posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 10:06 PM
Ive got more than 20 personal sightings and encounters to my name that i know of, but probably been visited and them close to me lots more than that.
They never come when i want them to, and appear when i dont expect them, and they appear telepathic in my thoughts so they will hear you're thoughts.
They may give you a sighting but no way will they land for you. Direct you're thoughts daily for a week or two to an area of land known to be
frequented by aliens recently, lancashire in England is one such place. Tell them who you are, tell them where you are, and just be nice and if
possible funny and intelligent, im sure if they like you they'll let you see a glimpse of their craft. They hear my thoughts so when trying to
communicate to them give them ya ATS name, theyll be able to find ya thoughts more easily since learning that name from me.