posted on Jun, 3 2003 @ 04:37 AM
Magestica, when you look at history you see what is happening today has happend long before any "illuminati" ever existed.
It's just the way of civilization, when we become "urban dwellers" people become immoral, they enslave themselves through ignorance.
It happend to Athens, 2500 years ago, it happend to Rome, 1500 years ago, it's happening today.
There doesn't need to be an "illuminati" to cause it.
*EDIT* OH but on topic, the number 23, yes I don't doubt it pops up everywhere, but so does 9. I'll ask my friend what 23 can mean, see if he
doesn't have an idea as to why it pops up so often.
His main hobby is that whole astrology stuff or whatever, his license plate is Ward 7 because he explained, he doesn't understand "7"'s a
weird number and such.
So I'm sure he'll give some large HUGE list of coincidences that point towards 23 in nature and such and will reveal a plausible explaination of how
"23" has become so imbeded in society as you seem to think.
It's also likely that someone IS putting it all around....but if someone is, it is NOT the Illuminati.
I don't care if it is some Care Bear Cult, the Illuminati do NOT exist, that's a fact, there's no other evidence lol....the front could very well
be the "Illuminati".
While you're all looking for trinangles and weird numbers, the Care Bear Cult is getting closer to World Domination.
You know honestly, it's become to the point where Illuminati isn't a "group" anymore.
They are a "name" for those "controllers of our daily lives".
Top bankers, presidents, businessmen, land owners. Stock tycoons, Oil tycoons.
They aren't all apart of the same group...they might not know eachother.
But if it looks like it's pushing us into that historical pit fall every civilization has ever taken, millenia past, we call it "Illuminati" no
matter what.
Civilization is no more than 8,000 years old as we know it, and history is no more than 5,000 years old.
How can we say what may be a normal up and down trend, is really the act of some "secret society".
So secret in fact that it vanished without a trace at about 1780, and hasn't been heard from since.
Even the Ninja's were known of better than that, and they truly were a "master of secrets".
[Edited on 3-6-2003 by TheWanderer]