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The energies of the cosmos, on your birth-

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posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 02:02 PM

Originally posted by LeoVirgo
reply to post by togetherwestand

man this thread is alot of work! anyways yay i can get some more info on my birth. its 8.14'92 , 12;30 (@am) (im sure its the specific time but cant check, dont have my bith cert since im at my brother in laws house) i really appreciate your work i really do, i got to research myself now! man im still paranoid of putting info out ..

Hello there!

If everyone is willing to be patient and also realize this is just a general offering of the positions....and not a reading...Im more then happy to do it.

The Sun rises in Leo right above the left paw of the Lion at your birth. Venus and Jupiter are also in Leo this day....this is alot of power in Leo.

Pluto sits on the cusp of Libra and Serpens (a sign outside of the wheel, but it is a part of a sign within the wheel called Ophiuchus, 2 signs in 1).

Uranus and Neptune in Sagittarius.

Saturn in Capricorn.

Moon at the heart of Aquarius, right in the chest of the Aquarian...Aquarius is the coming age. Your reflection light is in the sign of the coming age.

Mercy in Cancer.

My best to you

its ok, i know its not a reading. anyways i would like to comment back

I got my time wrong...oops, i will pm it (its almost the same though)

sorry about that.. my apoligies
also when you say reflectionlight is that like how we reflect internally on things?

and do you need a telescope to see the planets july 9th?

[edit on 5-7-2010 by togetherwestand]

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 02:25 PM
reply to post by togetherwestand

Hello together!

Sorry about the Mars...I have Mars in Taurus...just forgot to post it with the rest of it.

I dont think the time is going to make much difference, I will check though. The Moon was in the middle of Aquarius so I think it will remain in that sign at least.

Never hurts to check though, I dont mind.

Hre is a good site talking about the signs..

I consider Serpens a part of Ophiuchus....because it runs right through its space....and Ophiuchus would not be what it is without the Serpent with in it. I see Ophiuchus as our inner choice of we help bring order to things or do we release the snake bringing chaos. I see it also as a time of healing, to reflect on our past, accept it, and heal from it. Moving forward, not allowing our regrets or mistakes to hold us back.

I also cant help but to think that Ophiuchus has something to do with our time right now, and the past 2000 years, since it has moved into the wheel during this present age. What that means, I dont know, but I take high note of it being there.

You dont need a telescope to see Venus, Mars, and Saturn. You also dont have to wait till the 9th...Ive been watching them for the past week or so. Find bright Venus, then hop scotch to the upper left the rest of the way. Mars will be red. Use the image I posted to see the vicinity of Saturn to Mars and Venus. Its really nice to look up and KNOW what you are looking at. Let me know if you find them all!?

My best
LV is your moon phase for Aug. 92....

Just checked the time....all things remain the same

[edit on 5-7-2010 by LeoVirgo]

[edit on 5-7-2010 by LeoVirgo]

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 03:53 PM
Thanks for posting this. April 5th 1983 Tx USA 1:20pm central time.

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 04:06 PM
Hello all

So this is my first post and am quite humbled to have it first here in this thread

I've read almost every single one of LV's posts with interest and so firstly, I would like to show you all HOW to read your own birth date with Stellarium.

1. Download Stellarium (link on first page)

2. Push F6 and change your location to where you are now (for your own personal view of the nightly stars and constellations) OR set it to your birthplace to see where the moon was in the sky at the time of your birth

3. Push F5 and set the year, month and date to the day you were born, as well as time if you wish.

4. Push F4 and tick the 'Scale Moon' option under the Sky tab to see a bigger and more clearer size of the moon. I suggest as well, in the same Sky tab, to slide the ticked Planets bar all the way to the right to see all the planets (if you so wish to know where the planets are in the constellations)

5. If you like, push A on your keyboard to toggle between having light in the sky or not (see for yourself the difference between 11am sky viewing with this option toggled).

I recommend pushing F2 and clicking the "save settings" button so you dont have to do the above all over again.

6. If you are finished with viewing what star/planet was where in the past or future (see point 3. above), then push 8 on your keyboard to set the time to NOW.

To set the time an hour forward or backwards, use CTRL and + or - (you should see the time change at the bottom of the screen).

To set the current view a day ahead or behind, just use + or -

See point 6 again.

I hope this helps any of you, and especially to LV with her workload

Nice one LV, this thread has fascinated me!

Today, Mercury and the Sun rose in Gemini and so this morning and afternoon on the way to and from work, I did my habitual Sun gazing and really felt a connection to a an ancient part of my original... brightness? Not sure what the word to use it, but it was peaceful nonetheless

My birthday is June 25th, 1984, born at 8:10am

Sun, Venus and Mercury all rose with Gemini on that day, while my Moon in crescent and only a few days till New moon, was what looks like between Aries and Taurus.

