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Billionaire Pedophile Goes Free

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posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 01:36 AM
reply to post by airspoon

filthy rich people or celebrities get off easy
due only to their perceived status

Did you read the article? He bought them off. They "each received well over $1 million." That's not getting off because of status, that's getting off by paying compensation.

Do you feel like your kids are safe

If I had children, I'd feel safe in the knowledge that they'd know better than to go to people's houses to "perform massages."

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 01:51 AM
reply to post by LordBucket

Of course I read the article, have you not read the thread? Had you have read the thread, you would have read my explanations many of times.

For right now, lets ignore the fact that this family would have been paid had he gone to prison. In fact, they probably got much less that he didn't. Now, I knew someone who was actually charged with a crime for defending his family with a gun, on someone who was trying to cause trouble. After spending a small fortune on legal fees for his attorneys, he though he would try to save money by offering the "victim" a settlement to leave it at bygones. The so-called "victim" accepted but when the prosecutor learned of this, my friend actually gained a new charge, something to do with bribery or tampering with the witness.

If you committed a crime and then tried to buy off the victim, you would probably be charged with a new crime. Furthermore, if you were a victim and your assailant was either convicted or acquitted, you would then sue him/her in a civil court, thus giving him the option to settle out of court, only in the civil matter, not the criminal matter.

It is clear that this guy got to do what he did because of his status. Then if you read in the article, how we was treated even while he was in custody. I'll tell you this right off, irregardless of what the "victim" thinks, the jailers or probation officers aren't going to treat you any different. They could care less about what the victim thinks.

If you were on house arrest, you wouldn't get to do a small fraction of things that this guy was allowed to do, to include going to the Caribbean or his home in New York. In fact, if you were charged with sexual molestation, you most likely wouldn't even get house arrest. Instead, you would be thrown in the can. That's the difference between the elite and the peasant.

Same thing with Madoff. He was treated like a king after he was arrested, allowed to stay in his Penthouse, when you or I, would have been thrown in the can to eat bologna sandwiches.


[edit on 22-7-2010 by airspoon]

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 01:52 AM
i wonder how many people are jealous they cant experiment on their own dime with different aged "women" that are termed illegal to do such.

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 06:59 AM
reply to post by Ausar

Are you suggesting this is all to do about nothing and young girls should be preyed upon by old creeps? I take it your not the father of a little girl.

Don't get me wrong, I think the government has no place in telling two concenting people what to do, however young girls around the age of 13, don't really have the capability of consenting.

Young girls are like emotional roller-coasters. Rasing them is like raising a delicate flower where the slightest little disturbance can disrupt their blossom. It really is like a balancing act. With boys, pretty much anything goes and most mistakes are easily forgotten, however with girls, you are really on your toes. Some creep deflowering them will haunt them for the rest pof their life.


posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 03:09 PM
reply to post by airspoon

Actually, when BOTH young boys and girls are sexually molested or raped, the effects are life long, just some learn to deal with it better than others but it is never forgotten and will always have some impact in their lives at some point in the future.

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 03:30 PM
This is an example of a double set of standards in the eyes of the law, showing that justice is not blind and the scales often tilt towards those with wealth and power. The question is did the authorities do a very extensive investigation, providing all evidence over to the DA, to include his actions during that time frame, or was everything hushed up, in promise of payment later on. Many of the non wealthy, those who do not have large amounts of money often look at this as an unequality in the law, as it is. The DA, prosecuters, attorny generals and police need to act more without biase and start to do their jobs to protect and serve, to gather the support of the general population and communities that they are there in, rather than backing off on such. More and more, people are looking and asking why is it that this man can get off with the charges, did the evidence not indicate that he had committed a crime? Is not the deposition of his private parts, is that not enough to order a full medical examination, along with pictures of his privates for the judge to review to determine if the children were telling the truth on this matter.
As it is stated, this man has a history of doing such, and will probably do such again, the question is how many more children will he do it to, before he goes to jail, and will it be within the full aspect of the law or just a slap on the wrist. The other aspect that I do not believe the judges, police or any of the lawyers consider, is that many parents, whose child this happens to will often seek revenge, and something tells me that in this case, this man, this accused person is going to have heavier security, lest someone take justice into their own hands.

