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CLOSE-UP VIDEO: Pilot filming plane spraying into the air

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posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by crustas

A Nice daytime "noctilucent cloud" :-)))

Tell me you are kidding?

Is it that hard to realize that is a sun dog, refraction of sunlight through ice crystals? Do you get scared when you see rainbows from rain too?

This woman does, she is the queen of chemtrail believers

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 04:27 PM

Originally posted by firepilot

Originally posted by mnemeth1

The guys filming are most likely F-15E pilots monitoring the test dump of the fuel system since there are obviously two of them in the cockpit, close enough to talk to each other without a headset on.

[edit on 19-7-2010 by mnemeth1]

Seriously, where do you people come up with your aviation information? I knew more when I was 8 years old about airplanes, then what I see posted from chemtrail believers?

Tell us how a back seat Weapons System Operator (the F-15E does not have two pilots) can somehow get a perfectly clear video camera angle forwards and DOWN looking? Are they in wonder womans invisible jet?

And you think they can talk to each other without a "headset". Umm, you do realize that they wear helmets with intercoms built in? They do not wear headsets...and that it would be probably impossible to talk to each other in a fighter aircraft like that from the noise from the wind and jet turbines?

well glad you're jumping his inaccuracies even though he's on your side.
Plus I believe I hear 3 voices...

So anyone wanna take a crack at my pictures?

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by ZombieJesus

your avatar name suit's yea well!

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by DCDAVECLARKE
reply to post by Copernicus

Contrails my arse! who are these people? polluting the very air we breed., dont they have family? every time they go over my head i get really angry an nobody answer my post saying there contrails or ill give them a mouth full!


Contrails my arse!


nobody answer my post saying there contrails or ill give them a mouth full!




Oh…..OK…..OK! …..I get it!

The problem is, in your case there is no difference!

Cheers matey
Maybe…maybe not

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 04:29 PM
we are ruled by sick little monkeys

but you knew this , this is definitive proof of of a clandestine spraying of our atmosphere, by unknown agents

when will the scientific community grow a set and question this conduct?
when will the media stop being humanities enemy?

[edit on 19-7-2010 by donotinducevomiting]

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 04:34 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

So you think your word is more valid then all the links I provided? What or Who gave YOU the authority to dismiss all valid statements made from these parties? So far you provided ZERO evidence to support why weather modification is all a BIG LIE! All you have done repeatedly making retarded statements, without ANYTHING valuable to add to your argument. (no offence to retarded folks)!

This is the problem with you small thinkers, you think the world is as THEY created for you! You live in a small box that fits in "logic" they've created for you via educational programming or so called "logic". They have NEVER created a place for you to THINK on YOUR OWN, instead they tell you what you need to know to live your little life!

Your perspective is meaningless compared to so many other people that have ACTUALLY researched the subject or simply have experienced the event. Why don't you just go back to sleep and let the rest debate this subject. There has been enormousness amount of evidence (which I won't bother linking articles, since in your world it's all invalid) that mention many countries around the world have been experimenting with weather modification techniques for decades.... if you disagree, you're simply in denial!

So stop trolling, bring up a good "constructive" feedback or debate or get lost in my "ignore" list!

[edit on 19-7-2010 by freighttrain]

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 04:36 PM
Wingtip vortices, contrails and chemtrails ???





posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by Maybe...maybe not

It takes one wanker to think he knows an other wanker!

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 04:40 PM
reply to post by Genesis322

So anyone wanna take a crack at my pictures?

"Well, if I had a crack like that, I wouldn't need the talcum powder!"

(Sorry, just too easy, that was...ahem...)

The picture you showed (twice) appears very reminscent of an airplane spraying over crops. At LOW altitude. I'm guessing here (it's a small picture) Vietnam era? "Agent Orange"??

All controversy over "AO" aside (AND, it IS controversial...since it's primary use was as a defoliant; the unintended consequences was it's extreme toxicity and effects on humans...including neo-natal development).

