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Oakland Riots Live stream/Police Scanner

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posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 12:09 AM
Double post, my apologies.

[edit on 7/9/2010 by Misoir]

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 12:09 AM

Originally posted by mordant1
reply to post by TheGiantPeach

perhaps there was a contributory component that the young man could have applied to his fate? Cops as much as they are primarily revenue enhancment officers and basically dim can't be expected to behave any more perfectly than the wonderful residents that hate them, primarily by threatening the underground economy of generalized lawlessness. Those that dont understand the dynamics of humans (and mostly rather dull ones at that) under stress dont get out much in the hood.
All I can say is that if I got shot by a cop, i'd damn well intended that esact outcome. It is, in other words, quite avoidable and done all the time. Cops on the street know and feel like they are facing an ever increasing insurgency of lawlessness, and they'd be right.

I agree with you 100%

I find it difficult to debate with others that neglect this way of understanding.

Great reply!

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 12:11 AM

Originally posted by Druidae
I live in Oakland, and have a few things to say about this.

1. Quit calling Oscar Grant innocent. If he would not have been fighting on the BART train, it would have never happened. He put himself in that situation to be arrested. If he would not have gotten in the original fight on the train, none of this would have happened.

2. Involuntary manslaughter is a fair sentence. I also agree with the gun enhancement charge that Mehserle was found guilty of as well. Do you really believe Mehserle woke up that morning and thought to himself "I am going to shoot someone in the back today"?

3. Have you ever been to Oakland? Downtown is not pretty. I'd love to see some of you walk through downtown at night. Especially the vocal people on here. You would not make it a block with out losing your shoes, Ipod, any jewelry you were wearing and your wallet, if not your life.

4. Jdills - He was CONVICTED today, not charged. What and why would you have liked to seen him get a greater charge? And did the evidence support the greater charge?

5. Zroth - I'd like to know what you think about all the other homicides that go on in Oakland, and why people are not out protesting those. There are a hell of a lot more murders in Oakland than this one. It is not Mayberry. This was an unfortunate accident and someone lost their life. How is it a double standard, was he not convicted? I will ask you too, What and why would you have liked to seen him get a greater charge? And did the evidence support the greater charge?

5. Did you see the stunned look on the officers face right after he shot him, or the daze he was in 20 minutes later in even more video footage?

6. Anyone care to comment on Oscar Grants buddies who were also getting arrested for fighting on the BART train. Or how the police that were there, had to control an overwhelming new years eve crowd of intoxicated people yelling, shouting, and trying to interfere BEFORE O.G. unfortunately got shot?

People really need to step back, and examine the whole situation. Today was a mostly peaceful protest, and I hope it continues in to the night peacefully as well. The original riots that that occurred after the initial shooting were not pretty, and we are lucky more people did not get killed, be it a protester or an officer. I have seen a lot of ignorant comments about the entire mess, and that is what it is.. a mess. Both for the Grant family and for the Mehserle family. My heart goes out to both families, as both have now been torn apart by this unfortunate accident.

I really think that if people want to protest this one incident, they should protest EVERY MURDER that happens during the year in the same manner. Only then will there truly be the change that is needed in Oakland.


[edit on 8-7-2010 by Druidae]

People should examine everything. I worked next to an well educated african american in berkeley ,ca and he said he wouldnt go to oakland at night unless he was carrying a gun.

3,000 white farmers murdered in south africa since 94, that would be about equal to 180,000 in the US if they had 300 million people instead of 5 million whites.
25 percent of africans admit to rape in south africa.

[edit on 9-7-2010 by RRokkyy]

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 12:13 AM
reply to post by Druidae

OMFG! Actual facts! Hey all how about this starting a new trend where FACTS and UNDERSTANDING of the FACTS are considered and objectively applied before posting opinions not actually based on the FACTS or reality.

Thanks D for a refreshing and unusual degree of objectivity for those unfamiliar with such things, compared to the regular fare i see posted by some others

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 12:16 AM
reply to post by RRokkyy

FOr some real fun review the latest DOJ statistics with an eye on who does what to whom and you'll see where things are going.
The rape and other violent crime stats are especially suggestive and unfortunately make those like david duke seem rather like a modern nostradamus

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 12:17 AM

Originally posted by Misoir
Where is the justice in our world? An innocent man who was only trying to stop a fight had a knee crushing his neck then shot, for what? He was not resisting anything and was shot dead by public authorities!

He was not "trying to stop a fight". Him and his buddies were fighting with another group of "gangsters" on the train.

Also, If he was not resisting arrest, why was there a need to taser him in the first place. If he would have let the officers put the handcuffs on him it would not have happened. He was a victim of an unfortunate accident for sure. But HE ALONE could have prevented it from ever happening.

What about Oscar Grants actions? He chose to fight on the train. He chose to not let the police handcuff him. Even if as you say he was "breaking up the fight" then he could have been out of jail after the investigation, and probably would have had a nice lawsuit in his lap as well.

**This is added after my original posting

265 murders in Oakland in 2006-2007

And its not getting any better, especially now that they are cutting another 80+ officers from the police force. Like I said earlier, it isn't Mayberry.


[edit on 9-7-2010 by Druidae]

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 12:18 AM

Originally posted by mordant1
reply to post by Druidae

OMFG! Actual facts! Hey all how about this starting a new trend where FACTS and UNDERSTANDING of the FACTS are considered and objectively applied before posting opinions not actually based on the FACTS or reality.

Thanks D for a refreshing and unusual degree of objectivity for those unfamiliar with such things, compared to the regular fare i see posted by some others

Are you being sarcastic?

Im missing something....

