reply to post by kevinunknown
This is the truth.
I have a friend who started off with a mental illness. He is bipolar and schizophrenic. He is highly stable when he is on his meds. A contributing
member to life. Not just society. He isn't drone, which some ATS members told him. He isn't "controlled" like some ATS members told him. He
stopped taking his meds at the advice of some contacts he made here.
He became obsessed with this site and a lot of the information on it. I tried to be stability for him and show him the other side, but he became so
paranoid, my voice was just chatter to him.
He became a HUGE David Icke follower, then progressed into talking with his goldfish and all animals around. Even when there weren't any.
When he started discussing his hatred toward a fellow co worker, who was a LOW level mason, it was time to intervene.
By this point he was discussion killing all the masons, certain people of power, due to them being a "reptilian" in hiding etc etc...
He told me that our employer was trying to silence him, because he "knew" too much and he figured everyone was being directed to now"force" him
back to his "zombified" state. He truly believed he was "awake".
He ended up spending some time in our local psych institution. Where once on his meds, he found God, and was sincere about his true love for his new
found stability. Sadly, even the bible has thrown his mind off wack again. He has spiraled into holding "seances" and truly seeking an afterlife.
God told him that he could fight his disease without meds and it is getting time for another intervention. There is concern that he truly would hurt
or kill someone, including himself as he believes SO strongly.
I blame his first breakdown specifically on this site, and David Icke's. Not because of the content, but because of the connections he made and
"information" he received from people from these sites.
For an example, I have a child with very bad chronic lung issues. (They are getting a lot better) We were offered the H1N1 vaccine before the trials
were completed. As volunteers we thought it would be a good idea to have him vaccinated. Most people on these forums "cringe" to that, I know.
He received the vaccination because the information I was given by the medical professional, (a close family friend and not an agent of death) was a
lot more sound than a bunch of paranoids, from a conspiracy website. Most of which told everyone: "THIS IS THE DEPOPULATION SERUM". Please. My
child was and is fine. Did NOT contract any flu, and the H1N1 strain did go through our house.
Point being, because I am based in reality, I was able to make a sound decision for the health and welfare of my family. Otherwise, my child could
have his health and life severely compromised.
I'm not saying all the information on ATS is bunk at all. There is some fantastic stuff here, BUT for weaker minds, this place is dangerous as
One more example, being in the law enforcement realm...I see people scream out when a video of a L.E.O. abusing his powers hits youtube. They scream
how he is a power hungry agent of death and should now suffer 10 times the grief and violence(descriptively) just because he is a PIG.
There are some very dangerous words on this site. For people who have trouble defining reality and admit it...I definitely agree with you.
Sorry for the block post.
[edit on 20-7-2010 by Demoncreeper]