12 hours later that day, the planets Jupiter and Neptune rose with Sagittarius, Uranus on the outskirts of Scorpio but well on the foot of Ophiuchus, Pluto on the shin of lovely Virgo, Mars on the top of the scale of Libra, with Saturn smack in between Virgo and Libra

I dont quite know the meaning of Uranus in Scorpio (yet... - I'm a true Jupiter in Sag.
) but the rest definitely rings true with me.

There are traits in the Gemini which I dont fully agree with but I feel are life lessons for now, as such.

LV, I would really appreciate any comment on this

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 05:03 PM
reply to post by Razer0

Nice one LV, this thread has fascinated me! Today, Mercury and the Sun rose in Gemini and so this morning and afternoon on the way to and from work, I did my habitual Sun gazing and really felt a connection to a an ancient part of my original... brightness? Not sure what the word to use it, but it was peaceful nonetheless My birthday is June 25th, 1984, born at 8:10am Sun, Venus and Mercury all rose with Gemini on that day, while my Moon in crescent and only a few days till New moon, was what looks like between Aries and Taurus. 12 hours later that day, the planets Jupiter and Neptune rose with Sagittarius, Uranus on the outskirts of Scorpio but well on the foot of Ophiuchus, Pluto on the shin of lovely Virgo, Mars on the top of the scale of Libra, with Saturn smack in between Virgo and Libra I dont quite know the meaning of Uranus in Scorpio (yet... - I'm a true Jupiter in Sag. ) but the rest definitely rings true with me. There are traits in the Gemini which I dont fully agree with but I feel are life lessons for now, as such. LV, I would really appreciate any comment on this

Hello there! Its so great to cross paths with you....and what you wrote gave me such a warm feeling. For one person to find this somewhat feeling of a connection, is so worth it to me.

I really loved your use of words too...being specific of where things are. I have been a bit general with alot of planets placements if they are just in the middle of the sign and there are some signs I just dont have much experience with so I stay general.

I hope more people find this passion to seek it and really look things up over time (and not just one day) and even step outside to observe things and absorb what ever is there to absorb.

I must be honest, your posts really did me well today. It was something I needed. Thank you.

I do want to say, to everyone, they are welcome...very welcome....I know many have thanked in advance....and I have not told everyone that I am glad to do this.

I must ask though Razor....are you for hire?

All I have to offer is a lot of smiley faces.....
If you dont have the time, that is ok too!! Truly this is a passion for me, and has brought me so much peace in my life and I just cant really explain why. I hope it will bring the same to others.

I think you hit the nail on the the knowing of what was at your birth, and the knowing of where things were today, and the observing that you yourself did on your own in the sky today.....brings some sort of feeling of 'being', it may be completeness, connectedness, each their own truly.

For those that do follow the steps suggested on Stellarium (its a free downloadable program).....I do suggest to turn the 'light' of day 'off'....its easier to see the planets this way. Im not sure why, but on my program, I always have to manually search for Pluto and Neptune, they never show up on their own.

Thanks again Razor...was truly poetic your description of the cosmos on your day of birth. Enjoyed that much.

My best to you and hope to hear more from you

*what about that great first posts of yours*

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 05:13 PM
Ive got to get some u2u's in today...Ive put some of those off that were way back in line of date and time when posted. I then have to catch up on Lily I believe (accidentally missed one of her posts) ...and then I will start back on this thread with 'eriathwen' and 'gems1'

Everyone has been great sports!! No one has pushed me for time or making me feel in a 'rush' mode....I thank you for that.

Much love to everyone

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 05:34 PM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

no no no Thankyou!!!

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 05:44 PM

Originally posted by LeoVirgo
reply to

I consider Serpens a part of Ophiuchus....because it runs right through its space....and Ophiuchus would not be what it is without the Serpent with in it. I see Ophiuchus as our inner choice of we help bring order to things or do we release the snake bringing chaos. I see it also as a time of healing, to reflect on our past, accept it, and heal from it. Moving forward, not allowing our regrets or mistakes to hold us back.

I also cant help but to think that Ophiuchus has something to do with our time right now, and the past 2000 years, since it has moved into the wheel during this present age. What that means, I dont know, but I take high note of it being there.

[edit on 5-7-2010 by LeoVirgo]

wow that really describes my last 5 years
sacrifice, regret, disorder, damage

sacrificial choices and having to let go of the painful past.. it hurts still. letting go

yet i feel like releasing chaos (i want to in a good way, but i still feel the hurt..) but i have no energy....and no balance.

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 05:47 PM

Originally posted by LeoVirgo
Ive got to get some u2u's in today...Ive put some of those off that were way back in line of date and time when posted. I then have to catch up on Lily I believe (accidentally missed one of her posts) ...and then I will start back on this thread with 'eriathwen' and 'gems1'

Everyone has been great sports!! No one has pushed me for time or making me feel in a 'rush' mode....I thank you for that.

