reply to post by Cloudsinthesky
Ok I am replying to Cloudsinthesky but will try to take a moment to respond to several of you.
First off thankyou
Cloudsinthesky, I will check out your thread join it and participate in the research, I do have a few questions about the
cost of having the samples privatly done such as the cost and honesty of the various chemists labs. I am noticing you more and more on the forum and
realize we are on the same page much of time, so thanks for your input.
freedomataprice I have been taking Ny-Tanic for two days and drinking loads of water, also heavy doses of D3's. From one of the posts here I
also started gargling and sniffing sea salt today, although I feel very weak, I am in good spirits and hope to make a full recovery soon, hope you do
too, keep me abreast of any measures you find relieving.
gandhi I have been very disturbed about the reports from N. Dakota where yearly fishing celebrations were halted when they found scores of dead
fish and some implied that it was from the gulfstreams moving up from OK, Tx, and up towards their area. If thats the case my plan to come to Canada
if it gets bad here were put on hold for a better idea because that would mean even Canada would become at risk with the Southern winds. Just do all
you can to stay informed and just go about your normal life and enjoy each precious moment.
LAinhabitant Good, I have family and friends yourway, stay safe. The only time you should begin to be on your toes will be if the hurricane
seasons whip stuff your way from the Gulf.
Nkinga Being alert is a good thing, practice some of the suggestions here and if you do get tested by a proffessional, then please let us know
what they say, of course they would NEVER admit it is a new: GulfBPSyndrome. It is always the worst news to hear children falling ill but if it could
have been averted by truth in BPs disaster, then its unforgiveable. I think of those children digging in the sand on that news 5 thread, sheeze the
long term effects of the one boy could be overwhelming. hopefully with good maneged care this will prove to be no more long lasting for you and your
daughter than an annoying summer cold.
TokiTheDestroyer By the time I read your response, my heart was sinking, I know that it is sometimes hard to be in the know and to be alert and
aware. Keep your health up and lets avoid direct contact with the Gulf winds and rain for now.
Dumbass From your comment I think you are more of a "smart"tazz, in a good way!
Destroyed The good thing is that we are discussing this, we are not afraid because we have a wellspring of hope when these dangerous secrets
are revealed. Damn I love going out in the rain, this is bad, and it is not something I want to expose my children to if I can.
damwel I love your avie! Also I am sorry to hear that you and your loved ones are ill, you know as a parent this is usually the time of year
when we have a reprive from the school year sicknesses. It is not uncommon for people, individuals to catch a summer cold but this is far more
widespread than any we know of from past. So one question, have you had rain prior to your symptoms? Get well soon, a nice cupa chicken soup does
sooth the soul.
lasertaglover You may be alergic ontop of things, I am again so sick to hear of our, your beautiful children falling ill to this! YES, I too
wonder if it is from the coreexit, or just the lethal cocktail being dispursed from the Gulfs fragile and now cracked oceanic bottom. You know with
all the dead fish flying around and rotting, that is something to consider as well. I mean youve heard about fish landing on dry land high in the
mountains and out on the open plains after a strong rain storm? dead fish, it is going to be a problem, not all of them wash up on shore. I hope the
best for you and yours.
mutantgeniusBINGO!!! You are spot in my estimation and it is best to simply use all the methods suggested here and add more when you discover
what works for you, be SURE and let everyone know! NYers are understanding about these kinds of things and would appreciate the heads up about the
toxic rain! What 'if' this sheeet mixed with the seasonal flu!!! OMG!
ProtoplasmicTraveler Why I have not friended you sooner I dont know, but you are grounded and insightful, I agree fully with all you had to say
with your voice of reason, now Ill go back to sniffing sea salt, and being POed at BP...
StarTraveller I have a close family member who is a well respected professional, we sat today and I laid this all out to him... He suggested I
rest for a couple days (Yeah right) and actually opened up and liked my ATS conspiracy talk about my, our concerns...
He suggested also gargling with sea salt... and drinkl LOADS of fluid.
ModernAcademia Too soon to tell, but what you said makes sense, but this whole crazy thing does not make sense. You must have a slight feeling
it could be true.
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