Originally posted by Namaste1001
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler
You make some pertinent points. Care to share with us the actions you have taken in resisting the NWO/waking others up?
I will give you a very recent example of what I am talking about, as I think it displays it rather well, in relation to what I am speaking about.
About a week ago I am sitting in my home when I hear this loud shouting and cursing coming from the street outside. The person who was shouting and
cursing was also threatening someone else with physical violence.
Concerned that violence might soon break out and someone might get hurt, I immediately sprang up out of my chair and launched out the door to
As I walked across my little front door landing and a few steps and rounded the corner of the building towards the street I was stunned to see the
source of the shouting, threats and cursing was a police officer.
The police officer had in fact stopped his car in the middle of three lanes of one way traffic blocking them all, but had not put on his flashing
emergency lights. All three lanes of traffic where backed up and idling. (A1A South through Surfside, North Miami Beach, FL).
At this point the Officer was smacking the driver’s side front window of a plain white panel work van. He was cursing and shouting taunting the
driver to get out of the vehicle so he could perpetrate some violence on him.
Now here is what I immediately observed as I quickly tried to assess the situation. The Officer was not approaching this altercation in a official
way, the normal procedure of a traffic stop. It appeared to be entirely personal where the Officer was angered at the motorist for some reason that
was not a result of the motorist violating the codes.
The other thing I observed was one of my upstairs neighbors (I live in a very small building with six units) was also witnessing the event, from the
small parking lot that fronts the street. I looked at him with that questioning what is happening here look and he shrugged his shoulders in disgust
to indicate he didn’t have a clue.
So I did my best to appear opposing and authoritative and cleared my throat loudly in an exaggerated way with the intent of getting the Officer’s
attention. This in fact worked and he stopped beating on the driver of the van’s window, and cursing, and shouting, and turned to stare at me, as I
stared right back, doing my level best to look highly displeased and concerned at the same time.
In a staring contest that ensued the person who breaks the gaze first looses, and in this case it was the Police Officer who much to my surprise then
walked about a dozen paces in front of the van and proceeded to pick up what appeared to be a wallet, a driver’s license and some other plastic
credit/ID type cards off of the road’s payment.
He then immediately walked back at a brisk pace, hopped into his parked squad car, started it, gunned it down the street to the next intersection and
made an illegal left hand turn against the red light, still not activating his emergency lights.
Now here is the interesting part, my upstairs neighbor considers himself awake, and talks often about the New World Order, the Constitution, how the
Constitution is constantly being violated, and a half dozen other related conspiracies popular here on ATS.
I asked him what all he saw and he hadn’t observed much more than I had, but like me, he was offended by the Officer’s actions, words, and
mannerisms and felt them highly inappropriate for the given situation.
So I walked back up to my house, pulled up the Town’s website in my computer’s web browser and called the non-emergency number to register a
I got the dispatcher who when I began to tell her what happened, indicated that she was already aware of who the officer was and that something had
happened, by saying a few revealing details, but that she was the wrong person to speak to about it, and that she would have the Supervising Officer
on duty call me back if I would leave my name and telephone number.
This was the second real moment of truth, the first being when I decided to divert the Officer’s attention.
I realized that I wasn’t particularly keen to divulge this personal information, but also that the only way to take the matter to the next level
required that commitment and exposure and left my name and number.
I went upstairs then and knocked on my neighbor’s door and when he answered I explained that I had called the Police Department to register a
complaint, and left my name and number for the supervisor to call me back and asked if he wanted the phone number to do the same.
Now his moment of truth arrived as I began to explain the only way to stop the Police State is to stand up in the face of it and speak out against it,
by speaking to it.
I explained that so much of the power the State gets is from us abdicating our own, that our inalienable rights are only inalienable when we choose
not to stand up for them and fight for them when they are abused.
Yet he wasn’t having any of it, not a good idea he said, not wise to confront the police in that fashion, there could be retaliations, its better
not to expose yourself.
I reminded him gently and kindly that all his talk of the New World Order and the U.S. Constitution didn’t matter one wit if he wasn’t prepared to
confront these things, when it rears it’s ugly head in real ways, in his own front yard.
He reluctantly took the number, but I instinctively knew he would not be calling the police department, even though I told him the more people who
called the more likely it would result in some form of collective measure, and the exposure of each person doing so would decrease through the numbers
of people lodging the complaint.
He was just trying to momentarily save face.
About a half hour later the Supervising Officer called me, and he was more nervous than I was!
He stuttered out the reason he was calling and I calmly and politely told him what I observed and why I felt it was inappropriate for the situation,
citing it was not a code violating stop, no criminal act or criminal was involved, that it was a residential neighborhood that this occurred in, where
many families would be sitting down at their dinner tables, where their young children could easily hear the officer screaming, swearing, threatening
and taunting a citizen that violated no code, and committed no crime, and was that the role model the department was striving for, and if so, how do
our children tell the difference between an ill mannered and crude and vulgar violent police officer and an ill mannered and crude and vulgar violent
To add a little gravity to the situation I then asked the Supervising Officer, is this the appropriate way to handle this or should I go to the next
town council meeting (as I have been also known to do) and speak with the Police Chief and Council about the incident.
Before I let him answer that though, I then wanted to balance the threat of that out by displaying my own reasonableness and objectivity and detective
skills and said, now, no, I didn’t see the whole thing transpire, so do keep in mind I realize I am reporting this incident to you somewhat out of
context because of that, and then theorized that another motorist had left their wallet on top of their car, that I was relatively sure the Officer
was just trying to be a good servant of the people and Samaritan and observed it come flying off the vehicles roof and into the road, and immediately
screeched to a halt to retrieve it. However I added, because he didn’t put on his emergency lights, the motorists behind him were caught unaware,
and as he likely sprung out of his car to proceed to the lane on foot where the wallet had fallen attempting to stop traffic with his hand the van
probably came close to striking him, and the displeasure of the driver of the van in being so suddenly stopped probably led to a look or a word that
offended the Officer.
So yes, I am sure the Officer meant well, but no, procedurally he went about it all the wrong way, and reacted poorly to the challenges of the
situation as I reminded him people look for calm and collective control in their leaders and servants in such situations, and the department surely
must strive for a good reputation.
In other words I touched every base I could as a concerned and fair citizen. (I don’t actually consider myself a citizen but a freeman on the land
but that wasn’t really relevant to our conversation).
Now wait for it, wait for it…here was the Supervisor’s response…”What disciplinary action would you like to see and feel is appropriate for
the officer?”
Here was the next moment of truth, did I see the Police Officer as an enemy, an agent of the New World Order, and was I prepared to judge him solely
based on those select actions as a human being and condemn him for it, by seeking some form of punishment and retribution.
I told myself, the guy is still a human being, then I laughed out loud, and said, I am not in the punishing or judging business! Neither of which
really is effective I explained, I am in the education business, of helping people learn better social skill sets, and skill sets, and empowering them
to do better through presenting them with better options!
I would like to see this be an educational experience for the Officer and for him, the department, and indeed all of us (as I thought about my
upstairs neighbor) to learn from it!
So he told me, he would immediately call the Officer in off the street and sit him down and talk to him and do just that.
(Continued below)
[edit on 9/7/10 by ProtoplasmicTraveler]