posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 06:29 PM
My first impression is that these camps are POW camps. They have the same configuration of that kind of camp. The location is also interesting, next
to a water treatment plant, fresh water would be a major concern for a large camp of prisoners in Southern California. Locating the camp next to a
water plant removes one big problem.
The only problem with the POW scenario is that the US Gov./Military has shown no interest in running or using POW camps during major military
conflicts. My case in point is that we are engaged in a dual front war right now and we don't have any POW camps.
We also "forgot" to create any POW camps during the first Gulf War and had to cease hostilities early in order to stop the flood of POW's
surrendering to soldiers, camera crews, unmanned drones, sand beatles, etc. Otherwise we would have had a real humanitarian crisis on our hands.
The US also failed to create any POW camps during the Vietnam War. We detained our POWs in South Vietnam rather than transport them to the US.
I think that you can get the picture, the US does not like to run POW camps and seeks to find other methods to deal with the prisoners from its
military conflicts. So, why would the US buiid huge POW style camps in the US?
I honestly don't know. We could also ask why the National Guard was put on alert prior to the election.
One of the places to look for answers though is the current economic situation. The Federal Reserve has "loaned" over 2 trillion dollars over the
past 6 months to an entity that it will not name. Meanwhile the US Gov. is suddenly awash in funds to the tune of 2 trillion dollars. Put 2 and 2
trillion together and you get the connection.
The problem is that every economics class that I have ever had says that printing money to get out of a financial bind is the wrong thing to do. Fiat
money only accelerates the economic deline and extends the time required to recover.
In Germany, before WWII, the economic situation got so bad that workers were paid 3 times a day, and their salary was worthless by the end of the day.
There were riots in the streets and many people were injured, killed in the chaos, or arrested. Germany was headed for a total meltdown, then
suddenly, a savior emerged. You know the rest.
It is possible that the US Gov. is taking precautions against an economic meltdown. These camps could be used to house the millions of US citizens who
may take to the streets to riot in the aftermath of an economic meltdown. But wait a minute, a savior has emerged...