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Assigning of Hoaxes in the "Aliens & UFOs Forum" to the "Hoax Forum".

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posted on Aug, 8 2010 @ 04:51 PM
In fact, lets take that whole line of thought one step further in controlling information and peoples posts, and limiting their abilites to share. Lets say there is a video or thread about a craft, ie. it could be a saucer, a light, a orange one, a cigar, who knows, and 10 others have had sitings, and possibly experiences so they know that whatever is being depicted in that video, whatever the truth is about it, this is a true occurrence, is not a blimp, or weather balloon and can give testimony.

So, you think the thread about the craft should only have the debunkers on, and because you don't like people sharing testimony except in in skunk works or grey areas, that they have no business coming on the thread and saying, "hey that is like the one I saw, and I was greeted by them etc etc" Or, the night I believe I was abducted and woke up with wounds I saw a large orange fiery craft?"

So in other words, we are to only be spoon fed a choice few ideas, concerning what is there.
And all according to the opinons of a select few. Is that your idea of a great solution? I am naturally very curious what you think in these matters.

posted on Aug, 8 2010 @ 04:51 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

Unity 99.....

Do you think people should be censored because you don't approve?

I will address your comment in the general context of people who post very extensively outside the Skunkworks / Gray Area to the effect they are an alien.

I agree with ATS in that members should be allowed to post extensive ”I am an alien” stories in the Skunkworks / Gray Area.

However, I don't think members should be allowed to keep hijacking & subsequently ruining discussions in the Aliens & UFOs Forum.

That is currently the point of my discussion in this thread.

Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

posted on Aug, 8 2010 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

UNity 99.....

Thank you for your additional thoughtful, well expressed commentary.

I think it's a matter of degree & I think it's a difficult issue for ATS.

That's why I am grateful that Springer & the Mod Team are giving thought to this issue.

Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

posted on Aug, 8 2010 @ 04:59 PM
reply to post by Maybe...maybe not

You believe that ufology is a discussion that only skeptics may engage in and that anyone who has seen a craft or experienced whats in them, is to be relegated to a special little box, but not allowed to speak up.

Massive control and censorhsip. I personally find many peoples posts to be disturbing, lacking in love and awareness, and some skeptics hijack threads viciously, (opposite veiwpoint from yours I think, shoe on the other foot). But a censored forum will not attract many.

If you don't like certain posters put them on ignore, but ufology certainly is open for discussion by all and especially those who have experienced the subject matter, and so is every other topic or forum.

posted on Aug, 8 2010 @ 05:09 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

Unity 99.....

Just for the record & in case it helps you to put my commentary in context, I am not a "non believer".

In fact, I have established extensive threads about "unknowns" & discussed these cases on ATS Live.

I have also discussed my own possible sighting & that of a close family member on ATS Live.

That is to say, I have personally opened myself up to the potentially robust commentary & critique of both "skeptics" & "believers".

That is also to say, I try to approach this complex topic from "both sides" of the discussion.

Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 09:24 AM
reply to post by Springer

Springer, user AnthraAndromda basically posted falsified claims on a recent topic. We went through his proof and we basically found he was lying completely for his case and then was asking for money with regards to taking more tests. When shown he was wrong, he changed his story and claims.

Does that violate anything?

[edit on 10-8-2010 by Gorman91]

posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by Gorman91

That is a complete twist on anthra, taking out of context. He is continually goaded into doing higher level tests, and he can't take that on any more than anyone else, and someone was bringing it up.

I actually am very interested in what he has to say, not based in any way on the tests. The outcome of his tests made perfect sense to me. Based on ancient or purer bloodlines, throughout the world, and sanskrit is from what area???? Have you encountered the vedas?
Whats in them? What is the human race? You often hear in ufology that we come from 22 et dna strains, well, lets think of actual cosmic people, degraded or made into humans. The dna is human still. His line genetically goes back to something that was related to phoenecian.

Jim Sparks/William Holden.

The phoenecian is discussed here, and does it ever relate to the Vedas. Oh my!

