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BP - 128 workers sick, not allowed to report to state health clinics

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posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 07:41 AM
reply to post by EvilAxis

Well, I'm not denying that BP has done that, but no company can prevent an employee from going to see another doctor or another health care facility. It would be very, very very easy for an employee to take BP to court and win that case.

But it doesn't have to go that far. If I'm an employee and I'm sick and feel like something is terribly wrong, you can bet I'd get my butt to the hospital and if my employer tried to stop me (what are they going to do? Hold me down? I think not.) If they tried to stop me, I'd say "I'll see you in court."

Now, BP might be saying "We won't PAY for your care unless you go see our doctors." And that might be true. Most employee comp plans have a specific place you can go to to get "employees compensation:. But if my life is in danger, I"ll get treated first at the ER...THEN I'll worry about who is going to pay, once I get stabilized. ( I worked for hospitals for 17 years... no hospital is going to turn away a terribly ill person in that situation, no matter what BP says.)

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 07:41 AM
Is there not a Toxic and poison agency ? From CDC or something. If so, where are they, what is there stand about all the workers ? They pay taxes to these type of agencies.

If it would be viral, the CDC would be there tassing BP and everybody. My guess is that it should be the same when that much people are intoxicated.

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 07:47 AM

Originally posted by StarTraveller
Just watched the video above and to be honest a couple of things stick out at me. For one the officer came and asked politely for the lady to move back but she persisted and started arguing with him. Then she started getting louder and went on about her rights. Now I am not taking sides here but I think she was a little cheeky approaching the Ambulance unit with video cam in hand, I am a paramedic and would not be too pleased to have someone around the doors of my unit trying to video what’s going on. I am not 100% up on emergency policy in the states but it is my understanding that a fire unit attends medical emergencies too so the whole thing maybe someone that’s just plain not well. Patient confidentiality is important and I think in this instance that’s what was important here. I am not saying that the Police had the right to move the lady along but surely the fact that someone is receiving medical assistance and is clearly in distress means she should move along and not create a scene.
This is just my view on what I have seen and how I interpreted the video. Her problems began when she approached the Ambulance unit and not before. She doesn’t need to know what’s going on (back to patient confidentiality again) but she persisted in saying she should know the truth and to be honest in this instance it’s none of her business.

Please do not think I am trying to discredit the video or the OP but as above, this is how I see the video speaking from an HCP perspective.


WE wouldnt be goin up to ambulances with cameras if BP was just honest and completely competent with saving US!!!!!!!!! A foreign company is on AMERICAN soil telling americans what they are allowed to do in our own country. THAT is why we are filming ambulances. Surely you have to know theres more to this then just some woman filming an ambulance. This is about our rights!!!!!!!!!!!! If you dont exercise your rights your WILL lose them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 07:52 AM

Originally posted by Interfacer
WE wouldnt be goin up to ambulances with cameras if BP was just honest and completely competent with saving US!!!!!!!!! A foreign company is on AMERICAN soil telling americans what they are allowed to do in our own country. THAT is why we are filming ambulances. Surely you have to know theres more to this then just some woman filming an ambulance. This is about our rights!!!!!!!!!!!! If you dont exercise your rights your WILL lose them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"If you dont exercise your rights your WILL lose them!"

Adding this one to my signature.

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 07:57 AM
maybe you should check the spelling again before you decide to do that.

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 08:05 AM
reply to post by loam

Democracy??? what are you talking about, it's a myth...

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 08:10 AM

Originally posted by TheJuice902
maybe you should check the spelling again before you decide to do that.

Sadly i'm gonna have to use a linguistic tool, some guy from nova scotia is just not helping, enough.

Thank for the hint !

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 08:19 AM

Originally posted by truthy-bird

Originally posted by Interfacer

"If you dont exercise your rights your WILL lose them!"

Adding this one to my signature.

You don't have any rights. the sooner you realise this the better.

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 08:19 AM
reply to post by Bspiracy

Silly foreigners, the entire world doesn't equal the amount of monetary donations of our one silly country.

You mean the fictional, non-backed bank notes and computer digits that self-propel debt? You mean the Marshall plan that endebted most European countries so the population would have to work non-stop to pay back monopoly money, after most land was already bought up through dirty tactics which involved several earlier wars?

America didn't do that, the bankers did. So from now on whenever you want to take credit for the monetary supplies the "US" hands out to overthrown sovereign nations remember that you are taking the sides of these central bankers.

If I wanted to make any point at all it was that certain people need to wake up and realize they have been tricked into a false sense of patriotism fueled by hollywood pictures, when in reality, the US has bred a mentality of: "F you, me first and I don't care if you're my neighbour!"

This disaster along with the other instablities arising should tell you there is something VERY wrong going on. But since we don't know how to react to something VERY wrong because that's what the government is supposed to do...and the government apparently happens to be second to BP in the chain of command.

The evidence is self evident and right under your nose.

PS. The audacity to call people foreigners on the internet, why don't you shine your bright American light some more for folks to see how a beacon of prejudice looks like.

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 08:19 AM

Originally posted by Zamini
Hah, this is proof the Americans are just talk. Keep drinking and smashing eachothers brains in over football matches but when your fellow countrymen are dying at the hands of corporate interests just sit and go: "I can't believe it, oh my gosh!".

Patriotic Americans dwell in Hollywood scripts only it appears.

What a twisted and deceiving nation, not only the government but the people as well, all talk. What a shame. Your freedoms are passing away. What a shame.

Ok, I'll throw the troll a morsel...

