I posted talked about this). My point is, just because you have autism doesnt make you retarded. The autistic kid at my old school I mentioned is a grade ahead for his age, drives a car, has a job, and can talk just fine, he just has social and other issues. He doesnt fit your definition of MR or mine, but he is autistic.

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 01:17 PM
I don't know what all of this quibbling is about, but lets all relax! As Ladyinwaiting said, "This girl is a goldmine of information".

Let's just admire the fact that she can communicate the way she can!

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 01:27 PM
I found watching her, to be extremely inspiring.

She's just to cool.

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 01:31 PM
reply to post by CREAM

Yes, not all autistic people fit the description. What I was really trying to say is that MR is more of an generalising disorder. I apologise for the misunderstandings.


posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 01:35 PM
reply to post by impaired

Autistic birth rate: 1 out of 150 nationally, maybe 1 out of 100 in certain focal points, e.g some parts of California. Increasing.

Alternative explanation: our society has been "poisoning" our environment for over 100 years with foetal brainin-damaging, heavy metal-reliant industry spills and run-offs, e.g. Selenium from the leather taning industry in New england especially.

Increasing autism rates are to be expected and maybe represent adaptive mutations by human beings to unstoppable environmental poisoning. (We just dont want to control our out-of-control, commercial, money-making, environment destroying greed.)

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 01:55 PM
That was an amazing thing to watch. I'm bawling my eyes out. It was so touching and gives so much hope.

Thank you for bringing this to my attention.

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by impaired

lol yes. I am simply stating that I know a lot of people who would say off with her head because she is not perfect. We live in a sick world that has a very narrow vision of perfect and seeks death to all others sadly.

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by Gorman91
reply to post by impaired

lol yes. I am simply stating that I know a lot of people who would say off with her head because she is not perfect. We live in a sick world that has a very narrow vision of perfect and seeks death to all others sadly.

I have a 30-year old friend who is EXACTLY like that, and it pisses me off at how he thinks (specifically) an autistic person is garbage... I mean, I rip into him, and he just laughs... Obviously there's no light on in HIS forest.

I was thinking of showing this video to him, but he's so narrow minded he probably wouldn't make it past the first 10 seconds...

So yeah, then - I agree with your post to an extent (there are some jerks out there), but I'm DEFINITELY not one of those people.

My philosophy is that if it feels pain of any kind, it's special - whether it's a bug, a deer, or a person.

This video just opened my eyes as to just how much pain these people feel and how she was able to articulate it.

[edit on 7/24/2010 by impaired]

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 02:09 PM
The fair majority of you probably wouldn't even giver her the time of day if there weren't a clinical label attached and nice video to go along with it. I'd suggest you all think carefully.

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 02:14 PM
Curious, be honest . How many of you sniping intellectuals would have what it takes to keep your child at home v dumping them into an institution ?

If you recall, the question was raised in the vid by both the interviewer and the friends / family of the parents. Dad teared up, it was simply unthinkable.

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by EnlightenUp
The fair majority of you probably wouldn't even giver her the time of day if there weren't a clinical label attached and nice video to go along with it. I'd suggest you all think carefully.

You might even include yourself in that statement, huh?

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by impaired

never forget, pain is not only our pain. Cells feel a different kind of pain not based on electricity, and tree cells definably respond to stimuli like pain. So really it is interesting. I posted this video before, but even the most basic, most primitive form of proto-life without any dna feels simple things like desire and fear:

As to this woman, I can relate. Her description makes me ponder if I have something similar. When I was young I had an allergic reaction to, I kid you not, artificial sweeteners like aspartame. It was in my diet for a few months, and as a result I suffered nerve damage, twitches, and horrible pains. I can relate to the "fight" with your own brain. There is you, and you are conscious, but its like there are other yous within telling you to touch things an even number of times or to repeat sentences. After praying for some sort of miracle, something entered my mind. "just say no". That is exactly what I did. I just said no to the demands of that part of my brain. Eventually I broke free from it. And as I got older, I started taking those "programs" in my mind that were stuck on infinite loop errors and reprogramming them. I get the whole "I take a thousand pictures of a person's face" statement. I do too. I get a lot of what she is saying. I simply used the burning of resisting the demands of that part of my brain to kind of "release" myself from their control. And yea, I get the "input overload" too. When I am under stress or time constraints and I start repeating words and stuff in my head, I'll just blast my brain with a gazilliondy pictures from memory and my eyes and block out the need to do it. It's like a pressure release system. That part of my brain can only take so much until a blowout and it just turns off.

Good news is it's like having multiple operating systems on the same computer. One can go and write a story while I play video games, or run math simulators while I'm taking a math test. Lots of stuff. It's really great. Of course, there are problems. I'll be thinking of something, and I'll have my attention deviated. Then I'll forget it until, like, hours later the brain reminds me what I was doing before I got distracted. So when I'm in doing something like making a model for a school project, I'll play some music and keep most of my brain occupied while a lower consciousness works on the model. It's freaking weired. Like, it all deactivates with binaural music.

It's both an evolutionary benefit and a curse.

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by impaired

..........."it's a way for us to drown out all sensory input that over loads us all at once. We create output to block out input"

Ah.........wha? That is profoundly well-worded.

I think these kids/humans are nothing less than geniuses stuck in a body where their limited brain function simply can't keep up with their advanced mind.

Great thread!

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 02:39 PM
This was a beautiful and inspiring story.. Thanks for posting!! Great find!!

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 02:47 PM

Originally posted by Balkan

Originally posted by EnlightenUp
The fair majority of you probably wouldn't even giver her the time of day if there weren't a clinical label attached and nice video to go along with it. I'd suggest you all think carefully.

You might even include yourself in that statement, huh?

At one time, yes, in a way. The truth is though, I understand it from both sides to some extent, thus I grew up a little and thought carefully but still find great frustration at times. In certain ways I may know you better than you know yourselves.

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 03:07 PM
Squeezing my way through all the bickering, I'd like to say, "Thank You very very much" Impaired.

The video was beautiful and inspiring in so many ways you just can't imagine. Something inside of me feels a lot better.


Edited to give Impaired a nod, instead of just "OP".

[edit on 24-7-2010 by KANE OG]

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 03:30 PM
All of you seem to be expressing opinions that are based on complete ignorance as regard to what is AUTISM. Autistic persons are not stupid. Mental retardation is a completely different medical condition. Do not get confused. If in doubt always consult with a qualified medical doctor. The autistic can be very quick thinking, and can display great literary ability, and can achieve well at school. So you might ask what is the problem ? The problem is this. Autistic persons are very short tempered and will treat you like as if you're just a piece of plastic. They show lower than normal concern for the rights and feelings of others, whilst at the same time behaving very self-centred. Autism is increasing in the population at an alarming rate. Already one in every one hundred is suffering this affliction. Autism is very bad for the community, since autistic persons show no regard for such relationships. Autistic persons have no idea what the problem is, and thus have no idea why it is that they are being labelled as autistic. Looking at the world from the military point of view, autism is not a problem. Since autistic persons are very unlikely to comprehend what is wrong with having to serve in the military. Autistic persons are just naturally predatory. Thus the military are probably happy that autism is spreading to ever increasing numbers of the population. What is causing so much autism ? Why is there such a large increase in the numbers of children being born with autism ? I suspect that the root cause is FOETAL ALCOHOL SYNDROME and the like of it, due to the ever increasing amount of toxic chemicals entering the food chain. There is also the possibility that it is being caused by hereditary factors in the DNA, in much the same way as EPILEPSY is now known to be caused by a particular Codon of the DNA ? Another possibility is that radiations and magnetic fields are a cause, or might be aggravating an already existent, but otherwise subliminal problem ?

[edit on 24/7/2010 by CAELENIUM]

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