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Despite the widespread poverty in the Gaza Strip — it is one of the poorest territories in the world — there is also a large upper class in the territory. Gaza’s elite consists of the usual suspects (Hamas officials, local higher-ups in NGOs, workers at foreign consulates and better-off UN employees) along with a significant component of smugglers and local mafiosos who have grown rich over bucking the Israeli blockade.
Originally posted by airspoon
reply to post by Mobius1974
Your thread is propaganda. You think just because there is a mall in Palestine, everything must be okay. You then "suggest" that Palestinians are to blame. In fact, I would say that Palestinians have zero blame in the current crisis.
Tell me, have you ever been to Gaza? You find a couple photos on the internet, spout some propaganda that you probably heard from the NYT and you think you know what your talking about. There are Palestinian women and children who are dying everyday, all because of Israel and what's even more crazy, is that Israel is doing it with American weapons and American tax-dollars. There are families who are getting put out on the streets as watch one or two fat and greedy Zionist settlers moving into their homes.
They live in absolute fear of their very existence, every one of them.
Israelis may be afraid of a harmless rocket if they travel to close to the border.
In fact, every single one of the cease fires was broken by Israel, yet the MSM never focuses on that, rather they will only show the harmless and ineffective rockets, in a false suggestion that it was Hamas who broke the cease fire. Newsflash for the ignorant and lazy: Every rocket fired into Israel is in response to a much greater event against Palestinians. In fact, Hamas was created to deal with Israeli terror. If it wasn't for Israeli terror, their would be no need for Hamas.
Originally posted by Mobius1974
reply to post by LarryLove
Who says it has to be comparable to westerners?
1) They despise our lifestyle, and do not want to be like us.
2) They obviously want the world to view the palestinians as repressed and poverty stricken.
3)From one side of their mouth they say they can't rebuild houses.. Out of the other side they say "welcome to our new mall"
[edit on 20-7-2010 by Mobius1974]
Hamas has often accused Israel of creating a “siege” by keeping its border crossings to Gaza closed. According to Hamas, Gaza lacks electricity and building supplies.
Gaza - a description
افتتح في مدينة غزة مساء السبت أول مجمع تجاري مركزي من نوعه في قطاع غزة المحاصر منذ أربعة أعوام، بمشاركة حشود من المواطنين الذي قدموا لمشاهدة افتتاح المجمع الذي أطلق عليه اسم "غزة مول". Opened in Gaza City on Saturday evening, the first central mall of its kind in the besieged Gaza Strip for four years, with crowds of citizens who came to watch the opening of the complex which will be called "Strip Mall."
ويضم السوق الذي افتتح بمشاركة عدد من الوزراء والمسئولين في الحكومة في غزة على محلات تضم كافة المستلزمات التي تحتاجها الأسرة من مأكولات وملابس وعطور وأحذية وأدوات منزلية ومكتبية وغير ذلك. And includes the market, which opened with a number of ministers and government officials in Gaza shops include all supplies needed by the family of foods and clothing, perfumes, shoes, household appliances, office and so on.
ولفت وزير الشئون الاجتماعية في غزة أحمد الكرد إلى أن السوق سيساهم في تلبية الحاجات الأساسية في ظل ظروف الحصار من خلال توفيرها عبر التجار وجلبها عبر المعابر والأنفاق. He noted the Minister of Social Affairs in Gaza, Ahmad Kurd that the market will help meet the basic needs under conditions of siege by providing traders and brought across the border crossings and tunnels.
ونوه الكرد خلال حفل الافتتاح إلى أن هذا المشروع الكبير سيسهم بخلق فرص عمل للعشرات من الأسر الفلسطينية من خلال تشغيل أبنائها في أقسامه المختلفة، موضحًا أنه تم توفير 50 فرصة عمل في المرحلة الأولى للافتتاح. He noted the Kurds during the opening ceremony that this major project will contribute to creating job opportunities for dozens of Palestinian families through the operation of their children in different sections, explaining that he had been providing 50 jobs in the first phase of opening.
وأشار إلى أنه تم افتتاح السوق بمشاركة عدد من التجار والمستثمرين داخل قطاع غزة، مؤكدًا تشجيع الحكومة لإقامة مثل هذه المشاريع في ظل ظروف الحصار. He pointed out that the opening of the market with a number of traders and investors in the Gaza Strip, saying the government to encourage the establishment of such projects in light of the circumstances of the siege.
من جهته، قال مدير مركز التسوق صلاح أبو عبدو : إن "افتتاح (غزة مول) في ظل ظروف الحصار المستمر على القطاع وبأسعار منخفضة تشجع المواطن الغزي على الشراء يعد إنجازًا كبيرًا". For his part, the Director of the shopping center, Salah Abu Abdo: "The opening (Strip Mall) under the conditions of the continuing siege on the Gaza Strip and at low prices encourages Gazan citizens to buy is a great achievement."
وشدد أبو عبدو على أن المجمع يساهم في إنعاش الاقتصاد الفلسطيني في ظل كونه سوقًا تجاريًا منظمًا من قبل العديد من التجار داخل القطاع مما يجعله ذا طابع وطني يدفع المواطن للتسوق من خلاله. Abu Abdo stressed that the complex contributes to the recovery of the Palestinian economy under the market as a commercially organized by many of the traders within the sector, making it a national character citizen pay to shop through.
وبين أن السوق يحتوي على خاصية تساعد الأسرة على التسوق من داخل البيت عن طريق جهاز الكمبيوتر من خلال خدمة التسوق الإلكتروني، موضحًا أن الأسعار ستكون ذات طابع منخفض وجذاب. And that the market has the property to help the family to shop from within the home via the computer through e-shopping service, adding that prices will be low in nature and attractive.