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Dubya diagnosed as mentally deranged.

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posted on Jun, 19 2004 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
James, please, try and stay within the guidelines of reality. Nobody envisioned Hussein raining nukes on us. It doesn't take a strategic thinker, though, to realize a man who has used chemical and biological weapons on his neighbor and his own people, who, as far as the world knew, still had them, who also has links to terrorist organizations and assisted the organization that struck us in 2001, and who was also pursuing nuclear capability, was a serious and immediate threat to the U.S. and should be one of the priorities in the War on Terror.

I'd rather hear you blithering about Bush's imaginary concern about actual nukes raining down on us than to hear you screaming "Bush didn't do a thing to stop it!!" after a terrorist organization used an NBC device on Kansas City. Either way, you'd be running your mouth, and you know it!

sorry for posting this in two threads, buit in case nobody sees the other one, id like to point out that the 911 commission released a staement the other day that they had found absolutely no evidence of a connection between Al Queda and Iraq.

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