Because of a lack of education on my behalf and perhaps a lack of intelligence as well, I am unable to gather the information needed for this project.
I make this post in the hopes that others can fill in the blanks where I have made mistakes or overlooked something. I am not asking for donations or
that anyone here leave this site for another. I am simply trying to gather as much information as I can.
For those who don't particularly like to read long post I will do a short summery.
Simply stated this is what I would like to see done
1.Set up a “base” in a safe area
2.Send any alien species in our immediate area a signal inviting them to land and showing them where to land.
Put your money where your mouth is! That was my dads way of saying “Prove it!” Proving it is exactly what I am asking you to do with this post.
No one will deny that there is a lot of money to be made in UFO “research”. From magazines to television shows, from books to documentaries, there
is always a little cash to be made. Today there are more that 309,000,000 people in the U.S.A.
Of this 309 million people approximately 34% believe in UFOs.
this number changes from site to site but most agree with an estimate between 34 and 39%
Lets look at a very low estimate of a possible source of income. Imagine that only 10% of US citizens believed in UFOs and you could convince only
10% of those to invest $1 US in your idea.
309,000,000 citizens
30,900,000 believers in UFOs 10%
3,090,000 dollars invested in your company or idea. 10%
This covers only the U.S.A. And remember that there is a whole world of believers out there.
I believe that even though three million, ninety thousand dollars is an incredible amount of money, it is a conservative estimate of the money made in
UFO research worldwide. There is one type of research that, to my knowledge, no one has seriously looked into and that is what this writing is
There seem to be two types of people who research UFOs, those who believe that a UFO is an alien vehicle, and those who don't. This post is aimed at
believer and skeptic alike. I have an unusual way of looking at things and it has occurred to me that there is one area of UFO research that has been
completely overlooked. What I would like to achieve with this post is to get that area of research started, I am going to need a lot of help from
people like yourself to accomplish this.
SETI and others have sent invitations to extraterrestrials on other planets even though their
messages are not expected to reach those planets for 25,000 years. What I see missing from their search is a legitimate invitation to the ET's. This
invitation should assume that it is possible to travel to other solar systems and that other species may have survived long enough to accomplish this.
This makes no assumption that an alien species has ever visited our Earth, only that it is a possibility that an alien species could have or will
eventually reach that point in their society.
Since we are not able to carry on a conversation with a species light years away from our planet, any signal sent to them seems to be a waste of time.
I believe that we need to concentrate on communicating with any species that has reached a point in their development that they are capable of
visiting us. What I believe is needed is someone who will set up a safe area for any species to land and send an invitation to any ET in our immediate
area to come and visit.
One of the most interesting events that follow a siting is that while it is happening, military jets are sent to investigate. Imagine the ET's point
of view. They come here to study us or to learn from us but every time they enter the atmosphere, they are chased after or even fired upon. What
would make them want to risk landing and attempting to communicate with us. There isn't one single signal transmitted from our planet indicating a
safe landing zone. What I am hoping for is input about how this could be accomplished.
I have my own ideas about where on Earth the base should be located, what research other than communication research could be done and how this base
could benefit other scientific areas of research. I would like to talk about this with people who think that attempting communications with an alien
species would be worth the effort.
We would need to set up a base, a landing area and send a signal informing any alien species about where it is safe to land. Imagine traveling to a
distant planet and not finding any advice on where it's safe to land. I can't imagine how you would even attempt to communicate, especially with
countries that can't even get along. Finding a signal with a “Welcome to our world” message would make it easier to start those
The center would need to be manned around the clock and throughout the year.
The center should have several web-cams and it's own website to display the web-cams. Visitors to the website could monitor the web cams and be ready
to video tape any activity. Web-cams would allow this to be a world wide “open” project. A forum and blogs would hold visitors interests and
allow them input into the project. Care should be taken to keep the project as scientific as possible.
We need to set up a welcome center where an alien species would feel safe to land, meaning that it would need to be remote. The center should be far
enough away from any military instillation that the visitors would have a reasonable time to react to any aggressive behavior. I have spent many long
hours on the internet looking for just the right kind of place. Google Earth is my friend.
My first thought was an Island. There are abandoned military bases on several islands like Midway and
Johnston atoll in the north Pacific Ocean but an island poses too many obstacles. The main problem with placing the base on an island is getting
supplies. Supply ships would be a drain on finances. There is also the problem of evacuating personnel during weather related emergencies.
