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Autistic Girl Expresses Profound Intelligence

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posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 03:21 AM
7 min 20 sec mark. Carly says:

It’s a way for us to drown out all sensory input that overloads us all at once. We create output to block input.

Does anyone else see what this could be meaning?
or is "autism" a required perspective?

if "it" isn't healthy for us, then "it" probably isn't healthy for those who are not "autistic", either.

maybe some truisms are not supposed to be shared?

even if we did share the source of "it", "it" would only share the "ignorance" that is perceived by the non-autistics as "ignorance".

it is hard to share ignorance here on ATS. so many non-autistics running around here denying us and our ignorance.

ATS can be fun,

[edit on 24-7-2010 by Esoteric Teacher]

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 05:59 AM
Wow. Just wow.

In the video, where her feelings are read out...that nearly moved me to tears.

If anyone is autistic or knows anyone who she said..never give up. Never.

Truly a spectacular find

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 06:20 AM
reply to post by impaired

Really cool .

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 06:38 AM

Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher
7 min 20 sec mark. Carly says:

It’s a way for us to drown out all sensory input that overloads us all at once. We create output to block input.

Does anyone else see what this could be meaning?
or is "autism" a required perspective?

if "it" isn't healthy for us, then "it" probably isn't healthy for those who are not "autistic", either.

maybe some truisms are not supposed to be shared?

even if we did share the source of "it", "it" would only share the "ignorance" that is perceived by the non-autistics as "ignorance".

it is hard to share ignorance here on ATS. so many non-autistics running around here denying us and our ignorance.

ATS can be fun,

[edit on 24-7-2010 by Esoteric Teacher]

I'm not sure what you're talking about, but when I saw this documentary a while ago, she was talking about when she bangs her head and inflicts pain on herself, and screams - as a way to block out the sensatory overload that she experiences when things are noisy.

Many people with autism do this. I can understand why, noisy situations cause me to feel physically ill, and I find it impossible to concentrate on anything, because there is too much going on.

I've never been diagnosed with autism, but I fully understand her.

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 06:40 AM

Originally posted by impaired

This raises the question of what is really going on in the mind of an autistic/mentally retarded individual.

I don't think autistic people or their families would thank you for referring to both in the same breath. It's a known fact that autism does not equate to lack of intelligence or 'mental retardation' (to use a rather antiquated term).
This automatic assumption is perhaps a hangover from the past because autistic people did not score well in traditional IQ tests.
Some brilliant scientists, artists etc have been known to have autism. Though it can be a very disabling condition, it enables some people to be very focussed.
Repeat after me...
Autism does not equal 'mental retardation'
Autism does not equal 'mental retardation'
Autism does not equal 'mental retardation'

[edit on 24-7-2010 by starchild10]

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 08:52 AM

Originally posted by starchild10

Originally posted by impaired

This raises the question of what is really going on in the mind of an autistic/mentally retarded individual.

I don't think autistic people or their families would thank you for referring to both in the same breath. It's a known fact that autism does not equate to lack of intelligence or 'mental retardation' (to use a rather antiquated term).
This automatic assumption is perhaps a hangover from the past because autistic people did not score well in traditional IQ tests.
Some brilliant scientists, artists etc have been known to have autism. Though it can be a very disabling condition, it enables some people to be very focussed.
Repeat after me...
Autism does not equal 'mental retardation'
Autism does not equal 'mental retardation'
Autism does not equal 'mental retardation'

[edit on 24-7-2010 by starchild10]

I'm gonna change the OP right now because you're completely right. Sorry!!!

[edit on 7/24/2010 by impaired]

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 09:18 AM
reply to post by starchild10

Autism is NOT retardation and I most certainly find it difficult to even put it in the mental disability catagory.

Autistic intellectuals (and I say intellectuals because I have'nt met one yet that does'nt have above average intelligence) are just wired up a little differently to most mainstream people for which we are yet to understand.

Autistic adults have made monumental break throughs in so many different catagories across the board whether that be science, physics, medicine, astronomy, music, and technology etc. Without them, we'd still be living in the 1800s.

I could sit for hours on end just watching them do their craft - and those kids with genuine ADD are not too far behind them.

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 10:17 AM
Oh, "autistic!". I thought you said "artistic"- and we KNOW, most of them, can't read! (just making a personal judgement, while observing my uber-liberal "artistic" cousin).

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by impaired
That is awesome,..
Brought tears to me
I have a friend with an autistic son.. they will enjoy this.