Much love to everyone


not to sound like a b*tch, but I am on page two and have not gotten one yet, so I think you skipped me =]
Thankyou for taking your time to do this for us!

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by togetherwestand

wow that really describes my last 5 years sacrifice, regret, disorder, damage sacrificial choices and having to let go of the painful past.. it hurts still. letting go yet i feel like releasing chaos (i want to in a good way, but i still feel the hurt..) but i have no energy....and no balance.

Your Venus and Jupiter will bring you to balance. You are walking the path while taking a good look at everything and observing it. There does come a time where we look at our past...and we see....we would not be what we are today, without it...we would not learned the lessons we have learned, without the past. There has to be a healing of forgiving ourselves and others, while we are in the rigid experience of 'life' here. If things were always peaches, what would we learn?

I have been hurt alot too...offering too much of myself just to be hurt in the end. But ya know what....I had to learn...not to let those that hurt me ruin it for the rest of the people in my life, because I love to do things for others, I love to offer them attention and make them smile. Its a part of my nature to do this...Im stronger now, and prepared now....knowing there will be those that cant help it. I had a couple years where I shut down, I was not my natural self with others....and this was a time for healing. Ive learned ways to do this healing daily now, forgiving, daily....for all the things I know not and others know not.

It can be catalystic to observe the path and everything that sits on the road side.

Ophiuchus is most famous for healing. The sign for Ophiuchs is the serpent and staph...the one they use on medicines, in hospitals, all around the world. The Snake may be a trigger for the energies in each of us, we have Earthly energies that arise in us....we have Spiritual energies that fall upon us. The two intertwine....its our job as a conscious being to awaken to this, look for our inner it things of Earth we it things of Spirit we need....

Its a life long path...but there is ways to work on the self, forgive all things, and daily, accept and cope.

I really think you it would do some good for you to just sit with the western sky, so many great energies coming through there...and you Venus that was in Leo at your birth is there.

Without the past, we wouldnt be what we are today, stronger, wiser, more sure footed.

I know your pst reached some people, for we all have deep feelings about life.


posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 06:10 PM
reply to post by Melissax0

Originally posted by LeoVirgo

Originally posted by Melissax0 Can I please have one? DOB: 4/1/1990 at 11:47 pm Pompton Plains, NJ
Hi there! The Sun and Mercury rise in Pisces (our current age) at your birth. Jupiter and the Moon in Gemini. Uranus and Saturn are in Sagittarius (which borders the direction of the center of the Galaxy). Mars and Venus in Capricorn. Pluto sits outside of the wheel in Serpens. Serpens is not a part of the zodiac (path of the sun) but it is a part of one of the signs that is of the true solar zodiac, which is the sign Ophiuchus. Ophiuchus is 2 signs in 1 really. All my best LV Edit to add Neptune in Sagittarius. [edit on 3-7-2010 by LeoVirgo]

Page 6 hun

Here is your moon phase

[edit on 5-7-2010 by LeoVirgo]

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 06:15 PM
ok leoVirgo i would like to say Thank you.

I will now let you focus on the other people you missed, i don't want to hog the thread.

Your insight and expertise in this has been of much help.

and if i have any questions later (which i most likely will) i will be sure to ask you./thanks

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 06:33 PM
reply to post by togetherwestand

I wish you a good evening worries...plenty of room around here.

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 07:50 PM

Originally posted by LeoVirgo
reply to post by Melissax0

Originally posted by LeoVirgo

Originally posted by Melissax0 Can I please have one? DOB: 4/1/1990 at 11:47 pm Pompton Plains, NJ
Hi there! The Sun and Mercury rise in Pisces (our current age) at your birth. Jupiter and the Moon in Gemini. Uranus and Saturn are in Sagittarius (which borders the direction of the center of the Galaxy). Mars and Venus in Capricorn. Pluto sits outside of the wheel in Serpens. Serpens is not a part of the zodiac (path of the sun) but it is a part of one of the signs that is of the true solar zodiac, which is the sign Ophiuchus. Ophiuchus is 2 signs in 1 really. All my best LV Edit to add Neptune in Sagittarius. [edit on 3-7-2010 by LeoVirgo]

Page 6 hun

Here is your moon phase

[edit on 5-7-2010 by LeoVirgo]

wow I have no idea how I missed that, Im so sorry!
And Pisces definatley does describe me much better than aries. Thankyou!

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 07:56 PM
Thank you so very much for taking the time to do this for me and everyone, you are a very kind and rare person for devoting your free time away from your family to do this.

So I'm a virgo now. I was always under the impression that I was a scorpio, but I just quickly looked up virgo traits and a lot of what it said really made more sense and actually described my personality to a T.

Off to do some soul searching

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 12:27 AM
Hello Melissax0 and Hatcookie....