I'm also an experiencer. There is another here, who I can't name who shared some with me. He also wrote something out of his memory suppression that he shared with me, and the basis of the negotiations, the redistribution of all goods, the equality, moneyless resource society/venus project things, healing nearly all diseases and human conditions are paramount to advancing humanity. And he added more, he said they, our negative leaders, must step down unconditionally.

The information anthra's giving is inside info, either he is who he says he is, or his informer is in the know, but his dna testing already went back to Indic, though his picture reminds me more of the singer enigma, oh so very similar as if cousins. And he has alot of awareness songs, such as "goodbye milky way" Mission is over. I pick andromeda all over him, also my friend from this forum, and anthra. Some of the details in his information, my friend and I experienced first hand, including a name. A name of someone that is a male, that is still so similar to anthra's mother's name, that I came on his thread immediately.

What I see is a group of negative posters continually harrassing a real expeirencer with information that matches mine and my friends.

I never go with anything put out by the so called reasonable, conservative ufology expert group, why should I. I have enough bits and pieces of memories and contact, to go with what matches and runs true in posts from others. I know the ones I am drawn to.

And hoaxing a real experiencer will not be done in my presence without me continually bringing this up and stopping such injustices.

Now I'm not going into all of the experiences or ones related with my 18 year old son that I realize are connected to this, not here and not now, but this is only the tip of the iceberg. I will give the name that brought me onto antrha's threads, Larna. Which when I read D'Arna-shat was his "mother" , became L'Arna.

[edit on 10-8-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 03:30 PM
As an experiencer, the stories that attract the mainstream are not the ones, necessarily that interest one who's had experiences, for they don't fit into mainstream. There is no conservative ufology.

One that is easily digested. It is markers that I look for, things that connect. And experiencers are searching too, but until they get out of their egos and programmed mindsets, they're not going to find what they're looking for or get answers. And when they start to, its hard to share and appear rational, but for me it matters less than others may think. Because its more about nudging the ones closer to remembering or waking up. Life is a school. Some respond when they see or read something and it widens a memory or nudges them, and this brings them further along.

If someone is truly interested in these experiences, shared with others, and their correlation to some of anthras story I will be glad to answer u2u's.

[edit on 10-8-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 04:26 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

Well you can speculate however you want but I just had a mountainous discussion and basically went through all his data and proved it does not show he is alien. The fact that you have these so-called "pure" blood lines, which honestly is just another way of saying inbreds, is no proof to anything.

Not to mention the full human evolutionary tree is visible these days. All and all the very low chance that aliens look like us or are even compatible with us combined with his disproven claims adds up to a hoax.

posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 06:09 PM
reply to post by Maybe...maybe not

This is a really good question. I hate to waste time pouring over hoaxes and think they should be dispatched quickly when it is "proved" they are false.

I have seen more and more hoaxes and misleading videos on youtube, as people get better at the technology. Most of those are obvious. Others have fooled me.

Why have expert opinion, diagnosis and evaluation here on ATS if we are not going to use it efficiently to weed out the wheat from the chaff?

posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 07:37 PM
Anthra has been using plagiarism rehashing Aleister Crowley's work dashed with the Alex Collier Andromeda stuff and and spamming his website all over the Aliens And UFO's discussion forum.These in violation of terms of use. He has done this to many web sites and in serious discussions time and time again.I do not care if he wants to fantasize about being an alien... but ! when i was a kid I wanted to be superman, then i grew up and participated in reality. I still have my days when i grab a red towel in the bathroom and wear it as a cape. The wife scoffs at me and says grow up.

But we have no need for it in serious discussions regarding UFO cases ect. What a clown (wonk wonk wonk) Speaking of Hoaxers and Trolls here is a update list i am providing with more to come.