It has nothing to do with contrails...NOR the HOAX of so-called "chemtrails".

AGAIN, this entire "subject" is competely made up, and a result of a combination of paranoid delusions, mixed with the general lack of meterology science knowledge, and misunderstanding/and-or complete inability to comprehend aerospace systems, details, and devices.

"chemtrail" advocates, proponents, website hosts, bloggers, etc, etc...are WELL out of their depth. They are ignorant, and fools at best....conspiring to foist a HOAX on gullible people, at worst.


Folow-on post to your follow-on four pictures: (My take on them)

#1 -- Vortices, off the wingtips. High humidity, low altitude.

#2 -- Agent Orange spraying, in formation, Vietnam era.

#3 -- Contrails, at first glance.

#4 -- Agent Orange (origninal picture addressed previously, seems confirmed.

[edit on 19 July 2010 by weedwhacker]

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 04:41 PM

Originally posted by Genesis322
Wingtip vortices, contrails and chemtrails ???





1. Mosquito spraying C-130.

2. C-123s, operation Ranch Hand in Vietnam

3. B-24s, from WW2.

4. C-123, same as number 2.

I thought chemtrails was something from the late 90s, that involved large jet aircraft, not something involving Vietnam and World War 2. Apparently it is now.

So, do we now include Vietnam and World War 2 for chemtrails?

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 04:41 PM

Tell us how a back seat Weapons System Operator (the F-15E does not have two pilots) can somehow get a perfectly clear video camera angle forwards and DOWN looking? Are they in wonder womans invisible jet?

The pilot is the one taking the picture (of course there aren't two pilots, but most people are too dumb to understand the difference and don't really care). The F-15E does have two seats, and it also has a bubble canopy with excellent visibility that allows for some downward viewing.

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 04:42 PM

Originally posted by DCDAVECLARKE
reply to post by Maybe...maybe not

It takes one wanker to think he knows an other wanker!



Here you go you angry little potato, you.....

Cheers matey matey
Maybe...maybe not

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by Genesis322

1) Tip vortices.
2) Agent orange defoliant (Viet Nam).
3) Contrails
4) Agent orange defoliant (Viet Nam).

Here's another one.

Fire fighting.

[edit on 7/19/2010 by Phage]

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by smurfy

Thanks, this helps to show jsut WHY the notion of doing some sort of "global spraying" using airplanes is rubbish:

...and in fact the "proposal" required 1900 ships on constant mission...

AND, these ships have an inexhaustible supply to draw from!!!

They don't have to take time to "load", then "taxi and takeoff, and climb to altitude"....then "do their thing", then "descend and land, taxi in, change crews, get reserviced".... etc, etc....

Logistics, people!! It is logistically a virtual impossibility, as presented and claimed by the "chemtrail" proponents!

On the contrary both means of transport are proposed, the aircraft would be used with Aluminium refined particles, and/or Sulpher. Aircraft have already been used. The Council on Foreign Relations have a 2008 PDF on it here;
You can rant all you want about no such thing as Chemtrails, but you are just ignoring reality, at the vey least it has been trialled, but more than likely the military are taking it upon themselves and are doing it. The whole point is that it can be done now, unilaterally, THERE IS NO LAW AGAINST IT even if it kills, now do you understand? (pardon the friggin' caps)

The OP's video is not proof of anything without more info, however since the focus has been switched to the existence or otherwise of Chemtrails I make this last point, when/if you bother to read the PDF you will see it it quite clear that the message in the article is that it was going to happen at sometime, so were the Canadians in 2000 clairvoyant? no, because the proposals in the CFR are much older, but what happened in 2000 was accurately analysed, and consistent with geoengineering methods for cloud whitening using Aluminium oxide.

[edit on 19-7-2010 by smurfy]

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 04:46 PM

Originally posted by donotinducevomiting
we are ruled by sick little monkeys

but you knew this , this is definitive proof of of a clandestine spraying of our atmosphere, by unknown agents

when will the scientific community grow a set and question this conduct?
when will the media stop being humanities enemy?