Funny how you don't say which country you're from. Could it be the one that has cameras watching your every move and no one but criminals are allowed to own guns? Or maybe the one that makes American taxes look like a vacation. Perhaps the one where Muslims riot and kill people to get laws passed in their favor? I'm guessing it's one of those countries where they chop off limps for flying a kite.

Why are you here whining about Americans doing nothing, instead of going after your leaders for passing such draconian measures?

You have less freedom than Americans and don't even know it. What a shame.

[edit on 7/8/2010 by AntiNWO]

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 08:21 AM
I will ask again why is this thread still going when there is no substance. The video does not exist.

Are the mods all on holidays???

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 08:27 AM
reply to post by AntiNWO

Why do you need to know where I am from?

Is there anything wrong with what I posted? Is there an untruth? Are insults thrown around? No. It's a thought through, intelligent statement. Hence you have to retort with the word troll.

An observation made is an observation made. If you have problems with that observation, well maybe you need to get your act together. This goes for me as well, don't think I'm just pointing fingers here. Actually think. Thanks.

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 08:29 AM
This whole thread is ridiculous....No one can stop you from seeing your own Dr....but your employer CAN ask that you see their Dr. as well...confusing things much??

As for the video?? She had no right to stick her camera towards that ambulance...she was out of do you expect these officers to act when they deal with nutcases like her all day?? As for the ones talking about "rights" to know what's going on, How are YOU'RE rights any more prominent than the persons "rights" IN the ambulance?? I would be absolutely ticked off at some stranger trying to get a pic of me if I were in that ambulance...and then plastering my face all over youtube...and even though we didn't see a face, you know darn well she would have put it out there in her video if she had...shame on you people for being so adament about YOUR rights that you would infringe upon the rights of others...a little hypocritical don't ya' think?? Meh...

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 08:41 AM

Originally posted by nikiano
reply to post by EvilAxis

Now, BP might be saying "We won't PAY for your care unless you go see our doctors." And that might be true. Most employee comp plans have a specific place you can go to to get "employees compensation:. But if my life is in danger, I"ll get treated first at the ER...THEN I'll worry about who is going to pay, once I get stabilized. ( I worked for hospitals for 17 years... no hospital is going to turn away a terribly ill person in that situation, no matter what BP says.)

Bingo. Most of the Shipping Companies I deal with through work have this in place. But also, these Companies also have Insurance, which will USUALLY cover most things in regards to illnesses and medical treatment. And surely, if you don't like what you hear from the first Doctor you visit, why not just go to your own Doctor of choice, and get a 2nd Opinion???

And as for the woman with the camera, well, to be honest, why is it her business what is happening with the Ambulance???? To me, she is just sticking her nose in where it's not wanted. If I was in an Ambulance, getting medical treatment, and some (to be frank) loudmouthed person comes up with a camera, I would politely ask them to leave, and if they didn't I would tell them to get effed. It is good that she wants to know what is happening in regards to the whole BP incident, and BP MUST be held accountable, but frankly it's none of her business what is happening in the Ambulance.

Quick question to one of the numerous serving Police Officers here, in regards to her not following the Police Officers directions - Could she possibly have been arrested for Loitering, or for creating a Public Disturbance??? Because technically, she was doing both things.

Edit to add - Rockhndr - It all depends on what is in the Contract you have signed. Each contract is different, but from my experiences, most Companies will cover Medical Costs due to injuries/illnesses recieved whilst in the Employ of the Company. But having said that, there are Companies out there that stipulate that for them to cover Medical Costs, you must go to a Doctor of their choosing. At the end of the day, it's up to the Individual and whether they want to follow these procedures.

[edit on 8-7-2010 by TerribleTeam2]

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 08:44 AM
reply to post by rockhndr

shame on you people for being so adament about YOUR rights that you would infringe upon the rights of others...a little hypocritical don't ya' think??

Nope, If this was true, then "paparazi" would'n exist. It's a shame to have an army of people capturing vid and image about the down fall of celeb but almost nobody to capture the truth of real life even that concern the planete health.

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 08:52 AM
Another fat ass pig (anyone wonder why they call them pigs after seeing this chunk of worthless protoplasm?) bullying the "small people."
When are we going to wake up and put a stop to all of this?
A side note: the woman doing the filming made a point of not trashing the cops and indicating that she "appreciated" them. People always feel the need to apologize for criticizing cops. We need to expose all of them for their authoritarian criminality and abuse of all of us "small people." We see this sort of crap DAILY !!!!!

The cops are the enemy's front line against the american people. (recall that in 1776, the cops were the redcoats).
And yes, there are a few "good ones," just like there were a few good nazi's. Too bad for them, they made their choices!!!!!!
Wake up everybody.

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 08:52 AM
reply to post by truthy-bird

Not even a valid comparison...This woman is NOT "papparrazi" just a nosey troublemaker getting in the way...Media carry a special pass to gain access...where was hers??

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 08:55 AM
BP is covering up workers falling ill, and there are independent scientists that are now speaking out against BPs negligent actions in Louisiana.

What they are not telling you is that exposure to Corexit does not make you sick immediately, it can take 10 days to sicken you or kill you.

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 08:56 AM
reply to post by doctorwork

Might wanna take your trolling elsewhere........the waters here are full of oil.

And before you go off on a rant, I say that because your post adds nothing useful to the conversation.

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 08:59 AM
reply to post by TerribleTeam2

Now this statement I can agree with...LOL...No offenses to you TT

2nd line I need another coffee...

Edit to add....Love the sig!!

[edit on 8-7-2010 by rockhndr]

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