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 10:36 AM
I have to say... I have incredible respect for these parents....

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 10:48 AM
Honestly, I think this is a beautiful and remarkable story... and so is she.

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 10:49 AM
Sounds like when they cover their ears or beat their heads their brains go into a turbo mode and over-processes all the information they are receiving.
I guess the more powerful your brain is the more odd you become. I've always felt that intelligent people are a bit strange and people of average intelligence are dull and boring.

Originally posted by starchild10
Autism does not equal 'mental retardation'
Autism does not equal 'mental retardation'
Autism does not equal 'mental retardation'

What would you call it then? MR means taht the person's cognitive functioning is impaired. Just because you feel that the retarded part is offencive doesn't make the diagnose wrong. It doesn't mean that the person is a stupid POS and doesn't deserve to live or anything like that. It only means that the person lacks certain features that the normal people have.

[edit on 24/7/2010 by DGFenrir]

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 10:50 AM
reply to post by impaired

You should see the movie Temple Grandin, this a very great film about Autism and the reality of how these children are really actually very intelligent and just locked up inside.

They just need to be unlocked somehow from their minds to excel.
Temple Grandin is done by Claire Danes, she did and excellent job portraying this true life story, of Temple who is now a Professor at a college.

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 11:05 AM
Really good thread OP

I do know someone who is having similar condition, I dont have that kind of mental strength,i just give up really we need to learn from them i had tears running down my eyes ...............................

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 11:15 AM
I believe I'm on the autistic spectrum but have never seaked a diagnoses as of yet. I can understand the sensory overload. When walking along a street I take in every little detail that I pass which becomes tiring. I need to spend a lot of time on my own in a quiet atmosphere to make sense of all the information my brain takes in. I also don't speak a lot although nothing as severe as the girl in the video. I find it hard to think in a linear fashion. When trying to hold a conversation I allready have the conclusion worked out so then have to back track my thoughts to find something to say that is in context.

I'd have to disagree with those who call autism a mental disorder. The brain is literally hardwired differently in an autistic person giving advantages as well as disadvantages. Research that shows a link between mercury and autism. What it does is literally destroy neurones. So the brain then has to then rewire itself in a new way resulting in autism. The same year that a major increase in vaccinations containing mercury preservatives occurred also saw a major increase in the level of autism diagnoses.

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 11:24 AM
Wow, this is really amazing!

I, honestly, never would have thought that we will know why people with autism act they way they do. Not until many years from now, at least.

Great story, video, and thread.

Thank you for posting it.

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by conspiracy101

near ditto. I have ADHD and they tried to pin me with OCD AND ODD as well.

[edit on 24-7-2010 by confederate monarchist]

[edit on 24-7-2010 by confederate monarchist]

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 11:26 AM
As the parent of an Autisic child this is inspiring, my son doesnt have the difficulties she has but he has some of the same traits. When she explains why she hits herself it is very inlightening, to drown out sensory overload, that is an insight into the mind of my boy i had thought of but to hear it from someone who has it is profound. Thank You Thank You Thank You for posting this story, these storys may not be what is typical of whats on ATS, but no less important, maybe more important with the eugenics plan these people have for us. It shows us that the human spirit finds a way to break free, even if its from its own body, no prison, niether steel or flesh can inprison the human spirit, we just have to find the key to it, like she did.

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 11:30 AM
The information in this video supports a theory I've had for a long time, which has come from long observance of different types of autism.

My theory is as follows: Autism is a behavior caused by intense, chronic pain.

NOTE: I'm not talking about minor discomfort here. I am talking about hideous and protracted AGONY, from birth.

Because this is the only sensation they know, people with autism have no basis of reference, and can't articulate why they act the way they do, even if they manage to get it together enough to communicate at all.

This seems clear to me: the symptoms of autism look exactly like someone suffering from a horrible pain, which they are trying to block out using any method they can.

I would further suggest that this pain is probably resulting from some sort of evolved nervous system, probably due to our desire to select mates that are extremely intelligent. That results in a high correlation between autism and intelligence, and helps explain why autism is increasing. (That is a bit more speculative, of course.)

Autism may be what happens when you try to push a human's IQ above a certain level. It is an idea.

Thanks for the video.

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 11:31 AM
I'm autistic and I can build you a computer though I don't now how smart you have to be to do that because I was just tested again recently trying to get ssi and me not that smart.

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