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Originally posted by Xtrozero
Someone needs to buy the big houses, fast cars and yachts and provide jobs for all the little people...geez...
Just what is too much, and who decides what is too much?
If you are bitching about the top 1% of 1% give it a break hehe, but if you are talking about those who make a good amount of money and can afford nice things then I see your post as regulating everyone down to necessities and defining it. That is a slippery slope and what communism basically tries to create. Should we tax all income over a set amount, should we have one national car/truck, should we build housing the same for all, should we provide the same and limited types of food for all?
Why don't you read the inital post ? "Capitalism, like Communisim, is an unrealistic philosophy. The people who invest take a risk, so they deserve to profit from their investments."
"The successful wealthy will have enough money for their family with profit margins that are extortion, to buy fifi the dog a diamond collar!(I know many people personally like this) And a fortress in South America to protect them from "the have nots.(Bushes)
You should have seen Russia back when they were a communist country…was not very nice place to live… The interesting part was greed was never lacking there, just choices.
Originally posted by humbleseeker
I agree, but imo we have this problem, "who is the government"? The politicians are owned by the interests that paid for their elections.
I If the people are truly the Government then let the people rule, and decide for themselves how they will handle there own money.
Originally posted by Neo_Serf
You cannot solve complex social problems through the initiation of force. You cannot install ethics or morality with the barrel of a gun. You cannot institue fairness by stealing from one group to pacify another. These violent steps always have the opposite effect of the stated intentions.
I wish you statists would at least own up to the fact that the utopia youre trying to build is inheriently based on overwhelming state violence.(and thus will become dystopic) Just say that up front before rambling on about social justice and the collective good so everyone can see the coercive, bullying underpinnings of your ideology.
Start your posts with 'I believe violence can solve such and such problems...' which would at least be honest. See how well that statement competes on the free market of ideas.
Originally posted by Neo_Serf
reply to post by LeftWingLarry
Happy your honest about your violent intentions, yes. It allows us moral folk to easily dismiss your psychotic ideas. Unhappy that you are unwise enough to actually believe that pointing guns at people will reduce violence.
You want egalitarianism? Look no further than the early United States and its limited form of government. Inperfections aside, its example of one of the free-est markets ever tried lead to 5% of the worlds population owning 50% of its wealth, which lead to the greatest middle class ever known in the history of the world. Hows that for the raising of the masses.
You would have us equal, yes...equally poor. Your machinations are conterproductive to your stated goals, which makes me question your actual intent. Is your bleeding heart actually a cloak for your desire to control and run the lives of your fellow people? Or maybe you just havent thought this through enough?
(this coming from a former lefty who woke up to the inherent violence built into the system.)
Originally posted by Neo_Serf
reply to post by LeftWingLarry
PS so the majority of the people in your nation support violence? Mine, too, I live in Canada. Perhaps they just arent aware of the level of coersion involved in involuntary taxation. Or maybe theyve just been raised by the state and indoctrinated by the state since birth so they actually believe the delusion that the state cares for them.
Statism is collapsing around the world, just look around. The answer is not more control. How much power does your system need anyways?
Originally posted by Neo_Serf
reply to post by LeftWingLarry
Well since the power of the state has continually be on the rise for the past 100 years, and we *still* have the problems of grinding poverty, violence, wars ect...(which are actually getting much, much worse)
how much more power would you instill in the state to solve said problems? When will you realize that its the intrusion of the state that is actually responsible for the problems you feel could be solved by giving the state more power?
And you dont have to live on the frontier to not be taxed excessively. Perhaps the intellectual frontier...
Originally posted by Neo_Serf
reply to post by LeftWingLarry
Without going too deep into stats i will say that poverty was declining at the rate of 1% per year in the US after ww2 until the introduction of the welfare state, and after that poverty remained roughly the same (no improvement despite stated goals) until recently when it skyrocketed.
Anyways. Ive a question for you. Let me just say that I support your right to believe in the welfare state, and to act on those beliefs by writing your cheques, paying your taxes, whatever. I fully support your right to act and believe what you will. My question is, do you support my right to disagree with the welfare state, and act in a fashion that is in accordance with my beliefs, ie. not pay the portion of my taxes that contributes to it?
Will you offer me the same courtesy I extend to you?