reply to post by Mobius1974
First and foremost, please don't use my signature (--airspoon) outside of a quote, I would appreciate it.
Moving along, I have actually worked along the Gaza border (in a semi-security role) and I have seen with my own eyes what is going on.
Most Palestinians will never see the inside of a mall and that's just a fact. There is a mall, restaurant, and hotel I believe that could be
considered nice, but these things are mostly for the diplomats and journalists who travel to Gaza. Most Palestinians don't even have the basic life
sustaining supplies to continue on and it's solely because of Israel. Israel has been confiscating land, demolishing homes, confiscating homes and
personal property such as vehicles and completely controlling what gets through and what doesn't.
The Palestinians aren't even allowed to use the same roads as the high and mighty Israelis.
Being Jewish myself, I have had it instilled in me when I was younger about how the Palestinian people are only but an obstacle to god's will. It was
also instilled in me that the Temple would be rebuilt in my own lifetime and god was going to see that we could accomplish that. These Zionists don't
see the Palestinians as people just trying to live a life, they believe that it is god's will to destroy them or get them out of the way, in an
effort to achieve a whole Israel.
Did they have ID's that said ZIONIST across the top?
No, but the illegal settlers are Zionists. I suggest you look up what Zionism is. If the illegal Zionist settlers decide to settle in or near a
Palestinian home or town, then that Palestinian home or town is done. They don't care what happens to the families that they oust. Try to protest and
you will be killed.
What if someone came to your home one day and told you to leave because your home is now going to be the home of someone else. You take too long in
walking out the door and you will get a rifle butt across the head. Then you pack your family in the car to go stay with a friend, only to realize
that have either confiscated your vehicle, or smashed and burned it. So, you set out on foot. You pass probably on average five make-shift check
points, each time being kicked or laughed at and then your son gets detained because the guard at the checkpoint didn't like the look on his face.
You never know if or when you will ever see him again.
This scenario plays out almost every single day, only multiplied by the thousands.
Harmless? I have always looked at your posts as intelligent.. I have never read a post and had it change my view of a member so fast.
Yes, relatively harmless. Palestinian rockets
very few Israelis. The Palestinian
people have little means to fight back. Israel is going to continue their policies against them, irregardless of whether they fight back or not, as
they are an obstacle to the ultimate Zionist goal of a whole and complete Israel, to include the rebuilding of the Tempe. What would you do if some
foreign invader comes to your land and tries to extinguish your way of life, terrorizing your family and community, the whole time citing their
religion for doing so? Would you fight, or passively watch everything happen? I would hope to think that everyone would fight for their very
Every rocket is a response to a Israeli offenses?
Now which one of us was the one that was listening to the media propaganda?
I think that would be you. In fact, Israeli offenses occur every day, while the rockets don't. Tell me, why on earth would they send the rockets, if
not as response to Israeli aggression? They pay heavy consequences for these rockets, but they will pay regardless. When the Palestinians get a chance
to strike back, they take it, as any proud and freedom loving adult would do. Remember, it was Israeli aggression that happened first. The rockets are
merely the only way for the Palestinians to fight back the inevitable Israeli goal.
I have stated SEVERAL times that Israel is not innocent in my mind...
You obviously don't understand the magnitude of the situation. If your neighbor came to your house, raped your wife, beat your kids and took your
valuables, yet you fired your weapon in response, would you be at fault for the situation? Would both you and your neighbor share responsibility? What
if, in response to you firing your weapon, your neighbor then started to prevent anyone in your household from going to the market, watching TV and
having visitors or leaving the house? They then start to restrict your movement from within your own home. You want to use the bathroom? You have to
get permission and stand in line. Would it be okay to blame you for shooting at someone much stronger? Would you not take any chance you could to
fight this big bad neighbor?
But your view is hysterical... Hamas/Palestinians are tree hugging, peace loving people that want nothing more then to have the big bad israel
stop picking on them...
Yes, I stand by that claim. Time and time again, the Palestinian people have sewed for peace, only to have Israel break that peace agreement. It is
more clear than ever that Israel does not want peace. Why would they? This conflict
effect them negatively that much at all. In fact, the Israelis are the only ones who have motive to continue this fight. The Palestinians don't
get anything out of it. Why on earth would they want this to continue? On the other hand, Israel wants this to continue as they are getting plenty
from it. Every rocket that comes over the proverbial fence gets all kinds of media attention while the much larger Israeli offensive is almost
completely unknown by Americans, the people who finance and supply the Israeli offensive. The more they convince America that Palestinians equal
terrorists, the more wide-spread and unabated killing they can do. The more settling they can do. In time, as long as they keep their iron grip over
the media, they will be able to take back East Jerusalem and rebuild the temple.
In fact, before the Zionist aggression, the Jews and Muslims were very friendly. They would watch each other's children and eat in each other's
homes. Then came the Zionist agenda that didn't have room for the Palestinians and the oppression started. The rest is history.
The moral of the story? When proud, freedom loving people are terrorized and oppressed, they fight back. They are not the ones initiating force,
rather they are responding to it. Airspoon's law of politics: To every action there is a reaction, though not always equal. Whoever initiates the
force, is responsible for that force, irregardless of the response. If someone is killing you and you take their life instead, it was not your fault
and you should not be held responsible for their consequences.
I guess it is impossible to inject logic into a completely illogical thought process.
Tell me about it. Thank you for pointing that out, I just hope that you may one day realize this so that logic may dictate your response, or so we
could only hope. You are getting your information from what you read on the internet, while I have actually experienced it.
I have no ulterior motive here. I have nothing to gain by posting my experiences. I am simply pointing out wrongs. I wish nothing more for this all to
be not true, but my wishes are not reality. I am going against my own people, religion and indoctrination by speaking out about this. My only motive,
is to point out "wrongs" when I see them, irregardless of who commits those "wrongs".
This not only affects Israelis and Palestinians. It affects Americans too. We are being taxed to support this Israeli offensive, which ultimately
means that this is being done in our name. We are hated because of our blind support of Israel. In fact, many analysts agree that this is the number
one reason for Islamic extremism against American interests. Not only is our security compromised because if this, but we are being defrauded into
paying for this.
Some day, I can only hope that you too (and others) will shed your indoctrination and the layers upon layers of beliefs being given to you by the
various media outlets and decide to actually research this conflict further, on your own. It is only then that you will see the truth, thus allowing
you to use logic in your conclusions as to what's happening. Better yet, I dare you to travel there, see what's happening. Don't just go to the
tourists spots, speak to Jews, Muslims and visit Gaza or the West Bank. Contrary to popular belief, you won't be held hostage or even harmed by the
Palestinians, though I couldn't say the same about the Israelis. You have a much better chance at being held against you will or even harmed by the
Israelis, especially if you look Arabic. Regardless, seek the truth and go beyond the propaganda in your research and only then will you even come
close to the truth.