Silly me, not keeping up with my topic and now I have a slew of replies to dish out. Best get started, haha.
reply to post by graceunderpressure
All it would take is a big chunk of land or an island, something not far out of the realm of possibility if people combined their assets. I also like
the idea in the link posted below your reply.
reply to post by TheFinalTruth14
Eventually, I feel weapons may be inevitable. Established countries would seek to annex such a civilization under their laws so there has to be some
way to stand up to them.
The seastanding link looks pretty amazing but I couldn't imagine the funds involved in something like that compared to actually land.
reply to post by The Endtime Warrior
An ATS picnic sounds like a fun idea, but it doesn't really solve any of the problems we discuss. Sure it would be entertaining to meet and greet all
the people you have argued with on here
but unless it evolved it would be just that, entertainment.
reply to post by shamus78
I shall check out your topic as soon as opportunity gives me a chance. Rest assured, you certainly are not alone.
reply to post by triplereiki
Your example is very accurate. However, I believe a reality where everyone decides to wise up at once is nothing more than a pipe dream. There will
always be many, and by the looks of it many more than us, who still believe in the charade no matter the cost. It is drilled into their psyche to
become apart of our lives.
Must like many of us believe, we should have to freedom to believe and think as we want. I'm sure those who live daily through the charade with no
problems feel the same way, like somehow we are trying to force our beliefs onto them. They of course don't know truth from fiction, and in some
cases neither do we. Regardless, they will hold onto their lies until they die, and that is why we can never hope for a mass awakening unless some
kind of supernatural event wills it to happen.
reply to post by acrux
I think the point of this thread went well over your head. Regardless, good day.
reply to post by inforeal
I see your points. As much as people thing we would be labeled terrorists, I fear more for the cult label that would come with a group of wayward
thinkers. Thoughts of Waco come to mind.
An order of some sort would not be too far from the realm of possibility, but a community would be a much better place to thrive and provide a beacon
for those who feel they have no place in current society.
reply to post by DeltaGhostHunter
Project "Mayflower". I like the sound of that.
It begins when enough people decide to take a chance. Leave their old lives behind that are part of the system and declare themselves independent and
culturally broken from the old society. It may never happen, but I at least hope to find out why or what is holding people back from doing so.
reply to post by reticledc
What if I told you that I am willing to be the first in line to be shot? If it came to it, and it guaranteed the freedom for those to follow - I'm
game. Onto the next great adventure.
Sure, if people were to break away the media would have a field day. We would get a bad rap, we would be called crazy, and every piece of their
arsenal would be thrown at us. But what would it matter to us? We are already crazy to them. We are insane for using our brains. What would a little
collection like minded people do to change the image that is already painted of free thinkers in the media today?
Yes, ridicule is a part of the job but we can pay it no mind. After all, it is usual us who in the end are saying "told you so".
reply to post by E-ville
That sounds pretty amazing. From what I hear about that commune it is exactly the type of idea I had in mind. I had no idea there were actually some
out there.
reply to post by hawkiye
It is a shame to hear that your efforts were in vain. Based upon what you said you did some good research and found out everything you needed; but
just as I anticipated there are never enough people willing to act. Many will talk the talk but when the time comes - they never want to walk the
walk. They never choose to leave their old lives behind.
Here's to hoping that someday, somehow it will work out and get something like that on the road.
reply to post by Asktheanimals
I meant no insults to those on ATS, and certainly not you. We may not no the truth, but we are certainly on the path towards it rather than stepping
away from it. That is all that I meant.
We all do what we can but my point is, singularly we are ineffective. As you said, we need to stick together in order to make change and I feel that
while ATS has its perks along with other such online communities, they have blinded us to the fact that true change can only come from a change in our
reply to post by OrphenFire
Land my be taken, but it can be purchased. There are thousands of islands out there that should be able to be claimed by us just as they were claimed
by those who feel they belonged to them.
So long as we exercise our human rights and stand strong in the face of governments and propaganda, there is nothing we cannot accomplish.
reply to post by Mr Knowledge
If only I could... if only I could.
reply to post by nemain
I'm looking to team up with EVERYONE to further the agenda.
reply to post by HappilyEverAfter
I was enjoying your news article until the end. It brought me a feeling of "we can do this."
Even TPTB, I feel, would have no hope of claiming that we are terrorists unless we involved in violent acts. I highly think that self-defense on such
a place could be deemed terrorism, as much as they try to paint it that way. I feel even those deluded by the system would still be able to see past
that charade.
reply to post by CoachSlamYou
What good would I me on my own? What kind or precedence would I set to outsiders that this is "the place to be"?
I would be a nomad, a crazy man living by himself. One person is delusion, a group of people is a society. The more people involved, the harder it
becomes to silence the truth about them, and the easier it is to succeed.
I AM willing to go through with it. I could leave today and go up into the mountains and never be heard from again. However, I choose to try to steer
other people into the same direction so that a better future can be spawned from our actions.