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by airspoon

All Peodophiles should die IMO end of.

Seriously, they know what they are doing.... it's not like they are mentally impaired and know not what they do.

Seems he paid his way out of severe punishment and probably paid the Courts off too....

Those girls (women now) should have seen to it that he suffered although having said this, they were working as Masseuses!!

[edit on 22-7-2010 by TruthxIsxInxThexMist]

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by TruthxIsxInxThexMist

I don't agree, paedophilia is a natural attraction to children, it is as natural as me finding a woman attractive. While many paedophiles(if not the majority) simply can't be rehabilitated in to society and should spend their lives in jail(capital punishment is barbaric imo). I still think that some attempt should be made while they are in jail to try and get them to control their urges and integrate them back in to society, it is an emotional subject that often attracts knee jerks responses more often than rational and productive ones imo.

[edit on 22-7-2010 by Solomons]

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 03:39 PM
This article makes me so angry and ill. Literally sick to my stomach, that this disgusting animal, this serial rapist and abuser of children, can use his ill-gotten wealth and power to escape the horrendous crimes he has committed.

And I cannot believe some of the comments on this thread, blaming the victims. Did you not read the article? He had 12-year old girls flown in from Paris by some pimp. He had a 13-year old girl, bought in some war zone, he referred to as his "Yugoslavian sex slave." There is no freedom for the girls he raped.

This monster spent part of his "confinement" in house arrest on his private Caribbean island. What a wonderful justice system!

This inhuman beast is a perfect example of the psychopathic elite that must be removed from human society and kept in isolation, in mental wards, where they belong.

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 04:23 PM
Here are some things that really bother me about this case:

  • It shouldn't have been up to the girls whether or not he is prosecuted, as someone like this could be very dangerous to society, that is if he is guilty. Am I glad these young ladies were paid off? Sure, but they can have been equally as compensated, if not more, by having a guilty verdict and lengthy prison sentence, if only they sued him in civil court while he is incarcerated.

  • How he was treated while on "house arrest". If you or I was on house arrest, not only would we be confined to our middle, upper-middle, lower-middle or lower class homes of mediocre comfort, but our travel would be severely restricted, generally limited to either doctors visits or therapy and very rarely work. You would never be allowed to leave the state, much less the country and you surely wouldn't be allowed to take vacations, even if it was in the same county. He would of had it extremely nice if he was only confined to his luxury home with assumed catering service of everything.

  • The fact that this guy was even on house arrest. Had this been you or I, we would have definitely been confined to a jail cell in some stinky prison, where the other inmates would treat you the same way you treated those children. Very rarely will accused sex offenders be offered pre-trial detention on house arrest, as that's usually reserved for non-violent offenders, to exclude sex offenders. This is especially true when you are know to travel the world. In fact, you may not even be offered bail if you have a history of travel and/or little to no ties to the area.


  • posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 04:38 PM
    reply to post by airspoon

    It appears that the case against the perp was based 100% on testimony of the victims. There was no DNA or other substantial evidence outside of that.

    If the families of the victims decided to sell out (which I think they did), I think they are more guilty of impeding justice than Epstein is. I would personally cut my throat before I even consider such a proposition for real.

    posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 05:23 PM

    Originally posted by Solomons
    reply to post by TruthxIsxInxThexMist

    I don't agree, paedophilia is a natural attraction to children, it is as natural as me finding a woman attractive. While many paedophiles(if not the majority) simply can't be rehabilitated in to society and should spend their lives in jail(capital punishment is barbaric imo). I still think that some attempt should be made while they are in jail to try and get them to control their urges and integrate them back in to society, it is an emotional subject that often attracts knee jerks responses more often than rational and productive ones imo.

    [edit on 22-7-2010 by Solomons]

    In this case it sounds as if he is the type of guy who would fly out to Indonesia or Malaysia to have sex with 10 year olds.... it is disgusting and he knows what he is doing by buying that ticket!!