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 12:21 AM

Originally posted by KilrathiLG
reply to post by boondock-saint

they currently dont have him in general custody they have him at the prisoner intake facility and then he is going to the county jail to be placed in protective custody for all the good its gonna do him....

genpop is a term referring to prison
he cannot go to a prison until he's been sentenced
and that's not until next month I believe.
Therefore he resides as property of the county and
the local jail until after he's been sentenced.
The judge will issue him orders of where he will
be remanded to (incarcerated) during the sentencing
phase. Where this judge places him to serve his time
could mean whether he survives or not. Due to the nature
of his crime, law will not allow him to serve in a min
security facility. Only med or max.

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 12:26 AM
live feed shows trash can or car fires and the police seem to be unsure as to weather of not to push forward or back its getting bad in okland on the plus side if you had been watching or i should say listening to the live feed channel 7 reporter was saying i think i found a new pair of shoes even though they didnt match" so i posted on there facebook page that i found these statments to be apppaling and they have since removed that reporter from commenting

ps it seems (not certian but from audio there may be protestors caught between the fires and the police.......this will not end well violent protestors please go home!!

[edit on 9-7-2010 by KilrathiLG]

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 12:26 AM
reply to post by Druidae

I wasnt there, I dont know and there seems to be more than one version of events but I think the young man and the cop are both victims of a pathologic milleau created to maintain a pathologic social construct of irresponsibility and manage a plantation of those intended to put the fear into the more passive citizens and justify excessive govt expenditure. I "know" someone that has gotten out of multiple potential serious felony arrests with a smile and a friendly yesseir or nossir and the occasional sorry sir, with no penalty whatsoever. Look ma, no bulletholes!
Someone stupid enough to fight with a buncha cops for no purpose but street cred on a sidewalk pretty much defines one of darwins losers.

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 12:28 AM

Originally posted by boondock-saint

genpop is a term referring to prison
he cannot go to a prison until he's been sentenced
and that's not until next month I believe.
Therefore he resides as property of the county and
the local jail until after he's been sentenced.
The judge will issue him orders of where he will
be remanded to (incarcerated) during the sentencing
phase. Where this judge places him to serve his time
could mean whether he survives or not. Due to the nature
of his crime, law will not allow him to serve in a min
security facility. Only med or max.

You are very wrong on this. Even county jail has Administrative Segregation, as well as your General Population. You are still going to find different security levels for certain offenders. Even if you are pretrial, if you murder a family and rape the kids, they are not going to put you in the same cell as the guy in jail for traffic tickets.

The things you learn when your wife is an attorney =)


[edit on 9-7-2010 by Druidae]

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 12:32 AM
reply to post by boondock-saint

Maybe so, but most of the time these cases result in separation from the genpop and more likely eventual transfer to a distant site where the newly minted perp may not be notorious.
You dont think they''re gonna put lindey lohan in genpop do you? Cali has more vip cells than most.
Dont imagine this is over, the bereaved family will be sueing the flatfoot fully into bankruptcy. Play with poo, end up smelling like poo.
Chalk up yet another human sacrifice on the alter of political correctness.
Oh yeah, it would be interesting to know if the dear departed was high on something when he met his maker.

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 12:34 AM
reply to post by Druidae

Dude, start hiding some survival money now, I wish someone had told me.

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 12:37 AM
reply to post by Druidae


oh I see what the prob is now

ur talking about jail

and I was talking about prison

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 12:38 AM
Back to the OP's comment that it was a NON-violent protest at first.... of course! Then there were plants to get people riled up so that we'd all be against each other. Someone must have thought it was the perfect opportunity to divide the city.

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 12:47 AM
reply to post by TheGiantPeach

Moi? Sarcastique?
Depends, It IS refreshing to read something that integrates the essential elements of the issue. Most post trash and magical, wishful thinking. Passing judgment on real people is serious business.
D seems to have the unusually comprehensive view, rather than Ug! bad, or Ug! good!
I find that to make the most reasonable judgment on has to understand all the elements involved and the ranifications of the choice made.
Sometimes you have to decide what the priority will be, no innocent party readily available. Cops tend to mean well, gangstas, not so much.

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 12:47 AM

Originally posted by boondock-saint

oh I see what the prob is now
ur talking about jail
and I was talking about prison

It is one in the same when you are talking about inmate classification levels. In City lockup, County Jail, or Prison. Even when he does go to prison for his extended (I'm guessing 4-7 years on this one with the gun enhancements) stay, he still will not be housed in general population, but in administrative segregation. Or as I like to call it, the jail in jail.


[edit on 9-7-2010 by Druidae]

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 12:50 AM
reply to post by Lolliek

Any truth to the rumor that Dear Leader is there right now to promote post-racial justice?
Check the video for someone in golf clothes

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 12:54 AM
I never knew there was a riot until I saw this thread.
Then I hit the news channels, apparently they don’t know either.
It would seem the PTB have geared up for a riot that never showed up.
Poor poor PTB it seems they will not get their pound of flesh tonite.
Good job Citizens of Oakland.
Starve the monster of what it craves.

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 01:08 AM
Me and my girlfriend went down to the protest. Everyone there was trying to keep it peaceful, and it was a bunch of black-shirted undercover cops going around starting the violence. People kept stopping them from lighting fires, smashing windows, and starting fights.

The police closed in on a bunch of nonviolent people, and me and my girl bounced out of the closing lines at that point, and ended up right in the center of the real stuff that started. A bunch of hoodrats started smashing up a jewelry store and stealing themselves new grills. Then everyone just started smashing every window on the street.

If I had to guess, I'd say the police agent provocateurs failed at getting the main crowd riled up, and they did try. I tried to take pictures but most of my pictures tonight did not come out. That being said, the people who just wanted an excuse to loot ended up looting anyways.

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