KINGUFOKID Robert Thorson Troll Accounts

[edit on 10-8-2010 by Unknown Soldier]

posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 08:57 PM
reply to post by Unknown Soldier

You know 812NYC?
A youtube poster I trust,
as well as jaser7.
Are they on your list?
...I mean... off the top of your head?

posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 09:14 PM

Originally posted by rusethorcain
reply to post by Unknown Soldier

You know 812NYC?
A youtube poster I trust,
as well as jaser7.
Are they on your list?
...I mean... off the top of your head?

He supports some of the hoaxes and hosts some hoaxed footage if not all.

posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 09:19 PM
reply to post by Unknown Soldier

Well, they are two separate posters but I will try to glean little information from your response.
You are off... the proverbial... wall.

posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 10:39 PM
Is this the tattle tail thread? The problem is with these off topic posts by so called 'aliens' is that people give them so much attention, including Maybe..Maybe Not, InfraRedMan, and Unkown Soldier. You 3 are making it such a bigger deal than what it is, and really do so in every thread they speak in. I've seen some of you guys post pictures of 'aliens' mimicking members totally continuing the deraling of the threads.

Springer and Gazrok have given you clear answers here about how they do things and you seem as if you cant accept that MMN. This isnt MMN's website. All three fo you guys Maybe..Maybe Not, Infrared Man, and Unknown Soldier do post great stuff, but you guys feeding into the posts and threads of certain members is just giving it more light.

posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 10:48 PM
reply to post by ziggyproductions05

I did not hear my name mentioned? Can I assume it was a mistake?

posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 11:25 PM
This should amuse you I know it does me the Balloon Guy

Im jealous of Jeff Woolwines balloon videos

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 12:29 AM
reply to post by ziggyproductions05


Springer and Gazrok have given you clear answers here about how they do things and you seem as if you cant accept that MMN.

I agree that Springer & Gazrock have very kindly taken the time to answer my initial question pertaining to the decision process that assigns threads to the Hoax Forum.

Springer & the ATS Team are now considering my latter question pertaining to the problem of members posting extensively in the Aliens & UFOs forum, stating they are aliens. They are giving consideration to my question in the context of my own stated opinion that such extensive "I am an alien" posting would be better situated in the Skunkworks / Gray Area.

Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 10:15 AM
In my UFO thread just posted a red dot and a squiggly line.

They are not hoaxes but I am not ready to say the are UFO's. I don't know what they are though. Any ideas?

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 01:20 PM
After thinking about this over the past few days, looking into the threads/posts in question and discussing it with the staff, we've determined that our existing TAC is sufficient for dealing with this issue.

Derailing of threads is considered disruption and is in violation of the TAC.

Going forward, (PLEASE Do Not go back through history and send in a plethora of old posts) alert the post(s) you believe are derailing the UFO threads in this manner or, are just off topic, and we'll have a look.

I would caution you that it is just as easy to derail a thread by hounding another member because (s)he claims to be an alien and it will be dealt with the same way.

For clarity, if someone who claims to be an alien adds to the topic of the thread without trying to redirect the thread into their personal issue, that's not a problem.

If they try to turn thread into their own soap box to shout their believed lineage from then, we have a problem.

We will also have a problem if other posters derail the thread by constantly hounding the "alien" into proving his claim. While I know it's a very different situation, this is really no different than someone claiming to be an expert in photography adding his or her thoughts to a thread. If you derail the thread demanding (s)he prove his/her credentials in a thread about a UFO you'll have an issue.

I know that "experts in photography" are much more common than alien hybrids or, aliens period, but I hope you can see my point here.

The bottom line is we don't want to stifle interesting discussion based on one aspect of a member's beliefs or situation. That being said, we don't want to allow those who believe they are aliens, or anything else, to disrupt valid discussions on UFOs either.

I am pretty sure that all of our "aliens" have there own threads going in the Gray Area where anyone who wishes to can discuss whether the member is an alien or not, AND, where the "alien" can describe all the wonders of being such. That's where these discussions need to take place.

The best bet is to post the "ATS way", speak to the topic not the member. Obviously, in the Gray Area threads where the member IS the topic you're fine.

I hope that cleared everything up to the extent it can be and I also hope it is satisfactory to everyone involved.


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