    There is no excuse for people like that really.... ok, some girls grow up quick and can pass for an 18 year old at the age of 13 but they are few and far between.... most 13 year olds can be recognised as such... and younger than 13 is just no good.

    Only way to stop these Peodo's is to put them inside for life or to have them put down....

    We have become too soft in such cases.... people get off too lightly.

    posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 05:30 PM
    It's one rule for them, and one rule for us (I'm assuming the majority of ATSers aren't closet billionaires!!). It always has been, and always will be.

    This is quite sickening really, sometimes, a flame just isn't adequate...all the best, kiwifoot

    posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 06:14 PM
    reply to post by airspoon

    A couple of things.

    1. Polanski is a scumbag.

    2. He committed a crime and obviously because he's rich he got away with it.

    3. The girls let him get away with it. They are the ones who could have pushed for him to be tried but no they settled and took the money.

    Therefore my verdict on this is that Polanski, as mentioned earlier, is a scumbag, i only use that mild word because i don't want to get around the filters on ATS. The girls however are pathetic, greedy idiots. If they are willing to take money for what happened to them instead of getting him put in prison then they have absolutely no moral high ground to take.

    The entire case stinks, both the offender and victims.


    Yes the rich and/or famous get treated differently, it's been the same throughout time and until people start taking action it won't change. People need to write, en masse to their MPs. It's funny how you hear so many peopel complain in the pub and yet they can't be bothered to write a ltter because they believe nothing will change.

    Well guess what. If you took the time to write that letter and so did everyone else then things would change because no matter who is in power, no matter if you believe in TPTB or not, when the masses rise up they have to be acknowledged or the elites will lose their power.

    The poor have the power, it's just sad they don't see it.

    [edit on 22-7-2010 by ImaginaryReality1984]

    posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 06:38 PM
    I just watched a video about some famous gal named Lindsey something or other. I don't think I think I've heard of her, though I don't know who she is but apparently she's famous. Anyway, she's in the LA county jail right now, but only after a judge gave her multiple chances and she kept screwing up. Well, apparently, she is getting all kinds of perks in jail, such as visits whenever she wants. She is also segregated from the GP and all of the other prisoners are complaining that they are going on lock-down every time this girl wants to leave her cell. Her visitors are coming and going whenever they please, even when the jail doesn't allow visitors.

    So, all of the other prisoners have to suffer because this rich little brat wants to come out of her cell for visitations or to stretch her legs. Also, I'm sure most people wouldn't have gotten the multiple chances that this little brat has gotten. Apparently, she and her kind are much more valuable than our own kind.

    This kind of thing makes me sick. I have always disliked most of Hollywood's famous, as they tend to think they are better than everyone else, as if they didn't land their job from pure luck or birth-right. In fact, my problem doesn't really lie with them so much as it lies with everyone who treats them as if they are better than everyone else, thus making them believe it. It's this kind of pedestal that gives way to special privileges at the expense of everyone else, at least for celebrities.


    posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 06:58 PM
    reply to post by airspoon

    I hope he goes the way of the EMT who got shot in New York.

    You know what they do the pedos in prison.... Sometimes those people go free too....sometimes they want to regain their salvation to their God by doing something....right.

    I hope said person meets this one.

    posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 07:15 PM
    reply to post by airspoon

    The individual in charge of the prison has to weigh up certain things. Look i am in agreement with you, i hate such people getting special treatment but i understand why they do.

    If she was thrown in with the general population then they would massively abuse and hurt her. Of course this happens to normal individuals but they are protected after it happens. With her it would happen, fact and therefore throwing her in with the gneeral populous could be seen as negligence and so the person in charge would no doubt be fired and/or sued. They are simply defending themselves as they no doubt have a family and don't want to be ruined. In similar circumstances wuould you put your entire life on the line because of one stupid little girl?

    Still i can't help but think if one of these pathetic individuals were thrown in jail properly then maybe the rest of them would behave and provide decent role models for those who idealise them.

    It's not just female role models, the male ones suck as well and parents are struggling to compete with the media. In the past the parents would be looked up to, now the celebrities are and maybe we should charge them with more responsibilities.