My second thought was a desert. With a base in a desert we would not have to worry about weather other than heat. Supplies would again be a problem as
they would have to be trucked in. I started searching Google Earth for areas that would fit the bill and I believe I've found the best possible
In the Nullabor Plains, in Western Australia there is a railroad. The Trans Australian Railway is the longest stretch of straight track in the world.
The railroad passes through millions of acres of near barren desert. Loongana between Rawlinna in the west and Forrest in the east would have
everything such a base would need. Supplies and personnel could travel by train to Rawlinna or be brought in by air at the Forrest air field.
If it isn't already displaying Loongana, zoom in to the southern part of Western Australia. Loongana isn't marked on the map so switch to hybrid
mode and search the middle area between Rawlinna and Forrest. There is an intersection of Loongana and the Trans Access Road.
One foreseeable problem is that there is no cell phone service in the Nullabor Plains near Rawlinna. I do believe this problem could be overcome by
someone with the proper knowledge, knowledge that I do not have. Cell phones aren't my concern with this area but internet connections are. The
center would need to connect to the internet in order for the facility to be of use to the scientific community.
On Site Personnel Needed
1.Doctor/Nurse. Someone capable of diagnosing and treating ailments and/or injuries.
2.Communications. Someone capable of operating equipment pertaining to communications. This person should be able to help maintain the web-cams as
3.Mechanic/Transportation. This job requires a working knowledge of the transportation that will be necessary and have the knowledge and ability to
make repairs.
4.Journalist/videographer. Responsible for information going out of the camp. All photography, written and video information sold or posted on the
main site will be their responsibility.
5.Cook. Responsible for preparing three balanced meals for the team and any visitors (non alien) to the camp per day.
6.Supply personnel. Responsible for keeping records and ordering any supplies the camp needs.
Alaska Structures® supply housing to many researchers and military personnel. I believe that they would be the most reasonable choice. Their website
One advantage to their buildings is that they require no foundations.
Toilets and showers could be purchased from companies like Australian Portable Buildings
and water storage from Enviro Friendly Products Pty Ltd
The center could double as a post for other scientific studies in the area, this would bring in additional income. Having extra space for scientists
studying the geology, paleontology or anthropology of the region and allowing them to bunk at the base would be beneficial to all.
The signal should be a simple 3d version of earth with a square zooming to the location in Australia.
I have done a lot of modeling with 3d programs and I will post a video on youtube when I finish my version. Since ET probably doesn't speak English
or any other Earth based language I don't see a need for words. A simple vision based message would probably be best. This would not be a signal
broadcast to a distant world but a simple signal sent to any ET already here. The signal would need to be broadcast from several locations around the
world, any ideas on how this could be accomplished? Could a system be built that could be sold to investors who are willing to set it up on their own
This site,
offers some great advice on how to communicate with ET. There is a lot of information on the site but I highly recommend reading it.
If an alien species answers our call I don't think they should go home empty handed. A possible trade item would be a laptop computer. The computer
could be specially equipped for this purpose and contain language programs. Other information should be decided on by experts prior to initial
This should include access to a web cam overlooking the landing site, a profile page and admission to the general forum. A 3d walkthrough of the camp
should be a part of this. Photo and videos of the center should be displayed as well.
Same as a free membership but with the following additions.
Access to scientific and restricted forums.
Access to the blogs for each member of the on site team with the ability to comment.
Access to web cams of the landing site and throughout the camp including cafeteria, recreational areas and the main command center.
Daily updates on the science being performed.
$1 US
Would you be willing to invest $1 US to solve the mystery of our age? $1 to prove that extra terrestrials have or have not visited Earth? Believer or
skeptic, will you put your money where your mouth is?
What do you think? Do we need a welcome center? What would we call it?
CHIC:The Center for Human Initiated Communications.
This is my suggestions.
Chic (pronounced "sheek" )
MY Personal offerings
As I have already said, I work with 3d modeling in my spare time. I am working on a 3d message showing where a visitor to our little rock could land.
I will also build a 3d model of the base for the website if it gets started. The model will be a web based walk through so that visitors to the site
can check out the camp in a game engine. I am also willing to invest a small amount of cash per month to ensure the continuation of such a project.
You can see an example of my 3d modeling skills at the following youtube link
and yes, I made everything in the video.
Please try to offer legitimate information, I really don't want to hear from the doubters. I believe this can be accomplished with volunteers,time,
the proper information and a lot of hard work.
[edit on 7/8/2010 by semperfortis]