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Billionaire Pedophile Goes Free

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posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 09:12 PM

Originally posted by airspoon
reply to post by ImaginaryReality1984

Putting her in PC, I can some-what understand. But if they were truly worried about protecting human life, then they would do the same for that one white person in a cell block with all black people or the next child molestor, of the average Joe type. They don't start these people off with giving them the luxury single cell and locking the prison down everytime they feel like taking a walk or having a visit.

Forgive me i can't speak for the american system but the UK system does protect child molestors (as much as we all hate that idea). As for the one white person among a black population well the argument would be that it's not a certainty whereas there is a certainty she'll be assaulted. It's all down to liability in the end. The person in charge will be screwed over both financially and politically.

Originally posted by airspoon
Furthermore, how do you explain the visits that she is getting around the clock, basically whenever she feels like it? How do you exlpain the fact that she isn't getting stripped searched in front of everyone, as they do everyone else, even those in PC.

I agree she should not be getting these visits and i find the idea utterly disgusting. She needs to learn she will be punished. In all truth i see this as nothing more than the extensio of the way we treat children in modern times. We tell them they're great, we don't let them see failure and when they behave badly we let them off in case we upset them. It's stupid and will end up breeding a generation of self entitled morons.

Originally posted by airspoon
I don't think that anyone should get special treatment in jail, regardless of whether you are a bigger target or not. Apparently, they don't give this same special treatment to others with the same target stapled on their chests.


I agree believe me i was simply giving you the stance of those who are protecting her. I doubt they want to they are just forced to because if they don't they'll get sued. I think your anger is misplaced. It should be placed on a public that allowed a compensation culture to grow.

It is the average greedy individual who thought it was a great idea to take advantage of any bad situation to make money that is to blaim. At the time they thought it was great to earn money and now they compain because the culture that they laid down is abused by scumbags.

That is truly the problem.

[edit on 22-7-2010 by ImaginaryReality1984]

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 09:16 PM
There is a moral to this story: never be broke, ever ! You can get away with it, Yes you can !

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 10:42 PM
reply to post by ImaginaryReality1984

As for the one white person among a black population well the argument would be that it's not a certainty whereas there is a certainty she'll be assaulted.

On the contrary. American prison systems (at least in the west) are devided among racial lines and not because of system rules, rather due to inmate rules. In fact, I would venture to say that a white person in a cell with all black people, is much more likely to be assaulted than a celebrity in GP. Really though it's kind of irrelevant as it is clear that this woman, along with the guy who is the focus of the thread, recieved preferential treatmant due to their "status".


posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 11:09 PM

Originally posted by airspoon
reply to post by ImaginaryReality1984

As for the one white person among a black population well the argument would be that it's not a certainty whereas there is a certainty she'll be assaulted.

On the contrary. American prison systems (at least in the west) are devided among racial lines and not because of system rules, rather due to inmate rules. In fact, I would venture to say that a white person in a cell with all black people, is much more likely to be assaulted than a celebrity in GP. Really though it's kind of irrelevant as it is clear that this woman, along with the guy who is the focus of the thread, recieved preferential treatmant due to their "status".


I agree with what you are saying but there are lines and sadly there is a difference. A white person in a black cell or a black person in a white cell will be treated the same, a possible risk of harm. A celebrity, that's a very clear possibilty of harm. Hopefully that makes sense.

I don't agree with protecting celebrities, i just agree with protecting people when there is a clear risk. Still some of these idiots, these complete none people need to be taught a valuable lesson and maybe only 7 days in a normal prison would be enough.

I'm sure it's something they can't comprehend, not being the important person and gtting what they want.

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 12:03 AM

Originally posted by airspoon

I'm sorry, but the average Joe would not get the same treatment, irregardless of whether they bribed their victims. No, average Joe would get sent to prison, then sewed. I dare the average Joe to try and pay off their victims, they will only get sent to prison anyway, with charges added.

Oh well... you know how the old saying goes..

Truth, Justice & Liberty .... For all those who can afford it!


posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 12:17 AM
reply to post by CAELENIUM

The " You will reap your rewards in the afterlife." crap is how the elite keep us slaves from revolting in this life. After all the meek shall inherit the earth.

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 04:57 PM
Money talks...........thats all i can say.

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by airspoon

Read the whole thread and agree as usual with Spoon on this.

And just a little look at how hollywood "takes care of there own"

Rape Rape? What the hell is Rape Rape??

is she implying certian rapes are not real rapes?


posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 07:53 AM
reply to post by Solomons

And here's why you should never let Peodophiles/Molestors/child killers out of prison:

I'm not sure if you know the story of the killers... they were very young when they killed a boy younger than themselves... spent time in young offenders institute before going to prison.... were given parole after spending some time inside but now look at what one of them is upto...