Proof ? Please explain how it proves a clandestine spraying.

None of you chemtrailers ever offer any scientific evidence to support your claims or to refute anyone who tears apart your wild fantasies.

Look more proof of F22 Raptors with Chem spraying abilities

Hell they even did it in WW2 to kill those nazi's

Of course in reality away from the fantasical world of the great Chemtrailing overlords, the F22 is in a tight turn and the white trails are merely wingtip vortices And the WW2 pic is a formation of bombers dumping fuel.

But hey let's throw logic & reason out of the window in order to believe a fantasy because the world is whole lot more fun to live in when you suffer paranoid delusions that the government is out to get you

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 04:54 PM
reply to post by firepilot

I thought chemtrails was something from the late 90s, that involved large jet aircraft, not something involving Vietnam and World War 2. Apparently it is now.

Thats what I thought too, specifically the late 90's.

It's been interesting watching this tomfoolery evolve over the years.

The problem with chemtrailers, or chemtards as weed puts it (
), is a loathing disgust of logical thinking, a loathing distrust of anyone affiliated or interested in aviation, and a loathing hatred of meteorology.

Instead, they rely on pseudo science, blogs, and my favorite "just look up and use your GUT FEELING".

The "gut feeling" card is the most used and abused strawman of the chemtrail comspiracy...

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 04:54 PM
reply to post by smurfy

smurf, again my advice to you, as I've advised others who post sources like the CFR should read it fully, first.

It is obviously an abstract of a DISCUSSION of possibilities. Spells it out quite clearly....and it was just last year. They are STILL STUDYING the scientific viability, and possible effectivity....

Here, you might have missed this bit on page 11:

What Could be Done?

Clearly there is a lot more work to be done on the engineering and scientific aspects of geoengineering. Better particles and lofting schemes will likely be developed; more research is badly needed on identifying and assessing possible negative consequences and all the ways that geoengineering schemes could fail.

ETC, ETC, ETC......

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by smurfy

No. Why don't people read the things they post? These are notes for a conference, things to be discussed at the conference. It certainly does not contain anything that says anything is or has been done.

Unlike the control of greenhouse gas emissions, which must be undertaken by all major emitting nations to be effective and is likely to be costly, geoengineering could be undertaken quickly and unilaterally by a single party, at relatively low cost. Unilateral geoengineering, however, is highly likely to impose costs on other countries and run risks with the entire planet’s climate system.

We will probe whether it is possible to limit the use of geoengineering to circumstances of collective action by the international community in the face of true global emergencies and what might happen when there are disputes over when the emergency “trigger” should be pulled.

The document does not say anything is being done. It does not say anything should be done. It says that if it ever becomes necessary to attempt such action it should not be done unilaterally but with international agreement. It says it's a scary idea.

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 04:55 PM
While showing a fire fighting aircraft as what they would probably think is a chemtrail plane is funny, its closer to the mark than you think.

How many dozens of times have chemmies used the video of the Evergreen 747 firefighting aircraft test video, as chemtrail proof. LOTS..and no amount of telling them what it actually is, dissuades them

[edit on 19-7-2010 by firepilot]

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 04:59 PM
I didn't bother reading through all 18 pages, but I can tell you the original video was posted by an account named: USAFFEKC1O

Which has been around for several years.

The owner just decided to up load this video recently.

I'm telling you, this is a fighter pilot's account or the account of a KC-10 pilot. Its also possible the guy taking the video was in a KC-10 himself.

This video was probably taken from an F-15E doing refueling operations with a KC-10. The KC-10 was either testing its dump system, or it still had too much fuel on-board to land safely.

The KC-10 is one of the few airliners that can have problems meeting the FAR 25.119 specifications for weight on landing so it has built in dump systems.

The pilots are making a joke.

This is a joke video.

You can also clearly see the brown tint to the fuel as it gets dumped out close to the plane.

It's jet fuel.

Its not a chemtrail.

[edit on 19-7-2010 by mnemeth1]

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