posted on Jul, 14 2010 @ 09:39 PM
reply to LeoVirgo
continuation of Part 3
Aquarius, Taurus, Leo and Scorpio are the four fixed points of the Zodiac or the four cherubs. During the AGE of AQUARIUS we enter into new light
with a new backdrop. Remember the fall of the beast and number 666 in Revelations! At this time in the cycle, Fall/Autumn goes into the king of the
beasts, the Lion, and Spring/new beginnings goes into Man. Spring is felt in February and Fall is felt in August. The Sun will traverse through
Aquarius for the next 2160 years until it enters Capricorn to begin the next new Age. 
The “holy” cross of the AGE OF AQUARIUS displays
FIXED signs represented by House numbers 11-5 2 8 . Looking through the Ages, a science of the universe.
Age of Aquarius -quatrain by Dr. Turi:
Spiky Eagle eye to reign
Divine Force grace for all rules
Healing earth hearts future blessed
Mankind Star neighbors new hopes roam
Quatrain interpretation given by me:
AIR: February 11 Spring Equinox Spiky Eagle eye to reign
Spring Equinox Sun, the Divine Sun (Force) ruler of all, is going into MAN
(Aquarius), giving Man
grace (light) for a new start or new beginnings; Mans spiritual nature re-emerges from illusions and
incurred during the previous Age of Pisces.
EARTH: May 2 Summer Solstice Divine Force grace for all rules
Summer Solstice Sun in Taurus is the season when the sun rays penetrate
(bless) earth and
everything upon the earth for season upon seasons.
FIRE: August 5 Fall Equinox Healing earth hearts future blessed
Autumn Equinox falls into the Leo, the Lion, King of the Beasts, during
this age cycle to show that
the strongest animal, is now representing the fall of the year; man's lower-animalistic nature falls
as his
spiritual nature re-emerges; man begins to see the illusions and deceptions, starts looking for
the truth (roams) for new hopes. Remember the
fall of the beast and number 666 in Revelations!
At this time in the cycle, Fall/Autumn goes into the king of the beasts, the Lion, and
Spring/new beginnings
goes into Man. Spring is felt in February and Fall is felt in August. The Sun will traverse through Aquarius
for the
next 2160 years until it enters Capricorn to begin the next new Age.
WATER: November 8 Winter Solstice Mankind Star neighbors new hopes roam
Winter Solstice Sun born to reign during the new age in Aquarius is
Scorpio, which is identified with
an Eagle, and which in the past was also identified with the scorpion which stings and kills. The
Eagle flies
taking us to new heights.
Aquarius, the sign of the waterbearer will overcome the Age of Pisces. Currently the Sun is closest to Fomalhaut, bringing us under Fomalhaut’s
influences through Aquarius. The Pisces and Aquarian Ages are acting on the cusp today. On the cusp, one Age ending and a new Age to begin, there is
a merging influence with tumultuous times. One Age initiates its influences in a slowly increasing way, before the end of the previous Age. This
merging influence is why we do not know the exact hour, day or year of the Sign of an Age. At this current point in the cycle, we are 180〫opposite
Leo when the Great Flood, the last great cataclysm on earth occurred around 10000 BC.
Aquarius, the water-bearer, is an air sign symbolized by 2 wavy lines  representing invisible electro-magnetic waves that travel and behave very
much like waves in water. Waves are transverse and longitudinal (latitude and longitude). LIFE tics by the connection of electrical and magnetic
currents to DNA, neutrinos and neutron stars. During this Age of Aquarius energetic electro-magnetic thoughts and ideas take shape and form. Aquarius
is associated with: group consciousness, large groups, alliances, friendships, ideals, insights, originality, universal truths, innovations,
invention, electronics, high tech, computers, networks, freedom, aeronautics, space travel, surprise, electricity, electro-magnetism, release of
energy, nuclear, weather, earthquake and volcanic activity, an awakening of Divine Astrology and telepathy, and the humanitarian in an unemotional
detached manner by group or committee deliberation (global movements or intergovernmental organizations), subordinating the individual will to the
good of the group. Traditional concepts of “God” undergo more questioning and organized religion faces a diminishing role in the group
consciousness’ answer to the spiritual journey which lies within. Leo is opposite Aquarius linking in self-expression, the influence of the
entertainment industry and ruling dictators.