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 08:58 AM
I think the problem we are having with dealing with elite persons who commit crimes like this, is that the court system is slow and weak to bribery and social inequality.
In reality the only way to run a court is to have judges who care not for money, who care not for politics, who care only for justice, and deterance . The only way to write law is to focus on the law preventing crime as much as punishing it. Therefore the punishment for serious offenses of this nature and worse, ought to be so sickening, so horrifying and so painful that no one could possibly endure them without being crippled mentaly and physicaly.
For instance this billionaire sack of vomit should never have been under house arrest, he should have been in an underground facility, with electrodes in his brain, and a person charged with ensuring the mans chastisement, should have been using some device to send wave after wave of all encompassing agony through this elitist , until the power of the contortions of his own body , broke every bone but the spine and the skull... all day... every day ... five year minimum term.
That should go for ANYONE who commits this level of ,and worse crimes. In the case of this high society person, he ought to have had an extra year of torture , if only for having the attitude that he can pay to get away with things.
Mind you , nothing will change until people allow justice to override law in importance.

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 09:13 AM
ok- who got hurt here? underage massages or even sex has been happening since the beginning of human history. I personally have been impotent since my spine was damaged at age 12 so not only have I never engaged in this illegal activity but I also have a different perspective than most.......
the media pushes the sexualization of young children (there's no arguing that) thanks to disney et al. the elites- as we all know- have some theory that they can live forever through the orgone energy from having sex with kids. that's a problem- wanting imortality- but we live in a narcissistic self-serving country and that's just the way it is.
my conclusion is that the anger demonstrated in this thread is subconscious jealousy from desires planted in your head by images, music, and so on you experienece everyday. if it were you having sex with a youngster............

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posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 09:53 AM
reply to post by IandEye

Wait a moment if you please. Saying anger about this subject amounts to closet desire to BE the subject of our ire, is like saying that being happy adolf hitler is dead makes you a nazi!
You are talking nonsense. Much of the real anger directed at this sort of degenerate comes from knowing people who have been abused, and being livid that the abuser has recieved little punishment if any, as occurs in many circumstances. Its the same anger which is directed at peadophile preists, foster carers who damage thier wards, and fathers who corrupt thier own young like in the Fritzl case.
If you really believe that negative emotional response to a frankly sickening crime, and the criminal who commits it, is an indication of some repressed peadophilia, I think you might be in need of a serious look at your own psyche, since your reasoning is utterly flawed and without any merit what so ever.

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 10:08 AM
You know the forgotten victim here is society. What so many fail to realize is it doesn't matter if you want a slap on the wrist for pedos or death. Either way society bears the real punishment for sex crimes.

I think a good example is when parents/children get caught up in the system over bath tub photos. You can demonize/sanctify the girls all you want but you can't deny the impact on society.

So when the store clerk calls to report you for your sudsy bath tub shots you can thank guys like this along with the system that no longer serves the people.

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 11:12 AM

Originally posted by TrueBrit
reply to post by IandEye

Wait a moment if you please. Saying anger about this subject amounts to closet desire to BE the subject of our ire, is like saying that being happy adolf hitler is dead makes you a nazi!
You are talking nonsense. Much of the real anger directed at this sort of degenerate comes from knowing people who have been abused, and being livid that the abuser has recieved little punishment if any, as occurs in many circumstances. Its the same anger which is directed at peadophile preists, foster carers who damage thier wards, and fathers who corrupt thier own young like in the Fritzl case.
If you really believe that negative emotional response to a frankly sickening crime, and the criminal who commits it, is an indication of some repressed peadophilia, I think you might be in need of a serious look at your own psyche, since your reasoning is utterly flawed and without any merit what so ever.

are you a psychologist? obviously not.
anything that makes us angry is OUR problem- not the object which angers us.
in a country where youth is king- yes there is repressed pedophilia. narcissim is the older person thinking they deserve the energy of the younger one. i am not god so how can i judge? also- how can you, from your computer armchair, miles and miles removed from the situation. isn't pride the issue, whether it involves rape or not..........?
i have been raped. by a girl i trusted very much. its nobody's fault but mine for making the choices which put me into that situation. she is now billionaire and she still owes me a couple grand i lent her 20 years ago.
and sitll i do not say "life's not fair"

where were these young girls' parents?

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 12:21 PM

Originally posted by IandEye
where were these young girls' parents?

Just because the parents aren't doing the right thing doesn't make victimization ok. Imo the parents are as complicit as the offender. I would think if parents are willing to sell their children for sex they have as big a problem as the buyer. Still doesn't make it right for the kids.

I think the anger most people feel is born out of frustration. It's wrong to say anyone angry over this is a closet pedo. We all express our anger/emotion differently. Making any assumptions where people are concerned is risky at best.

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