    I just feel sorry for modern parents. Efven my own gneration, only 24 as i am would look to our parents and yet those only 2 years below us look to magazines.

    [edit on 22-7-2010 by ImaginaryReality1984]

    posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 07:25 PM
    reply to post by Son of Will


    God dangit i love when someone comes along in a sappy-ass thread like this and exposes the truth.

    He may be guilty for his crimes, but THE GIRLS aren't innocent. And if they were after money - it makes you wonder how legit the accusations were anyways.

    posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 08:34 PM
    reply to post by ImaginaryReality1984

    Putting her in PC, I can some-what understand. But if they were truly worried about protecting human life, then they would do the same for that one white person in a cell block with all black people or the next child molestor, of the average Joe type. They don't start these people off with giving them the luxury single cell and locking the prison down everytime they feel like taking a walk or having a visit.

    Furthermore, how do you explain the visits that she is getting around the clock, basically whenever she feels like it? How do you exlpain the fact that she isn't getting stripped searched in front of everyone, as they do everyone else, even those in PC.

    I'm sure she is getting many more perks too, perks that have not yet been made public. Sadly, it's not even as if she is "in jail", rather she "at the jail". You know, if you molest children, then you shouldn't go to jail, if you can help it, and I say the same for celebrities. Maybe they should do whatever they can to avoid jail, seeing how they may become the target of other inmates. It's not as if this chick was thrown in jail for nothing, rather it's as if she went out of her way to ensure that she would be sent to jail, apparently.

    I don't think that anyone should get special treatment in jail, regardless of whether you are a bigger target or not. Apparently, they don't give this same special treatment to others with the same target stapled on their chests.


    posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 08:43 PM

    Originally posted by Snarf
    reply to post by Son of Will


    God dangit i love when someone comes along in a sappy-ass thread like this and exposes the truth.

    He may be guilty for his crimes, but THE GIRLS aren't innocent. And if they were after money - it makes you wonder how legit the accusations were anyways.

    You obviously didn't read through the thread because if you had, you would know that there is a huge difference between a civil judgment and a criminal judgment. This guy was clearly treated according to a different standard than everyone else, even before he paid the girls any money. Furthermore, whatever he paid the girls would have taken care of a civil judgment, not a criminal judgment.

    Sure, he could have paid them to withdraw their testimony and they could have not wanted to go through a civil trial for much more money, but then that would only point out that their ultimate goal wasn't money. Furthermore, if this was the case, then the prosecutor should have charged the guy with bribery and tampering with the witnesses, which should have only gotten him in much more trouble with much more time/penalties.

    Either way you look at it, the guy got special treatment and not only on a small scale, rather he got so much preferential treatment that he walked because of it. This isn't even mentioning how he was treated while in custody.

    It really wasn't up to the girls whether he was prosecuted or not, just as it isn't up to the family of a murder victim, whether or not the murderer gets prosecuted. Much the same as a rape victim. If you raped a woman and the authorities find out about it, you are going to be charged with rape, irregardless of whether the woman wants to press charges. Of course the woman can either say you didn't rape her or she could refuse to testify but she has to make that decision on her own. If you help her with that decision, you are going to be charged with tampering with a witness (what ever it's called in your state) and if you offer her any compensation for her refusal, you are going to be charged with bribery too. With children, it's a little different because the child can't claim it was consensual as their is no such thing according to written law. A child is not deemed eligible to give consent to having sex with an adult and often with a peer of her same age, if it's a girl. In many states, the age of consent between a boy and a girl are different, but that's irrelevant as it pertains to this particular case.

    In sum, he broke the law and wasn't held accountable because of his status, whether it was for having sex with the children or bribing them not to testify, if that was the case. In either case, he should have been prosecuted and he wasn't.

    Lets just say that you don't see anything wrong with a grown man having sex with children of that age (purely hypothetical), well that too is irrelevant as it pertains to this thread, as this thread is about a double standard between the elite and the peons. I think we can all agree that the average joe does get prosecuted for having sex with children, completely independent of whether we agree with the law or not. So if peons are held accountable and the elite aren't, then that proves that there is a double standard.


    [edit on 22-7-2010 by airspoon]

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