Just wanted to say thank you for the feedback, its great to know that somethings are resonating with others!


posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 01:01 AM
I have always been a huge believer that the stars can tell more about a person than that person could tell themself. My Brithday is Dec. 18th 1989 born at 8:16pm U.S. EST. Time.
I would like to hear everything you have to say and everything could tell me.

Thank You

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 01:07 AM
reply to post by TheLily

Hi again Lily!

I dont blame you a bit for being interested in others positions as well. One of the first things I did was look up all my children, my parents, and my mate.


Sun in Virgo near Spica. Mercury in Virgo also.

Before the Sun rose, Leo rises in the East bringing first Mars, then Venus.

Pluto sits on cusp of Scorpio and Ophiuchus.

Moon, Neptune, and Jupiter in Sagittarius.

Uranus in Capricorn.

Saturn in Pisces (our current age).

Moon phase...

For 8-7-98

Sun rises in Cancer.

Before Sun rises, Mars and Venus rise in the East in Gemini.

Mercury in Leo.

Uranus and Moon in Capricorn. Neptune in Capricorn but very close to Sagittarius.

Jupiter in Pisces (current age), but sitting close to Aquarius (coming age).

Saturn on cusp of Aries and Cetus.

Pluto on cusp of Scorpio and Ophiuchus.

Looks like full moon...or darn close...

For 5-18-04

Sun in Taurus with Venus.

Before Sun rises, Mercury rises on the cusp of Pisces (current age) and Cetus (outside the wheel). Moon then rises in Aries, then the Sun and Venus rise in the East. The Moon is a 'dark moon' meaning in the night sky it could not be observed, being so close to the Sun.

Mars and Saturn in Gemini.

Jupiter strong in Leo under the belly of the Lion.

Neptune and Uranus in Aquarius (coming age).

Pluto in Serpens/Ophiuchus. The boarders given for Serpens and Ophiuchus are frustrating because I see these 2 signs as 1 sign. Pluto sits at the top of the right leg of Ophiuchus, but sense the snake crosses the path right there, it calls this spot Serpens.

Moon phase...

For 6-24-08

Sun rises in Gemini, Venus also in Gemini.

Before Sun rises, Mercury rises in the East in Taurus.

Mars and Saturn in Leo (mars can be seen in Leo in the western sky right now).

Jupiter in Sagittarius. Pluto also in Sag. but close to Ophiuchus. This is the general direction of the center of our galaxy.

Moon in Aquarius (coming age).

Uranus on cusp of Aquarius and Pisces (coming and current ages). People pro bally have noticed by now, I find the current age and coming age to be worth noting. The cusp between the two is defiantly worth noting.

Neptune in Capricorn.

For 10-22-72

Sun in Virgo, Uranus and Mercury also in Virgo.

Before the Sun rises, Venus comes in Leo in the East.

Pluto on cusp of Virgo and Coma Berenices (a sign outside the wheel).

Mercury in Libra.

Neptune in Scorpio.

Jupiter in Sagittarius. King of planets at the gateway sign of the center of our galaxy.

Moon on cusp at time of birth of Pisces and Aries (our past age, before the age of Pisces).

Saturn in Taurus.

Looks like full moon, or close to it.

My best to you and yours!

[edit on 6-7-2010 by LeoVirgo]

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 01:16 AM
reply to post by eriathwen

Norway thursday February 5. 1976 at 09.11 o'clock

Hello there!

The Sun rises in Capricorn.

Before the Sun rises in the East, Sagittarius rises bringing Venus and then Mercury.

Moon and Jupiter in Pisces (current age).

Mars in Taurus, in the middle of the bulls left horn.

Saturn in Cancer, very close to Gemini.

Uranus on cusp of Virgo and Libra.

Pluto in Virgo above her right hand.

Neptune in Ophiuchus, inner left knee.

Your moon phase...

My best to you

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 01:21 AM
reply to post by gems1

I am a very sensitive, wear my heart on my sleeve type person for Pisces are known for these traits, i wonder if i am under a different sign other than? My birth date is March 16,1975 10:29 AM. If you could please let me know, thanks.

You are a Pisces. Sun rises under the belly of the fish that boarders Aquarius. Jupiter (the king planet) is also in Pisces (the current age also) and Jupiter sits close to the Sun under the same fish. Venus also in Pisces but close to Aries. I would say for sure you have alot of Pisces in you.

Moon in Aries, 3 days new.

Saturn in Gemini.

Uranus and Pluto in Virgo.

Mars in Capricorn.

Mercury in Aquarius (coming age).

Neptune in Ophiuchus on the left knee (Ophiuchus is the 13th sign that is a part of the path of the sun that astrology ignores).

My best

Edit for your moon phase

[edit on 6-7-2010 by LeoVirgo]

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